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Juanamaria Cordones-Cook: Honors & Awards

University of Missouri Curators’ Distinguished Research Professor
Catherine Paine Middlebush Professor of Romance Languages
EMMY-Nominated Filmmaker
University of Missouri


*     Member of Academy of Curators’ Professors, University of  Missouri (2018)

*    Mackandal Award granted by the Cimarrón Theater at the Orality Biennial of BarrioCuento to the relevant   literary and artistic lifetime research devoted to study the work and culture of women and people of African descent. (2018)

*     Named University of Missouri Curators’ Distinguished Research Professor (2017).

*     Named Catherine Paine Middlebush Professor of Romance Languages (2017)

*    The Centro Provincial del Libro y la Literatura y el Centro de Promoción literaria "José Soler Puig,” award (Santiago de Cuba) for film Lescay: Alma y tierra / Earth and Soul (2017).    

*    The Universidad de Oriente, Facultad de Educación en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades award  (Santiago de Cuba) for documentary Rogelio Martínez Furé, a Cuban Griot / Un griot cubano (2017).

*    FIRST PLACE Award in the category of BEST POETRY BOOK - ONE AUTHOR - BILINGUAL for The 2016 International Latino Book Awards, for the Latino Literacy Now’s International Latino Book contest for my Always Rebellious, Selected Poems by Georgina Herrera / Cimarroneando, poemas escogidos de Georgina Herrera. (September 2016)

*    Emmy Award nomination for Batlle: Change from within, September 2014.

*    Del palenque a las tablas: Antología crítica de teatro afro-latinoamericano (Bogotá: Universidad Nacional Press, 2012). 780 page critical anthology of Afro-Latin American theater had 3 editions. It was selected by the Minister of Culture of Colombia to be distributed in all the schools, public libraries, and municipalities in the nation (Sept. 2013).

*    Selected as a Distinguished Faculty by MU Office of Development for Distinguished Dialogues to discuss research with “Cabinet of Donors” (2014).

*     Named Catherine Paine Middlebush Professor of Romance Languages (2014)

*    FIRST PLACE Award for Best Heartland Feature Documentary at the KC Film Fest, for documentary Batlle: Change from within (2013).

*    Telly Award, for documentary Batlle: Change from within (2013).

*    FIRST PLACE for “Theater of the World Award”, from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, for work as editor of Mujeres en las tablas: Antología crítica de teatro biográfico hispanoamericano (Buenos Aires: Editorial Nueva Generación, 2005)

*    Press bestseller: Looking Within/Mirar adentro 1954/2000. Edition, introduction by J Cordones-Cook. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2003.

*     Honors College Professor of the Year Award. (1999)

*     Elected Member (Miembro de Número) by the "Academia de Letras Uruguayas" (Academy of Uruguayan Letters), September 6, 1993.



*     Poesía completa, de Georgina Herrera. Co-edition by J. Cordones-Cook and G. Abudu, Selection, introduction and notes, by J. Cordones-Cook. La Habana: Letras Cubanas, 2017.

Presented by Roberto Zurbano in Vedado, Havana (September).

*    Oriki para Georgina, by Georgina Herrera, edition with intoduction and notes by J.Cordones-Cook. Translators: M. Rodriguez Alcalá, J. Cordones-Cook, and A. Cook. La Habana:  Ediciones Sur/Sur Editores, Unión de Escritores y Artistas Cubanos, 2017.

 Presented by Nancy Morejón at Centro Dulce María Loynaz (November).

*    Second edition of Always Rebellious/Cimarroneando. Chico, California: Cubana Books, 2016.

FIRST PLACE Award in the category of BEST POETRY BOOK - ONE AUTHOR - BILINGUAL for The 2016 International Latino Book Awards (September 2016).

Presented by Sara Cooper.

    *  La silla dorada. Poems by Nancy Morejón. Edition, selection, introduction and notes, by J. Cordones-Cook.   

