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AfroVenezuela News
Archives: 1998-2008

AfroVenezuela: News/Noticias 

Cultura Afrovenezolana: Interculturalidad y educación  10/9/2008 Aporrrea: publicado 9/04, por Jesús Chucho García

Hacia una escuela de música afrovenezolana - Red de Organizaciones Afrovenezolanas  10/9/2008 Aporrrea 

Declaracion del II Encuentro Nacional Afrovenezolano del 17 al 20 de julio de 2008  7/19/2008 AfroCubaWeb: "Rechazar categóricamente la legislación racista de la Directiva del Retorno aprobada recientemente por el parlamento europeo. Exigir al Gobierno Venezolano a traves de sus instituciones activar el Plan de Acción de la III Conferencia Internacional Contra el Racismo. Profundizar el trabajo organizativo y formativo de los y las militantes a lo interno de la Red de Organizaciones Afrovenezolanas."

Yo soy afro-descendiente con memoria colectiva  7/19/2008 Aporrea 

Afrovenezolanos Exigen Profundizar la Revolucion  7/11/2008 Prensa Afrovenezolana: "Durante los dias 17 al 20 de julio se estara realizando el II Encuentro Nacional Afrovenezolano, donde participaran delegados y delagadas de catorce estado del pais para elaborar el plan quinquenal 2008/2013 para el desarrollo integral de las comunidades afrodescendiente en el pais."

El racismo de Globovisión hace que los Afro descendientes Venezolanos se unan para protestar  4/30/2008 Aporrea 

Venezuela: Afro-Venezuela: The San Juan Cultural Festival, Reality Tour, Global Exchange, June 21, 2008 - July 01, 2008  3/28/2008 Global Exchange: with members of the Afro-Venezuelan Network

AFRODESCENDIENTES: RETOS DEL 2007 Por Jesús Chucho García  3/27/2008 Red Afrovenezolana: "Es trascendental que en la Rfeorma constitucional se reconszac en el preambulo la constribusión afrodescendientes en el proceso histroico venezolano y abrir un capitulo sobre afrodescendientes destacando el reconocieminto a las tierras comunales, cultura, conocimientso ancestrales, educación, para que todo ello tenga repercusion en las leyes organicas. La propuesta de la creacion por Decreto Presidencial del Consejo Nacional de Educación y Cultura Afrodescendientes (el decreto esta en el despacho del presidente), Reforzar los equipos de educacion afrovenezolana (ambas propeusta estan en manos del nuevos Minsitro de Educación Adan Chavez), incluirnos en el levantamientso de indicadorse estadisticos sociales de esa compañia anonima capitalista, casi neoliberal, llamada INstituto Nacional de Estadistica ante al cual llevamos ocho años haciendole esta petición."

I INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF AFRODESCENTS WOMEN AND AFROVENEZUELAN FAMILY  3/27/2008 Red Afrovenezolana: "In this context, afrodescendents families are still marked by the consequences of the terrible process of domination that submitted millions of men and women with the European insertion to the coasts of subsaharian Africa and subsequently, the transfer of Africans men and women to the American continent through the Slave Trade that imprisoned then as if it was an inherent condition. This historical process has been transmitted for a long time to diverse generations, excluding a lot of their cultural, economic, spiritual, social and political contribution to the development and of the Americas and the Caribbean. In our society we still have the established idea of a supposed “inferiority” imposed by a dominant social system, which has marked the conscience of afrodescendents and not-afrodescendents, maintaining thus a society where racism, racial discrimination and endorracism are intermingled silently, to become an obstacle of the development and enjoyment of the full rights of men and women, these last resulting the most affected in the three dimensions of a class, racist and sexist system. Nevertheless, the afrodescendent family has contributed in the construction of more human relations through the inherited values, customs, traditions and ancient knowledge. The Network of Afrovenezuelans Organizations and the Cumbe of Afrodescendents Women, opens an space with this meeting in the need to favor an analysis and debate of the situation of afrodescendent families in Venezuela, Latin America and the Caribbean, designing alternatives and discussions on the ways of conducting an appropriate development to improve life quality and question an exclusive sociopolitical system. In times of revolution, the real participatory democracy is consolidated only once inclusion of all society sectors is realized and the enjoyment of equity of opportunities and conditions."

A 154 años de la abolición de la esclavitud deuda continua - Colectivo Red Afrovenezolana  3/23/2008 AfroCubaWeb 

African Diaspora conference focuses on common issues  3/20/2008 Twin Cities Daily Planet 

The Afrovenezuelan Network and the Paramilitary Menace - La Red Afrovenezolana ante la Amenaza Paramilitar  3/5/2008 AfroCubaWeb 

Venezuelan activist lectures on social issues  2/29/2008 Daily Collegian: "Garcia focused on how the United States wants to capture this black movement, the creation of schools of leadership that were put in place by Colin Powell, has only one objective. "We see it as [that the U.S] will pick leaders that will support invasions," Garcia said. This is a subtle manipulation tactic from the United States to catch the black movement in Latin America, Garcia said during his lecture. "The agenda is low intensity, low profile intervention, is not like in 2004 the overt intervention in Haiti," Garcia said. "Take a look at the diaspora in Latin America in light of the changes that are happening now," Garcia said. The lecture was hosted by the Afro-American Studies department and the center for Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies. Students and faculty alike crowed the Shirley Graham Du Bois Library located in the New Africa house."

Venezuelans increasingly turn to Santeria for spiritual needs  2/9/2008 Jamaica Gleaner: "The surge in Santeria, which is practised by many in Cuba, can partly be explained by the arrival of thousands of Cuban doctors in Venezuela. President Hugo Chávez has been providing Cuba with subsidised oil in exchange for thousands of physicians who come to the South American country to treat poor people. Santeria priests are also making annual predictions for Venezuelans and issuing warnings - just like Cuban 'santeros' do in Havana. Last month, one group of priests said the gods have indicated that the twice-divorced Chávez would be a more effective leader with a woman at his side. It's a familiar pattern. Santeria has grown in popularity in New York, Miami and Puerto Rico in the past following influxes of Cubans, according to Margarite Fernandez Olmos, a professor at City University of New York who has researched the religion. She said Santeria's popularity also has grown in places "where African-based spirituality becomes a more acceptable social and spiritual option". In overwhelmingly Roman Catholic Venezuela, many shops have sprung up in recent years selling roosters, goats and other animals to be sacrificed in Caracas' working class barrios. In the city's churches, believers can be seen in head-to-toe white, praying to their gods before statues of Catholic saints."

