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Anvegas2x.jpg (7975 bytes)
Haila Mompié at the Motown Cafe 06/99
Photo By: B. Valladares

Azucar Negra

Hot "salsa" band. Features the former lead singer of Bamboleo, Hayla Momprie, who is wonderful, and the songwriting of Lionel Limonta, who was the musical director and best songwriter for both Charanga Habanera and Bamboleo. 

Directed by Leonel Limonta, a Cuban composer who has written for Charanga Habanera, Issac Delgado and Bamboleo. He plays guiro for, writes for, and currently is the director of the new group Azucar Negra, featuring the great vocalist Hayla Momprie, previously of Bamboleo.

Some of the songs he's written are:

(1) for CHARANGA HABANERA: Quitate el Disfraz, Nube Pasajera

(2) ISSAC DELGADO: Por la Naturaleza

(3) BAMBOLEO: Yo No Me Parezco a Nadie, Si No Hablaras Tanto, Amor Sin Traspaso, Tu y Yo Una Misma Cosa, Pelicula Vieja, Mirando al Cielo, Con un Canto en el Pecho

(4) "To Love You" which was recorded by DLG and Ritmo Oriental on the record "Ritmo de la Ritmo"

(5) "Cupido o de Cazador a Presar" for Charanga Latina.

Schedule (updated 1/6/01)

Hugo M. Cancio Productions in Miami is bringing up Azucar Negra in June, 2001. Stay tuned.

Tour 2000

Thursday 6/22/2000 Steven's Steakhouse, playing with La Palabra, Los Angeles
Friday 6/23/2000 Rumba Room, Universal City
Saturday 6/24/2000 Griffith Park Salsa Festival, Los Angeles
Thursday, 6/29/2000 Las Vegas at the Motown Cafe in Hotel New York. Tickets available at the door at 7:00 each night
Friday, 6/30/2000   "       "
Saturday 7/1/2000   "       "
?? SOBs, NY

SOB's, in NY:

Monday, Jun 5
1st Show Azucar Negra
Time: Doors6:30, Shows 9 & 11pm

Anvegasx.jpg (7632 bytes)
Azúcar Negra in Las Vegas' Motown Cafe 06/99 (L-R) Aldo Isidro Miranda Alvarez , Abel Huesa Venero, Haila Maria Mompié, Alexander Luis Lara Dedieu. Maestro Leonel Limonta appears in the rear. Photo By: B. Valladares of Chambó




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