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Afrofeminismo: Las Americas/Africa/Europe - News - Noticias

Here's What Black Scholars Have To Say About The AP African American Studies Backlash  2/17/2023 The Root: "Dr. Michael Ralph, Chair "of Howard’s Afro-American Studies, echoes Jeffries’ concerns about the absence of Crenshaw and other Black feminist and intersectional scholarship and movement work in the course. “Crenshaw’s concept of intersectionality is one of the most important and most influential contributions to social science and social theory we have yet seen,” says Dr. Ralph. Getting rid of these intersectional voices, especially the voices of LGBTQ+ and women Black scholars who might be considered controversial, is a massive loss, says Howard Professor Jo Von McCalester."

After caving to DeSantis on AP Black Studies, the College Board lied about their contacts  2/13/2023 LA Times: "The board asserts that the changes made in the curriculum before it was finalized constitute “a significant improvement, rather than a watering down.” Scholars may come to their own conclusions about that. But given that (according to the state) the board told Florida officials in November that topics such as “systemic marginalization” and “intersectionality” — which allude to the deep-seated racism latent in American society and culture — “could not be removed” from the course, and they’re no longer required topics, it’s certainly questionable."

Caving to the right on Black history, the College Board gives a course in cowardice  2/1/2023 LA Times: "The Florida Commissioner of Education, Manny Diaz Jr., lashed out at Popular Information's recent reporting on Florida classroom libraries, calling it "fake news from media activists too lazy to read [Florida] law." But Popular Information's reporting was completely accurate — and later confirmed by other outlets, including the Washington Post. It was Diaz, in an interview published Monday by the conservative National Review, who grossly misrepresented his own department's guidance in an effort to defend Governor Ron DeSantis (R)."

Dalit Feminist Theory  11/8/2022 Decolonial Feminist Readings: "Dalit Feminist Theory is a collection of essays which explores the caste question in relation to emancipatory feminist politics. The essays complement and critique each other on a number of theoretical debates which have previously and systematically omitted caste."

8 de Marzo : Compromiso del Estado de la Diáspora Africana  3/8/2021 State of the African Diaspora: "A pesar de los esfuerzos de la Comunidad Internacional y los mecanismos nacionales y globales creados para el avance de las mujeres, hoy seguimos siendo las principales víctimas del racismo estructural sistémico, la pobreza, las brechas educativas, el drama de las negritudes migrantes y las violencias. El año 2020 pasará a la historia no solo por el impacto colosal de la Pandemia, sino por ser un año feminicida, donde la llamada “guerra contra las mujeres” reveló una escalada creciente cuyos horizontes aún no se vislumbran. Por eso, hoy no estamos de fiesta, estamos en lucha, porque “vivas nos queremos”."

10 mujeres negras que cambiaron la historia de Puerto Rico  2/18/2021 Pulso Estudiantil: "La mujer negra puertorriqueña ha sido protagonista en diversas luchas sociales por la equidad, y pioneras de algunos aspectos en el campo laboral. En este mes de la historia negra, conmemoramos el legado de diez mujeres negras boricuas, muchas veces invisibilizadas en la documentación, que cambiaron el rumbo de la historia para las futuras generaciones."

Honduras: Death of Keyla Martínez demands prompt, exhaustive and impartial investigation  2/9/2021 Amnesty International: "“The Honduran public prosecutor’s office must carry out a prompt, exhaustive, independent and impartial investigation into Keyla’s death, with a gender perspective and following the guidelines of international standards such as the Minnesota protocol, as this could be an extrajudicial execution at the hands of public officials.”"

Protestan mujeres en Cuautitlán Izcalli por feminicidios y caso Salgado Macedonio  1/18/2021 AD Noticias: "Integrantes de la colectiva feminista Red Violeta Mexiquense realizaron un acto político en la cabecera del municipio de Cuautitlán Izcalli para protestar contra la violencia en contra de las mujeres que se vive en el Estado de México, y para expresar su apoyo a las mujeres de Guerrero que se han manifestado en contra de la candidatura por la gubernatura del morenista José Félix Salgado Macedonio, quien ha sido denunciado por el delito de violación sexual."

Why Lesser Rapes Are Happening In South As Compared To North India  10/7/2020 India Times: "In India, rape accounts for about 12% of all crimes against women. The distribution of reported cases is quite uneven across the nation. India’s average rate of reported rape cases is about 6.3 per 1,00,000 of the population. However, this masks vast geographical differences with places like Sikkim and Delhi having rates of 30.3 and 22.5, respectively, while Tamil Nadu has a rate of less than one."

The white supremacist origins of modern marriage advice  8/27/2020 The Conversation: "By the early 20th century, many prominent eugenicists were concerned about the state of marriage. White women, cowed by abusive husbands, were unwilling to have sex, and marriage increasingly seemed to be an exercise in mutual misery. This, in their view, could limit the ability of the best elements of the human gene pool to propagate. So, with the support of the Eugenics Publishing Company, they set out to educate white readers with tips for how to achieve a friendly and harmonious marriage."

Activismo y (auto)cuidado: algunas claves iniciales para pensar un proyecto colectivo  5/25/2020 Q de Cuir: de Yarlenis M. Malfrán, activista afrofeminista y estudiante de doctorado en el Programa de Postgrado Interdisciplinar en Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, Brasil.

ARTIGO Ativismo feminino em África: dinâmicas e perspectivas  5/15/2020 Africa e Africanidades 

A Message For America from Brazil’s First Indigenous Congresswoman  3/27/2020 Counterpunch: "Additionally, Joênia sees women as being an important part of saving the Amazon, ending the climate crisis, protecting the rights of all and shaping our shared global future. “I encourage them to take an increasingly leading role in the defense of rights. It’s also essential to build policy to strengthen women, especially Indigenous women, who still have a dream of being a part of the decision-making process in their countries.”"