     Accompanied by La silla dorada, audiovisual anthology directed and produced by Cordones-Cook. La Habana: Letras    

     Cubanas (2014). 

Presented and reviewed at: Fortaleza de la Cabaña, Sala Nicolás Guillén, by Leandro Camargo, and at Hotel Inglaterra, in Parque Central, Havana, Cuba.

* Always Rebellious/Cimarroneando. Edition, selection, introduction, and notes by Cordones-Cook; translation by M. Rodríguez-Alcalá, Cordones-Cook, and Alexander Cook. Chico, California: Cubana Books, 2014. Book includes documentary, Cimarroneando con GH, directed and produced by Cordones-Cook. 

  Presented at: Fortaleza de la Cabaña, Sala Alejo Carpentier, by Sara Cooper (2014).

  Reviewed by: Maria del Mar López-Cabrales. Letras Femeninas. Vol. 41, No 2 (2015): 193-194.

   * NM-RB: Dos mujeres, una isla/NM-RB: Two Women, One Island. Bilingual anthology of poetry. Selection, edition, and introduction by J. Cordones-Cook. Designed by Rolando Estévez Jordán. Matanzas, Cuba: El Fortín (2014).

   * Third edition: Del palenque a la escena. Co-edition. Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad Nacional Press, 2014.

  * Revised second edition: Soltando amarras y memorias: Mundo y poesía de Nancy Morejón. Havana,  Ediciones Sur, Instituto Cubano del Libro, 2014. (first edition 244 pages, revised edition 380 pages)    

   Presented by: Margarita Mateo Palmer, Alex Pausides, and Luis Carbonell, at the International Book Fair in Havana, February 2014. 

   Reviewed by: Ana Luz García Calzada in Guantánamo, May 2014;

                 Fernando Rodríguez Sosa, Trabajadores, Organo de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba, July 2014;

                 Margarita Mateo. Unión de Artistas y Escritores Cubanos, UNEAC, July 2014.

     * Second edition: Del palenque a la escena: Antología crítica de teatro afro-latinoamericano. Co-  

     edition. Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad Nacional de Colombia Press, 2013.

* Second edition: Mujeres en las tablas: Antología crítica de teatro biográfico hispanoamericano. Published by the Biblioteca Digital de Estudios Feministas y de Género Ofelia Uribe de Acosta, at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (2014).

*  Del palenque a la escena. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia Press, 2012. 780 pages. Critical anthology of Afro-Latin American theater (15 plays). Selected by the Minister of Culture of Colombia to be distributed in all the schools, public libraries, and municipalities in the nation. A fourth edition forthcoming in Cuba.

Reviewed by: * Azucena Ester Joffe and María de los Ángeles Sanzércoles, February  

        20, 2013; KARPA: TEATRALIDADES DISIDENTES, ARTES VISUALES Y CULTURA. 6 Summer Issue 2013.  ; *CONJUNTO: Revista de  

       Teatro Latinoamericano. (Casa de las Américas) 167 (abril-junio 2013): 107.

       *Maddox, John. “J. Cordones-Cook, edr. Del Palenque a la escena”. Afro-Hispanic Review. 33.2 (2014): 181- 


     *   La Habana expuesta/Havana on Display. Edition, selection, introduction, and notes, by J. Cordones-Cook.   

     Designer Rolando Estévez. Matanzas: Ediciones Vigía, 2012.  

     *   Soltando amarras y memorias: Mundo y poesía de Nancy Morejón. Santiago Chile: Cuarto Propio,   

         2010. (240 p)

    Reviewed by: * Celia Medina: “Convergencias para escuchar el silencio.” La Jiribilla: Revista de Cultura cubana. Año VIII.   

