Reggaetón Cubano - Cubaton
los reggaetoneros
"Las instituciones culturales de cada provincia,
municipio o localidad del país tienen la permanente responsabilidad de
orientar el gusto musical…" --
La música de ‘El Dany’ suena en las calles habaneras como despedida al
reguetonero 7/1/2020 14 y medio: "Un fuente médica del hospital
detalló a este diario que la causa de muerte fue un "infarto agudo de
miocardio y a esa edad, es poco probable que sea aterosclerosis, la causa
más frecuente en los adultos". Con lo cual, según el galeno, quedan dos
posibles motivos para la falla cardíaca: un "espasmo coronario, en las
arterias que le llevan sangre al corazón inducido por alguna sustancia o
una trombopatía, derivada de una enfermedad que hace que la sangre coagule
más fácilmente". Tras difundirse la noticia de su muerte, decenas de
personas se acercaron a las afueras del Cuerpo de Guardia del hospital
Calixto García a rendir tributo al músico. El entierro se realizó poco
después, cerca de las 2 pm, en el habanero Cementerio Cristóbal Colón pero
muchos seguidores de El Dany no pudieron asistir, dada la celeridad con
que tuvo lugar el sepelio, una prisa que ha sorprendido a muchos y
molestado a parte de su público."
Jacob Forever estrena nuevo videoclip dirigido por Freddy Loons 8/22/2019 Vistar: "A
tres horas de su estreno, el audiovisual cuenta ya con siete mil
visualizaciones, lo que demuestra que se trata de uno de los exponentes
del género urbano en Cuba más seguidos."
Reparto, un reguetón a la cubana 7/6/2019 El Toque: "Son Popy y La
Moda, DJ Gómez, el Kali… Son reparteros y no se esconden para decir que
sus canciones pueden ser vulgares, pero frescos como lechugas, dicen (y
aciertan) que son los que mueven a miles de jóvenes cubanos en cualquier
discoteca. ¿Quiénes son, cómo trabajan? Mira aquí…"
Otaola teme por su vida y piden revocación de visa para el reguetonero
Yomil 5/29/2019 Radio Television Marti: "El actor y presentador
cubano radicado en Miami, Alex Otaola, responsabilizó al reguetonero
Roberto F. Hidalgo (alias Yomil), a empresarios que lo apoyan y hasta a la
policía de Miami de lo que le pueda ocurrir, después que el músico lo
golpeara y amenazara de muerte el pasado sábado."
Roberto Fonseca: “Respeto a todo aquel que lucha por crear” 2/11/2019 On
Cuba: "Soy de los que están en contra de criticar el reguetón. Como
también sucede con el trap, este género tiene, desde el punto de vista
sonoro, un ritmo increíble, súper contagioso. El problema, es cierto, está
en sus letras y en sus videoclips. Pero es importante notar que la
popularidad de este género responde a un público. No es un tema solo para
la crítica del reguetón. Es más bien sobre cómo conversamos en materia de
cultura. Si tú vives en la casa del rock, y yo quiero conversar contigo,
no te puedo decir “el rock es una basura, la verdad es la música
tradicional cubana”. Al contrario, si quiero conversar contigo, debo
decirte: “Mira, voy a traerte algo del rock que tú escuchas, pero desde mi
punto de vista.”
Kamerum El Akdmico: auténtico afrocuban trap 10/30/2017 Zafra: "Cocinado
en los estudios de Guámpara Music, Aiyeraiye, el nuevo single de Kamerum
El Akdmico, ha llegado acompañado de un videoclip para regalar a sus
seguidores un tema de auténtico afrocuban trap, según asegura el artista
en la letra de la canción. Mezcla de hip hop santiaguero con influencias
del Caribe, Kamerum El Akdmico, se desenvuelve en géneros que van desde el
soul hasta el reggae, y es un representante de lo que han dado a llamar el
“sonido guámpara”, sello que distingue a esta productora independiente de
música urbana nacida hace poco más de dos años en Cuba."
‘Súbeme La Radio’ Is Cuba’s Heartbreak Anthem Of The Summer 8/3/2017 Repeating
Islands: "“Súbeme La Radio” is sung by Enrique Iglesias and was written by
Cuban composer-turned-jazz bassist Descemer Bueno and Puerto Rican
reggaeton duo Zion and Lennox. Its lyrics depict a familiar scene: turning
up the radio while nursing a broken heart. And it’s climbing the charts."