Las mujeres barloventeñas se manifiestan: Entre el patriarcado y el cimarrronaje  3/10/2020 Aporrea: "Con esta situación cotidiana, donde la deserción escolar tanto de alumnos como docentes, donde algunos niños se desmayan al intentar cantar el himno nacional, resulta ridículo llamar a marchas y hacer propuestas como plan de mejores afro mal conuco, a las mujeres afrodescendientes, pues eso es populismo desagradable ya que eso no es nada nuevo, en las encuestas que estamos realizando en nuestro municipio (Andres Bello, Estado Miranda) nos estamos sosteniendo gracias a lo que estamos sembrando desde platinos a plantas medicinales, así como cacao, que aun no se está pagando a precio justo y las y los productores seguimos en pobreza mientras que los compradores, intermediarios son los grandes beneficiados. Los problemas de salud de nosotras han aumentado en nuestras comunidades, en la mayoría de los hospitales de Barlovento no se está atendiendo a nadie mas allá de que no hay medicina, se le suma la mala gestión en dichos centros de salud son ineficaces y mal trato a los enfermos que llegan en difícil situacion. "

Honduras: Every 21 hours They Kill a Woman, According to the Violence Observatory  3/10/2020 Orinoco Tribune: "The cities where this type of crime is most reported are the Central District, San Pedro Sula, Choloma, Catacamas and Juticalpa where 38% of the femicides occurred."

Djehuty/Hermes Foundational Philosopher in the Italian Renaissance  8/18/2019 Amon Saba Saakana: "The book also links the Kmtan philosophical system in various African philosophical schools: in West Africa where it is still preserved and practised, in Sufism where traditional African philosophers syscretised with Sufism in order to preserve its philosophical inheritance from being lost or destroyed, to the African enslaved, e.g., among the Abakua in Cuba where fundamental concepts of religious and philosophical practices are preserved."

The intersectionality wars  5/28/2019 Vox: "In my conversations with right-wing critics of intersectionality, I’ve found that what upsets them isn’t the theory itself. Indeed, they largely agree that it accurately describes the way people from different backgrounds encounter the world. The lived experiences — and experiences of discrimination — of a black woman will be different from those of a white woman, or a black man, for example. They object to its implications, uses, and, most importantly, its consequences, what some conservatives view as the upending of racial and cultural hierarchies to create a new one. But Crenshaw isn’t seeking to build a racial hierarchy with black women at the top. Through her work, she’s attempting to demolish racial hierarchies altogether."

No Revolution Without Feminism: Weaving Together Venezuela’s Feminist Movements  3/23/2019 Venezuela Analysis: "Alejandra Laprea, a member of the Feminist Spider Network (La Araña Feminista) and of the Purple Ink collective (Tinta Violeta), told us that despite standing firm against a possible invasion, popular struggles cannot be left “for later.” “Capitalism, patriarchy, are like weeds. If they’re not pulled out at once, at the root, they reproduce. That is why even in a country under threat and under siege we cannot leave it ‘for later,’ because otherwise, regardless of the outcome, the right-wing will win.”"

Why Women Defend Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution  3/8/2019 Orinoco Tribune: "“The pains of the world are larger for women… and larger for women of the popular classes, of the poorer classes,” Hugo Chavez said in a speech in 2012. “A real revolutionary, a socialist, must be truly feminist, because the liberation of the people is achieved through the liberation of women” Under Chavez, Venezuela created a women’s ministry in the national government, tribunals dealing specifically with violent crimes against women, pensions for poor women, a variety of free women’s health services, expanded maternity leave and more. The Bolivarian Revolution also ushered in an ongoing democratic movement in which women are core participants and leaders."

Sabarimala: Women defy historic temple ban  1/2/2019 BBC: "A centuries old ban was broken when two women walked into a South Indian shrine. The women, devotees of the temple deity, Lord Ayyappa, entered around dawn. The Sabarimala temple was historically closed to women of "menstruating age" - defined as between 10 and 50. A Supreme Court decision in September 2018 overturned the ban but protesters had stopped women from entering."

Protests Erupt In India After Women Defy Menstruation Ban At Hindu Temple  1/2/2019 Huff Post: "Two women defied a centuries-old ban on entering a Hindu temple in the Indian state of Kerala on Wednesday, sparking protests and calls for a strike by conservative Hindu groups outraged by their visit." [Kerala is in the far south, where women's rights are greater.]

Feminismo decolonial: Una ruptura con la visión hegemónica, eurocéntrica, racista y burguesa  12/3/2018 Iberoamerica Social: "Yuderkys Espinosa Miñoso, activista y académica nacida en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, es una de las voces con más fuerza dentro del feminismo decolonial. Sus análisis antirracistas y de clase dentro del movimiento son base de debates en la esfera internacional. A pesar de su juventud tiene una gran producción dentro del mundo académico, sobresaliendo su libro “Escritos de una lesbiana oscura: reflexiones críticas sobre feminismo y política de identidad en América Latina”."

Femicidio: misoginia, sexismo y sentido de propiedad  10/27/2018 EPG Consultora: "El término femicidio fue acuñado en 1976 por la escritora feminista Diana Russell, con el objetivo visibilizar el asesinato de mujeres realizado por hombres motivado por odio, desprecio, placer o un sentido de propiedad sobre las mujeres, y por tanto diferenciar este tipo de crímenes de los homicidios comunes. La confusión se inicia en el año 2006 cuando Marcela Lagarde traduce al español los textos de Diana Russell y sustituye el termino femicidio por feminicidio; no obstante, con independencia de que se emplee un término u otro en los diferentes países y legislaciones, el significado apunta siempre a lo mismo: el asesinato de una mujer por el hecho de ser mujer."

'Brazilian Black Women Have Been the Safeguard of Democracy': Feminist Gabriela Monteiro on Fighting the Rise of Bolsonaro  10/26/2018 Jezebel: "The Workers’ Party has made many mistakes, but it isn’t because of these mistakes that the Party and their leaders have suffered this witch hunt. On the contrary, it is precisely because they touched the neuralgic spots of Brazilian society, like guaranteeing the presence of blacks in universities, rights for domestic workers, and a minimum of dignity for the working class, the rural population. Can you imagine what it is to this white elite of slave tradition to see the daughter of the maid at the university, or the doorman traveling by plane? This is unforgivable."