Race War and Nation in Caribbean Gran Colombia, Cartagena, 1810–1832  11/16/2007 The American Historical Review: by Marixa Lasso, Panama - "This lack of attention derived in large part from the notion that racial equality was empty rhetoric that served the needs of elites to attract the black population to their side during the struggles. That belief was seemingly borne out by the fact that slavery remained legal in most of Spanish America until the 1850s. Adding insult to injury, nationalist declarations of racial equality allowed the elite to maintain informal patterns of discrimination by impeding the formation of racially based political associations, which were declared unnecessary, divisive, and unpatriotic.12 3 A close analysis of this period, however, reveals that the ideal of racial equality was not just facile rhetoric. The literature on the intellectual and electoral history of the Spanish American wars of independence has shown that the political changes were the result of serious intellectual and political debates and were perceived by the protagonists as a momentous transformation that challenged entrenched cultural traditions and social hierarchies.13 The works of Alfonso Múnera, Peter Guardino, and Peter Blanchard have also taught us that Afro-Latin Americans were not mere "cannon fodder"; they participated in and influenced the political debates about citizenship in the revolutionary period, sometimes pushing the elites to acquiesce to radical measures they had not initially contemplated."

Jesus Chucho Garcia  10/23/2007 MySpace: "Jesus Chucho Garcia. San jose de Barlovento (15-04-1954). Investigador sobre Africa y su diaspora.Escritor (22 libros).Productor musical (12 discos).Coordinador General de la fundacion Afroamerica y miembro de la red de organizaciones afrovenezolanas. Militante de la esperanza por un mundo mejor."

Negritud y criollismo en una comunidad afrovenezolana - Metalenguajes y supranacionalismos  10/3/2007 Revista Española de Antropologia Americana: "Tras un trabajo de campo en la comunidad afrovenezolana de Caita en la que aprecia la utilización emblemática de determinado discurso afroamericanista como sena de identidad, el autor subraya las conexiones de dicho discurso con cl del movimiento político-literario de ámbito caribeño y africano conocido como Negritud (y/o, en algunos casos, como Afrocriollismo). En este sentido, y profundizando en la composición sociológica de Caita. el estudio plantea la existencia de distintts sub—grupos o subeulturas en el seno de la comunidad y sostiene que el citado discurso afroamericanista sólo es asociable con uno dc ellos: el compuesto por la minoritaria intelectualidad local. La cultura de la mayoría verdaderamente iradicional’ de la población. no se reconoce tanto en los valores de esa Negritud, y/o Afrocriollismo o Criol lismo. todos de origen literario y/o intelectual, comoen los de una cullura campesina más caracterizada, en el fondo, por la precariedad y la discriminación. Las posibles raíces africanas de la misma se situarían a un nivel más profundo (en su ‘modo de devoción por ejemplo) que sería, tal vez., el ámbito en eí que podrían encontrarse sus conexiones culturales cori otras comunidades iberoamericanas del mismo Origen."

Proyecto piloto para las comunidades  9/29/2007 Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Cultura: "Este proyecto, que responde a una estrategia para fortalecer la identidad regional, es organizado por la Oficina de Enlace con las Comunidades Afrodescendientes de este ministerio, el Consejo Nacional de la Cultura (Conac), conjuntamente con el Fondo de Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (Unicef), Asimismo, busca impulsar el desarrollo endógeno cultural, mediante el cual sean reducidas las acciones de violencia y situaciones de riesgo social, en niñas, niños y adolescentes de las comunidades afrodescendientes de Barlovento. En esta actividad se profundizará en contenidos tales como, motivación al logro, autoestima, comunicación, trabajo en equipo, valores, ciudadanía, embarazo a temprana edad, prevención de consumo de drogas, violencia y maltrato familiar. El referido proyecto piloto se subdividirá en dos módulos temáticos fundamentales: la prevención y el crecimiento personal, dirigido por Nelmir Marrero."

Representaciones de identidad y organizaciones sociales afrovenezolanas  9/16/2007 RED DE BIBLIOTECAS VIRTUALES DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES DE AMERICA LATINA Y EL CARIBE: publicado en 2002 - "En este trabajo nos proponemos una aproximación al estudio de la obra del venezolano Jesús “Chucho” García, como un exponente intelectual más de los “Estudios y otras prácticas latinoamericanas en cultura y poder”. (Mato,2001). Más que el contenido de la obra, nos interesa resaltar aquí su trayectoria de intervención, políticamente comprometida con las comunidades afrovenezolanas y con la transformación de las mismas, que busca acercar el trabajo práctico al trabajo teórico mediante sus prácticas investigativas basadas en su propia experiencia, de las organizaciones que él dirige, así como de las otras organizaciones con las cuales tiene intercambios y relaciones de trabajo."

La visión crítica del pasado, superando las barreras del presente y por la construcción de un futuro  9/15/2007 MINCI, Venezuelan Government: published in 2005 - "Nuestra constitución bolivariana, en su preámbulo, expresa un compromiso con "un proceso de refundación de la Republica a través de profundas transformaciones sociales destinadas a establecer una sociedad democrática, soberana, responsable, multi-étnica y pluricultural, constituida por hombres y mujeres iguales, niños y niñas que son el interés superior del estado, en correspondencia con los valores de pertinencia e identidad nacional". Es precisamente en este marco de transformación institucional que las organizaciones afro, comenzaron desde hace varios años, a buscar reconocimientos en la esfera de lo cultural, social, jurídico, educativo, agricultura, ambiente, para estimular la inserción social de las poblaciones afrovenezolanas y minimizar la exclusión estructural de los últimos años."

