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Articles/Artículos      Excludes the US, Cuba, and Venezuela

Bolsonaro continues to dismiss Covid-19 threat as cases skyrocket in Brazil  5/8/2020 CNN: "Brazil's coronavirus cases have spiked to 135,106 including 9,146 deaths, according to numbers released Wednesday by the Brazilian Health Ministry. This surge comes as President Jair Bolsonaro's spokesman, Gen. Otavio Santana do Rego Barros, confirmed he tested positive for Covid-19. Yet Bolsonaro said earlier this week he believed "the worst had passed" for the coronavirus pandemic, during a press conference outside the Alvorada presidential residence in Brasilia. But as the number of cases and deaths continue to climb, many health experts fear the worst is yet to come."

Black people four times more likely to die from Covid-19, ONS finds  5/7/2020 Guardian: “These results show that the difference between ethnic groups in Covid-19 mortality is partly a result of socio-economic disadvantage and other circumstances, but a remaining part of the difference has not yet been explained,” the ONS said."

'No one’s safe until everybody’s safe:' UN official warns of global 'boomerang' of coronavirus  5/7/2020 USA Today: "The countries where we work have the potential to act as kind of reservoirs for the virus if there isn't significant effort to contain it in those places," Lowcock said. On Thursday, the British accountant and UN humanitarian chief plans to ask rich nations for $6.7 billion in pandemic assistance for as many as 50 developing countries from Latin America to Africa. The funding plea could be a tough sell as the United States and Europe reckon with the pandemic's crippling effect on their own economies. So far, the COVID-19 outbreak has inspired an every-country-for-itself response, with governments turning inward rather than rallying a coordinated global response."

Coronavirus expected to peak in world's poorest countries in months, UN says  5/7/2020 CBS: "A new report published Thursday by the United Nations' Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said the "peak of coronavirus in the world's poorest countries is not expected until some point over the next three to six months." The report is an update to the U.N.'s plan to deal with the pandemic, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and other humanitarian agencies."

Guardia Cimarrona, entre la pandemia y la violencia sin fin  5/5/2020 El Espectador: "En 106 de los 113 municipios donde la población afrocolombiana es mayor al 20 %, no hay unidades de cuidados intensivos. La Guardia hace controles para evitar la propagación del coronavirus."

Russians Are Using African Troll Factories—and Encrypted Messaging—to Attack the U.S.  5/5/2020 Daily Beast: "But Coby soon discovered that posts by many of the platform's participants had very little to do with the real problems facing Africa. Instead they were filled with conspiracy theories about the novel coronavirus, many of them claiming the Democratic Party and various philanthropists in the United States—especially Bill and Melinda Gates—were behind its spread. “In virtually every post,” says Coby, who asked that his last name not be published, “either someone in the U.S. is blamed for the coronavirus or an American is accused of trying to exploit the situation.""

A cult within a cult: Falun Gong and the Trump administration  5/1/2020 Wayne Madsen: "Falun Gong, the Central Intelligence Agency-linked Chinese cult, which is banned in China, has achieved overarching influence in the Donald Trump White House, State Department, and among Republican Party stalwarts harboring ambitions for national office. The cult's newspaper, The Epoch Times, enjoys access to White House press conferences and is currently engaged in a campaign to cast blame on China for the COVID-19 pandemic. Senators Tom Cotton (R-AR) and ted Cruz (R-TX), as well as former Trump ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley and right-wing radio commentator Rush Limbaugh, have swallowed Falun Gong's bait by accusing China of manufacturing the COVID-19 virus as a bio-weapon at the Wuhan Institute of Virology." [Falun Gong runs pyramid schemes and engages in other cons.]

Inter-American Network on Afro-descendant Population Policies Warns of Disproportionate Impact of the Pandemic in these Communities  4/30/2020 OAS - RIAFRO: "The Inter-American Network of High Authorities on Policies for Afro-descendant Populations (RIAFRO, for its initials in Spanish) warned of the disproportionate impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the virus that generates the COVID-19 disease, on the Afro-descendant population in the region. The Network highlighted that structural racism, inequality and the historical discrimination of which the Afro-descendant population has been, and continues to be, a victim, generates a situation of even greater vulnerability to the effects of the pandemic in relation to the general population. The obstacles faced by this population in accessing public health, the greater prevalence of chronic medical conditions, the lesser access to social safety nets generated by the State, the mistrust generated by decades or centuries of racism, the high rate of informal jobs they have and the over-representation of Afro-descendant populations in essential first-line response work to COVID-19, are some of the factors that explain this greater situation of vulnerability."

