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  Mala Lengua

Cyberattack on the "Frente Nacional Contra el Golpe" site?

The morning of 9-22-09, an important Honduras resistance site, , Frente Nacional Contra el Golpe, appeared to be under cyberattack. It normally has a very active twitter feed with numerous reports from the streets across Honduras, detailing police, military, and paramilitary repressive activities under the orders of the coup regime. The attack coincides with the return of exiled President Zelaya to Honduras' capital Tegucigalpa. The attack is thus occurring at a critical moment in Honduran history.

This twitter feed appeared as below around 8:30 AM.  Overall the impression was that the blog received a different feed from the one it was usually getting through a call to    This gadget pulls a twitter feed into an iframe on the Frente Nacional site.

This attack appears to coincide with some problems in Turkey on the Blogger Team's official twitter feed at

Thanks to a post on the Blogger Team's site, we can identify the actual feed spamming the Frente site as being @undefined, belonging to an Adam Croot whose web site is He may well be as much of a victim here as the Frente site. He appears to be aware of the situation as he has this post on his feed:

RT: @Blogger We've forwarded reports of issues w/Twitter gadget showing tweets from @undefined to the creator of the gadget.

Looking through the other twitter accounts, it appears as if the change in feed source is being blamed on the twitter gadget itself and affected all users. If someone was mounting an attack on the Frente, they used a very blunt instrument when other methods would have sufficed..  As of 5 AM 9-23-09, the problem has been resolved.

From Undefined's twitter -- he appears to have followed the situation responsibly:

  • just checked a couple of random blogs... it looks fixed.... SHIT. FUCK. WANK #normalservicehasresumed [appears to be note from repenting coder who fixed his mistake...]
  • I disagree @mindi_rice, if people could code and manage code proper then it wouldnt have happened, or should have been fixed quickly.
  • is it safe to tweet yet or do i still need to talk about poetry and other werid things like that?
  • RT: @Blogger We've forwarded reports of issues w/Twitter gadget showing tweets from @undefined to the creator of the gadget.
  • I will try hold back on the tweets until the problem is fixed... because im nice like that.... @blogger search me... you have problems

Note: this article is not meant to imply that there have been no cyberattacks on the Honduras Resistance!

Twitter feed on as of about 8:30 AM 9/22/09:

  • @glennym with xmas coming i wouldnt be surprised if someone is planning to eat you instead of turkey. the fight was over a telescope btw... 39 minutes ago
  • having so many werid dreams. @glennym got really fat and we had a fight over something @ryancarson said and i got to tie @melkirk's shoes... about 5 hours ago
  • 2 babies. 1 train. 2 retarded sets of parents. both kids are crying. about 18 hours ago
  • Dude, your on a train. QUIT MAKING SO MUCH FUCKING NOISE EATING YOUR SHITTY FOOD... about 18 hours ago
  • @tomboa because he's only got his right hand atm. about 22 hours ago
  • @pezholio ah niceeee! will have to dust off some old code and try it out tonight. about 23 hours ago
  • That was a close match but in the end... I BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUTTA 3DSECURE AND MOTHERPWND EMAIL. 1 day ago
  • In a world of 3d secure hell. #checkoutsystemsblowballs 1 day ago
  • @pezholio no i have never seen that before. looks good! have you found any innacuracies with it? 1 day ago
  • @getdarker yeh ill pop in for a quick half and plenty of screwface. line up looks good! 1 day ago
  • this is odd out of an entire train carridge. im the person not wearing a suit. and im also the only one that looks remotely happy. 1 day ago
  • doc Scott 2009 part 8 is good. that intro is special. 1 day ago
  • @pezholio i find though until royal mail drop the copyright/cost on postcodes, mapping is a tedious task. 1 day ago
  • @pezholio i've developed with that in the past. OpenLayers is a very powerful library. The license is restrictive though. 1 day ago
  • Having a bath. covered in dog dribble. lots of. 1 day ago
  • Finally got a replacement coffee grinder... so much better with freshly ground beans. 1 day ago
  • arms are riddled with doms. love it. 2 days ago
  • new halo3:odst looks awesome. 3 days ago
  • off to bed to read a couple chapters of @fling's 'mobile design and development' i picked up @dconstruct 3 days ago
  • Chest press. shoulder press. seated rows. lat pull down. 2 k run. cornish pasty = my friday night. 3 days ago

Twitter feed on later in the day at 10:19 PM, 9/22/09:

The above feed appears to be just a continuation of the same feed from early morning.

This appears to be the code calling the twitter feed, as gleaned from a view source on the Frente site:

{id: "div-mvsv78uopzm1",
     height: 200,
       url: "",
       "view-params": {"displayLink":true,"myUsername":"contraelgolpe","myUpdates"},
       "prefs": {"displayLink":"1","myUsername":"contraelgolpe","myUpdates"},
     site: "02756416497765400385",
     useLightBoxForCanvas: false, 
     locale: 'es' }


These problems appear to coincide with some problems in Turkey reported on the Blogger Team's official twitter site (@Blogger, (as of 10:25 PM, 9/22/09). Here is a snapshot from that time:

The Blogger team appears to have an associated web site = and so would seem to working for, which is not the hosting the Frente Nacional site. Perhaps there is no relationship here other than that the feed showing up on the Frente site includes a post from @Blogger.


Following a lead from @Blogger, we look up the  site and find our feed at which has the name Adam Croot in the title and links to this website:

  1. RT: @Blogger We've forwarded reports of issues w/Twitter gadget showing tweets from @undefined to the creator of the gadget.
  2. I will try hold back on the tweets until the problem is fixed... because im nice like that.... @blogger search me... you have problems
  3. @Aspelkamp you'll have to let to me know when its fixed so normal service can resume :)
  4. @btdj yeh I work for D&BA on a technical level though.. shoot me an email ... adam at breakbeat dot co dot uk
  5. If my tweets are showing on your blog. Please cry to someone else but me. I don't know why, I didnt do it and I cant fix it. thanks.
  6. Off to the gym. Rowing.
  7. @C_Carey and as lovley and polite as you seem to be there is little i can do to rid your blog of my blabber, it usually fixes itself, sorry!
  8. @0rw3ll nope. its not really anything to do with me, i suggest people with the problem complain... many voices will get the issue noticed.
  9. @emma_cossey i'm just too popular... :( yeh some code when it errors returns "undefined".. little i can do to fix :( #ididntbreakitHONEST
  10. @carlmw exabyte ftw.... why do you say that though?
  11. @nopolymerchains no offence taken. nobody wants to be me, pretty sucky tbh. but yeh, last time it was like it for a few hours.
  12. @maxytaxy afraid not.. its some gayness between twitter/blogger (last week it was only blogger blogs)
  13. @QueenPenelope86 i havent hacked anything lol its something wrong with twitter/blogger happened a few weeks ago #sarcasmfail
  14. .@heyroc its because i hacked the world. all your feeds are belong to me.
  15. You should probably listen to this: It's like good. but better.
  16. @glennym with xmas coming i wouldnt be surprised if someone is planning to eat you instead of turkey. the fight was over a telescope btw...
  17. having so many werid dreams. @glennym got really fat and we had a fight over something @ryancarson said and i got to tie @melkirk's shoes...
  18. 2 babies. 1 train. 2 retarded sets of parents. both kids are crying.
  20. @tomboa because he's only got his right hand atm.





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