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  Mala Lengua

Yesenia SelierYesenia Selier Fernandez 


2000                 UNIVERSITY OF HAVANA   Havana, Cuba
                         Bachelor of Arts, Psychology

2002-03:          Post- Bachelor of Arts Courses:

“Conflict Resolution in local development” Felix Varela Center (NGO), Feb, 2002 (one week)       
“Bibliographical study—Afro-Cubans Affairs” Cuban National Library, April- July, 2002 
“Cultural Anthropology” Cultural Development National Center. Feb., 2003. 
“Cuban Cultural Development” National Center. May, 2003 (one week) 
“Gramsci: Politic and Culture” Juan Marinello Center, April- June, 2003 (six sessions) 
“Toward an historical study of marginality in Cuba,” Fernando Ortiz 
Center of Advanced Study, University of Havana, Feb-July, 2003.


2004            CUNY Caribbean Exchange Program, Puerto Rican Studies Center,             
                         New York, NY
     Hunter College, Fellowship

2003             CLACSO-ASDI (Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales) 
Havana, Cuba,


2002- 2004     Juan Marinello Center for Research and Development               Havana, Cuba
                        of Cuban Culture, Research Assistant

Assisted leading economist researcher. Managed data compilation of  “national oral traditions project.” Edited, tabulated and entered a broad range of data in computerized program. Conducted an independent study on the Cuban rap movement (funded by the Juan Marinello Center and CLACSO).

2002 – 2004     Movimiento      Havana, Cuba

Designed and edited this quarterly journal targeted to the hip-hop community in Cuba. Member of Editorial Council.  Determined magazine themes and content; soliticed articles; edited copy;  proof-read layouts.

2002 – 2004     Ifa Iranlowo House Temple Educational Project   Havana, Cuba
Consultant, editor and co-founder

Center for the diffusion of Yoruba-influenced, AfroCuban culture and religions. Edited organization publications and oversaw printing and distribution.

1999-2000        “Acting Poetry” Performance Project   Havana, Cuba
                        Actress and co-founder
                        Member of group  performing unique pieces covering AfroCuban themes.


2004:   “Cultural Counterpoint: Race in a Scientific Point of View.” Matanzas Magazine, November.

2004:   “Race Identity in Black Cubans: A Psychological Approach.” CEAM Journal, Brasilia University, March                                

2003:   “Cuban Rap: New Narratives in Cuban Music.”Boletin de Musica de Casa de las Americas, November. Co-author, Pablo Herrera. 

2003:   “Santería in the Cuban social Ambit.” Co-author, Awo Omolofaoro Víctor Betancourt.

2002:   “Race Identity Among Afro-Cubans in Havana.” Caminos, no. 24-25.

2000:   “Humanistic Approaches to Development by the US and Vigotski.” Cuban Psychology Review, no.1.


--De la Negritud y Otros Demonios (Of Blackness and Other Demons), essay.

--Lo que todos deben saber sobre Ifa y la Santería (What Everyone Should Know about Ifa and Santería), essays.
Co-author, Awo Omolafaoro Víctor Betancourt.

--Movimiento de Rap Cubano: Nuevas identidades sociales a través de la Cultura Hip Hop (The Cuban Rap Movement: New Social Identities through Hip Hop Culture), essay. 


2004:    “New Paths in Racial Identity,” Africa House, Havana, Cuba.

2004:    “Cuban Music in the 90s: Breaks and Continuity,” Academic Exchange with University of Georgia. Havana,                Cuba.  

2003:    “Female Presence in Cuban Rap-- La Bella Cubana Circle,” Panelist,   Cuban Writers and Artist Union. Havana, Cuba.

2003:    “Cross-Culturalism in Cuban Rap,” Colloquium on Rap Festival, Havana, Cuba.

2002:    “Donde Nace la Conga del Verbo,” Panelist, Colloquium on Rap Festival, Havana, Cuba.

2002:    “Race Identity in Contemporary Cuba.” Organized by Tomas Fernandez Robaina. National Library, Havana,   Cuba.

1998:    “Identity and Subjectivity: Black Cubans,” International Encounter, Havana University, Havana, Cuba.


1996: Siacara Ensemble. Performed as a dancer and singer in European tour featuring Afro-Cuban dances.

1994 -1997: Folk University Ensemble, University of Havana. Member of Afro-Cuban dance company.

1992 – 1994: Studied Afro-Cuban dance in Caribbean Theater workshops with the National Folk Ensemble and the Prodanza Ballet School.

1987 – 1991: Theatrical instruction and performances with the Federico Garcia Lorca Ensemble. Starring roles in works at the Prometheus Festival, the Bellas Artes Museum Theater, among others.


Microsoft Works, Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word.


Native fluency in written and spoken Spanish.

Proficiency in written and spoken English.

Proficiency in spoken German.


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