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12th "Wemilere", Festival of African Roots
Dedicated to Benin, 11/19/00 - 11/25/00

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The Organizing Committee of "Wemilere", Festival of African Roots, cosponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Cuba, the Havana City Provincial Direction of Culture, The Cuba Ofice of UNESCO, the "Fernando Ortiz" Foundation and the Embassy of Benin, summon to the 12th Edition of this event, to be held from November 19th to 25th.

Participants may take part in theoretical events, magistral classes on african origin music and dance, delivered by prestigious specialists along the event. Other choices to enjoy include : non-professional dance groups, rumba in the streets, popular fair, artisitic galas with reputed folkloric groups from Cuba, and from other countries, video screening, visits to centers of cultural and historical interest in Guanabacoa, where the roots talk.

Previous auditions to the event will take place from September 15th to October 15th in the "Rita Montaner", House of Culture, at Máximo Gómez No. 59 between Nazareno and Bartemmatti, Guanabacoa. Phones : (537) 979244, 976111.

Those interested may produced up to three works to be auditioned, with their respective synopsis and to the wardrobe to be used in the event. Soloist groups, non-resident in Havana City: their works will be only accepted previously auditioned in the Center of Community Culture from their respective provinces, which will send the corresponding endorsements together with a selected work synthesis and the set-up design.

Further information, get in contact with the "Rita Montaner" House of Culture.

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