         La Habana del 11 al 21 de febrero de 2010.;

·        Georgina  Herrera: “Las amarras de la memoria.” AfroCubaWeb. 20/2/10;

* Ineke Phaf-Rheinberger. “J. Cordones-Cook: Soltando amarras y memorias: mundo y poesía de Nancy Morejón.” Iberoamericana. América Latina-España-Portugal, Ensayos sobre letras, historia y sociedad. Notas. Reseñas iberoamericanas. Año X, 40 (Diciembre 2010). 259-261;

   * Claudette Williams, Afro-Hispanic Review. Vol. 30. Number 2. (Fall 2011) 221-223; * Flora González Mandrí.   

    Revista de Estudios Hispánicos. XLV, 2 (2011) 495-497.
*   M
ás allá del héroe: Antología crítica de teatro biográfico hispanoamericano. Critical anthology of Latin American biographical theater. Medellín, Colombia: Editorial Universidad de Antioquia (2008).
Reviewed by: Glickman, Nora.  
“Desafíos a la historiografía oficial. ” Telondefondo, Revista de teoría y crítica

          teatral. Año V. Diciembre 2009. 10.
*  Mujeres en las tablas: Antología crítica de teatro biográfico hispanoamericano. Critical anthology of dramatizations of historical/mythical women lives. Buenos Aires: Editorial Nueva Generación, 2005. FIRST PLACE Award for “Theater of the World Award”, from the Universidad de  Buenos Aires.
Reviewed by: Mar
ía Fernanda Pinta. Telefondo, Revista de Teoría y Crítica Teatral. 21 de Diciembre de 2005.    


               Rocío Galicia.  Latin American Theater Review (Spring 2007): 182-84.

     *  Looking Within /Mirar adentro, 1954 / 2000. Poetry by Nancy Morejón. Edition, Notes, and Introduction by Juanamaría Cordones-Cook. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2003. BEST SELLER.

Reviewed by: Mary Berg, Hispania, 87 (March 2004): 88-89.

               Barbara Mujica. Americas.  63; Carol Meir, African American Review. Volume 39, Numbers 1-2 (2005):    


               González Mandri, Flora. The Black Scholar Press: Journal of Black Studies and Research. Black   

               International Issues: 2006. 36, 23. 2-3 65-66

*  ¿Teatro negro uruguayo? Texto y contexto del teatro afro-uruguayo de Andrés Castillo.   

           Montevideo: Editorial Graffiti, 1996.

Reviewed by: Profr. Juan Carlos Legido at “Feria Nacional del Libro y el Grabado,” Montevideo, December 23, 1996;  

            Myriam Caprile, La Mañana  [Montevideo], January 11, 1997;

            Eduardo Paz, “Amo las voces marginadas,” El Observador [Montevideo], Tuesday, January 14, 1997;

            Carlos Reyes, “Así en el teatro como en el carnaval,” Búsqueda [Montevideo], February 6 to 12, 1997;  

            Daniel Briquet, “Cuando los negros hacían teatro,” Paula,”

            Alberto Britos Serrat, Mundo Afro [Montevideo], April, 1997;

            Jorge Piñataro Calero, “Teatro,” Relaciones: Revista al Tema del Hombre [Montevideo], March,1997.

            Nora Glickman, Latin American Theatre Review, Fall 1997.

    * Poética de transgresión en la novelística de Luisa Valenzuela.  New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 1991.

     Reviewed by: Steven Hart: Cordones-Cook, Poética de la transgresión en la novelística de Luuisa Valenzuela, in BHS,    

                    LXXII (1995), 145-46.  

REFEREED BOOKS (forthcoming):

*   Beautiful Books in the Age of Technology: Rolando Estévez and the Making of Ediciones Vigía in Cuba.
University of Florida Press (forthcoming 2019).
*   Before a Mirror, the City / Ante un espejo, la ciudad.
Buffalo, New York: White Pine Press (forthcoming 2019)




Juanamaria Cordones Cook

For sale: documentaries On Cuban Artists And Poets by Juanamaría Cordones-Cook (downloads/descargas).  These films are also available as DVDs


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