Shi Zhengli Provides Proof SARS CoV-2 Was Not An Accidental Release From Wuhan Institute of Virology  4/27/2020 Empty Wheel: "Really? The scariest language that Rogin could lift from the cable warned of a “shortage of appropriately trained technicians and investigators needed to safely operate”, but then he grudgingly had to note that this was in fact tied to a request from the lab for more outside assistance in getting that training. When we couple that thought with the failure, so far, of Rogin or anyone else to have actually published the full cables, I am more convinced than ever that the whole cable story is part of a coordinated information operation where Roberts asked the specific question and then Rogin took information that had been twisted inside-out from a cable asking for help with training at the lab to try to turn it into a potential whistle-blowing event."

How China’s ‘Bat Woman’ Hunted Down Viruses from SARS to the New Coronavirus  4/27/2020 Scientific American: "Back in Wuhan, where the lockdown was finally lifted on April 8, China’s bat woman is not in a celebratory mood. She is distressed because stories from the Internet and major media have repeated a tenuous suggestion that SARS-CoV-2 accidentally leaked from her lab—despite the fact that its genetic sequence does not match any her lab had previously studied. Other scientists are quick to dismiss the allegation. “Shi leads a world-class lab of the highest standards,” Daszak says… “Bat-borne coronaviruses will cause more outbreaks,” Shi says with a tone of brooding certainty. “We must find them before they find us.”

La OMS por fin plantea aceptar que el té elaborado en Madagascar para combatir el Cov-19 sea útil  4/24/2020 Televisión Guinea Ecuatorial Internacional: "Este té, concebido por el Instituto Malgache de Investigación Aplicada (Imra), a base de artemisia, planta con eficacia demostrada contra la malaria. “Hemos hecho pruebas, y dos personas se curaron con este tratamiento”, señaló Rajoelina a comienzos de esta semana. “Esta tisana logra resultados en siete días (…). Podemos cambiar la historia del mundo entero”, afirmó el presidente."

Coronavirus detected on particles of air pollution  4/24/2020 Guardian: "A statistical analysis by Setti’s team suggests higher levels of particle pollution could explain higher rates of infection in parts of northern Italy before a lockdown was imposed, an idea supported by another preliminary analysis. The region is one of the most polluted in Europe."

Areas With More Air Pollution Have Had More Covid-19 Fatalities  4/20/2020 Gizmodo: "In the new study, published in the journal Science of the Total Environment on Monday, researcher Yaron Ogen from the Institute of Geosciences and Geography at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg University examined satellite data showing the concentration of nitrogen dioxide, an air pollutant which damages the human respiratory tract that’s produced by diesel vehicles and other fossil fuel-burning activities. He also looked at air movement data to assess atmospheric conditions and see where the pollutant was being trapped at the highest concentrations in the atmosphere."

COVID19 Todas las cadenas del Presidente  4/16/2020 Plaza Publica: "El presidente Alejandro Giammattei ha decidido convertirse en el portavoz oficial de la crisis. Casi toda la comunicación gubernamental con la ciudadanía se concentra en él, que con frecuencia actualiza las cifras de contagios y comunica la versión que el Ejecutivo tiene de la evolución de la pandemia y las medidas de mitigación. Resumimos aquí todos sus mensajes a la Nación." [Decreto traducido en garifuna.]

How China Broke the Chain of Infection  4/15/2020 Counterpunch: "On March 31, 2020, a group of scientists from around the world—from Oxford University to Beijing Normal University—published an important paper in Science. This paper—“An Investigation of Transmission Control Measures During the First 50 Days of the COVID-19 Epidemic in China”—proposes that if the Chinese government had not initiated the lockdown of Wuhan and the national emergency response, then there would have been 744,000 additional confirmed COVID-19 cases outside Wuhan. “Control measures taken in China,” the authors argue, “potentially hold lesso[n]s for other countries around the world.”"

As Nicaragua confronts Covid, its US-backed opposition exploits the pandemic to create chaos  4/14/2020 Greyzone: "Nicaragua’s right-wing opposition is waging an information warfare campaign to undermine the elected Sandinista government, spreading fake news on coronavirus, while the state takes a balanced approach with close attention to the working class and poor."

