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  Mala Lengua

Marina OchoaMarina Ochoa
film director

Marina Ochoa is an award-winning filmmaker and head of the Cuban Women Filmmakers Mediatheque.

Among her credits is Blanco es mi pelo, negra es mi piel  featuring Marķa de los Reyes Castillo, "Reyita", a laborer and organizer who is also the subject of a well known book, Reyita: The Life of a Black Cuban Woman in the Twentieth Century by her daughter, Daysi Rubiera Castillo, founder of the Fernando Ortiz African Cultural Centre in Santiago de Cuba.

Links/Enlaces top

Blanco es mi pelo, negra es mi piel

Creating Spaces for Women’s Voices: The First International Showcase of Women Filmmakers 3/11/2013 Cuba Now: interview with Marina Ochoa

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