La Historia de Venezuela plagada de ideas racistas  9/14/2007 Aporrea 

Encuentro y desencuentros de los “saberes” en torno a la africanía “latinoamericana”  9/10/2007 Venezuela: Programa Cultura, Comunicación y Transformaciones Sociales: de Jesús “Chucho” García, 2005

Musica tradicional en los Chorros  9/9/2007 Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Cultura: "La cultura va al parque tiene como objetivo apoyar a los creadores y fortalecer la inclusión de las comunidades en las actividades culturales, para convertirse en el ente articulador para el desarrollo de los Comités de Cultura de los Consejos Comunales e impulsar el Tercer y Quinto Motor del Poder Comunal. Este programa, que comenzó el 5 de agosto en el Parque del Este de Caracas, pretende mantenerse activo en los 43 parques nacionales de todo el territorio nacional."

Afrodescendientes y reforma constitucional  9/5/2007 Aporrea: de Jesus Chucho Garcia - "El proceso de Reforma a la Constitución de la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela será una prueba de fuego para reconocer a las comunidades afrodescendientes como elementos esenciales de nuestra diversidad cultural en concordancia con la Convención Contra la Discriminación Racial (ONU) y la Convención Sobre al Diversidad Cultural de la UNESCO, ambas ratificadas recientemente por nuestro país, teniendo rango Constitucional de acuerdo al artículo 23 de nuestra Constitución vigente. Veremos quiénes de los diputados y diputadas así como de la sociedad venezolana en general, aceptarán estas sugerencias, lo cual dará una lectura de la comprensión de lo plural y multiétnico en el transitar de estos ocho años de proceso bolivariano venezolano. Así sabremos si son racistas solapados, hipócritas o abiertamente discriminadores."

El Racismo en Venezuela  9/3/2007 EL ECO DE LOS PASOS 

Grupo afro-venezolano sacude el Área de la Bahía  7/18/2007 El Reportero 

Primer Encuentro de Poblaciones Afrodescendientes  6/20/2007 MINCI, Venezuelan Government: "Entre los participantes nacionales asistirán miembros de la Comisión Presidencial Contra El Racismo, Vicepresidencia de la República, Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), Red de Organización Afrovenezolana (ROA), ministerios, universidades, organizaciones y grupos de comunidades afrodescendientes. Con este encuentro-taller se espera crear un sistema para obtener información oportuna, actualizada y pertinente, con base en investigaciones sobre grupos afrodescendientes dentro del contexto social latinoamericano."

Prohíben el reggaeton en las escuelas de Venezuela  6/7/2007 Periodista Digital: "Estamos prohibiéndola para captar la atención de los docentes como formadores. Suena como una imposición, pero no tenemos otro remedio".

Afrovenezolanidad y cultura de resistencia  5/27/2007 La Voz: "Durante todo este mes se han estado realizando una serie de actividades para sensibilizar al país sobre la deuda social acumulada por el Estado venezolano con las comunidades afrovenezolanas Desde su fundación en el mes de junio del año 2000 en San José de Barlovento, la Red de Organizaciones Afrovenezolanas ha venido impulsando seis líneas estratégicas de trabajo en los campos educativos, culturales, jurídicos, indicadores sociales y relaciones internacionales."

Venezuela giving Danny Glover $18m to direct film on epic slave revolt  5/21/2007 Guardian: "Venezuela is to give the American actor Danny Glover almost $18m (£9m) to make a film about a slave uprising in Haiti, with President Hugo Chávez hoping the historical epic will sprinkle Hollywood stardust on his effort to mobilise world public opinion against imperialism and western oppression. The Venezuelan congress said it would use the proceeds from a recent bond sale with Argentina to finance Glover's biopic of Toussaint Louverture, an iconic figure in the Caribbean who led an 18th-century revolt in Haiti."

Anuncian 4 proyectos afrovenezolanos  4/26/2007 Gobierno de Venezuela: "Los proyectos a desarrollar por ambas instituciones son: Programa de Concientización para el Reconocimiento y Autorreconocimiento en la Población Afrodescendiente, Publicación de Textos Infantiles sobre temas de la Cultura Afrovenezolana, Cátedra de Libre Percusión y I Encuentro- Taller Latinoamericano de Experiencias sobre Censos y Estudios de Poblaciones Afrodescendientes."

¿Precursor del socialismo?  3/21/2007 BBC: "Al punto que en el bicentenario de aquella gesta, José Leonardo Chirino logró "entrar" simbólicamente al Panteón Nacional en Caracas, junto a Simón Bolívar y los demás Padres de la Patria. Hoy Chirino forma parte de una discusión política muy actual, sobre la construcción del llamado "socialismo bolivariano" que impulsa el presidente Hugo Chávez, al punto que algunos lo ven como uno de los primeros "socialistas" venezolanos. José Leonardo Chirino era hijo de esclavo e india, razón por la que gozaba de libertad. Trabajaba al servicio de la familia Tellería de Coro, ciudad de la costa oeste de Venezuela. En ese tiempo viajó al Santo Domingo francés, futuro Haití, y la cercana isla de Curazao. Allí supo de la revolución francesa y de las luchas de la población esclava que tiempo después lograría establecer una "república negra", al hacer de Haití el primer país independiente de América Latina en 1804."

DISCURSO A LA JUVENTUD POR. ARGENIS DELGADO V. Comisionado Nacional Afrodescendiente  2/12/2007 Red AfroVenezolana 

Red Afrovenezolana participó en Foro Social Mundial 2007 en Kenia  2/5/2007 ABN: "Como grupo social, el Foro Social Mundial de Kenia fue un espacio que le permitió a la Red Afrovenezolana encontrarse con todos los movimientos y discutir sobre los problemas comunes, afirmó la presidenta de la Casa Cultural Haitiana Bolivariana de Venezuela, Immacula Nervil. Representantes de la Red Afrovenezolana asistieron al Foro Social Mundial 2007, realizado en Kenia. Nervil señaló que propusieron que la deuda que Francia mantiene con el pueblo haitiano, unos 22 mil millones de dólares, sean cancelados y se empleen en educación y asistencia médica «para recuperar la dignidad de mi pueblo». Otra de las propuestas fue la creación de un Comité Venezolano de Solidaridad con Haití y la realización de un Foro Social Mundial en ese país caribeño. «No nos dormiremos con el caso de Haití, seguiremos en la lucha. Recordemos que fue el primer país de América en lograr su emancipación, nuestro pueblo no se rinde», advirtió la representante de la delegación afrovenezolana."

