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"Awana Bekura Mendo" by Andrés Aguiar Achi

Andrés Aguiar Achi, painter, is the Isunékue of the Efí Kunakwa Nyuáo lodge in Matanzas, one of many Abakwá lodges derived from Ekpe lodges in Calabar. Based on a conversation on the birth of Abakwá in Africa with Ernesto Soto 'El Zambo', the Isunékue of the Itiá Mukandá Efó lodge in Havana, Achi painted this work titled "Awana Bekura Mendo", which depicts the birth of Abakua in Africa centuries ago. One sees Sikan, the Mother of Abakua on the bottom, next to a yellow gourd. One sees the sacrificial rooster to the right. In the river is a fish, and a frog. The hills above are symbolic of sites where important rites were carried out, and the heads of Ireme masquerades dancers representing ancestors are seen in between the hills. For more information, see Lydia Cabrera, La sociedad secreta Abakuá.

Awana Bekura Mendo

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