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Questions of Racial Identity, Racism and anti-Racist Policies in Cuba Today, 6/2/11

"Views of the AfroCuban Community", 10/1998

Center for International Policy
Washington, DC

A Conference on Afro-Cubans in Cuban Society: Past, Present and Future
Center for International Policy, September 16-17, 1999

 Questions of Racial Identity, Racism and anti-Racist Policies in Cuba Today, 6/2/11

The Center for International Policy invites you to a conference on:
Questions of Racial Identity, Racism and anti-Racist Policies in Cuba Today
University of California Washington Center
1608 Rhode Island Ave. NW
Washington, D.C.
June 2, 2011
9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Please RSVP to, or (202) 232-3317 and ask for Fiorella Mejias
Both the United States and Cuba have African-Descent populations and thus share the democratic challenges of dismantling remaining barriers to full racial equality. We think it very important for Americans to have a better understanding of how Cuban citizens and Cuban policymakers are dealing with the issues of racial and national identity and equality. The recently completed 6th Cuban Party Congress concluded with a call  to “increase the presence of the women’s sector and that of the descendants of slaves from Africa. Both were the poorest and most exploited by capitalism in our country.”
This conference is designed specifically to convene key sectors of the U.S. civil society and policy groups involved in work with Cuban citizens and/or the Cuban government. The primary goal is to bring attention to Cuba’s internal discourses and negotiations on racial identity, racism, and government policies to address one of the most fundamental democratic issues in Cuba today and to foster proactive reflections and actions among these sectors in their respective work.

Please feel free to widely disseminate this conference invitation and encourage your constituents to attend. Please contact James Early ( 202-744-2682) to arrange for group specific one-hour conversations with our Cuban guests on June 3.
9:00 a.m. – Coffee
9:30 – 10:00  – Introduction – Wayne S. Smith, Center for International Policy and James Early, Director of Cultural Heritage Policy at the Smithsonian Center of  Folklife and Cultural Heritage
10:00 – 11:00 – Racial Identity, Racism and Racial Discrimination in Cuba Today. What are the issues and what is at stake for the nation?
·         Moderator – Emira Woods, IPS Foreign Policy in Focus Board Chair
·         Panelist – Esteban Morales, Founding Director of the Center for the Study of  U.S.-Cuban Relations
 11:00 – 12:00 –State of Afro-Cuban Initiatives for Racial Equality in Cuba Today
·         Moderator –  Mwiza Munthali, Director of Public Outreach of the Trans-Africa Forum
·         Panelist – Heriberto Feraudy, President of the Cuban Commission Against Racism
12:00 – 1:30 – Break for lunch
1:30 – 3:00 –  Race in Cuba Today. Implications for U.S.-Cuban Relations
·         Moderator – Sarah Stephens, Director, Center for Democracy in the Americas
·         Panelists – Esteban Morales, Heriberto Feraudy, Luis Murillo (Phelps Stokes),  Julia Sweig (Council on Foreign Relations)
3:00- 4:00 – Reflections of  Various U.S. Entities
·         Moderator – Wayne S. Smith, Center for International Policy
·         Panelists – James Early, Philip Brenner (Professor, American University), Congresswoman Karen Bass (if available)
4:00 – 5:30 – Wine and cheese reception
Interpreting services provided by Jorge Lawton of South-North Communications

Office Manager/Intern Coordinator
Center for International Policy
Office Phone: +1 202.232.3317 x 131
Office Fax: +1 202.232.3440
Office E-mail:

Further info at

Conferencia sobre el racismo en Cuba sólo dio voz a los oficialistas  6/3/2011 Diario de Cuba: "Sobre la participación de Morales y Feraudy en la conferencia, el escritor e historiador exiliado Juan Benemelis señaló que ambos representan "la visión oficialista del tema racial en Cuba, ya que en sus planteamientos reconocen la existencia de un problema, pero el cual tiene solución dentro de la revolución, la cual es capaz de enfrentarlo". Benemelis, quien acaba de presentar el ensayo histórico El miedo al negro, aseguró que Morales tiene la visión que diseñó el gobierno de Raúl Castro para el problema racial. De Feraudy agregó que fue miembro de la inteligencia cubana. Para el escritor la reunión celebrada no es positiva, ya que Smith, exjefe de la Oficina de Intereses en Cuba, "sólo ocupa una opinión parcial sobre el problema racial, cuando hay otros criterios de escritores, historiadores, antropólogos y sociólogos dentro de la isla y en el exterior que no participaron en la reunión".

Experts meet to seek changes in Cuba  6/3/2011 Examiner, Washington DC: "He added, “The Center [for International Policy] believes it’s important for all Americans [and all people for that matter] to have true equality. “ CIP also thinks it’s important for Americans to have a clear and true understanding of how Cuban citizens and policymakers are dealing with the issues of race, equality and national identity."

RACISMO A LO MIAMI  6/10/2011 UNEAC: Por: Heriberto Feraudy Espino - "Mi gran sorpresa fue que ese mismo día, jueves 2 de junio, cuando se publicaba esta noticia en el Center For International Policy, con sede en Washington DC, tenía lugar una conferencia donde se debatía sobre la problemática racial en Cuba. Desde el día antes, yo albergaba la sospecha de que se trataba de montar un show mediático y así se lo hice saber a los organizadores del evento. Sin lugar a dudas, algunos de los asistentes a la atestada sala del Centro Universitario de California esperaban que a Cuba se le pusiese en el banquillo de los acusados, de ahí la presencia desde un comienzo de las cámaras de la TV Martí y del jefe de los corresponsales del Miami Herald. Lejos estábamos de conocer Esteban y yo de la masacre racista que había tenido lugar en Miami el día anterior, de saberlo nos habríamos dado banquete, pero no, de cualquier forma no fue necesario, a los cubanos nos sobran argumentos y razones para defender nuestra sociedad antirracista, pese a los vestigios que aún quedan."

The birth and death of a fake man-made feud, 6/20/11 Alberto Jones on the end of racial tensions fomented by the US

"Views of the AfroCuban Community", 10/98up.gif (925 bytes)

The center and Barry University, a Christian religious institution, are hosting a conference on Oct 30th and 31st, 1998:

"Views of the AfroCuban Community"

- Robert Steinback, Miami Herald, Moderator
- Mario Baeza, TWC Latin American Partners, and former candidate for post at
                the State Department, shot down by the CANF for being AfroCuban
- Alberto Jones, Caribbean American Childrens' Foundation
- Carlos Moore, University of West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad
- Marvin Dunn, Trinidad and Florida International University

Where: Sheraton Biscayne Hotel, Miami
When: Oct 30 and 31st, 1998


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