AFRODESCENDIENTES: RETOS DEL 2007 Por Jesús Chucho García  2/1/2007 Red AfroVenezolana: "Hemos observado durante este año que en la asunción de la alta magistratura presidencial, los lideres como Lula Da Silva (Brasil), Daniel Ortega (Nicaragua) y el pasado lunes Rafale Correa, simepre hicieron mención y reconocimiento directo a los afro y con sus respectivos espacios publicos. Sin embargo, solo escuchamos, y no en boca del presidente, sino en los labiso de Cilia Flores la palabra afrodescendientes. En lso útimos diez discursos tarscentales del presidente Chjavez, la palabra afrodescendientes desapreció, mientars que los otrso presidentes la han reividnicado con fuerza. El p´residente debe revsiar sue staregia discursiva, que casi raya en la exclusión afro, y proponer hechos concretos a mas del treinta por ciento de la poblacion afrovenezolana y que le dio un gran respado electiral (revise los municipos afro en el CNE). Es trascendental que en la Rfeorma constitucional se reconszac en el preambulo la constribusión afrodescendientes en el proceso histroico venezolano y abrir un capitulo sobre afrodescendientes destacando el reconocieminto a las tierras comunales, cultura, conocimientso ancestrales, educación, para que todo ello tenga repercusion en las leyes organicas."

Is There a "Black Vote" in Venezuela?  12/4/2006 Venezuela Analysis: "Luis Perdomo, a black Barlovento resident, was denied entry to a Nelson Mandela birthday commemoration last year. Seeing his complexion, a "revolutionary" government official assumed he was a bike messenger and turned him away. Perdomo had been an invited speaker. He eventually gave his speech, during which he also recounted this humiliating incident. But afterward, Venezuela's state TV network refused to interview him, though they spoke to the other presenters, upset that he dared to criticize the government at an event it had organized."

Venez Extols African Contribution  10/28/2006 PL: published 5/06 - "The Catedra Libre Africa, a conference to exchange information about Afro-descendants in Venezuela, opened in Caracas on Thursday as part of endeavors to understand and work toward South-South cooperation."

Vargas Llosa: "un nuevo racismo"  10/15/2006 BBC Mundo: publicado 1/06 - "El destacado escritor peruano Mario Vargas Llosa publicó un artículo, reproducido en el periódico argentino La Nación, en el que califica de racistas los planteamientos del presidente electo de Bolivia Evo Morales, del presidente de Venezuela Hugo Chávez y del candidato presidencial peruano Ollanta Humala."

La revuelta de José Leonardo Chirino  8/1/2006 'published 4/03

Más de 600 delegados debaten en el IV encuentro de afrodescendientes  6/20/2006 AVN: "Sostuvo que es muy importante que los afrodescendientes se reúnan y hagan sentir su voz, “porque, históricamente, estos pueblos, así como los indígenas han sido los más excluidos en el continente”. Destacó que este evento se efectúa en el contexto de la declaratoria de Naciones Unidas del Año Internacional de la Afrodescendencia; en el Bicentenario de la Independencia; en los momentos previos de la instalación formal de la Celac en Venezuela."

Más de 700 delegados participan en Encuentro de Afrodescendientes  6/20/2006 RNV: "El foro cuenta con 70 delegados internacionales, 60 ponentes nacionales, 500 ciudadanos de las diferentes regiones del país y 80 representantes de Colombia que debaten abiertamente en mesas de trabajo por más de tres días."

Venezuela Extols African Contribution  5/25/2006 PL: ''The Catedra Libre Africa, a conference to exchange information about Afro-descendants in Venezuela, opened in Caracas on Thursday as part of endeavors to understand and work toward South-South cooperation. Organizers said participants are discussing African history and its contribution to national culture, the fight against discrimination, and the development of Afro-descendants´ expressions. Foreign Affairs Deputy Minister Reinaldo Bolivar asserted “this event is included in the Diplomacy of Peoples and the Africa Agenda my office has been promoting for 15 months.” Bolivar stated that mechanisms such as the Catedra Libre Africa should be created for cooperation among nations, so university teachers and students can further their knowledge and bring it to other education and community levels.''

Comisión Presidencial luchará en contra de la discriminación racial  5/9/2006 MINCI, Venezuelan Government: "Con el firme propósito de luchar contra la discriminación racial y otras formas de distinción en el país, reconociendo que nuestra sociedad es multiétnica y pluricultural, se juramentará una Comisión Presidencial integrada por los miembros de las organizaciones afrovenezolanas, el ministro de Educación y Deportes (MED), y Presidente de la comisión, Aristóbulo Istúriz. El ministro de la Cultura, Francisco Sesto; el Defensor del Pueblo, Germán Mundarain; el ministro de Comunicación e Información, Willian Lara; el viceministro para Asuntos del África, Reinaldo Bolívar; la presidenta del Consejo Nacional de Derecho del Niño, Niña y Adolescente (Cndna), Luisa Rodríguez y el Fiscal General de la República, Isaías Rodríguez. Antes de la juramentación que se llevará a cabo en horas de la tarde, se realizó un encuentro con los activistas afrodescendientes del país y algunos visitantes: Danny Glover, Presidente de la Organización TransÁfrica Forum, Cristofer Nizan, activista de Estados Unidos, Dagoberto Tejera, luchador de República Dominicana, y Jesús García, miembro de la Red Afrovenezolana, entre otros."

Afrodescendientes continúan luchando para dar a conocer su verdadero rostro  4/1/2006 Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias: "El presidente de la Fundación Afroamérica, Jesús «Chucho» García, explicó que desde el año 2000 la Red de Organizaciones Afrovenezolanas promueve esta propuesta. «Si usted revisa el preámbulo de nuestra Constitución habla del heroísmo y del sacrificio de los indígenas y de los libertadores, pero no dice nada acerca de los afrodescendientes, quienes constituían 10% de la población para 1810 y fueron usados como carne de cañón en la independencia», aseveró. En opinión del presidente de Africaracas, Milco Chacoa, cooperativa que se ocupa de divulgar el legado cultural de la tradición africana, esta llamada visibilización es necesaria porque la omisión «puede ser una forma de racismo»."

