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  Mala Lengua

Contacting Loida Martinez

Cultura Provincial de Matanzas

Courses with Cultura Provincial de Matranzas, taught by:

- Lic. Loida Barbarita Martinez Gutierrez
- Lic. Lourdes Alfonso

Practical and religious studies

The nourishment of the different religions, carriers of Afro Cuban cultural continuity.

Regla de Ocha (Yoruba).

Studies of the Yoruba traditions in Cuba, including ceremonies and organizations.

Bricamo en Matanzas

Bricamo, a cult of Efo origin in the Niger Delta. Matanzas is now the only place in Cuba where this is practiced. Related to the Abakwa cult, but with a women’s orientation.

Contacting Loida Barbarita Martinez

Camilla can take messages and arrange for a phone time. That's at

Loida Martinez' address:

30214 Daoiz
Entre Compostela y San Carlos
Matanzas, Cuba

Contacting AfroCubaWeb

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