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ACSN river scene in ColombiaAfro-Colombian Solidarity Network (ACSN)


The Afro-Colombian Solidarity Network (ACSN) includes the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), TransAfrica Forum (TAF), Global Rights, Chicago Religious Leadership Network (CRLN), U.S. Office on Colombia (USOC), International Working Group of PCN, and activists and scholars Joseph Jordan, Roland Roebuck, Eunice Escobar and Arturo Escobar. Peace Brigades International (PBI) serves as an international observer.  ACSN includes a Pan-African perspective.

ACSN partners with the Proceso de Comunidades Negras (PCN)

Join us in supporting the first Afro-Colombian National Congress, August 23-28th, 2013 - 20 year anniversary of Law 70

Afro-Colombia: A Case for Pan-African Analysis, Joseph F. Jordan, ACSN member, 2006 with 2013 update, PDF



May 21, 2013

The Afro-Colombian Solidarity Network (ACSN) would like to ask for your support for the First Afro-Colombian National Congress of Community Councils and Organizations, which will take place August 23-28th in Quibdo, department of Choco. The Afro-Colombian National Congress will be the most important grassroots meeting of Afro-Colombian leaders since the meetings that led to the historic Law of Black Communities (Law 70) of 1993. It will be an autonomous event for grassroots Afro-descendant people's collective construction of an agenda to ensure that the Colombian government respects and implements Black people's right to free, prior and informed consultation and consent, which is nothing else but the Afro-descendant people's exercise of their right to participate in decision-making processes on issues that affect their lives, culture, environment and territories.

The Congress dates were chosen strategically to commemorate the 20-year anniversary of the adoption of the Law 70. While the law itself was the fruit of much struggle, the government has yet to fully implement it two decades later. Moreover, given the deteriorated human rights situation facing Afro-Colombian communities, and the Colombian government's attempt to coopt the Congress, international support is even more important.

ACSN would like to ask for you to get involved in one of two ways:


In solidarity with grassroots Afro-Colombian organizations, ASCN is encouraging international allies to support the Congress through financial contributions. While Congress organizing is well underway, more funds are needed for it to be a significant event. We would like to ask for your support in sponsoring an organization or Community Council so they can make it to the Congress. Leaders will come from all over the country and need your help in order to make the trip. While we are grateful for any donation in any amount, a sponsorship of $300 would support the local travel, accommodations and meals of one community leader.

Please find below instructions on how to make your contribution.


ACSN is organizing a delegation of activists, scholars and others interested in traveling to Quibdó, 8/24 -8/28 for the First Afro-Colombian National Congress of Community Councils and Organizations. On this delegation you can expect to:

• Act as an international observer/witness for the event which will include about 700 community leaders and state officials

• Visit Quibdó a city that is 85% Afro-Colombian and an important site in the struggle of Afro-Colombian communities

• Learn about the roots and realities of Afro-Colombian communities

• Learn about the impact of Colombian and U.S. policies on these communities

• Witness an historic event in the trajectory of Afro-Colombian struggles

• Learn the most effective ways to work in solidarity with Afro-Colombian communities

ACSN will arrange your local air and ground travel, meals and housing for four nights. We estimate that the cost of the delegation (excluding international airfare to Bogotá) will be $850-$950, depending on single or double occupancy. We will also arrange translation during the event (if needed) as well as opportunities to visit historic sites for the Afro-Colombian community in Quibdó and meet with leaders. In the past, international witnesses to these types of congresses did not only act as observers, but prepared official statements of solidarity and raised awareness when they returned home. Space is limited.

For more information about this delegation, or to register, please contact:

Tianna Paschel
ACSN member and delegation coordinator

The deadline for applications for the delegation is June 15th. Because space is limited (20 delegates), we will notify you shortly thereafter about availability. A $300 deposit will be due June 21st.

Below please find the information about where to send donations and delegation deposits. Unfortunately, your donations will not be tax deductible. Once your payment has been received a confirmation email will be sent to you.

Option 1: Pay by Check

Please make checks payable to:

The Stone Center
ACSN/Congress Delegation
150 South Rd, CB#5250, Room 215
UNC at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-5250
ATTN: jfjordan

Option 2: Pay by Credit Card

Send email to: with:
Your name _____________
Your credit card # _____________ expiration date _________

Type of Card (MC, Visa, Amer. Exp., etc.) _______

CVV ________________

If you have any other more general questions about how you might participate in the Congress, please contact Charo Mina Rojas:

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Charo Mina Rojas, Woodhull Alliance: "Charo Mina Rojas is a human rights activist, the National Coordinator of Advocacy and Outreach for the Black Communities’ Process (Proceso de Comunidades Negras- PCN), and member of the Afro-Colombia Solidarity Network, based in the United States. In 1995, she worked in the Ministry of Education as inter-institutional advisor for the implementation of a regional project to improve education standards, and introduced ethno-education in schools where the Afro-Colombian population was dominant. Mrs. Mina Rojas also worked for many years educating and assisting grassroots Afro-descendant communities on the process of implementing the Law 70 of 1993, that recognizes cultural, territorial and political rights, and define mechanisms for economic and cultural development of these communities in Colombia."


Attacks on Black Social Movements in Northern Cauca Continue  5/21/2019 ACSN: "Cesar Cerón was attacked after leaving a meeting on May 16. He is the Legal Representative of the Afro-Colombian Community Council of Meseta and currently running for mayor of the municipality of Suárez, Cauca. Over the course of the last ten years, Cerón has vehemently defended the rights of black, indigenous, and campesino communities confronting violence and displacement at the hands of paramilitaries and multinational corporations. Over the course of the last two years, he has faced extreme risks and been forced to leave the territory due to threats against his life."