Afrodescendientes continúan luchando para dar a conocer su verdadero rostro  4/1/2006 Cimarrones Peru: "En opinión del presidente de Africaracas, Milco Chacoa, cooperativa que se ocupa de divulgar el legado cultural de la tradición africana, esta llamada visibilización es necesaria porque la omisión «puede ser una forma de racismo». Dijo que no sólo se busca la modificación del prefacio constitucional, sino también la inclusión de un artículo «en el que Venezuela reconozca los aportes morales, sociales y políticos de los afrodescendientes», así como la sanción de una ley contra el racismo y la discriminación."

Categoría: Afro  3/25/2006 América Latina en Movimiento: extensive listing of articles on afro-latin topics

21 de marzo: Día Internacional contra la Discriminación Racial - Esclavitud y racismo  3/24/2006 América Latina en Movimiento: by Jesus Garcia, an important Afro Venezuelan thinker

Afro-Venezuelans denounce divide-and-conquer scheme by Willie Thompson  3/1/2006 SF Bay View: "Eve Golinger-Moncada, a Venezuelan-American attorney and author of “The Chavez Code,” is reported by Afro-Venezuelans to be denouncing Afro- and Indigenous Venezuelans on radio and television in Caracas. She alleges that they are taking money from U.S. government agencies – NED, IRI and USAID – to destabilize and overthrow the Bolivarian Venezuelan government of President Hugo Chavez. The reports, brought back from the 2006 World Social Forum recently held in Venezuela and received in emails, are deeply troubling to both Afro-Venezuelans and African North Americans. Golinger-Moncada is said not to have named any specific Afro- or Indigenous-Venezuelan groups or organizations. Afro-Venezuelans believe she is trying to divide the Afro- and Indigenous Venezuelans from the Bolivarian movement so as to aid the real opponents of the Venezuelan government for personal gain. In 2004, Golinger-Moncada published a list of organizations receiving funding from the U.S., but it isn’t clear that they included Afro- and Indigenous Venezuelan organizations. It is important to know that Congressman Gregory Meeks of the Congressional Black Caucus is a member of the NED (National Endowment for Democracy) board of directors."


AFRICA-VENEZUELA: Weaving New Alliances with Cultural Threads  10/28/2005 IPS: "Venezuela, the biggest oil producer in Latin America and the fifth biggest in the world, has launched an offensive to forge closer diplomatic ties with Africa, initially focusing on political and cultural questions while leaving the matter of energy cooperation to the future… The next step is a Nov. 13-20 cultural festival that Venezuela will host in Caracas, with the participation of a dozen African artistic and cultural groups like the Benin national ballet company and Gnaoua musicians from Morocco, as well as a number of Venezuelan groups and artists. "Venezuela, like other Latin American countries, owes a spiritual debt to Africa," Jesús García, president of the non-governmental Afroamérica Foundation, told IPS. "Thousands of slaves from the Wolof ethnic group of Senegal or the Mina from the (West African) equatorial coast came to this country." The festival "gives us a chance to eradicate the 'Tarzan-like' vision of Africa that we still have in Venezuela, where we often see it merely as a primitive continent with enormous needs. We want African intellectuals to come and show us their reality," said García. In the activist's view, the government's offensive provides an opportunity to support intergovernmental efforts by promoting agreements between universities, parliaments, regional authorities and city governments in Africa and Venezuela, "and with the rest of the region, in search of a new relationship with Latin America and the Caribbean as well." "

Invitacion Encuentro Juvenil AFROANDINO  8/1/2005 desplace hacia abajo para el texto

Racism and Racial Divides in Venezuela  5/13/2005 Venezuela Analysis: published 1/21/04, interview with Chucho Garcia

Teaching Race in Venezuela  5/13/2005 Venezuela Analysis: "At the International Afro-Descendent Conference hosted by Venezuela last weekend, Humberto Brown of the Global Afro-Latino and Caribbean Initiative (USA) stated that “Afro Descendents cannot talk about democracy in countries in which racism exists.” The conference was hosted by The Afro-Venezuelan Network and the Ministry of Information and Communication May 6-8 in Caracas. The aim of the conference was to ensure that in the process of creating Latin American unity, the inclusion of historically oppressed sectors (composed mainly of indigenous and Afro-descendent groups) is not overlooked. Participating in discussions were panelists from Venezuela, Brazil, Peru and Colombia, among others, as well as a delegation from the US-based Trans-Africa Forum."

Gobierno Bolivariano apoya propuestas de Afrodescendientes  5/6/2005 MINCI, Venezuelan Government: "Dando continuidad al Encuentro Internacional de Afrodescendientes en Caracas, participaron en la apertura de actividades del día de hoy el ministro Andrés Izarra, el ministro de Cultura de la República de Cuba, Abel Prieto; el presidente de la Asamblea Nacional, Nicolás Maduro; Jorge Veloz, coordinador de la Red Afrovenezolana y Fulvia Polanco de la misma organización."

Encuentro Internacional Afrodescendientes. Programa  5/4/2005 Venezuelan Government 

The Chavez Revolution: Venezuela Must Be A Black State Part II  10/10/2004 Black State 

Coloquio: La Trata Negrera, el Sistema Esclavista y su expresión hoy en el estado Vargas  7/25/2004 Red AfroVenezolana: DECLARACIÓN DE MACUTO

Coloquio Cátedra Itinerante y Construcción y Desarrollo Curricular en contextos Afrovenezolanos  7/9/2004 Red AfroVenezolana 

Afro-Venezuelans celebrate San Juan drum festivities with international flavor  6/27/2004 Vheadline: "The Venezuelan Culture Ministry has organized a drum culture event in Caracas called "All the Drums of the World," inviting drummers from 13 countries, including Venezuela, to play to the public during the festivities of black Venezuelan patron saint, St. John The Baptist (San Juan)."