El discurso fundador del feminismo negro: “¿Acaso no soy una mujer?” de Sojourner Truth  9/20/2018 Afribuku: "Este texto está extraído del célebre discurso que Truth profirió en la Convención de los Derechos de la Mujer en Akron, Ohio, y que está considerado como el pistoletazo de salida del feminismo negro."

Les corps épuisés du spectacle colonial  9/15/2018 Cases Rebelles: "Les images parues le 21 et 22 septembre 2018 dans Libération1 , pour annoncer en fanfare la sortie du livre Sexe, race et colonies sont immondes. C’est une douleur viscérale que nous avons éprouvée en les découvrant.2 Ça n’a apparemment pas été le cas pour tout le monde."

British Indirect rule completely marginalized Queenmothers  8/30/2018 Efe Planga: "As Ghanaians we tend to misunderstand the effects of colonialism on gender relations in our country. So let me leave you with a few pointers. 1.British Indirect rule completely marginalized Queenmothers (ahemaa) and the dual-gendered political authority of the Akan."

What Karunanidhi Meant To Me As A Young Tamil Feminist  8/10/2018 Feminism in India: "I remember being a young girl travelling in a train when I noticed a transgender woman asking for money from many of the passengers. I realised she was different from the others and the others were treating her very differently indeed. When I asked my mother who she was, she answered “a thirunangai”. The word seemed strange to me. Strange, because I’ve been speaking Tamil, my mother tongue, for so many years yet I had never heard this word used before. When we got back home, I started asking my dad about it and he told me that thirunangai is used to refer to a transgender woman."

White feminists managed to make Nia Wilson’s death about themselves, attacked Black women who created safe spaces  7/30/2018 Afropunk: "Alison didn’t seem to understand that with all of her bragging rights, she isn’t an expert on black activism. Black activists have a right to have a conversation on social media about how black women are being left out of white feminist conversations. The history is there. You can’t tell black women that you know how to speak on their oppression better than they do. What happens many times is that white feminists feel they are the authority on everything including black pain. They find it hard to separate their privilege from their feminism. Sure, no one can tell you when and how to post, but they do have the freedom of speech to ask you to post. That shouldn’t be met with them being called clowns, roaches and with the threat of lawsuits and Instagram policing."

Feminist History Is Important. Here’s Why You Need To Pay Attention.  7/4/2018 Feminism in India: "Having a strong sense of history and identity is especially important for women. The past is not an obscure, distant reality for most us. We live with the present sense and effects of history."

Mujeres afrodescendientes en América Latina y el Caribe: deudas de igualdad  7/1/2018 CEPAL: 98 p - "Las desigualdades múltiples vividas históricamente por las mujeres afrodescendientes en América Latina y el Caribe hacen parte de un complejo sistema de discriminación estructural legado por el pasado colonial esclavista. El panorama regional sobre los efectos de la intersección de las distintas formas de discriminación evidencia que la mayoría de las mujeres afrodescendientes aún carece de los recursos socioeconómicos y de poder necesarios para el logro de la autonomía física, económica y en la toma de decisiones. Vincular el combate al racismo con la superación de la discriminación de género y la búsqueda de la autonomía de las mujeres afrodescendientes exige asumir como sociedad los grandes desafíos para su reconocimiento individual y colectivo como sujetos de derechos."

Afrofeminismos - Raíces, experiencias, resistencias. Curso a cargo de Karo Moret  6/6/2018 CCCB: "Este curso, impartido por la historiadora Karo Moret Miranda, ofrece una introducción a los afrofeminismos desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria."

Afrofeminismos. Curso a cargo de Karo Moret | Teaser  5/19/2018 Vimeo 

On the Imperative of Transnational Solidarity: A U.S. Black Feminist Statement on the Assassination of Marielle Franco  3/23/2018 The Black Scholar: "“Those of us who stand outside the circle of this society’s definition of acceptable women; those of us who have been forged in the crucibles of difference—those of us who are poor, who are lesbians, who are Black, who are older—know that survival is not an academic skill. It is learning how to stand alone, unpopular and sometimes reviled, and how to make common cause with those others identified as outside the structures in order to define and seek a world in which we can all flourish. It is learning how to take our differences and make them strengths." -- Audrey Lord

Women’s Empowerment Was a Big Deal In African Societies, Before Christianity and Islam  3/23/2018 Atlanta Black Star: "Aside from being empowered in marriage, precolonial African society had several avenues for women to exercise power. Throughout African history we have numerous examples of woman as queens who ruled, warriors who shed blood, and traders and merchants who built immense fortunes. Vanderbilt professor Dr. Sandra Barnes, posits that “women in Africa were “one of history’s most politically viable female populations.” Queens such as Egypt’s Hatshepsut and Ethiopia’s Makeda (thought to be the biblical queen of Sheba) were known for using their leadership and wisdom to protect, expand, and enhance their nations."

Sexo, raza y colonias: “Una violación que duró seis siglos”  3/10/2018 Libre Red: "A través de una recopilación de imágenes inauditas de cuerpos exotizados, erotizados y elegidos, “Sexo, raza y colonias” mostró este 27 de septiembre impactantes pruebas que arrojan luz sobre una parte oculta de la historia de los imperios coloniales. Verdaderos “imperios del vicio” donde la dominación de los cuerpos iban de la mano de la conquista de la tierra. Mostrar los “objetos del crimen”, era la finalidad que se propuso un grupo compuesto por 97 investigadores, historiadores, antropólogos y sociólogos, para denunciar lo que debe llamarse un sistema de depredación sexual a escala global en los territorios colonizados o esclavizados."

