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  Mala Lengua
Pedro "Pello" Tapanez

Pello's sheet music

Contacting Pello

Pedro Pablo "Pello" Tapanez Gonzalez

The following are some photos of Pello.  Click on the thumbnail to get the full picture, then click on the photo again to come back to the Gallery.

Pello in Matanzas
Pello playing at a house in Matanzas (5597 bytes) 

Pello and the Asipade of Oggun, Oyo
Pello and the Asipade (7779 bytes)

The asipade ("generalissimo") is the leading Oggun personage in Oyo, the old capital of Yorubaland. Pello is Omo Oggun, as were his ancestors from Oyo.

Rumba in Pello's kitchen, singing with Regino
kitchenx.jpg (7068 bytes)

Click on a photo to see full version

Contacting Pello

For now, through this web site

Contacting AfroCubaWeb

Electronic mail
acw_AT_afrocubaweb.com [replace _AT_ with @]

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