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Afrocuba de Matanzas

Dos Alas Tour: Fall 1998

Contacting Afrocuba de Matanzas

Afrocuba de Matanzas

Press Release August 10, 1996 Widest Distribution

Afrocuba de Matanzas land in the US, start tour [Includes phone numbers, dates of gigs. Some that happened are not noted as they were still being planned at the date of this notice.]

Afrocuba arrived in Chicago on August 9th to begin a historic US tour. Afrocuba's visit will show us some of the treasures of this most African of countries, Cuba.

Here is the tour schedule, with available dates, followed by a backgrounder: ==============================================

Afrocuba de Matanzas Backgrounder and North American Itinerary August - September, 1996

Afrocuba, one of Cuba's most acclaimed folklore groups, performs the traditional African dances, percussion, and songs which still flourish as an integral part of the island's living legacy. The company was founded in 1957 in the city of Matanzas, known as one of the cradles of Afrocuban folklore. There, many of the centuries-old African based traditions have been maintained in their purest form, some existing presently only in Matanzas [see backgrounder below].

8/9 - 8/12: Chicago, IL, DuSable Museum of
Afro-American History ( 312 947-0600), performance
& workshops. Hot House: Marguerite Horberg, 312 235-2334
8/15 - 8/16: Detroit, MI, Museum of African
American History (313 833-9800), African World Festival,
performance and workshops, Michigan State
University (co-sponsor).
8/17 - 8/21: New York, NY
  8/17: Caribbean Cultural Center (212 307-7420), 20th
        Anniversary Carnaval Celebration
  8/18: Afrocuba with Max Roach, opening the
        Lincoln Center Outdoors evening concert
        series (sponsored by the Caribbean
        Cultural Center).
  8/20: Apollo Theater (212 222-0992), Harlem, thanks
        to Congressman Charles Rangel.   Homage to
        the Ancestors.   Audience is encouraged to 
        dress in white.
  8/21: Harbor Performing Arts Center (212 427-2244) and 
        other locations, workshops, lectures, and classes.
In New York, contact Louis Bauzo at Harbor (212 427-2244) for
arranging workshops)
8/22 - 9/1:  Banff, Alberta, Canada, Banff Center for the
 Arts,"Afrocubanismo" Festival and Workshop (403 762-6100)..
 While 15 of 20 members are in Banff, 5 will remain in the
 US and give classes and presentations, 8/22-27 in Buffalo,
 NY (Ringo Brill - 716 835-8719) and 8/29 - 9/1 in Detroit, 
 Michigan, Francisco Mora/Phyllicia Hutton - 202 965-9569)
 as part of the Monterey Detroit Jazz Festival.
9/2 - 9/4:   Los Angeles, CA, City of LA's African 
Marketplace Festival (213 734-1164), Occidental College
(213 259-2757), performances & workshops.
9/5: Henry K Mello Center for the Arts, Watsonville, CA
(Javier Mun~iz - 408 688-1846)
9/6 - 9/7:   San Francisco, CA & Bay Area, La
Pena Cultural Center (510 849-2568) and UC Berkeley at
Zellerbach, Citicentre Dance Center, performances & 
9/11:  Easton, PA, Lafayette College, lecture/demo, 
9/12 - 9/17: Philadelphia, PA, Painted Bride Cultural 
Center with Associacion de Musicos Latino Americanos, 
Traditional Drummers Society, Swathmore College, DuBois 
College, performances, classes, & lectures.
9/20:        New York, NY, World Music Institute 
(212 545-7536),Fall 96 Series: Masters of World Music, 
Symphony Space Hall.
9/21 - 9/23: Boston, MA, 
   9/21:  performance at Sanders Theater, Harvard 
		University in conjunction  with IBA 
		(Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion) and World 
		Music, Inc. (617 876-4275)
   9/22:  workshop, then Batarumba dance party, IBA, 
		Villa Victoria(617 927-1700)
   9/23:  Tufts University, presentations & classes.
   9/23:  Roxbury Community College, classes (617 969-2138)
9/25:        Rochester, NY, Eastman School of Music 
			(716 274-1110)
9/26 - 9/30: Cincinnati, OH,  Aronoff Center for the Arts,
Drums for Peace/CIC Percussion Program, Contemporary Dance
Theater (513 751-2857), performances & workshops
Oct 1-2  Bloomington, IN  World Music Festival, 
		University of Indiana

Contacting Afrocuba de Matanzas

Afrocuba can be reached through their "representativo", Ileana Hernandez in Matanzas:

Contacting AfroCubaWeb

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