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Elio Ruiz

Elio Ruiz is a Cuban filmmaker living in the United States. He has written for theater, television, movies and the print media. He has participated in productions in Cuba, Germany, Mexico and the United States.

In addition, he has taught drama, screenwriting workshops, and has been an acting coach for several institutions, including Cuba’s International School of Cinema and Television, the Universidad Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM), Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica (known as C.C.C.), the Lumière Institute, the Cuauhtémoc University of Puebla, and Cinecipac, Mexico.

As screenwriter, filmmaker, and producer, he was recognized with several national and international awards and honorable mentions in the categories of Documentary and Documentary Mini Series, including the “Caracol” Award from Cuba’s Writer and Artist Union (UNEAC).

In 1989 and 1990, he received the “Coral” Award at Havana’s International Film Festival for Mini Series Documentary and Documentary, respectively.

He received the “Pitirre” Award from Cine San Juan, Puerto Rico Film Festival, for best producer and documentary director for “Quien Baila Aquí (La rumba sin lentejuelas),” [“Who Dances Here? (Rumba without spangles)”, a documentary with Tata Güines].

His creative and journalistic writing has been published in Cuba, Mexico, Spain, Argentina and United States.

-- from his blog,


A documentary about the Congo or Bantu religion in Cuba.
Language: Spanish Subtitles: None Length: 35 minutes



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