Por qué Afroféminas no se suma a la Huelga Feminista  3/5/2018 Afroféminas: "A pesar de los tímidos intentos del manifiesto por ser inclusivo, los hechos son más fuertes que las palabras, y en realidad la invisibilización de las mujeres racializadas en este movimiento es prácticamente absoluta. Los medios apenas se hacen eco de las posturas de nuestras líderes, e incentivan un feminismo mainstream expresamente blanco."

Before there was ‘intersectional feminism,’ there was the Combahee River Collective  3/1/2018 WaPo: "In a 1977 statement defining their goals, the women wrote: “The most general statement of our politics at the present time would be that we are actively committed to struggling against racial, sexual, heterosexual, and class oppression, and see as our particular task the development of integrated analysis and practice based upon the fact that the major systems of oppression are interlocking.” Today, the concept is called “intersectionality” and is the source of debate in the news media and on social media among women of color who say that mainstream feminism is still too centered on the experiences of privileged white women."

Antes de Martin Luther King, ellas ya estaban haciendo la revolución  2/24/2018 Playground Mag: "Hasta sus compañeros de revolución quisieron silenciarlas. Pero su grito era demasiado fuerte y llega hasta nosotros."

Why We Need Black Feminism More Than Ever Under Trump  2/20/2018 Alternet: "Writes Lindsey, “Black women, and more specifically black feminists, have been trying for over a hundred years to get white feminists to address the pervasiveness of anti-blackness among white women and to proactively divest from and destroy white supremacy … The fact that damn near everyone benefits from our ‘voting’ except black women speaks volumes about how we are marginalized even when we use our vote to push back against injustice. “Until more black feminists are in office and black feminist policies are the status quo,” adds Lindsey, “we are doomed to repeat this alarming trend.”

Fists up!! Members of Afro-Brazilian intellectual debate group fill mall movie theater to watch Black Panther  2/20/2018 Black Women of Brazil: "Such as when the black characters allowed one of the few white characters to participate in their struggle, but made sure to signal to him, “Yes, you’re here, and on our team, but sit back, white man, because WE RUNNIN’ THIS PIECE!” It spoke to centuries of slavery and white supremacy of which black Brazilians have been made silent and not allowed to participate from any position of authority in society."

The Hidden History of Black Nationalist Women's Political Activism  2/3/2018 Truth Out: "Contrary to popular conceptions, women were also instrumental to the spread and articulation of black nationalism -- the political view that people of African descent constitute a separate group on the basis of their distinct culture, shared history and experiences. As I demonstrate in my new book, Set the World on Fire, black nationalist movements would have all but disappeared were it not for women. What's more, these women laid the groundwork for the generation of black activists who came of age during the civil rights-black power era. In the 1960s, many black activists -- including Ella Baker, Fannie Lou Hamer, Robert F. Williams, Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael -- drew on these women's ideas and political strategies."

The hidden history of black nationalist women’s political activism  1/30/2018 The Conversation: "As I demonstrate in my new book, “Set the World on Fire,” black nationalist movements would have all but disappeared were it not for women. What’s more, these women laid the groundwork for the generation of black activists who came of age during the civil rights-black power era. In the 1960s, many black activists – including Ella Baker, Fannie Lou Hamer, Robert F. Williams, Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael – drew on these women’s ideas and political strategies."

How Drumming Made Me a Feminist | Joshua Arana  1/23/2018 TEDx Talk: "A powerful performance talk, Josh Arana tells us the story of how drumming taught him the value of women in the Garifuna culture, and women on a whole."

Hi, my name is Merrikat.  9/25/2017 Medium: "I am currently being doxxed inter-Left by a racist Marxist and their crew. They have gotten me banned for life from Facebook by facial recognition, which said I was soliciting sexual services although the photos Facebook used as evidence were not of a sexual nature. This occured after a virtual altercation with aforementioned Marxists."

'The Revolution Will Not Be NGO-ized': 4 Lessons From African Feminist Organizing  8/3/2017 Alternet: "As African feminists, we face multiple systems of oppression including the effects of colonization, neo colonization, white supremacy, militarism, the globalization of capitalism and neoliberalism. Yet our movements are more vibrant and radically political than ever before."

Kimberlé Crenshaw on Intersectionality, More than Two Decades Later  6/8/2017 Colombia Law School: "Twenty-eight years ago, Kimberlé Crenshaw coined the term “intersectionality” in a paper as a way to help explain the oppression of African-American women. Crenshaw’s then somewhat academic term is now at the forefront of national conversations about racial justice, identity politics, and policing­—and over the years has helped shape legal discussions. A leading thinker and scholar in the field of critical race theory, Crenshaw, a professor at Columbia Law School, directs the Center for Intersectionality and Social Policy Studies and is a co-founder of the African American Policy Forum, a think tank, both based on campus. On June 10, AAPF celebrates its 20th anniversary with a gala honoring U.S. Representative Keith Ellison, MSNBC journalist Joy-Ann Reid, performance artist Eve Ensler, and scholar Barbara Smith. A few days before the event, Crenshaw spoke about where she sees intersectionality research heading and her ongoing work as a scholar and advocate."

Entender al militante: sobre Francia, el festival Nyansapo y el colectivo Mwasi  6/2/2017 Afroféminas: [Se encuentra el republicanismo en toda America Latina.] - "Francia es un país republicano y su lema es “libertad, igualdad y fraternidad”. El concepto de igualdad es muy importante en la ideología republicana francesa. Un ejemplo del alcance que dicho concepto tiene es por ejemplo la inexistencia de un “mes de la historia negra”. Dicho mes no se ha creado en Francia ya que va en contra de la tradición republicana. A diferencia de países como Inglaterra o E.E.U.U, Francia no identifica o distingue los grupos étnicos y religiosos que forman su población. Además, muchos republicanos temen que si se permite a las minorías resaltar sus diferencias, corremos el riesgo de dividir a la población. Esto es algo de lo que los republicanos están muy orgullosos."