Afro-Colombian Solidarity Network Statement of Concern: Recent Increase in Violence Against Afro-Colombian Communities on the Pacific Coast  2/25/2013 TransAfrica: "In anticipation of the upcoming visit of Minister Fernando Carrillo to Washington, DC, the Afro-Colombian Solidarity Network (ACSN) would like to express serious concerns with the current situation facing specific Afro-Colombian communities and leaders. We are especially concerned with recent increase in violence against Afro-Colombian communities on the Pacific coast."

ACSN Concerned about the criminal allegations against AfroColombian human rights defender Felix Banguero  6/18/2012 WOLA: "The Afro-Colombian Solidarity Network is very concerned about the detention of Felix Manuel Banguero, a long-time community leader and human rights defender; member of the Community Council El Pílamo; in the municipality of Guachené, Northern Cauca region; and a founder member of the Black Communities’ Process (PCN). Given the troubling climate of judicial persecution and stigmatization against human rights activists in Colombia, ACSN urges the Colombian authorities to ensure full protection of Mr. Banguero’s human rights."

Victims Law Decree Fails Afro-Colombian Communities  2/3/2012 NACLA: "President Juan Manuel Santos may have spoiled an historic opportunity to bring some justice in the form of reparations and land restitution to the Afro-descendant victims of Colombia’s internal armed conflict. On December 9, Santos decreed Law 4635, ostensibly creating the means for the Colombian government to compensate and assist Afro-Colombian victims that have been kicked off their land or have suffered during Colombia’s internal conflict. Such a law is essential, as Afro-Colombians have been disproportionably victimized and dispossessed by the violence. Their communities have repeatedly endured forced internal displacement, dozens of massacres, targeted assassination of their leaders, rape of their women and children, and the stigmatization that comes with all these atrocities. However, the Colombian government failed to implement a legitimate process of participation and free, prior, and informed consultation with these groups over the law—a right granted to Afro-descendents both in the Colombian Constitution and in international treaties. Without such consultation with the victims, Law 4635 is just another piece of legislation that has made a mockery of the rights of Afro-descendants."

Afro-Colombian Solidarity Network Calls for Inclusion of Afro-Colombian Issues in Victims' Law  11/22/2011 TransAfrica 

ACSN Urges the Santos Administration to investigate paramilitary activity and protect the Afro-Colombian communities in Cacarica Chocó  11/20/2011 CRLN: "The Afro-Colombian Solidarity Network (ACSN)* is concerned for the safety of Afro-Colombian and indigenous communities in the Cacarica river basin. The Community for Self-Determination, Life and Dignity of Cacarica (CAVIDA) warns that paramilitaries are mobilizing in nearby towns including Carmen del Darién, Turbo, Apartadó and Chigorodó in order to secure territorial, economic and social control over the civilian population. The presence of illegal armed groups, including the guerrillas and paramilitary groups that did not disarm or give up territorial control of the strategic Darien/Lower Atrato area put the lives of communities at risk. Information provided to CAVIDA indicates that the villages of Vijao and El Limón, and the Humanitarian Zone of Nueva Vida may be targeted."

Afro-Colombian Solidarity Network Calls for Protection of Afro-Colombian Communities in Cacarica, Choco  9/23/2011 TransAfrica: "The Afro-Colombian Solidarity Network (ACSN)* is concerned for the safety of Afro-Colombian and indigenous communities in the Cacarica river basin. The Community for Self-Determination, Life and Dignity of Cacarica (CAVIDA) warns that paramilitaries are mobilizing in nearby towns including Carmen del Darién, Turbo, Apartadó and Chigorodó in order to secure territorial, economic and social control over the civilian population."

The Afro-Colombian Solidarity Network (ACSN) strongly denounces the following security incidents that have taken place in Afro-Colombian communities since July  8/10/2011 TransAfrica 

New Abuses of Afro-Colombians’ Legal Rights under Santos Administration  7/20/2011 ACSN: "Violence and intimidation tactics continue to undermine the legal framework that defends the rights of Afro-Colombians. Despite possessing collective land rights to more than 5.2 million hectares of land, Afro- Colombians are disproportionately affected by forced displacement. Democratically elected Afro- Colombian Community Councils were created with the purpose of governing the collective territories and playing an important role in defending the right to previous, free, and informed consultation and consent. However, paramilitary groups that collude with large-scale economic projects violently expel Afro- Colombian communities from their collective lands. ACSN has repeatedly denounced various expressions of violence against Afro-Colombian communities and leaders."

New Abuses of Afro-Colombians’ Legal Rights under Santos Administration  7/20/2011 WOLA: "Violence and intimidation tactics continue to undermine the legal framework that defends the rights of Afro-Colombians. Despite possessing collective land rights to more than 5.2 million hectares of land, Afro-Colombians are disproportionately affected by forced displacement. Democratically elected Afro-Colombian Community Councils were created with the purpose of governing the collective territories and playing an important role in defending the right to previous, free, and informed consultation and consent. However, paramilitary groups that collude with large-scale economic projects violently expel Afro-Colombian communities from their collective lands. ACSN has repeatedly denounced various expressions of violence against Afro-Colombian communities and leaders. Despite domestic and international awareness of the systematic destruction of Afro-Colombian communities’ rights, the threats and violence continue."

Afro-Colombian Solidarity Network Condemns Ongoing Human Rights Abuses in Colombia  5/26/2011 WOLA: "This level of ongoing violence and abuse in Colombia is unacceptable especially at a time when the Obama Administration has announced that it plans to move forward with the FTA ."

Afro-Colombian Solidarity Network Statement  11/3/2010 Pan-African News Wire: "Paramilitaries Threaten Afro-Colombians that Recently Advocated for Human Rights at the OAS and U.S. Congress."

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