Jesus “Chucho” Garcia  6/23/2004 Global Exchange 

Venezuelans in the hurricane’s eye  6/23/2004 Minnesota Spokesman Recorder: "Last week, Afro-Venezuelan activist Jesus “Chucho” Garcia spoke at two private meetings held in Minneapolis, in an attempt to raise awareness about the increasingly tense political atmosphere in his country. “In international politics, we are the only country that has recreated self-determination and sovereignty,” Garcia said. “This is what is at play — participatory democracy and sovereignty,” and “for these reasons we always say we are in the eye of the hurricane,” he added. Before his arrival in Minneapolis, Garcia had been invited by the U.S. Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) to talk about the issues facing Venezuela. “They [CBC] had doubts because of the mass campaign against our government,” Garcia said. “But I said to the Black caucus, if the signatures are there, we will go to referendum, because this is a proposal from the people of Venezuela.” "

Afro-American praise Chavez as national hero; symbol of freedom and independence  6/18/2004 Vheadline: "National Afro Brazilian Congress president Eduardo de Oliveira says President Hugo Chavez is a national hero and a symbol of freedom and independence for the majority of Brazilians and especially Black Brazilians. "Our continent Latin America will really be free when have a dozen Chavez Frias that defend freedom and a dozen Lula da Silvas that integrate, unify and build politically and economically independent peoples." The remarks will undoubtedly create a current of adverse opinion among opposition militants in Venezuela who claim that racism isn't an issue and that President Hugo Chavez Frias is stoking racial hatred."


Danny Glover expresses support for Intellectual Congress in Caracas  6/2/2004 Granma: "Popular U.S. actor Danny Glover has expressed his support for the World Congress of Intellectuals and Artists convened for the defense of humanity and scheduled to take place in Caracas from November 30 through December 3 of this year."

Hacia una apertura del debate sobre el racismo en Venezuela: exclusión e inclusión estereotipada de la persona “negra” en los medios de comunicación  6/1/2004 CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIONES POSTDOCTORALES, FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ECONÓMICAS Y SOCIALES, UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DE VENEZUELA: "El presente estudio discute el carácter racista de los medios de comunicación, específicamente de las industrias de publicidad, telenovela, modelaje y áreas relacionadas en Venezuela, enfocándose en la práctica de exclusión e inclusión estereotipada de las representaciones “negras”."

Venezuela's political struggle mustn't be turned racial  3/28/2004 Vheadlines: "Afro-Venezuelan Network leader, Jesus Garcia has criticized Venezuelan print & broadcast media for showing tints of racism, citing one TV channel poking fun at Zimbabwe President, Robert Mugabe ... "One may have differences with President Hugo Chavez Frias or disagree with Confederation of Trade Unions (CTV) general secretary, Manuel Cova, to mention concrete cases, but the political struggle must not be racialized and that is what the media has done."

Afro-Venezuelans celebrate 150 years of the Abolition of Slavery  3/21/2004 Vheadlines: "Commemorating 150 years of the abolition of slavery in Venezuela, the Afro-Venezuelan Organizations Network has announced a seminar at the Caracas Bellas Artes Museum on March 22-24 entitled: A Critical Review of the Historical Dimension of Slavery in Venezuela. The National Culture Council (Conac) is sponsoring the meeting… The black Education, Culture & Sports (MECD) Minister, Aristobulo Isturiz will open the event, along with other guests that include National Assembly (AN) indigenous deputy, Noheli Pocaterra, CONAC president and Deputy Culture Minister, Francisco Sesto, Venezuelan representative to UNESCO, Maria Clemencia Lopez and of course, Afro-Venezuelan Organizations Network leaders, Jesus Garcia and Jorge Guerrero."

Afro-Venezuelans celebrate 150 years of the Abolition of Slavery  3/21/2004 Vheadlines 

Globovision TV assures African diplomats there's no racism in Venezuela  3/21/2004 Vheadlines: "In the letter, Ravell says he's surprised about the lack of interest and sociological curiosity on the part of "your respectable diplomatic missions to understand the multiples characteristics of our people's identity." However, in an attempted exculpatory, the Globovision media boss laments the fact that the Africans "do not understand the Venezuelan people's sense of humor." "

Embajadores africanos expresan su malestar a Globovisión por contenido de una emisión de Aló Ciudadano  3/12/2004 Venpres: "El Grupo de Embajadores Africanos acreditados ante el Gobierno de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, nos dirigimos a Usted en razón de expresarle nuestro asombro legítimo y profundo malestar por el contenido de un programa emitido el pasado día 28 de febrero, en el espacio "Aló Ciudadano" con motivo de la visita del Presidente de Zimbabwe, S.E. Robert Mugabe a Caracas en el marco de la Cumbre del G-15… Sencillamente, Sr. Director, a los televidentes de vuestra cadena se les ha servido un espectáculo burdo e indecente, repleto de efectos groseros, expresiones despectivas y un sinfín de burlas y gestos de indudable contenido racista. Conducta que, dicho sea de paso, deja mucho que desear acerca del talento democrático, los modales y la talla moral e intelectual de los conductores del citado programa." [Globovisión es una de la cadenas privadas en Venezuela.]

La pobreza periodística de la emisora WFM de Colombia manipula declaraciones de Don King sobre Chávez  2/2/2004 Aporrea 

Don King praises Venezuela's Chavez  2/1/2004 CNN: ""To see what is happening here makes me feel good all over," said King of Chavez's government and his efforts to bring social justice to Venezuela's poor majority. "You are a president of the people, for the people and by the people and your magic lies in your people ties. You are the one concerned about the poor," King said during Chavez's "Hello President" program."

US boxing promoter Don King says will tell George W. Bush of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias' 'people ties'  2/1/2004 Vheadlines 

Nora Castañeda, head of Venezuela’s Women’s Bank, coming to San Francisco  1/21/2004 SF Bay View: "Nora Castañeda, president of the Women’s Development Bank of Venezuela, now on a U.S. tour, will speak in San Francisco on Thursday, Jan. 29… Event sponsors actor and activist Danny Glover, who was recently in Venezuela, Hari Dillon, president of the Vanguard Foundation, Dolores Huerta of the United Farm Workers Union, KPFA Station Manager Gus Newport and others will participate in the event. San Francisco Supervisor Tom Ammiano has put forward a resolution to declare Jan. 29 Nora Castañeda Day in San Francisco. Selma James, London-based widow of “Black Jacobins” author CLR James, the international coordinator of the Global Women’s Strike, which is hosting Ms. Castañeda’s U.S. tour, and Nina Lopez of the GWS Bolivarian Circle/UK will provide introductory remarks and translation… Calling attention to the lives of Venezuelans of African descent, Nora Castañeda says: “As a Mestiza (the Venezuelan name for those of African, Indigenous and other mixed race descent), I don’t face as much discrimination as a Black woman who is discriminated against for being poor, Black and a woman. If I say I am Black, people tell me, ‘No, you’re not Black; you’re Mestiza.’ And when they call me Mestiza they are saying that I don’t face as much discrimination as a Black woman does. But I am Black, because there is Black in my veins and I will not forget it.” Martin Luther King Day was recently declared a national holiday in Venezuela."