Cuba reconoce disco de Yomil y El Dany entre los mejores del año 5/6/2017 Cibercuba: "En
medio de una campaña de las autoridades para promover a los artistas de
mayor calidad y frenar el empuje del reguetón, el Festival Internacional
Cubadisco 2017, el evento de oro de la música cubana, nominó a los
reguetoneros Yomil y El Dany en la categoría de música urbana."
Gente de Zona en Cuba para vacaciones y acciones de promoción 5/6/2017 Cibercuba: "El
popular dúo de reguetón Gente de Zona se encuentra en Cuba tras alcanzar
varios premios Latin Billboard 2017 y consagrarse como uno de los grupos
cubanos más famosos a nivel internacional. El dúo, formado por Alexander
Delgado ? y Randy Malcom ?, tiene previstas algunas acciones de promoción
en La Habana y quizás ofrezca alguna presentación, dijo a Cibercuba uno de
los promotores del grupo."
¡WTF! Chacal no pudo hacer su show en el Cubatonazo (+ Video) 5/1/2017 Vistar: "Lo
mejor del Cubatón estuvo este fin de semana en Estados Unidos. Hasta Fort
Myers llegaron Yakarta, Dayamí Padrón, Jay Maly, La Charanga Habanera,
Candiman, el Chacal, entre otros, para ofrecer un concierto como parte del
CubanLive Music Festival. Todo estuvo bien, al menos para el público,
hasta que Chacal interrumpió su presentación. ¿Qué pasó? En realidad,
Chacal estaba dispuesto a seguir cantando, a hacer lo suyo sobre el
Documental destapa asuntos tabú sobre el reggaetón cubano 4/5/2017 IPS: "Un
documental de unos 20 minutos de duración realizado por la cubanoamericana
Lisette Poole pretende arrojar luz sobre el fenómeno comunicativo y
comercial del reggaetón en Cuba, que se desarrolla en espacios
alternativos. Reggaetón Revolución: Cuba en la Era Digital aborda los
puntos más problemáticos del fenómeno de reggaetón en Cuba: procesos
productivos informales, distribución y promoción alternativas, relación
conflictiva con los medios de comunicación masiva estatales, la censura en
algunos espacios públicos y la reciente comercialización fuera de la isla
How Reggaetón Exploded All Over Cuba Without the Internet 3/30/2017 Wired: "You
can’t visit Cuba and not hear reggaetón. The eclectic mix of salsa,
hip-hop and electronica blasts from shops, cars and bike taxis. And
despite government censorship and limited internet access, the genre
exploded in popularity thanks to “el paquete,” a grassroots distribution
system that relies on nothing more than hard drives, thumb drives, and
old-fashioned hand delivery."
Savona – 'Carnival' feat. Solis & Randy Valentine [from the Havana Meets
Kingston project] 2/16/2017 YouTube: "HAVANA MEETS KINGSTON is a
world first album due for release in mid 2017. The project began in 2015
when Australian producer Mista Savona teamed up with Sly & Robbie, Bongo
Herman, 'Bopee' Anderson and other legendary Jamaican musicians and
personally flew them to Havana to work with members of the Buena Vista
Social Club, Los Van Van, Havana Cultura & more. Alongside these highly
experienced musicians Savona also scouted for young & up-and-coming
artists from both countries, and it's this fusion of age, experience,
culture and musical styles that makes this project so exceptional."
Savona - 'Carnival Horns' feat. Julito Padron [from the Havana Meets
Kingston project] 2/16/2017 YouTube: "This is the B-Side to
'Carnival' - the first single from the 'Havana Meets Kingston' album, due
for release mid 2017."
Havana Meets Kingston - An Introduction 1/4/2017 YouTube: "Australia’s
leading reggae and dancehall producer and accomplished pianist, Mista
Savona (aka Jake Savona), has gathered some of Cuba and Jamaica’s most
influential musicians in the one recording studio to create a world first
album. Despite their huge respective global appeal and geographical
proximity, there has never been a full length album that unites the unique
sounds of both Jamaican and Cuban music - till now."
Cubatonazo: Alfombra roja para el reguetón cubano en Miami 11/21/2016 Café
Fuerte: "El reguetón cubano tuvo este fin de semana su alfombra de entrada
al mercado de Miami de forma masiva y, como era de esperar, lo hizo con
polémica, inmerso en una aparente guerra interna entre los defensores de
ese género."