Un festival de mujeres negras y feministas desata la polémica en París  6/2/2017 El Pais: "“La militancia no mixta no es discriminación”, coincide el sindicato de estudiantes francés UNEF, que también ha criticado a la alcaldesa Hidalgo por su postura ante el festival. En varios tuits con el hashtag #JesoutiensMwasi (apoyo a Mwasi), han recordado que considerar que “la presencia de blancos es indispensable” no es más que una forma de pensar de aquellos que “consideran que las personas afectadas por el racismo no deberían tener el derecho a organizarse entre ellas”."

La non-mixité, un outil politique indispensable  6/2/2017 Slate France: "Après les remous déclenchés par Nyansapo, un festival afroféministe organisé par le collectif Mwasi qui prévoyait des espaces réservés aux femmes noires, la journaliste et militante Rokhaya Diallo explique pour elle la nécessité de la non-mixité pour lutter contre les inégalités et obtenir l'émancipation des minorités discriminées."

Sólo para negras  6/1/2017 Ideal: "Frente a estos ataques, las afrofeministas de Mwasi replican que son la diana de «una campaña de información errónea y noticias falsas orquestada por la extrema derecha más rancia». En su apoyo ha hablado la dirección de La General, que reflexiona con ironía sobre «todos estos comunitaristas blancos que de repente requieren el derecho a asistir a una reunión que reivindica la militancia afrofeminista»."

Françoise Vergès : « La non-mixité fait réagir ceux qui détiennent le pouvoir car ils ont le désir de tout contrôler »  5/31/2017 Jeune Afrique: "La non-mixité a toujours fait réagir ceux qui détiennent le pouvoir car ils ont le désir de tout surveiller, tout contrôler. Mais c’est la première fois qu’une organisation qui se dit antiraciste et une élue de gauche font confiance à la fachosphère."

Un problema de otras: feminismo y blanquitud  5/30/2017 El Diario: ""¿Por qué la blanquitud no es un sujeto de investigación?, ¿por qué no hacemos antropología de los privilegios?", se pregunta la activista y pensadora antirracista Ochy Curiel."

El festival afrofeminista de París no será prohibido pero la polémica sigue  5/30/2017 La Vanguardia: "Mientras en Twitter se debate con mayor o menor fortuna, medios como Libération, Le Point o Le Monde analizaron hoy en profundidad las tensiones reveladas, el vespertino para revisar la historia y recordar que las actividades no mixtas no tienen nada de nuevo."

Tenga nuestro desprecio, Señora alcaldesa de París  5/30/2017 Afroféminas: "Crearse un espacio propio, un espacio no sólo físico, sino histórico, social, psicológico. Un espacio en el que no se dependa de la aprobación o desaprobación masculina (blanca), en el que no sean suje­tas de esa imposición, un espacio en el que los hombres blancos no les digan continuamente qué es lo que tienen qué hacer y có­mo”(…)"

Why there’s nothing racist about black-only spaces  5/30/2017 Guardian: "We have black awards shows because black people – even Beyoncé – get overlooked for awards time and time again. We have BAME book awards such as the Jhalak prize because out of thousands of titles published in 2016, fewer than 100 were by British people of colour. We have magazines written by women of colour because journalism is still 94% white and 55% male. We have Black History Month because our history is often not a part of the curriculum. And we have black feminist festivals because racism against black people and sexism against women are still ingrained in ex-colonial countries such as France and the UK. Until that changes, there can be no comparison with the concept of a “whites only” space."

Black Feminist Festival in France Deemed Racist by Anti-Racist Orgs  5/30/2017 Vice: "Cooper also critiqued the responses from French anti-racist organizations. "This stance suggests that liberal anti-racism organizations have a very facile and elementary analysis of how racism works. Black feminists are not coming together because the struggles of others don't matter, but rather because black women's issues and concerns do matter. They matter in unique ways that are again often not addressed by big tent organizations."

La alcaldesa de París exige la prohibición de un festival feminista negro que veta la entrada a los blancos  5/29/2017 El Espanol: "El jefe superior de la Policía, Michel Delpuech, aseguró en un comunicado que la policía no había sido advertida del evento, y subrayó que su equipo "se encargaría del cumplimiento riguroso de las leyes, los valores y los principios de la República". "

Las Brujas del Norte  5/28/2017 Afroféminas: "Brujas del Norte es un estudio fotográfico afro-futurista que re imagina los Orishas dentro del territorio de Amiskwacîwâskahikan (????????????) en Canadá. Dentro de estas fotografías cautivadoras, las artistas Ruby Smith Díaz e Isha Adams exploran las tradiciones Yoruba que aun prevalecen en un contexto afro-diásporico del norte, sobreviviendo los efectos de la supremacía blanca y la destrucción de la tierra debido a la explotación de recursos naturales ."

Aux origines de la polémique sur le festival afroféministe Nyansapo  5/28/2017 Liberation: "La maire de Paris, Anne Hidalgo, a annoncé vouloir saisir le préfet pour faire interdire un festival afroféministe organisé pour partie dans un bâtiment appartenant à la capitale et comprenant des ateliers en non-mixité. C'est le dernier acte d'une polémique lancée par l'extrême droite et relayée par la Licra."

Annai Meenambal Sivaraj: The Tamil Dalit Woman Leader  5/18/2017 Feminism in India: "Annai Meenambal Sivaraj, India’s first Dalit woman leader is one of the most important figures in the Indian Dalit History and the fight towards inclusion of Dalit women at the national forefront. However very less is known about her contribution in the mainstream media."

Pequeño manual de cómo No ejercer el feminismo blanco  3/9/2017 Afroféminas: "Si el feminismo blanco es el feminismo “ciego” a las luchas de “las demás”, el pensamiento interseccional es el mecanismo que nos ayuda a contemplar cuestiones fuera de nuestro rango de privilegio."

Las cosas que asumimos: Mansplaining y Whitesplaining  3/7/2017 Afroféminas: "Inclusive cuando estas personas son nuestros aliados en las luchas por la igualdad, caen en comportamientos que evidencian el uso de sus privilegios y sus actitudes machistas y racistas."

