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  Mala Lengua

Danielle Pilar Clealand

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"I am a black Nuyorican and my work overall, highlights black solidarity, struggle and voice through an interdisciplinary lens. My research examines racial politics in the Caribbean and the United States, a research path influenced by my personal connection to the Caribbean and my life as an Afro-Latina in the many spaces of the U.S. My current projects focus on racism and black consciousness in Puerto Rico and political attitudes and identity among Afro-Latinos in the United States.

My book, The Power of Race in Cuba: Racial Ideology and Black Consciousness During the Revolution, was published by Oxford University Press in 2017 ( winner of the Best Book Award from the Race, Ethnicity and Politics section of the American Political Science Association & W.E.B. DuBois Distinguished Book Award from the National Conference of Black Political Scientists). The book outlines the ways in which black consciousness and solidarity, born out of experiences of marginalization, have challenged structural racism and the narratives that support it. My second book project, with Devyn Spence Benson, builds an oral history of black Cubans in the United States, not only giving voice to the black experience in the Cuban Diaspora, but mapping patterns of segregation and exclusion within this community, particularly in South Florida." --


Latin American Studies congress will host Cuban colonel who supported crackdown on protests  5/4/2022 Miami Herald: "Danielle Pilar Clealand, an associate professor at the University of Texas at Austin, and the author of the book “The Power of Race in Cuba,” is listed as a presenter in the same panel. But she said she was added to the panel late in the process and was not aware of Santamaria’s work with the interior ministry. Clealand said she was invited to participate by Milagros Martinez, a professor and administrator at the University of Havana who has co-chaired the Cuba section in the past. Clealand has stressed in media interviews the central role of Afro-Cubans and racial inequities in the protests last year. She said she was still undecided about how to move forward with the panel. “This is a difficult position to be in,” Clealand said. “I think my voice and participation are important here because of my alternative perspective on the protests.”"

Black Lives Matter Issues Statement in Support for Cubans  7/20/2021 BNC News: "However, numerous progressives and activists, including associate professor of Latino studies Dr. Danielle Clealand, took to Twitter saying the U.S. and Cuban governments are to blame for the country's problems; targeting the U.S. embargo fails to acknowledge the issues that Black Cubans have faced with systemic racism from the Cuban government for years. Dr. Clealand and Ajamu Baraka, national organizer of the Black Alliance for Peace, joined Marc Lamont Hill on “Black News Tonight” to talk about BLM’s statement."

Will protests lead to lasting change in Cuba?  7/19/2021 The Griot: "“This is the first time that Cuba has really risen up and protested the government,” Clealand told theGrio. “And so it’s a really exciting moment. And it’s also a very scary moment because we don’t know what the state response exactly has been and we don’t know what it will be.”

Black folks on the left  7/15/2021 Danielle Clealand, Twitter: "As Black folks on the left we can support Revolution and also be critical of it - especially on its attention to dismantle white supremacy. Any political system can be anti-Black and in the West, they all have been."

Piden a la comunidad afroamericana que exija al régimen cubano la libertad de Otero Alcántara  5/20/2021 Radio Marti: ""Firmé esta declaración dirigida a la comunidad afro en los Estados Unidos como una manera de encender la conciencia de muchos afroamericanos, quienes todavía creen que el régimen cubano ha sido bueno con la población negra cubana, a la que de manera regular ese régimen reprime, desde que cobró conciencia de que el racismo y su arma letal, la discriminación, en vez de finiquitar como anunció Fidel Castro, se ha multiplicado”, puntualizó el periodista Gilberto Dihigo, quien junto a el escritor Pablo Betancourt, el ex profesor de Filosofía Enrique Patterson, el empresario Miguel Candelario, la profesora de Ciencias Políticas Danielle Pilar Clealand y la escritora Rita Martin, firmaron el llamado."

What is the future for Latino voters in the US? Five experts weigh in  11/10/2020 The Guardian: "A large portion of Latino voters in Florida are conservatives for whom the legacy of the Cuban Revolution – and, more recently, Venezuela’s move to the left – are central to their voting decisions. To that end, Republicans worked overtime this election to paint Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as socialists, despite the candidates’ moderate positions within the Democratic party. But that’s not the entire story. The narrative about socialism was bolstered by conservatives’ labeling of Black Lives Matter supporters as Marxists and communists. Support for Trump among certain Latino populations in south Florida must be seen within the context of anti-Blackness, heightened by the Black Lives Matter protests and a Black woman as the vice-presidential candidate. Mislabeling Black Lives Matter as “communist” was a way to repackage racism among white Cubans and other white-identifying Latinos and make that racism politically palatable."