SBS Launches First Cubaton Station in the Country: Exclusive 8/15/2016 Billboard: "In
a nod to the growing popularity of urban Cuban music in the U.S., Spanish
Broadcasting System today flipped its Miami top 40 radio station, La Nueva
I95.7 FM, to Ritmo 95.7 FM, with the tagline “Cubatón y más” (Cubatón and
more) on Monday (Aug. 15). The move sends a major message to the
marketplace that commercial radio sees Cubatón -- the mix of reggaetón
with Cuban beats and sometimes trap -- and the Cuban urban movement in
general as more than a passing fad."
Reggaeton’s what you want, go ahead! 7/12/2016 Havana Times: "A few
months ago, on the day people celebrate the founding of the UJC and OPJM**
in Cuba, a number of primary and secondary schools put out powerful
speakers onto the street and shook the neighborhood with reggaeton’s
contagious beat. I stopped for a moment at one of these celebrations to
watch the erotic choreography that these young people dressed in their
mustard colored uniforms were performing. In early days, this festive
occasion used to be celebrated with music by Silvio Rodriguez; clearly,
both teachers and students agree on the fact that it’s no longer the time
for trova (folk) music."
Danay Suárez, Polvo de la Humedad 7/11/2016 Brooklyn Rail: "Song
after song, Cuban artist Danay Suárez’s album Polvo de la Humedad is a
well executed hip hop and reggae album. With her grave rapping voice,
soulful singing voice, and nuanced rhythms, she mesmerizes with the
sincerity of perfected expression. This is sincerity we expect in
contemporary reggae music but no longer expect much of in hip hop."
El Príncipe firma contrato de 5 años con Rottweilas 6/29/2016 Vistar: "El
Príncipe comienza una nueva etapa, ahora más internacional, con nuevas
expectativas. De la mano de Rottweilas, la disquera del puertorriqueño
Cosculluela ahora llega “una nueva etapa para mí, hace tiempo veníamos
hablando la posibilidad de hacer mi carrera a nivel global pero hasta
ahora es que se materializa”, nos dijo El Príncipe de los nuevos
Havana Meets Kingston - A Thank You To Our Kickstarter Supporters 6/4/2016 YouTube
Músicos cubanos que no debes dejar de oir 11/23/2015 Vistar: "La
nuestra es una tierra musical. Eso no es un secreto. De esta Isla del
Caribe han salido exitosos músicos. Chucho Valdés, Juan Formell y Los Van
Van, la popular Celia Cruz y el Septeto Santiaguero son quizás, algunos de
los de mayor renombre internacional. En esta ocasión, la revista digital
PAPER destacó en su artículo “10 Cuban Musicians You Need to Hear” la obra
de jóvenes exponentes de esta manifestación en el país. Contrario a lo que
muchos pueden pensar, entre los nombres resalta Michael Sierra Miranda,
más conocido como El Micha. Un reggaetonero al que califican como figura
prominente en la escena del “Cubatón”, cosecha propia de La Habana, y uno
de los pocos exponentes que ha logrado trascender más allá de su barrio."
Si tu cuerpo pide reguetón… 9/27/2015 Negra Cubana: "Si ser feminista
implica que no debería escuchar reguetón, entonces yo no sería feminista."
Alejandro Santoya: del Yabó Reloaded al Yonki 6/13/2015 Vistar
Reggae finds its groove in Cuba 5/31/2015 Jamaica Observer: "Many
travel experts expect the entertainment and lifestyle scenes there to
explode once the US normalises relations with the Communist country. That
could be this year. Jamaica is Cuba's closest neighbour, so it seems
inevitable will have a presence there. From May 18-22, the exhibition,
'Bob Marley Time Will Tell', took place at Casa De Las Americas, in
Havana, Cuba's capital."
Romeo Santos & Enrique Iglesias Win Big at 2015 Billboard Latin Music
Awards 4/30/2015 Billboard: "The track featuring Descemer Bueno and
the Cuban group Gente De Zona spent a record-breaking 41 weeks at No. 1 on
Billboard's Hot Latin Songs chart."
Guampara Music Presents: Sangre de Reggae - Somos (Video Oficial -
Official Clip) 2/27/2015 Guampara: "Sangre de Reggae_La primera banda
de Reggae de Santiago de Cuba......La fuerza del Caribe."
The Strange
Case of Cuba’s Gilbert Man 2/14/2015 Havana Times: "Cuban USB drives
– the people’s Internet – are now carrying the graphic details of the
massive police operation conducted some weeks ago, when the well-known
reggaeton music promoter Gilbert Man (a Cuban citizen holding ID card
number 86060806804, issued to Gilberto Martinez Suarez on March 14, 2014)
was arrested."