Iceland has tested more of its population for coronavirus than anywhere else. Here's what it learned  4/10/2020 USA Today: "Among the Nordic nation's findings: about half of its citizenry at any given time who have coronavirus but don't know it, will be asymptomatic – a large percentage many experts studying the virus have suspected, but have had little firm data to corroborate. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control has previously estimated that about 25% of people infected with coronavirus may be asymptomatic. "That's a bit scary," said Stefansson, who noted that Iceland is testing its citizens at random by selecting names out of the country's main telephone directory, another large-scale testing strategy that has not been adopted elsewhere. "They could be spreading it and not knowing it," he said."

The Ortega Dictatorship is an Ally of the Coronavirus in Nicaragua  4/10/2020 Havana Times: In the comments: "On the other hand, there is no need to falsify the statistics. Everyone except the most committed Danielista is aware that the virus has long spread beyond the six touted by the government, despite Rosario’s prayers and love marches. Even its ally Cuba has announced over 400 known infected cases, and is blaming Nicaragua for part of the spread into Cuba. Yet the lack of traffic on the roads and the empty buses, even during the otherwise busy Easter week, show the suspicions and good sense of the Nicaraguan people."

Nicaragua warned on pandemic laxity  4/10/2020 AP: "Doctors have been told not to alarm patients by wearing masks or using sanitizing gel. Before schools closed April 3 for an extended vacation, principals had threatened to expel students who missed class, and last month a third baseman was banned from professional baseball for three years after he asked to stop playing over virus fears."

Haiti faces a coronavirus catastrophe  4/8/2020 Worker's World: "The predictions are grim, and the figures are totally misleading: As of April 5, 6 p.m., Haiti reported only 21 COVID-19 cases and one death. The Dominican Republic, which shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti, reported 1,745 cases and 52 deaths. ( Haiti has only 130 ICU beds. Dr. Paul Farmer, head of Partners in Health, a nongovernmental organization, believes that only 30 of them are fully functional and there are at most 64 ventilators in the country. Both Haiti and the Dominican Republic have about the same population — 10 million. According to the World Bank, the Dominican Republic has nearly 20,000 physicians; according to Haiti’s National Institute of Statistics, Haiti has only 911. A significant number of Haitians go back and forth between Haiti and the Dominican Republic every day, as workers or traders, which makes it even harder to trust the official COVID-19 numbers for Haiti. What the numbers really signify is that Haiti only tests the elite or foreigners, who manage to get treated by one of its rare doctors in a hospital, while testing in the Dominican Republic is broader. But it’s also an admission that COVID-19 does exist in Haiti."

US accused of ‘modern piracy’ after seizing ventilators bound for Barbados  4/6/2020 Morning Star, UK: "BARBADOS is seeking answers after the US seized a consignment of ventilators destined for the country in its battle to fight the global coronavirus pandemic, prompting accusations of “modern piracy.” The Caribbean country’s Health Minister Jeffrey Bostic confirmed that the shipment had been barred from export by Washington for unknown reasons. “They were seized in the United States. Paid for, but seized, so we are trying to see exactly what is going to transpire there,” he said on Sunday."

Bolivia on the Verge of a Social Explosion Against the Pandemic and the Government  4/5/2020 Orinoco Tribune: "Beni is the department where Jeanine Áñez was born and where she had important political support in the past, but it had begun to break down some time ago and with the arrival of the pandemic, it became more pronounced with no turning back. Another woman said “I have my son who is three years old and he tells me that he wants to eat but I cannot go outside because I am afraid that they will arrest me and if I am arrested who will look after him? I demand that they let me go out and get food for my children because if not they are going to die of hunger, not from the disease.”"

Políticos franceses acusan a EE.UU. de apropiarse mascarillas destinadas a Francia  4/2/2020 Radio France International: "Según otro presidente de región entrevistado por el diario Libération, afirma que esto ocurre porque los franceses no pueden permitirse pagar el suministro antes de recibirlo y verificar que todo está en orden. Lo que no harían los estadounidenses, quienes pagarían sin siquiera ver lo que contiene la carga."