Chucho Garcia Interview - Racism and Racial Divides in Venezuela  1/21/2004 Venezuela Analysis: "However, the TransAfrica Forum delegation, in its final press conference in Venezuela, made this its central topic, saying that, yes, racism in Venezuela is alive and well, despite the fact that practically all Venezuelans that they spoke to denied it. They mentioned several incidents that seemed fairly obvious to them, such as news commentators referring to their trip as being a “burned” tour – in a reference to their skin color. Also, a prominent opposition spokesperson referred to the delegation as “monkeys” – a fairly common deprecatory term Venezuelans use for people of African descent. Also, the cartoonist of one of the major newspapers, El Nacional’s Zapata, caricatured their visit, making obvious negative reference to their racial background… The Afro-Venezuelan network has compiled a list of over 1,000 racist comments that have appeared in Venezuela’s media in the past year and half… Unfortunately, all of this is awfully unscientific and will probably thus not convince the majority of Venezuelans who have been raised by the notion that there is no racism in Venezuela. The need to research and find hard data on racism in Venezuela is, however, precisely one of the demands of Venezuela’s Afro-Venezuelan network."

TransAfrica Forum Delegation Left Venezuela With a Very Positive Image of the Bolivarian Project  1/21/2004 Venezuela Analysis: "After their return to the US, Venezuelanalysis contacted Mr. Bill Fletcher in his office in Washington DC, from where he kindly agreed to an exclusive interview which we now present to our audience… What is your view, after having visited Venezuela, about what Venezuelans think of the Chavez administration? It was interesting to see regular people everywhere waving the Venezuelan constitution. This is quite different from the people in the US. People made very clear to us that the constitution represents the kind of society they want to live in. We did not detect any preconditioning on the part of the people for this genuine feeling. We also noticed that the anti-Chavez sentiment is real, especially in the media. Racism was directed not only to Chavez and his followers, but also to our delegation, making racial remarks against us in newspaper cartoons, e-mail that we received, and newspaper editorials. The opposition to Mr. Chavez did not respect the point made by our delegation and dismissed us without taking seriously our observations and analysis."

Deconstrucción, transformación y construcción de nuevos escenarios de las prácticas de la Afroamericanidad  1/21/2004 Venezuela: Programa Cultura, Comunicación y Transformaciones Sociales: de Jesús “Chucho” García - "Una densa bibliografía sobre la temática afroamericana, sobre todo en Sudamérica y el espacio Caribe, se orientó hacia una visión reduccionista a la “folclorización”, música, danza y religión. Esta bibliografía reduccionista cargada de prejuicios, en la mayoría de los casos, ensombrecía otros aspectos de gran significación en la vida de los afrodescendientes por la afirmación: en primer lugar, de sus códigos culturales ancestrales trasladados al nuevo mundo (en sus distintas fases, de conservación, creación, recreación e innovación); y en segundo lugar, la lucha por la conquista de espacios en las esferas sociales, políticas y jurídicas de las sociedades latinoamericanas y caribeñas en los procesos de modernización de los estados."

Columnist patronizes poor ol' Danny Glover using religious pilgrimage as racial front  1/19/2004 Vheadlines 

Demystifying Africa's Absence in Venezuelan History and Culture  1/15/2004 Venezuela Analysis: By: Jesus "Chucho" Garcia. "Editor's Note: This article is being posted here in connection with the recent visit of a TransAfrica Forum delegation to Venezuela. An interview with Jesús García, who is the director of the Afrio-Venezuelan Network, on the current situation of Venezuelans of African descent will follow soon." … "From 1937 to the present, Arturo Uslar Pietri, the celebrated Venezuelan writer with the greatest influence on the white elite, has kept this official discourse alive in his writ­ings and his addresses to Venezuelan intellectuals concerning issues of modernity and the nation. Uslar Pietri's premise is that "Blacks did not arrive" in Venezuela "with a culture that visibly affected the construction of our national identity."[3] He asserts that "Blacks did not make a racial contribution beneficial to the nation. Our racial blend has not enabled us to transcend the original ingredients. In general terms, those members of what we might call the current Venezuelan race are as incapable of comprehending modern and dynamic concepts of work as were their ancestors. This means that if we cannot substan­tially modify the ethnic composition of our population, it will be virtually impossible to change the course of our history and to make our country a modern nation."[4]"

"Racismo en Venezuela está vivito y coleando" afirma presidente de TrasnAfrica Forum  1/14/2004 Aporrea: "Durante una rueda de periodistas este martes, resaltó para ilustrar su afirmación, que en algunos espacios de la prensa nacional la visita de la organización que integra ha sido objeto de ataques "que rayan en la idiotez y en el racismo". "No se dejen engañar cuando les digan que aquí no hay racismo (...) Donde quiera que existe racismo ya el conflicto está presente", insistió Fletcher. Al respecto agregó, que ese conflicto algunas veces funciona de manera interna, socavando todo incentivo de progreso que se pueda emprender. La presencia de esta delegación de progresistas afroamericanos no tiene como función hacer ningún juicio a la política venezolana ni hacer el papel de árbitro, sino que esta visita sirve para intercambiar opiniones con representantes del sector oficial, de la oposición y de otros "quienes no se encuentran en ninguno de los dos bandos". Negó, con mucha vehemencia, que esta visita sea "chavista", tal como lo han reseñado algunos medios de comunicación venezolanos, al tiempo que apuntó que en su país sólo se conoce una versión de lo que ocurre en Venezuela. Luego de visitar varios barrios, ubicados en diferentes regiones de Venezuela, esta delegación pudo evidenciar el alto predominio de negros en esos lugares."