Showing Arrest of Cuban Reggaeton Musician Leaked 2/10/2015 Havana
Times: "Though the announced re-establishment of diplomatic relations
between Cuba and the United States opens the possibility for the US to
demand the extradition of fugitives from justice, it seems unlikely
Martinez will be handed over to US authorities. The cases of the dozens of
fugitives from US justice living in Cuba after committing acts of
million-dollar Medicare and car insurance fraud have been brought to the
discussion table and constitute issues to be addressed during bilateral
negotiations, but no short-term solution is yet in sight. Some charged
with Medicare fraud have voluntarily returned to the United States to
settle their debts with justice."
Cuban Reggaetón Singer Who Fled U.S. Flaunts Bling, Gets Arrested in
Havana 1/26/2015 Billboard: "The 28-year-old fledging performer was
allegedly one of a trio of identity thieves who had used 100 different
credit cards to buy expensive electronics and make purchases at Toys R'
Us, Babies R' Us and other stores of over $150,000. It was not his first
arrest. The Sun-Sentinel reported that Cuban-U.S. policy over the past
decades has enabled Cuban-born criminals escape to the island. Because of
the icy relations between the two countries, they could normally could
live there with no fear of being returned back to the States by Cuban
authorities. The historic talks between the two nations could lead to
changes in cooperative law enforcement. According to the Sun-Sentinel, the
U.S. Marshals Service in South Florida has been compiling a list of
fugitives believed to be living in Cuba, "in case things change," and the
Castro government begins to comply with extradition requests."
Hit Single
“Bailando” Sweeps the Board Everywhere Except Cuba 12/4/2014 Havana
Times: "The super-hit Bailando (“Dancing”), selected Song of the Year at
the 2014 Latin Grammys, whose official version has had over 567 million
views on YouTube, has made it to the top of the list in all countries
around the world save Cuba, where it was unable to secure the Most Popular
Music Video of the year trophy."
Gente D’ Zona’s Latin GRAMMY success spells new era for Cuban artists 10/22/2014 Voxxi: "On
the telluric success of the song, Descemer told Javier Poza on Mexican
television, “It’s beautiful having the beginning of a career after 20
years of hard work. I didn’t always have the courage to defend my songs. I
just found the courage and enthusiasm with the support of fellow artists
and friends like Enrique Iglesias and Jorge Villamisal.” But Descemer is
not a rookie in the music industry. In his 20 years as a producer and
songwriter, he has worked with Enrique for the last 10. In 2011, he helped
Iglesias gain a Billboard nomination with the song “Cuando me Enamoro,”
featuring Juan Luis Guerra. That hit was number one in Billboard charts
for 18 weeks and remained in the Top 10 for an entire year."
Gente D’Zona humbled with their Latin Grammy nods 10/16/2014 Voxxi: "For
Randy Malcom, singer of Gente D’Zona, having a Latin Grammy nomination is
a true blessing. From their native streets in Cuba to becoming a global
success, the hot duo has a lot to celebrate. Malcom and bandmate Alexander
Delgado have been the island’s hidden gem for many years. The world
discovered their captivating sound when they were featured in Enrique
Iglesias’ version of Descemer Bueno’s original song “Bailando.”"
Music: Neither Rap Nor Reggaeton 8/25/2014 Havana Times: "The
organizers of the contest are evidently clear on what qualifies as “Cuban”
music and what does not. “Ballads”, a genre dating back to medieval
European poetry, invoking the genius of Polish composer Chopin and the
popular music of nearly all Western countries of the twentieth century, is
“Cuban.” “Traditional songs,” which can be just about anything, are also
“Cuban.” Neither rap nor reggaeton are, however."
Better Dance Cuban-style 3/7/2013 Granma: "Referring to the Baila
dance project, aimed at promoting traditional rhythms and dance among
young people, Alonso affirmed, "We are going to teach young people to
dance, not because they don't know how, but because we want them to
improve. Given the controversy over the acceptance or rejection of
reguetón and timbatón, we aim to guide young people, to restore the
popular fiestas, traditional styles danced in couples, and ballroom
dancing, which have been forgotten. It is better to teach them at the
grassroots level."
socio-culturales de la sociedad cubana de hoy. (Resumir, desde el punto de
vista científico, a partir de estudios realizados, dónde está y hacia
dónde se mueve la sociedad cubana actual, que nos permita explicarnos
fenómenos como la aceptación popular del reguetón en sus variantes más
agresivas y prosaicas)."