Face masks from China intended for France 'hijacked' by US at the last minute  4/2/2020 Radio France International: ""Americans pay three or four times the amount we pay, and in cash," said Jean Rottner, head of France's eastern region, one of the areas worst affected by the coronavirus outbreak, according to reports by France Info. On Thursday, a planeload of Chinese-made face masks were bought up right on the tarmac just as the much needed protective gear was about to set off for France."

US pushes conspiracy theory on China’s coronavirus death toll to deflect from Trump administration failures\  4/1/2020 Grey Zone: "A widely disseminated and highly dubious story asserting China concealed tens of thousands of deaths originated from a US government propaganda outlet and a veteran member of a right-wing anti-China cult." [Falun Gong, con artists.]

China: Wuhan Hospitals Overcome Collapse, Focus on Severe Cases  3/31/2020 teleSUR: "Doctor Hu Ke, the director of the Wuhan University Hospital's respiratory medicine and critical care department, explained that COVID-19 is being treated using antivirals, hormones, plasma, immunological compounds, stem cell transplantation, oxygen therapy techniques, and traditional Chinese medicine."

Town of Bnei Brak in near lockdown over out-of-control coronavirus  3/31/2020 Debka: ""Police roadblocks Tuesday, March 21 closed the small town of Bnei Barak after one out of three of its 200,000 residents tested positive for coronavirus." "The overcrowded housing conditions in which their large families live, as well as the preponderance of communal religious activities in keeping with their traditions, are major factors in the out-of-control spread of covid-10. Some fringe groups in all three haredi centers have made a point of flouting the directives of the government and the health ministry.""

Do particulates carry viruses?  3/30/2020 Teddington Action Group: "The answer is possibly, and the Country should carry out further research. Professor Setti et al at Bolognia University have carried out a review and produced a paper “Evaluation of the potential relationship between Particulate Matter (PM) pollution and COVID-19 infection spread in Italy”[i]. They state that it is known that PM fractions (e.g., PM2.5 and PM10) serve as carriers for several chemical and biologic pollutants, viruses included. Viruses may be adsorbed through coagulation onto particulate matter composed by solid and/or liquid particles, whose lifetime in the atmosphere is hours, days or weeks. Setti and his team cite that according to researchers Chen et al., [2010] ambient influenza and highly pathogenic avian influenza virus may be subjected to long-range transport due to Saharan dust[ii]. Chen et al demonstrated that the concentration of ambient influenza A virus was significantly higher during the Asian dust days than during the background days."

Coronavirus: Jair Bolsonaro threatens to fire health minister after clashing over Brazil’s containment strategy  3/30/2020 Independent: "Recent modelling by researchers at Imperial College London suggests that as many as 1.1 million people could die in Brazil if no action was taken to limit the spread of Covid-19. If drastic containment measures are implemented, the research suggests up to 44,200 lives will be lost."

Haiti on the Precipice as Coronavirus and U.S.-Imposed Leadership Take their Toll  3/30/2020 Haiti Liberte: "On Sun., Mar. 29, local medical experts interviewed on Radio Kiskeya, one of the country’s most important radio stations, suggested that up to 800,000 Haitians could perish from the virus. The Grayzone spoke with Dr. Ernst Noël, of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy (FMP) in Port-au-Prince, who stated that the number of 800,000 is not an exaggeration. In his view it is highly probable that many people will die due to Coronavirus, and many more than perished in the 2010 earthquake."

“Winter is coming”, se acerca el invierno: el riesgo de enfermar de COVID19 en la segunda ciudad con mayor contaminación de Latinoamérica y el Caribe  3/28/2020 Asamblea Popular, Chile: "En la prensa internacional encontramos que un reciente estudio científico realizado por la Sociedad de Medicina Ambiental SIMA ,conjuntamente por la Universidad de Bolonia y el de Bari, el epidemiólogo Marius Gilbert plantea que “el nuevo coronavirus habría sido impulsado en su propagación por la contaminación del aire y más precisamente por ciertas partículas finas muy presentes en zonas contaminadas de Wuhan, pero también de Lombardía, Emilia-Romaña y otros centros urbanos”. ¿Le suena familiar el MP 2,5 ? Y junto al estudio de Gilbert, se suma la investigación del New England Journal of Medicine, científicos de la Universidad de Princeton (Nueva Jersey), el Instituto Nacional de Alergias y Enfermedades Infecciosas de Estados Unidos, la Universidad de California de Los Ángeles y el Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (Atlanta), quienes apoyan la tesis de que el SARS-CoV-2 podría sobrevivir en suspensión en el aire hasta por tres horas bajo ciertas condiciones, incluido un alto nivel de contaminación del aire, hipótesis que explica la velocidad de propagación del virus en Italia."

