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Barbara's Power Cuba 30 minutes with Wanayran Angerer.

BarbarA's Power - BarbarA's Fashion

Deyni Terry Abreu is the Director of Barbara's Power, a small business for women, mostly Afro descendent of all ages. This group of entrepreneurs produces African inspired clothing out of recycled materials. You can join their Facebook group at Familia de BarbarA's Power.

Deyni Terry is an attorney who is also the director general of Alianza Unidad Racial, a legal aid group.

The purpose of the company is to help other entrepreneurs earn an income for marginalized women, to empower women and to reclaim the image of the black woman as beautiful and powerful. In Cuba, racial discrimination is a major problem for Afro-descendants. One way it manifests itself is by the generalized notion exhibited by companies, and the media is that only white women with European features who are considered beautiful. In general, the society has a long way to go in accepting the Afro-Cuban culture, people and their rights and cultural traditions. This company is combating stereotypes so that the new generation can be proud of their heritage and also make a profit on its clear fashion. It is the organization's first effort to create African-inspired Afro-Cuban clothing and in Cuba in general. Then these costumes are presented in fashion shows that include women of all ages


Cuba: activismo y emprendimiento contra el racismo  1/26/2021 Deutche Well: "¿Hay un auge de iniciativas de activismo antirracista y afroemprendimientos en Cuba hoy? ¿Cómo enfrentan las inequidades raciales que persisten en el país?"

Lanzan en Cuba línea de moda Afro kids  11/15/2020 IPS: "BarbarA´s Power, un negocio privado que trabaja los diseños afrocubanos, lanzó su nueva línea de ropa afro para niñas y niños #Afrokids."

Barbara’s Modas, creación cubana  9/11/2016 Masoneria Libertaria: "El Proyecto Barbara’s Modas, liderado por mujeres emprendedoras Afro-descendientes en La Habana, pese de la precaria situación de sus recursos, avanza la primera etapa de su programa, a partir de los nuevos diseños creados realizan modificaciones y pruebas a los vestuarios que usarán en el futuro, un equipo de modelaje en una exposición pública. Sobre este tema abundó más en profundidad la abogada, diseñadora y Directora del Proyecto Barbara´s Modas, Deyni Terry Abreu."

Barbara’s Fashion an Afro-Cuban Led Project  9/10/2016 Havana Times: "The Barbara’s Fashion Project, led by Afro-descendant Cuban women entrepreneurs in Cojimar, Havana, advances in the first phase of its program, despite the precarious situation of its resources. The group is currently working on new designs with an eye towards a public fashion show in the future. We spoke with Terry Deyni Abreu, a lawyer and designer and the project’s director."

Mujeres emprendedoras diseñan para la moda afro-cubana  8/15/2016 Havana Times: "En un apartamento del poblado de Cojimar ubicado en La Habana del Este. Mujeres cubanas se inician como diseñadoras de moda para un proyecto que aspira a visibilizar el trabajo de la mujer afrodescendiente en Cuba, mostrar su belleza en toda su diversidad y convertirse en una fuente de empleo."


Links/Enlaces top

Deyni Terry Abreu

Help Cuban Entrepreneurs Come to US  campaign objective achieved

BarbarA’s Power: Empowerment of the Afrodescendant community, Negolution



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