Gente de Zona will perform in Italy, France, Spain, and Germany in
February 2013 1/17/2013 Havana Cultura: "Reggaeton band Gente de Zona
is back in Europe this winter!"
REGUETÓN QUE VIENE Y VA 1/14/2013 UNEAC: "Las instituciones
culturales de cada provincia, municipio o localidad del país tienen la
permanente responsabilidad de orientar el gusto musical…"
Cuba Targets Racy Reggaeton Lyrics 1/7/2013 Huff Post: "Cuban
authorities recently announced restrictions reportedly declaring state-run
recording studios and broadcasts off-limits to songs with questionable
lyrics. They also prohibit such music in performance spaces subject to
government control. The rules would theoretically apply to all genres, but
it's reggaeton that leading cultural lights have singled out for criticism
in official media while warning of new rules governing "public uses of
Se acabó el “perreo” en Cuba 1/7/2013 Joseph Caceres: Comentario:
"Anónimo dijo... Esto solo se puede hacer donde gobiernan hombres"
Cuba Dances Reggaeton 12/25/2012 Havana Culture: scroll down for
image links to popular Cuban reggaeton players.
vs. Nueva Trova (Eng) 12/21/2012 Havana Times: "They were talking
about what happened on November 16th in Ciego de Avila Province, where
people were supposed to celebrate a concert marking the 45th anniversary
of Nueva Trova. The young trova singers who were featured there got a
nasty surprise when they saw the supposed audience — composed of younger
people and teens — force them to cancel the concert with their repeated
and upsetting manner of asking that those trova tunes be replaced by the
now omniscient rhythms of reggaeton."
vs. Nueva Trova (Esp) 12/21/2012 Havana Times: "…los sucedido el
pasado día 16 de noviembre en la provincia de Ciego de Ávila, donde se
debía celebrar el concierto por el 45 aniversario de la Nueva Trova. Los
jóvenes trovadores protagonistas del concierto se llevaron la desagradable
sorpresa al ver al supuesto público, integrado por jóvenes y adolescentes,
que los obligaron a suspender el concierto ante la reiterada y
descompuesta manera de pedir que los trovadores fueran sustituidos por el
ya omnisciente ritmo del reggaetón."
Alkana. Reggaetonera, rapera, mc 12/20/2012 Havana Cultura: "Mileidys
González, alias Alkana, is one of the main ambassadors of the feminine
branch of the Cubaton Hip Hop. Describing herself as a true “feminist”,
she regrets the lack of representation that afflicts women in her musical
scene. “If you speak about hip-hop, you’ll always end up speaking about
men first, and you’ll have to dig deeper to find something else. That
scandalizes me, because there’s a lot of women doing a great job”, she
Cuba cracks down on 'vulgar' reggaeton music 12/8/2012 Guardian,
UK: "Musicians who play reggaeton are threatened with being struck off
official lists, making it harder for them to work, and recordings are
already being purged from official catalogues. Radio and television
stations are also under pressure to drop reggaeton – though Cubans can
still turn their dials to radio stations in nearby Miami or elsewhere."
¿Quién ha inventado que en Cuba se ha prohibido el reggaeton? 12/7/2012 Rebelion: "Por
contra, ninguno de estos medios mencionó una sola vez la palabra
“gobierno” al informar de que, hace meses, un videoclip de la famosa
cantante Rihanna fue retirado de las televisiones de once países,
incluyendo Reino Unido y Francia (15); otro de Robbie Williams era
eliminado de la BBC por presión de varias asociaciones de pensionistas
(16); y otro de No Doubt fue retirado por el propio grupo tras las
protestas de colectivos indígenas, por mencionar solo tres casos recientes
(17). En la citada entrevista al presidente del Instituto Cubano de la
Música, Orlando Vistel menciona otro de los aspectos denunciados por
intelectuales y músicos de la Isla: la ínfima calidad musical de gran
parte de los temas reggaeton que, a pesar de ello, cuentan con una
desproporcionada presencia en la radio y la televisión del país. El
funcionario propone en la entrevista una regulación en los medios cubanos
para retornar a un equilibrio de estilos musicales, que refleje la inmensa
variedad y riqueza musical de Cuba, hoy parcialmente eclipsada por la
hegemonía del reggaeton."
