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CEAMO web page

Contacting CEAMO

CEAMO: Center for African and Middle Eastern Studies
Havana, Cuba

From their web site:

CEAMO is a scientific, autonomous, non-governmental association. Its creation in 1979 responded both to the impact of African and Arab traits in Cuban culture as well as to the evolution of Cuban relations with Africa and the Middle East since 1959.   It gathers a multi-disciplinary staff of researcher and collaborators who undertake studies with different approaches to social sciences, particularly history, sociology, politics, international relations and economy.  Its research results reach Cuban and foreign specialized institutions and the public in general through its publications and the academic performance of its members.


  • To expand the study of African and the Middle East and the impact of their cultures in our country, as well as Cuban policy towards those regions.
  • To establish working groups including collaborators and researchers interested on those topics.
  • To enlarge the scientific degree and technical skills of its staff.
  • To pursue the edition of its journal and foster the publication of other books and   bulletins.
  • To systematize international and national seminars, workshops and scientific sessions.
  • To promote academic exchange with similar institutions through joint projects.
  • To convoke summer, postgraduate and master courses.
  • To uphold consultation, counsel and lectures in other associations and universities.
  • To enlarge its public relations.

Research Interests:

  • Socio-political processes.
  • Economic policies.
  • Regional security and conflicts.
  • The new international framework.
  • Crises, conflicts and negotiations.
  • Islamic political religious movements.
  • Effects of neoliberal globalization.
  • US and European policies towards both regions.
  • Integration processes.
  • Migrations and refugees.
  • History of Cuban-African relations.
  • Environment and development.
  • Women in the regional context.


CEAMO publishes bulletins, papers, research works and books. It also issues the journal Revista de Africa y Medio Oriente (RAMO) twice a year in English and Spanish, a unique periodical specialized on those regions in Cuba since its inception in 1983.

With readers in five continents, RAMO basically embraces the work of CEAMO´s researchers, collaborators and other associates, but also invites contributions from other specialists.   It mainly contains articles dealing with current events along with historical and international topics and the impact of African and Middle Eastern cultures in the Americas.  For subscription rates and exchange request information at CEAMO´s Editorial Division.

CEAMO Web page

CEAMO has a page on Nodo50, a Spanish umbrella organization that includes a wide variety of entities. The CEAMO page is bilingual at

CEAMO Address

Ave. 3ra, Nº 1805, e/ 18 y 20, Miramar, Playa
La Habana, Cuba.
Tel: 22 1222, 22 1890 Fax: (3 57 221222)

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