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  Mala Lengua


El Ambia

© 2001 Pedro Pérez Sarduy

III Workshop Rumba and Conga 
"Alfonso Iyaé 2002" Project of UNEAC, 
La Havana, Cuba

Date: December 27th,28th and 29th of 2002

Eloy Machado "El Ambia" UNEAC
Helio Orovio Music specialist
Salvador González Hamel Studio.


The project of folklore music "Alfonso Iyae of UNEAC from Havana, invites you to participate in the 3th rumba and military brass band’s workshop in Bejucal, because of the traditional parties, where rumba and conga will be interpreted and danced with the abilities of the musicians and craftsmen from Bejucal.

Each January 1st "Alfonso House" offers to relatives, friends, dancers and musicians that love music a fraternal meeting with the origin of Bejucal’s folklore where all the participants may carry out all the rumba and conga’s sounds through the vibration of the voices and the contagious steps of the dancers.

The objectives of the workshop are the interpretation of the traditional and contemporary rumba, based on the military brass band’s history of Bejucal town. The tradition kept for more than 40 years at the celebration of every January 1st at "Alfonso’s House", located in Bejucal, Havana and complementation of rumba with the sounds of Bejucal’s conga that since 1840 has been interpreted by different generations, that goes beyond the presence of slaves at the streets of Bejucal to the fusion of these rhythms with the contemporaneous sounds of present decade.

During the workshop we can enjoy the great Charangas’s show, a meeting between the red side "La Espina de Oro" and the blue side "La Ceiba de Plata", its great stately carriages, its surprises and the splendid conga of Bejucal


  • Rumba y la Conga concert.
  • Congas popular.

- Masterful lectures.

  • Skills demonstration of the drumming and dancing of Rumba and Conga.
  • Dancing lessons. (Rumba and Conga)
  • Drum lessons. (Rumba and Conga)
  • Conversation with craftsmen.
  • Charangas of Bejucal show.

Program of activities.

Tuesday, December 27th of 2002

Site: "Alfonso House"
10:00 AM Drum and Dancing lessons.

2:00 PM Theoretical workshop.
4:30 PM Rumba y la Conga concert.
6:30 PM Popular Conga.

Saturday, December 28th of 2002

Site: " Alfonso House"
2:00 PM Drum and Dancing lessons.

4:00 PM Rumba and Conga concert.
6:00 PM Popular Conga.

Sunday, December 29th of 2002

Site: "Juan Delgado Place"
3:00 PM IV Conga Festival

9:00 PM Night of Rumba
2:00 AM. Charanga Show.

(30/12/ 2002)

Workshop Inscriptión: $ 60 USD

Workshop includes:
Participation, in all workshop activities.


General Coordinator: M.Sc. Cristóbal Alfonso
Adress: 9 stress # 604 Bejucal town, 
La Havana Cuba

Phone: (53)(66) 8 1606 o (537) 8 73 9925

Aupices of: 
National Union of Cuban Artists and Written (UNEAC) Prov. La Habava.

Honor Presidents:
Lic. Omar Felipe Mauris President UNEAC Prov. La Havana


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