Escobar: Why Is France Hiding A Cheap And Tested Virus Cure?  3/28/2020 Zero Hedge: "There Raoult says it’s “insulting” to ask if we can trust the Chinese on the use of chloroquine. “If this was an American disease, and the president of the United States said, ‘We need to treat patients with that,’ nobody would discuss it.” In China, he adds, there were “enough elements so the Chinese government and all Chinese experts who know coronaviruses took an official position that ‘we must treat with chloroquine.’ Between the moment when we have the first results and an accepted international publication, there is no credible alternative among people who are the most knowledgeable in the world. They took this measure in the interest of public health.” Crucially: if he had coronavirus, Raoult says he would take chloroquine. Since Raoult is rated by his peers as the number one world expert in communicable diseases, way above Dr. Anthony Fauci in the US, I would say the new reports represent Big Pharma talking."

Airborne particles may be assisting the spread of SARS-CoV-2  3/26/2020 Economist: "POLLUTION AND disease have long been associated in people’s minds. The very word “malaria”, for example, means “bad air” in Italian. But the germ theory of infection, developed in the 19th century, knocked on the head the idea that it is the air itself which causes illness. Rather, bad smells indicate sources of pathogens, such as sewage, which are best avoided. A paper just published by a group of Italian researchers does, however, posit the idea that SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind the covid-19 pandemic, might be getting a helping hand from atmospheric pollution."

Is Coronavirus Good for Our Sick Planet?  3/26/2020 IAI: "Shrinking economic activity is not a sustainable solution to meet the climate challenge. The medium-term impact of COVID-19 on climate and the environment is mixed, with potentially negative repercussions on the fossil fuel industry and energy transition alike. Stimulus packages could be turned into climate-friendly policies, but the likelihood that countries might focus on urgent carbon-intensive spending is high. Like every crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic offers an important lesson: we have to rethink the way we treat ecosystems and organise our urban life more sustainably."

Coronavirus : la pollution de l'air, est-elle un danger ?  3/25/2020 Medisite: "Des chercheurs italiens ont mis en évidence la relation entre les concentrations en particules fines et la rapidité avec laquelle l’épidémie de Covid-19 s’est diffusée dans le nord de l’Italie. Et si la pollution accélérait la prolifération du coronavirus ?"

Rio's Favela Gangs Impose Strict Curfews To Fight Spread Of "Disease Of The Rich"  3/25/2020 Zero Hedge: "Brazilian newspaper Extra says gangsters and militias in Cidade de Deus, Brazil, have deployed vehicles with massive loudspeakers blaring prerecorded messages to inform residents in the slums that they must shelter in place amid the COVID-19 outbreak, reported Reuters. "We're imposing a curfew because nobody is taking this seriously," the message said, according to Extra."

In Brazil, Bolsonaro Doubles Down On 'Exaggerated' Coronavirus  3/25/2020 NPR: "As Bolsonaro faces the massive health and economic emergency posed by the coronavirus, he could also find himself fighting for political survival. Some lawmakers have been calling for his impeachment."

La pollution de l’air, facteur aggravant du coronavirus?  3/23/2020 Nathalie Chèvre: "Mi-mars, des chercheurs italiens de la société italienne de médecine environnementale, de l’Université de Bologne et de celle de Bari, ont émis l’hypothèse que la pollution de l’air jouait un rôle prépondérant dans la pandémie de coronavirus, et notamment sur son impact en Italie. En effet, si on regarde les cartes, la diffusion du virus et sa mortalité sont très différents d’une région à l’autre. Ces chercheurs ont donc cherché des liens, notamment avec le taux de particules fines dans l’atmosphère."

La Pollution et le Coronavirus, main dans la main.  3/22/2020 Mediapart: "La France et l’Italie sont les pays les plus pollués en particules fines d’Europe selon l'Agence européenne pour l'Environnement (AEE). La Lombardie et la plaine du Pô est en février 2020 la région la plus polluée d'Europe. Quelques jours plus tard, elle est la région la plus touchée par le Coronavirus qui se propage de manière alarmante."