Cuba: Reggaeton Hit ‘Chupi Chupi' Denounced by Authorities 12/7/2012 Global
Voices: "[It’s] known that censorship and banning only stimulates
consumption of what is prohibited. Over the past few days people haven’t
stopped talking about the “Chupi case,” and those who hadn’t yet seen the
video have gone running to find it. What makes it subversive has had an
inverse effect on—and made attractive—everything that disgusts the
Cuban Government Censors Reggaeton and "Sexually Explicit" Songs 12/6/2012 ABC
Univision: "Although reggaetton and hip hop musicians are not a direct
threat to the Cuban government, they have amassed a large following and
audience across the island," Raices wrote. "Over recent years, the music
scene in Cuba has become increasingly reflective of the diversity and
interests of its population and has become an outlet for their
observations and for communication among its citizenry."
Cuba cracks down on Reggaeton music 12/6/2012 NBC Latino
Cuba cracks down on 'vulgar' reggaeton music 12/6/2012 The Guardian
5 videos de reggaetón que Cuba reprueba 12/5/2012 Union
Jalisco: "Estos son algunos videos del género, de artistas originarios de
Cuba; conóce las letras que incomodaron al gobierno cubano:"
Contra el reggaetón, nada 12/5/2012 Nuevo Herald: "El reggaetón
sobrevivirá, sin embargo, la presente andanada puritana por dos razones
principales. En primera porque sus grabaciones circulan de modo
alternativo en un país sin mercado oficial para esos menesteres y en
segunda, por lo rentable que resulta para la industria del turismo
contratar a uno, dos o tres cantantes y un DJ, que son los componentes del
reggaetón, en vez de una orquesta, para amenizar sitios nocturnos donde la
entrada puede sobrepasar los $100 o CUC, la moneda convertible cubana."
Ni la vulgaridad ni la mediocridad podrán mellar la riqueza de la música
cubana 11/30/2012 Granma: "Las instituciones culturales y los
Consejos de la Administración en las provincias y los municipios cuentan
con la autoridad y el deber de velar por la correcta aplicación de la
política cultural. Pero insisto: las medidas administrativas y jurídicas
no son efectivas por sí mismas si no van acompañadas por una labor de
orientación, esclarecimiento y convencimiento acerca de los valores que
debemos promover".
Cantante del “Chupi Chupi” acusa de censor al ministro de Cultura 11/26/2012 Café
Fuerte: “¿Cómo pudo un ministro de la cultura ir en contra de lo que
quiere y prefiere su país?”, se cuestiona el músico. “Quién se cree que es
para hacer callar a la expresión más pura de Dios que es la música porque
a él no le guste, y despojarme a mí, el supuesto músico que él esta
representando, de lo que tanto he llorado, he luchado, he trabajado, he
sufrido, he anhelado, he soñado, he respetado y moriré amando…”
La vulgaridad en nuestra música: ¿una elección del “pueblo cubano”? 11/23/2012 Granma: por
Doctora María Córdova
REGGAETON 9/25/2012 Cuba Now: "Other equally important elements have
made daily contributions to the proliferation of fads and modalities found
in reggaeton; among them, we must stress the high marketing level music
has today in the contemporary world. It's not by chance that Miami’s Music
Czar Emilio Estefan has shown so much interest in the work of Puerto Rican
reggaeton musician Don Omar, or the fact that Sony Music has dedicated
space in its productions to members of the reggaeton family, like Buddha’s
Family, Mickey Perfecto or Noztra, or that Universal -another great music
producer and distributor- has also become interested in that Caribbean
phenomenon. You have to sell recordings and that's done where marketing
points to. In the contemporary world, trade is centralized in urban zones,
which are their basic sources of income because most of the circulation of
merchandise takes place there and the buyers are the great number of
people who live there. If we take into consideration that a good amount of
that public is formed by people with low incomes whose culture is formed
in the group of values determined by their belonging to a basically
dispossessed and politically dominated social class, we can have an idea
of the kind of artistic product they can buy."
Este viernes 17: Reggae en Alamar por Marcus Garvey 8/16/2012 Red
Observatorio Crítico: "Un género común para grupos de músicos de La
Habana, quienes “vienen trabajando en uno de los géneros más
representativos del Caribe y menos promocionado en Cuba”. “Sus influencias
y aportes a la nueva generación de la música popular son de nuestro
interés, así como visualizar una muestra de sus exponentes en La Habana”
–explican los organizadores en un promocional. “El homenaje al nacimiento
de Marcus Garvey…” será realizado por “…un Grupo de Artistas y Promotores
de la Música, con la colaboración de la Dirección Municipal de Cultura de
Habana del Este…” –contiene la nota."
