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Ivanoa Ivonnet
From 1912, Breaking the silence

Ivanoa Ivonnet, the granddaughter of Pedro Ivonnet
October, 2013

Pedro Ivonnet was one of the founders of the Independent Party of Color, the first black political party in the Americas outside Haiti, a party with a modern, progressive platform. He and thousands of party members were massacred by the Republic of Cuba and its army in 1912.

Ivanoa Ivonnet is the granddaughter of Pedro Ivonnet and is interviewed in Gloria Rolando's film, Breaking the Silence, Chapter 2.

The Santiago home of Ivanoa Ivonnet was damaged by Hurricane Sandy -- her dining room caved in. As mentioned in the letter below, AfroCubaWeb provided resources through anonymous donors in conjunction with the Caribbean American Children's Foundation to help her recover from this event.

Homage to Pedro Ivonnet, 7/13/2016

On July 13,  General Ivonnet's birthday, the Ivonnet family held a commemorative event at the Santa Efigenia cemetery in Santiago de Cuba for Pedro Ivonnet. They prepared a power point presentation and sent it to AfroCubaWeb for distribution. We converted it to a PDF file, which you can download and view: Homenaje a Pedro Ivonnet. Ivanoa Ivonnet, now with grey hair, can be seen in a white shirt with black enlaced design. The event was publicized, but no press attended.

Homenaje a Pedro Ivonnet

Caribbean American Children Foundation Letter concerning Ivanoa Ivonnet and her grandfather Pedro Ivonnet, 4/9/2016top

Caribbean American Children Foundation
PO Box 353593, Palm Coast, Fl., 32135
(386) 446-4921 (_AT_=@)
Alberto N Jones DVM
April 9, 2016

To our members, friends and supporters,

It is with great pleasure and pride I wish to inform you that the courageous work displayed by renowned Afro Cuban filmmaker Gloria Rolando, who with limited financial and material support from a handful of friends, was able to document the partially hidden, horrendous massacre of over 3000 blacks in Cuba in 1912 in her masterful documentaries “Roots of my Heart” and “Breaking the Silence”. Many had hoped time would erase these memories.

Thanks to Aline Helg's epic book, “Our Rightful Share” in 1995, Gloria Rolando was able to assemble a team of volunteer historians, librarians, technicians and ordinary citizens across Cuba, who opened their homes, fed and supported this monumental piece of history. played a pivotal role in sharing this transformative piece of history with the world.

  Pedro Ivonet
  Pedro Ivonnet

Ivanoa Ivonnet, the surviving Granddaughter of General Pedro Ivonnet, founder and second in command of the Partido Independiente de Color (PIC) or Independent Party of Color, who was murdered in Micara, Cuba, is seen crying in the documentary, but never stopped fighting for justice denied and the recognition her ancestor deserved.

Hurricane Sandy in 2012, partially destroyed her modest home in Santiago de Cuba, but she continued her tireless struggle in 2013. No local, provincial or national government, cultural or history leader in Cuba escaped her demand for justice.

The epilogue of this difficult road to victory took place in the year 2013 during the commemoration of the Independent Party Of Color Martyrdom in the Heredia Theater in Santiago de Cuba. At the end, Ivanoa raised her hand and with tears in her eyes posed the question to those presiding this event “How was it possible that a banquet celebrating this massacre could take place in front of Jose Marti statue in Central Park in Havana?

Dr. Abel Prieto former Minister of Culture and now President Raul Castro adviser, got up from his chair on the podium, comforted her and said, Justice will be made. Shortly after, she learned that famous sculptor Alberto Lescay from Santiago de Cuba had volunteered to develop with Ivanoa the art piece that will memorialize her Grandfather.

Rather than a monument in La Maya, site of one of his last battle, Ivanoa has chosen a sculpture with a Cuban flag will one day fly on the family tomb in Santa Efigenia cemetery in Santiago de Cuba.

Because Colonel or General Pedro Ivonnet (which is being reviewed in historical documents) was a Cuban of Haitian descent, the French Alliance in Cuba has offered to contribute financial support to erect this memorial.

Ivanoa expressed her gratitude to Aline Helg, Gloria Rolando for their works and to those anonymous friends in the US, who through AfroCubaWeb gracefully extended a helping hand to her family after hurricane Sandy ravished their home.



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Just released: Gloria Rolando's documentary on the 1912 massacre of over 6,000 members of the Independents of Color, the first black political party in the Americas outside Haiti - 1912, Breaking the Silence, Chapters 1, 2 & 3 (1912, Voces para un silencio), in Spanish with English subtitles. A major event in Cuban history, long passed under silence. Ivanoa Ivonet is interviewed in Chapter 2 of this film.

1912 Massacre



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