Relazione circa l’effetto dell’inquinamento da particolato atmosferico e la diffusione di virus nella popolazione  3/20/2020 SIMA: "Riguardo agli studi sulla diffusione dei virus nella popolazione vi è una solida letteratura scientifica che correla l’incidenza dei casi di infezione virale con le concentrazioni di particolato atmosferico (es. PM10 e PM2,5) (1, 2). È noto che il particolato atmosferico funziona da carrier, ovvero da vettore di trasporto, per molti contaminanti chimici e biologici, inclusi i virus. I virus si “attaccano” (con un processo di coagulazione) al particolato atmosferico, costituito da particelle solide e/o liquide in grado di rimanere in atmosfera anche per ore, giorni o settimane, e che possono diffondere ed essere trasportate anche per lunghe distanze. Il particolato atmosferico, oltre ad essere un carrier, costituisce un substrato che può permettere al virus di rimanere nell’aria in condizioni vitali per un certo tempo, nell’ordine di ore o giorni." - "Con respecto a los estudios sobre la propagación de virus en la población, existe una sólida literatura científica que correlaciona la incidencia de casos de infección viral con concentraciones de partículas atmosféricas (por ejemplo, PM10 y PM2.5) (1, 2). Se sabe que las partículas atmosféricas funcionan como un portador, o portador de transporte, para muchos contaminantes químicos y biológicos, incluidos los virus. Los virus se "pegan" (con un proceso de coagulación) a partículas atmosféricas, que consisten en partículas sólidas y / o líquidas capaces de permanecer en la atmósfera durante horas, días o semanas, y que pueden extenderse y transportarse incluso a largas distancias. El material particulado atmosférico, además de ser un portador, constituye un sustrato que puede permitirque el virus permanezca en el aire en condiciones vitales durante cierto tiempo, en el orden de horas o días."

Evaluation of the potential relationship between Particulate Matter (PM) pollution and COVID-19 infection spread in Italy  3/20/2020 SIMA: "In conclusion, the rapid COVID-19 infection spread observed in selected regions of Northen Italy is supposed be related to PM10 pollution due to airborne particlesable to serve as carrier of pathogens. As already highlighted in previous studies, it is recommended to take into account PM10contribution and make policymakers aware of the need to take direct actions for pollution control."

Relatório acerca da ação da poluição de material particulado atmosférico e a propagação do vírus na população  3/20/2020 SIMA: "Salienta-se como a especificidade da velocidade de incremento dos casos de contágio que atingiu de forma especial algumas regiões do Norte da ltália, podem estar relacionadas com as condições de poluição atmostérica que exerceram uma ação de transporte e impulso. Como já descrito em casos anteriores de alta propagação de infecção viral em relação a altos níveis decontaminação por material particulado atmosférico, recomenda-se que seja tomado em consideração esta contribuição, solicitando medidas restritivas de conteção da poluição."

Latest worldwide on virus: Nicaragua holds march to confront pandemic  3/15/2020 AP: "As countries around the globe are calling off mass events to try to slow the spread of the new coronavirus, Nicaragua staged a large march through the capital billed as a show of unity to confront the pandemic. Saturday’s march was dubbed “Love in the time of COVID-19.” It was a nod to the Gabriel García Márquez novel “Love in the Time of Cholera.”"

How China’s Incompetence Endangered the World  2/15/2020 Foreign Policy: "The pneumonia death last week of China’s real epidemic hero, the ophthalmologist Li Wenliang, has revealed the ugliest side of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its terrible effort to rewrite the history of a seemingly out-of-control epidemic. Li treated patients in December in Wuhan, where the outbreak originated, who looked like SARS cases, he told colleagues on Dec. 30 via a doctors’ social media chatroom. Days later, for the so-called crime of rumormongering, Li and seven other physicians were brought before China’s security police and compelled to sign a document admitting to “spreading lies.” For days, Wuhan authorities sought to stifle Li’s voice, but even after he caught the virus while treating his patients and was confined to an intensive care unit bed, he continued to sound epidemic alarms on the BBC World Service. On Feb. 6, the once-robust 34-year-old physician died. Li’s death opened the gates of political rage across China, sparking an unprecedented outpouring of grief and outrage, denouncing the government cover-up."



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