The latest 2012 Cuban Reggaeton in the brand new compilation of the "Cuba
Top Reggaeton" Hit series 4/11/2012 Cuba Music
The Puerto Rican reggaeton duo Jowell & Randy could not enter Venezuela
last Friday. The authorities of that country claimed that they had the
wrong visa to perform at a concert they had planned there. 3/20/2012 ReggaetonLine: "We
feel extremely humiliated ... in the six years we have been traveling the
world, we never went through something like that. I am so sad. Well, we go
back to Puerto Rico, deported for the first time." The artists were
supported by their fans on social networks."
Disrupted Femininity 2/7/2012 Cuba Now: "In Cuba, reggaeton usually
reproduces a passive image of women which, from a prevailing stereotype of
beauty, are presented as if their essence were that of sexual objects.
Lyrics present a high male chauvinist contents and an extremely vulgar
language. The present essay, from a feminist standpoint, analyzes this
Prohiben el Reggaeton en Venezuela 1/11/2012 Emu Digital: "La norma
más reciente de Hugo Chávez dice exactamente así: “Se prohíbe la
divulgación y promoción de lo que son géneros musicales como el reggaeton
y el vallenato, pues su alto contenido grotesco incita a movimientos
vulgares y sexuales no acorde con la edad e higiene mental de los niños”.
Los partidarios de Chávez afirman que "la prohibición se suma a las tantas
otras realizadas en países iberoamericanos como Honduras, Nicaragua y El
Lyrical Subversion in Cuban Reggae 8/20/2011 Image &
Narrative: Published in May, 2005 - "When several specialists express
conservative opinions in using the term “Cuban reggae” as a solid genre,
this essay is conceived as an approach to the social processes that
catalyze the consolidation of a musical style --reggae-- in a given space
– Cuba. My main argument is to emphasize that reggae was born in Cuba
under the same conditions of marginalization and subordination that still
today make it a lyrically subversive cultural tendency. It is necessary to
note, however, that there is more than one type of reggae. I mainly focus
on what is more universally identified as “roots” reggae without
disregarding the interesting fusions of the Spanish Caribbean influences
with Cuba's musical mainstream, which gave way to the so called reggaetón
style. In characterizing “subversion” in a thematic analysis, the paper is
based on a more cultural meaning in the mere political connotation of this
Venezuelan duo Chino & Nacho set to release new album called Supremo 4/21/2011 Examiner: "The
band initially evolved from merengue hip-hop to a dance reggaeton rhythm
but with a unique Venezuelan flow. With the arrival of their very
successful hit “Niña Bonita” featured an original version and then adapted
a U.S version which gained more international exposure. Why? They have
featured popular musicians like Divino, Don Omar, R.K.M. & Ken-Y, Potro
Alvarez & and Baroni."
Paulo FG New Album ‘Sin Etiqueta’ is OUT!!!! 1/3/2011 Timba
Geek: "News coming from one of the most famous Cuban artist inside and
outside Cuba, finally the new album of Paulo FG ‘Sin Etiqueta’ is out on
sale. Salsa, reggaeton and obviously timba are among the rhythms present
in an album produced by Bis Music record label."
Rise of Reggaeton 6/27/2010 Norient: "With a building presence in
clubs and on radio in New York and Miami, a couple breakthrough hits were
all that reggaeton needed to introduce its sensuous sounds to the
mainstream. With its Spanglish verses and overt pan-Latino pride, New
York-based rapper N.O.R.E.’s “Oye Mi Canto,” featuring Nina Sky and
reggaeton stalwarts Tego Calderon and Daddy Yankee, explicitly pushed and
promoted reggaeton to what had become — thanks to 2003’s banner year for
dancehall — a reggae-friendly audience. Climbing the charts soon
thereafter, Daddy Yankee’s “Gasolina” became the kind of pop anthem that
no one could ignore (or avoid), convincing hip-hop moguls from Lil Jon to
Diddy to get in on the action."
