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Last year: Wemilere 2000


13th "Wemilere" Festival of African Roots
18th to 24th, 2001abakua1.jpg (26343 bytes)

Guanabacoa, Cuba
Dedicated to Brasil

Competitive event which promotes the representative folkloric African traditions of the territory. Theoretical events and magistral classes. "Wemilere" takes place in Guanabacoa institutions, neighborhoods and parks.


November 18th to 24th
Frequency : Yearly
Sponsor: Havana City Provincial Direction of Culture
Site: Guanabacoa, Havana City
Organizing Committee : Mrs. Ada Rosa Alfonso. Phone : : (537)970202 Fax: (537)979187
Touristic agency : Paradiso


San Cristóbal de La Habana festivities keep alive the tradition on occasion of its 482 anniversary, to be celebrated in November, 10th to 24th. Habaneras en La Habana ¨ Festival, aimed to foster new compositions on this gender, will be celebrated during it. Wemilere, African roots festival on music dance, visual arts, theoretical events and presentation of books,held in Guanabacoa, settles the closing of these celebrations.


Date: November 22nd to 28th.
Frequency: Yearly.
Sponsors: Cultural Direction of Havana City Province. "Fernando Ortíz" Foundation and Cultural Direction of Guanabacoa Municipality.
Site: Guanabacoa, Havana City.

Competitive event which promotes the representative folkloric African traditions of the territory. Theoretical events and magistral classes. "Wemilere" takes place in Guanabacoa institutions, neighborhoods and parks.    



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