Mujeres afromexicanas: cuando la negritud va más allá del color de la piel  10/14/2016 Clarin: "De acuerdo con Glenda Joanna Wetherborn, coordinadora de comunicación la Red de Mujeres Afrolatinoamericanas, Afrocaribeñas y la Diáspora, “combatir la discriminación es responsabilidad de todas y todos, no sólo de la población que es víctima”. Wetherborn asegura que la agenda y plataforma política de la Red de Mujeres atiende todas las situaciones: accesos, recursos y condiciones para promover los derechos de las mujeres negras de estas regiones."

Feminism Through the Ages in India: An Empowering Journey  9/30/2016 Better India: "In the 17th century, Bibi Dalair Kaur, a Sikh woman, formed an all-woman army to fight Mughal forces."

Say Dark Meat: The Wrong Way to Approach A Dark Skin Woman  9/15/2016 Huff Post: by Shaina Lynn Simmons -- "Last month a brother tried to ‘holla’ at me by yelling out, “Say dark meat, come here!”"

The Stream - South African school girl's afro sparks racism debate  9/6/2016 Aljazeera / YouTube: #StopRacismatPretoriaGirlsHigh

Spain: First Black Woman Candidate for Congress Tackles Racism  11/11/2015 teleSUR: "Spain made a historical breakthrough when a self-identified Black feminist and immigrant leftist from Colombia got onto the electoral list of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party, known as PSOE, late October. It’s not a victory that happened in a vacuum, however, Arboleda told news agency El Tiempo, recognizing the historical fight for Black empowerment in Spain."

Afrofeminismo en Francia: luchar para auto emanciparse  7/14/2015 AWID: "Con motivo de la jornada de estudio titulada “Deshacer el imperio”, organizada por el Centro de investigaciones sociológicas y políticas de Paris y el Grupo de Investigación Audre Lorde el 29 de junio en Paris, AWID se reunió con Annette Davis, Sharone Omankoy y Fania Noel, tres integrantes del Colectivo Afrofeminista MWASI, para saber más sobre las luchas que llevadas a cabo por dicho colectivo en el contexto francés marcado por el racismo y la misoginia, así como también por otras formas de discriminación."

Black Women in the Americas Launch Decade of Struggle  6/29/2015 IPS: "They say they are tired of waiting for justice after centuries of neglect and contempt due to the color of their skin. Black women leaders from 22 countries of the Americas have decided to create a political platform that set a 10-year target for empowering women of African descent and overcoming discrimination."

Oyalogy – a poetic approach to African feminism  5/28/2015 Afropolitan: Honoring Oya - "They arrived during lunch break, and as the men began to exit the hall, Gbowee shouted, “No one will come out of this place until a peace agreement is signed!”. They threatened to arrest her. She responded, ”I will make it very easy for you to arrest me, I’m going to strip naked.” She took off her hairband, took off her lappa, started to take off her clothes. As many Africans might know, there is a powerful symbolism attached to women stripping publicly. The belief is that if a woman exposes the parts of herself through which men have been given life, she is indirectly taking back the life that man has been given. Therefore, this act shook the men thoroughly. While the war did not end there and then, what the women did that day marked the beginning of the end. On August 11, 2003, Charles Taylor resigned."

Oyalogy, repowerment and art talks  5/16/2015 Afropolitan: "On 25 May, I’ll be giving a talk at Trinity College Dublin’s annual conference to mark Africa Day. The conference will look at key issues in gender; movements towards equality for women and girls, barriers to gender equality, and how they can be overcome. My talk is titled “Oyalogy” – A poetic approach to African feminism” On 3 June, I’m giving a keynote address at WOMEN AND DEVELOPMENT – Twenty years after Beijing: what’s changed and what’s the same?, part of the European Development Days (EDD15), which will take place from 3-4 June in Brussels. My talk is titled “From Empowerment to Repowerment”."

Nicaragua acogerá encuentro de mujeres afrodescendientes  4/23/2015 PL: "Nicaragua acogerá en junio venidero la primera Cumbre Latinoamericana de Lideresas Afrodescendientes de las Américas, en la cual se debatirá la realidad que vive hoy la mujer en el continente. La cita, prevista del 26 al 28 de junio próximo, se llevará a cabo en el marco del Decenio Internacional de las poblaciones Afrodescendientes: "Reconocimiento, Justicia y Desarrollo", declarado por las Naciones Unidas (ONU) y comprendido entre el 2015 y 2024."

A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement by Alicia Garza  10/7/2014 The Feminist Wire 

Mujeres afrodescendientes organizándose en América Latina  9/11/2014 Awid: "Sabíamos que teníamos un gran desafío por delante y en 1990 durante un encuentro feminista, se dan encuentros que son un antes y un después. En el marco del V Encuentro Feminista Latinoamericano y del Caribe, realizado en San Bernardo, Argentina, nos encontramos mujeres negras de la región que veníamos realizando activismo en el movimiento y no nos conocíamos. Es allí donde esta la idea de una red comenzó a materializarse."

Rokhaya Diallo, nouvelle bête noire des racistes  6/26/2014 Slate Afrique: "Nouvelle égérie de la lutte antiraciste en France, Rokhaya Diallo tente de développer un militantisme qui déconstruit les préjugés, trop souvent présents en filigrane dans les blagues ou les compliments."

How Women of Color Are Driving Entrepreneurship  6/11/2014 Alternet 

La táctica del fundamentalismo religioso para oprimir a la mujer en África  6/8/2014 Guinguinbali: "Solome Nakaweesi, activista feminista de Uganda citada por Jessica Horn, dice que “con la guerra contra el terrorismo, Estados Unidos ha tratado de etiquetar a los musulmanes como más atrasados, pero el trabajo que hacemos acerca de la libertad de las mujeres, sobre la liber elección y la autonomía pone como más peligrosos a los pentecostales”."

