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Serres - la Habana, 1762José Antonio Aponte and His World
NYU, May 8 - May 9, 2015

Twitter #AponteNYU

"From myriad locations in the humanities, historians, anthropologists, philosophers, literary scholars, and art historians have explored the figure of Aponte as artist, intellectual, revolutionary, and theorist. In addition to this scholarly interest, Aponte has also been re-enshrined as a national figure in contemporary Cuba, following a 2012 bicentennial that commemorated his death at the hands of colonial authorities. However, given the recent scholarly and public focus on Aponte, there has not yet been a conference dedicated to the interdisciplinary scholarly perspectives that have sought to advance the study of the singular “book of paintings” and its visionary creator. “José Antonio Aponte and His World: Writing, Painting, and Making Freedom in the African Diaspora” brings together scholars to discuss the current state of “Apontian” studies and suggest future directions for scholarship. It includes, as well, scholars doing work on questions of historical memory, the intellectual history of the enslaved, and the relationship between text, image, and politics in other settings in order to put Aponte’s history in conversation with a wider world, much, indeed, as his own “book of paintings” tried to do."

The conference will take place in the auditorium of the King Juan Carlos Center at New York University, 53 Washington Square South. Click here for a Google map. The closest subway is the West 4th station where the A, B, C, D, E, F trains stop. For more information, please contact lmr273 [@] nyu [.] edu.

Linda Rodriguez (Artistic Production, Race, and History in Colonial Cuba, 1762-1840) and Matt Childs, (The 1812 Aponte Rebellion in Cuba and the Struggle against Atlantic Slavery), are  on panels. A primary organizer is Ada Ferrer, who created the #AponteNYU hashtag on the anniversary of Aponte's execution. Search #AponteNYU. Ada Ferrer is the author of Insurgent Cuba: Race, Nation, And Revolution, 1868-1898. Ivor Miller from the University of Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria, will attend and present on the Abakwa in Aponte's rebellion.


CONF: “José Antonio Aponte and His World,” May 8-9, 2015  3/23/2015 HNET: by Linda Rodriguez - "Aponte was also the creator of an unusual work of art—a “book of paintings” full of historical and mythical figures, including black kings, emperors, priests, and soldiers that he showed to and discussed with fellow conspirators. Aponte’s vision of a black history connected a diasporic and transatlantic past to the possibility of imagining a sovereign future for free and enslaved people of color in colonial Cuba. Although the “book of paintings” is believed to be lost, colonial Spanish officials interrogated Aponte about its contents after arresting him for organizing the rebellions, and Aponte’s sometimes elaborate, always elusive, descriptions of the book’s pages survive in the textual archival record."

La rebelión de Aponte de 1812 en Cuba y la lucha contra la esclavitud atlántica, de Matt D. Childs  2/18/2012 Jiribilla: por Fernando Martinez Heredia - "La rebelión de Aponte de 1812 en Cuba y la lucha contra la esclavitud atlántica, de Matt D. Childs es una prueba extraordinaria de ese desarrollo de la ciencia histórica. Pero es mucho más que eso. Resulta impresionante la cantidad de documentación primaria con que ha trabajado Childs, la rigurosidad extrema de ese trabajo y la precisión y hondura de sus comentarios acerca de sus fuentes."

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Aponte and His World Conference Dives into A Radical Vision of Slave Uprising  5/3/2015 CLACS @ NYU: ". “José Antonio Aponte. José Antonio Aponte and His World: Writing, Painting, and Making Freedom in the African Diaspora,” will feature more than twenty renowned scholars from NYU, and other distinguished institutions in the U.S. and abroad, who will discuss the visionary leader, his legendary “book of paintings,” and the future direction of “Apontian” scholarship."


José Antonio Aponte y Ubarra, AfroCubaWeb

The Massacre of 1812: José Aponte y Ubarra, Longstanding Racial Problems In Cuba
By Eugène Godfried

La Masacre De 1812: José Aponte Y Ubarra, El Viejo Problema Racial En Cuba
Por Eugène Godfried


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