Cuban Reggaeton! 8/28/2009 last.fm: listen to tracks
Colores sin Benetton, pero a ritmo de reguetón 6/1/2009 Cuba
Encuentro: "En un concierto de César López, el célebre saxofonista empezó
con estas palabras: «Bienvenidos al Havana Jazz Café, territorio libre de
reguetón». Las críticas son conocidas: su chabacanería, su falta de
modestia, una sexualidad desenvuelta, su ruidosa vulgaridad, el
enaltecimiento de la violencia, etc. Semejantes comentarios se usaron para
atacar al son, a la rumba, a la santería y a otras manifestaciones
populares con actitudes francamente clasistas, racistas o que delatan un
prejuicio intelectualoide. Algunos raperos tratan de trazar una línea
infranqueable entre el hip hop y el reguetón, tildando al segundo de
frívolo, materialista (lo que yo llamo «la fulatría») y falto de
conciencia, lo cual es cierto en muchos casos. Y cuando viene esa crítica
de parte de raperos, difícilmente puede atribuírsele tonos racistas, ya
que la gran mayoría de los raperos son negros o mulatos."
que hace falta es Jama! El Video Clip! Reggaeton! 4/25/2009 YouTube: "Valla,
el Panfilo en un video clip de reggaeton, con una jeva haciendole coro y
to jajajajaja"
que hace falta es Jama! (EL ORIGINAL!) 4/25/2009 YouTube: "Comida!!!
Graba ahi!!! Panfilo en Cuba!!! Señores ya esta el reggaeton de panfilo en
este enlace, Ya panfilo es Artista jajajaja A Gozar!"
Prohíben el reggaeton en las escuelas de Venezuela 6/7/2007 Periodista
Digital: "Estamos prohibiéndola para captar la atención de los docentes
como formadores. Suena como una imposición, pero no tenemos otro remedio".
I’m Cuban, a site full of culture 9/10/2006 Cuba Now: "When browsing
Internet, looking for information about Cuba, this address will appear:
www.soycubano.com, and you will not regret having finding it, as the most
important cultural leads of the Island are customary of this site, which
is becoming a model within our culture. There you will find valuable
information about the evolution in the music, arts, cinema, plastic arts
and literature markets, taking into account the results of the sales there
promoted: the CD Reggaeton a lo cubano(various artists) and the DVD Live
in the UK. Alive in Cuba (Félix Baloy and Afro-Cuban All Stars) appear
among the ones with most sales in their genre, while the DVD Memorias del
Subdesarrollo(Tomás Gutiérrez Alea) and La vida es silbar (Fernando Pérez)
are the most applied for films. Meanwhile, Los orishas en Cuba, by Natalia
Bolívar, and Esculturas, by José Villa, appear among the most requested
book titles, only to cite some references."
Grabará Maná versión en reggaeton Labios compartidos 8/26/2006 PL: "San
Juan, 26 ago (PL) Vulnerable al influjo del reggaeton, la banda mexicana
Maná grabará una versión de Labios compartidos en ese ritmo, fusionado con
rock, en alianza con el dúo puertorriqueño Calle 13. El reggaeton es real,
viene de la calle, declaró Alex González, baterista del grupo, en
conferencia de prensa en Carolina (16 kilómetros al este de San Juan), en
la cual recibió un disco doble de platino por la venta de 40 mil copias de
su álbum Amar es compartir. A este pertenece el tema Labios..., que ocupa
el primer lugar en la lista de favoritos de la revista Billboard."
Lanzamiento del nuevo trabajo discografico "DEL MONTUNO AL REGGAETOWN" 9/20/2005 Cubanos
en la Red
Cuban acts a top draw in Vegas 12/31/2004 Miami Herald: "Tropical
Passions, a show with a cast of mostly Miami expats, is based on Havana's
nightlife in the 1950s and features the Grammy-nominated Tropicana All
Stars. It's at the Las Vegas Hilton through Sunday. Havana Night Club: The
Show recently made headlines when all 50 cast members sought asylum. It's
at the Stardust until Jan. 11. Ticket sales for both are brisk… Said
Tropical Passions singer Ivette Viña: ``I think it's important to educate
people about what was happening in Cuba in the '50s. You want to make sure
when people leave the theater, they have a positive image of Cuba.''
(Viña, by the way, called Havana Night Club a cliché, with focus on
drawing an arc from the time slaves were brought from Africa to Cuba to
Havana's reggaeton of today.) " The Cuban-born Merida, who oversees the
third-largest Hispanic chamber in the Southwest with 1,200 members, said
that Hispanic visitors from other states call him asking about Latin
Cuban-American reggae man on a musical mission 5/28/2004 Miami
Herald: "''What people don't know is that Hispanics looooooove reggae,''
Johnny says. In fact, many of Johnny's efforts these days are concentrated
in that arena. He has just returned from his second South American tour,
two concerts in Lima, Peru. He has done Venezuela and Costa Rica, where
3,000 people waited hours on a soccer field for him. A posting to his
website from Caracas calls him el máximo and asks when he'll return to