Who Are the Black Revolutionaries?: Resistance in Cuba and the State Boundaries that Endure  6/30/2020 Souls 

Who Are the Black Revolutionaries?: Resistance in Cuba and the State Boundaries that Endure  6/30/2020 Souls: by Danielle Pilar Clealand - "To be a black revolutionary as defined by someone who fights for black equality, progress and power, has always accompanied a contentious relationship with the Cuban state. Nonetheless, those that are defined as black revolutionaries are often those that are aligned with the state. I call for a wider definition of this term to include those outside of Cuba, those that are independent and critical of the state as well as Cubans that remain in private spaces, outside of the public sphere. In addition, I ask what have been the boundaries since 1959 in which black revolutionaries have had to live, act and dialogue? The growth of social media and increased networks coupled with the worsening of racial inequalities due to economic reforms suggest that the state is at a critical juncture. Black progress will not come without resistance from the ground and these new, independent dialogues and private spaces serve as the foundation to black resistance."

The Power of Race in Cuba: Racial Ideology and Black Consciousness During the Revolution  9/24/2019 Kellogg Institute: "In her talk, Clealand considers the rhetoric and policies of the state regarding racism and racial inequality in Cuba and the resultant racial norms produced through the decades of the revolution. Amidst the ideology of racial democracy (present throughout the Americas), Clealand explores what racial consciousness looks like among black Cubans and how racism affects their daily lives. She will discuss the role of the state as well as counter-narratives and political activism often propelled by recent access to social media."

The Power of Race in Cuba (Review)  12/1/2018 Academia: by Katherine A Gordy - "In the first part of the book, Clealand shows how racial ideology or racial democracy has served throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to silence discussion of institutional and structural racism, hide its existence, and further the illusion either of racial equality and/or black inferiority. This ideology or set of norms emphasizes national identity and unity over racial identity, denies the existence of structural racial hierarchies, and reduces racism to individual prejudice."

Latin Americans still think blackface is funny. It isn’t. It’s dehumanizing.  6/1/2018 Miami Herald: "The recent controversy surrounding the play Tres Viudas en un Crucero — “Three Widows on a Cruise” — featuring a Cuban-American actress in blackface, reveals Miami’s long-standing history of bigotry and is a consequence of the silence surrounding the issue."

Libro editado en Estados Unidos aborda la racialidad en Cuba  12/1/2017 IPS: "Publicado en inglés por el sello editorial de la Universidad de Oxford, el texto de 272 páginas lleva la rúbrica de Danielle Pilar Clealand, una investigadora del Departamento de Política y Relaciones Internacionales, en la Universidad Internacional de la Florida… En sus estancias, dialogó “con varias personas que están abordando este tema con mucha dedicación y son parte del movimiento antirracista cubano actual”, dijo. Entre ellas, mencionó al intelectual Roberto Zurbano, la escritora y periodista Gisela Arandia, la cineasta y activista Gloria Rolando, además de los investigadores Tomás Fernández Robaina y Tato Quiñones."

FIU conference focuses on race in Cuba  2/27/2015 Miami Herald: "Ada Ferrer, Historian at the University of New York, proposed a rereading of Jose Antonio Aponte - a man condemned to be hung for leading an abolitionist rebellion at the start of the 19th century. At the same time, Alejandro de la Fuente, a professor at Harvard University, analyzed the contributions of the Antillano Group and delved into how forgotten it is in Cuba's cultural history. Andrea Queely and Danielle Clealand, both professors at FIU, presented some conclusions about their investigative efforts in Cuba about racial prejudice and negro consciousness respectively. Other panels involving similar topics included the development of the racial problem since the time of civil rights movement in Cuba, social integration, national identity, literature, cinema and dance, among others."

Expertos analizan el futuro de Cuba en conferencia de FIU  2/26/2015 Nuevo Herald: "Andrea Queeley y Danielle Clealand, ambas profesoras de FIU, presentaron algunas conclusiones sobre sus trabajos de investigación en Cuba acerca del prejuicio racial y la conciencia de la negritud, respectivamente."

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Uncovering Blackness: Racial Ideology and Black Consciousness in Contemporary Cuba, UNC Chapel Hill, 2011, Phd Thesis


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