Hablamos de LGTB: '¡Esto no es africano!'  5/20/2014 Guinguinbali: "“Lo que realmente no es africano son las leyes homófobas que persisten en la mayoría de países del continente”, explica. “La mitad de ellas son de origen victoriano. O sea, otro trauma de la colonización. Son estas leyes las que legitiman todo tipo de agresiones. La policía, los medios de comunicación y los jueces son ahora los principales instigadores de ello”."

What India’s ‘Third Gender’ Ruling Means  5/6/2014 WBUR: "British colonial regime launched a very massive critique of Hindu culture on many levels. Part of this critique was a gendered critique, where British culture was seen as masculine and assertive and scientific and rational, and Indian culture and especially Hindu culture, was viewed as effeminate and weak and corrupt and primitive. Men in India were viewed as effeminized in many ways, and of course this created a tremendous response from Indian elites and from educated Indians, people who absorbed colonial instruction in colleges and English schools, and they became very, very defensive about this and very assertive of masculinity, and so it became - a lot of these older traditions where gender was a more fluid category became an embarrassment, you can say, in the 19th century, especially to middle-class, educated Indians."

How Many of These Early Black Feminists Do You Know?  2/19/2014 MS 

Black feminism and intersectionality  12/1/2013 ISR 

Las mujeres afro y su papel en la sociedad  7/27/2013 El Mundo, Colombia 

Sexuality and Gender in Colonialism  6/18/2013 Jadesmg: "Through sexuality and gender roles, certain behaviours could be construed as uncivilised and inappropriate for someone’s position in society. White men were expected to uphold the European standards of masculinity and chivalry and native women were perceived as interfering with this. White women were introduced into the colonial world in order to fulfil a predetermined role, as wives, mothers, and upholders of civil society. Thus, a clear divide was established between the native women, encouraging men into undisciplined and rowdy behaviour, and white women who could save men from becoming too native. Native people of the colonies were also perceived as overtly sexual, conflicting with the European standards of civility and control and seeming to colonialists as lowly, closer in behaviour to that of the animals."

Por que um feminismo negro?  6/13/2013 Blogueiras Negras 

Gender & Power: Yoruba, Maasai, Igbo  6/1/2013 University of Vermont 

Indian Women Liberation:Wake Up!  11/18/2011 YTEARS: "Woman always have a special part in every man’s life. About 2500 years back in India women were the one who perform prayer in temple even today there many women goddess in Indian culture. After the arrival of pandit’s and Brahmin to India women were driven out of temple as “untouchable of god”."

Hierarchies of Race and Gender in the French Colonial Empire, 1914–19461  6/1/2011 Cal Poly 

El Papel de los Afro en la construcción de la Identidad Nacional  5/3/2011 Perpectiva Afrodescendiente 

Chachawarmi: Silence and Rival Voices on Decolonisation and Gender Politics in Andean Bolivia  2/15/2011 JSTOR: "This article addresses the 'coloniality of gender' in relation to rearticulated indigenous Aymara gender notions in contemporary Bolivia. While female indigenous activists tend to relate the subordination of women to colonialism and to see an emancipatory potential in the current process of decolonisation, there are middle-class advocates for gender equality and feminist activists who seem to fear that the 'decolonising politics' of the Evo Morales administration would abandon indigenous women to their 'traditional' silenced subordination within maledominated structures. From the dynamics of indigenous decolonial projections, feminist critiques, middle-class misgivings and state politics, the article explores the implications of these different discourses on colonialism, decolonisation and women's subordination."

Feminismo Negro / Feminismo Afrodescendiente  9/23/2009 World Pulse: "La historia de la mujer afro-descendiente se ha definido de acuerdo a la triada de la opresión: capitalismo, patriarcado y racismo, todos en recíproco apoyo en su mantenimiento y legitimación, en correspondencia a los criterios de explotación, exclusión y apropiación de acuerdo a los que el sistema pre-configuró a la mujer como inferior a lo masculino, y a “lo negro” más aún por debajo de la condición de ser mujer."

¡Negras somos!  10/1/2008 Universidad del Valle: "Antología de 21 mujeres poetas afrocolombianas de la región pacífica."

Land Loss and Garifuna Women’s Activism on Honduras’ North Coast  9/15/2007 Journal of International Women's Studies: "This paper reports on the gendered impacts of Honduras’ neoliberal agrarian legislation within the context of tourism development. It draws on ethnographic research with the Afro-indigenous Garifuna to demonstrate how women have been most affected by land privatization on the north coast of Honduras. Garifuna communities are matrifocal and land had historically been passed through matrilineal lines. As the coastal land market expands, Garifuna women have lost their territorial control. The paper also treats Garifuna women’s activism as they resist coastal development strategies and shifts in landholding. While women have been key figures in the Garifuna movement to title and reclaim lost ancestral land, the movement as a whole has yet to make explicit the gendered dimensions of the land struggle. The neglect may be attributed to the activists’ adoption of an indigenous rights discourse."

Aryan Patriarchy and Dravidian Matriarchy  2/1/2007 Integral World: "...there is a considerable body of evidence to show that prior to Aryan influence Dravidian Indians worshipped the goddess."

Tambores en la noche, de Jorge Artel: La mujer de color y su imaginario sexual  4/1/2006 LA CASA DE ASTERIÓN: "El uso de la palabra ‘hembras’ animaliza a la mujer y la reduce a su función sexual. Mansour concluye al respecto que “la mujer se convierte en el símbolo del sexo” (204). En mi opinión, esta interpretación es válida pero superficial y no problematiza la condición femenina. En mí surgen varios cuestionamientos. Por ejemplo, ¿por qué limitar su presencia a un rol sexual? ¿Si se quiere resaltar la ‘sensualidad’ de los afro-descendientes americanos como una característica positiva y como un modo de afirmar su identidad, por qué poner la responsabilidad sobre el cuerpo femenino? ¿Dónde queda la realidad histórico-social de la mujer de color?"

Black Feminism in the US  8/21/2004 Rastafari Speaks 

Seeing through a Woman's Eye: Yoruba Religious Tradition and Gender Relations  4/1/2004 Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion: "According to these Ifa verses, the first of the Iyanifa was Orunmila's daughter. Iyanifa are not as numerous as Babalawo, for few women could af ford to combine their domestic duties with the rigorous training required of Ifa practitioners. This explains why a large number of Iyanifa are wives and/or daughters of Babalawo. They often practice in conjunction with their hus bands, given that adult females are usually married in Yoruba land. It is rare to find one of the Iyanifa married to anyone but one of the Babalawo. The expla nation proffered for this is that the Iyanifa are custodians of tradition and that only men with an equal knowledge and the power that such knowledge be stows could marry them (oloogun ni se oko abiku or aje). Today there are Iyan ifa in the cities of Ile-Ife, Oyo, Ogbomoso, Abeokuta, Ijebu-Ode, Iwo, Sagamu, and Egbado."

DECLARACIÓN DE SAN JOSE VIII ASAMBLEA DE LA ORGANIZACIÓN NEGRA CENTROAMERICANA 5, 6 Y 7 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2002  12/7/2002 GarifunaWeb: "Reunidas en San Isidro de Coronado, San José, Costa Rica las organizaciones Afrocentroamericanas pertenecientes a la Organización Negra Centroamericana: Asociación Proyecto Caribe y el Centro de Mujeres Afrocostarricense de Costa Rica, OAGANIC y ADEHPCA de Nicaragua, ASOMUGAGUA y ONEGUA de Guatemala, National Garífuna Council y UBAD Educational Foundation de Belice, ODECO y ECOSALUD de Honduras, Coalición Garífuna USA, Hondureños Contra el SIDA, Mujeres Garifunas en Marcha de Estados Unidos, Respuesta Afro Panameña y Red de Mujeres Afropanameñas de Panamá, para reafirmar nuestra determinación y verdadera convicción de ser los actores de nuestros procesos de desarrollo, haciendo uso de nuestro pleno derecho como ciudadanos de los distintos países de la región y en la diáspora africana.Por lo tanto acordamos:"

IDENTIDADES ESENCIALISTAS O CONSTRUCCION DE IDENTIDADES POLITICAS: El dilema de las feministas negras  12/1/2002 Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal: por Ochy Curiel

THE FACTOR OF GENDER IN THE YORUBA TRANSNATIONAL RELIGIOUS WORLD  10/1/2001 Egloos: by Rita Segato - "I address, here, three models for Yoruba gender ideas, as expressed in religious themes and practices. I make reference to the models of interpretation published by Oyeronke Oyewumi (1997) and Lorand Matory (1994) about the Yoruba of Nigeria, which appeared by the University of Minnesota Press, and to my own for the Yoruba religion in Brazil (1986; republished in 1989, 1995 and 2000 in Portuguese, and in 1997 in English)."

'Tihei Mauri Ora: Honouring Our Voices. Mana Wahine as a Kaupapa Maori Theoretical Framework'  6/1/2001 Kaupapa Maori: "This thesis is a theoretical journey. Its primary focus is the honouring and affirmation of the voices of Maori women and the assertion of Mana Wahine as a Kaupapa Maori theoretical framework. It is argued that Western theories are inadequate in understanding and explaining Maori experiences and in particular the experiences of Maori women. Kaupapa Maori theory provides the framework within which this thesis is located."

Defining Black Feminist Thought  6/1/1990 Feminist eZine: by Patricia Hill Collins

Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics  12/1/1989 University of Chicago Legal Forum: by Kimberlé Crenshaw, the original article on Intersectionality - "One of the very few Black women's studies books is entitled All the Women Are White; All the Blacks Are Men, But Some of Us are Brave.1 I have chosen this title as a point of departure in my efforts to develop a Black feminist criticism 2 because it sets forth a problematic consequence of the tendency to treat race and gender as mutually exclusive categories of experience and analysis.'"

BOOK REVIEWS: The Cultural Unity of Black Africa, The Domains of Matriarchy and of Patriarchy in Classical Antiquity by Cheikh Anta Diop, 1989  12/1/1989 UFAHAMU 

A Black Feminist Statement From The Combahee River Collective  4/1/1977 Feminist eZine 

ORAL TRADITION AND HISTORY IN EASTERN NIGERIA - By Dr.  4/15/1966 African Notes: [Buried in this paper on methodology are elements related to the overthrow of a British colonial regime in Calabar carried out by market women.]


Por que um feminismo negro?  6/13/2013 Blogueiras Negras 

El Papel de los Afro en la construcción de la Identidad Nacional  5/3/2011 Perpectiva Afrodescendiente 

Feminismo Negro / Feminismo Afrodescendiente  9/23/2009 World Pulse: "La historia de la mujer afro-descendiente se ha definido de acuerdo a la triada de la opresión: capitalismo, patriarcado y racismo, todos en recíproco apoyo en su mantenimiento y legitimación, en correspondencia a los criterios de explotación, exclusión y apropiación de acuerdo a los que el sistema pre-configuró a la mujer como inferior a lo masculino, y a “lo negro” más aún por debajo de la condición de ser mujer."

Tambores en la noche, de Jorge Artel: La mujer de color y su imaginario sexual  4/1/2006 LA CASA DE ASTERIÓN: "El uso de la palabra ‘hembras’ animaliza a la mujer y la reduce a su función sexual. Mansour concluye al respecto que “la mujer se convierte en el símbolo del sexo” (204). En mi opinión, esta interpretación es válida pero superficial y no problematiza la condición femenina. En mí surgen varios cuestionamientos. Por ejemplo, ¿por qué limitar su presencia a un rol sexual? ¿Si se quiere resaltar la ‘sensualidad’ de los afro-descendientes americanos como una característica positiva y como un modo de afirmar su identidad, por qué poner la responsabilidad sobre el cuerpo femenino? ¿Dónde queda la realidad histórico-social de la mujer de color?"


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