Trans Africa Forum: there's racism and discrimination in Venezuela after all  1/14/2004 Vheadlines: "Insisting that the delegation did not come to Venezuela to create any conflict, Fletcher referred to opposition media racist characterizations of President Hugo Chavez Frias as a clear example of racial discrimination and says he is surprised at the high level of racial factor negation that the group's visit has aroused in Venezuela. "If we don't confront the heritage of Western Hemisphere invasion, colonialism, slavery and segregation, racism will undermine every attempt at social progress." Trans Africa colleague, James Early insists that the group did not come to Venezuela to start accusing people and but to meet and talk with their African-Venezuelan brothers. "They have been told that some barrio inhabitants are denied access to discotheques because of the color of their skin." "

Condoleezza Rice: refrain yourself from speaking of Venezuela!!  1/12/2004 Vcrisis: "Can you not see that Danny Glover is talking? How do you dare to utter words of constitutional respect? Are Venezuelans not living in a paradise land ruled by the most benign, pro-active and forward-thinker of the Americas since Simon Bolivar? Silence!! Let us hear the sage words of Mr Glover on the struggle of African-Venezuelans in Venezuela. I felt the need to come out of my self-imposed ban to comment on some issues. It appears that everyone is quite pissed owing to the visit of the third tier Hollywood actor to Venezuela. Why should we give a flying fu*** about this loser anyway? Who gives a shit about what he thinks? What audiences is he to manipulate in Chavez’ favour?"

Venezuela Will not Tolerate any Intervention in its Internal Affairs, According to Chavez  1/12/2004 Venezuela Analysis: "Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez welcomed a delegation of U.S. African-American activists and said that his country will not tolerate any intervention from Washington, in response to negative comments from U.S. National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice… Later in the program, President Chávez suggested to actor Danny Glover that he make a movie about ‘el negro Andresote,’ a slave who organized a rebellion against slave owners in Venezuela. Glover responded, "it's a deal!" "

Danny Glover praises Venezuela's education minister ... opposition bristles  1/12/2004 Vheadlines: "The Black Americans' visit to Venezuela has raised controversy and created a somewhat irrational response among opposition sectors that deny the existence of racism in Venezuela, accusing the Venezuelan President of artificially whipping up non-existent racial tensions and hatred. Analysts suggest that it is time for Afro-Venezuelans ... such as Barlovento-based and Unesco-sponsored, Jesus Chucho Garcia ... and other domestic black experts to speak out on the matter and place the debate on a more equal footing."

Chavez calls Condoleezza Rice an "illiterate" following sharp criticism  1/10/2004 AFP: "Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez dismissed US National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice as a "true illiterate" for accusing him of not playing a constructive role in Latin America."

Condoleezza Rice: Referendo permitirá a Chávez demostrar su apego a los procesos democráticos  1/9/2004 Aporrea: "A pesar de las declaraciones del Vicepresidente de la Republica José Vicente Rangel en donde califica de “impertinentes” algunos comentarios del gobierno estadounidense, Condoleezza Rice se convierte hoy en la tercera funcionaria de alto nivel que opina sobre el proceso político de Venezuela en el transcurso de una semana."

Media Misinforms About Situation in Venezuela, According to African-American Activists  1/9/2004 Venezuela Analysis: "Education and Sports Minister Aristobulo Isturiz, a black man of African descent, couldn’t hide his satisfaction at the way the American delegation answered tricky questions from local anti-Chavez journalists. Isturiz has been described as a "monkey" or "chimpanzee" by opposition journalists in the past. He will join the delegation at the inauguration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s Bolivarian School at the predominately black town of Naiguata. Some local news media only briefly mentioned the presence of the Americans in their newscasts. Others decided to ignore it complelty."

Afro-American activists say media misinforms about situation in Venezuela  1/9/2004 Vheadlines: "Black Afro-Venezuelan Education, Culture & Sports (MECD) Minister Aristobulo Isturiz will join the delegates at the inauguration of the Bolivarian Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s School in the predominantly black town of Naiguata (Vargas) ... reportedly he could not hide his satisfaction at the way the American delegation handled tricky questions from anti-Chavez journalists who have in the past described him depreciatingly as a "monkey" or "chimpanzee." "

Danny Glover y Bill Fletcher Jr. en Venezuela: medios estadounidenses no reflejan realidad venezolana  1/8/2004 Aporrea: "Muy emocionado declaró sentirse, por su parte, Danny Glover, protagonista de los filmes "Arma letal" y "El color púrpura", quien aseguró que no podía desperdiciar la oportunidad de ser parte del momento histórico que se vive en Venezuela. Glover definió el proceso venezolano como un intento de hacer un país integracionista, en el que caben todos sus ciudadanos, y confirmó que "lo que se recibe en Estados Unidos, es básicamente desinformación". Lo que dicen los medios allá, agregó, no está acorde con la realidad venezolana y es por eso que hemos venido a escuchar y aprender no sólo de los políticos, sino también de la sociedad civil."

EEUU apoyó golpe de Estado en Venezuela afirma TransÁfrica Forum  1/8/2004 Aporrea: ""El gobierno de Estados Unidos obviamente apoyó el golpe de Estado en Venezuela en abril de 2002 , de hecho, es un gobierno hostil" hacia uno de los presidentes que en este hemisferio "ha sido elegido tal vez con mayor democracia que en cualquier parte", así lo afirmó el presidente de la organización TransÁfrica, Bill Fletcher, al término de una reunión con funcionarios venezolanos en la Vicepresidencia de la República." Quoting Bill Fletcher, of TransAfrica and formerly Assistant to the President of the AFL-CIO as well as formerly the vice president for international trade union development programs for the George Meany Center of the AFL-CIO.

Group Slams U.S. 'Disinformation' Against Venezuela  1/8/2004 Reuters: "The delegation from the TransAfrica Forum, which studies African-American issues, began a week-long visit to Venezuela that included talks with political leaders and visits to schools and social programs in the racially mixed South American nation."

Afro-American celebrities on week-long visit to see Venezuela with their own eyes  1/8/2004 Vheadlines: " is reporting that TransAfrica Forum president Bill Fletcher, actor Danny Glover, and US Service Employees International Union (SEIU) vice president Patricia Ford have started a week-long visit to Venezuela to see the results of the 'peaceful revolutionary process' led by President Hugo Chavez Frias… The delegation was accompanied today by Venezuelan Ambassador to Washington, D.C., Bernardo Alvarez Herrera, and included actor Danny Glover, Bill Fletcher, the international vice president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Patricia Ford, professor of criminology and director of the Department of Urban Studies (Washington, D.C.) Sylvia Hill, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) economist Julianne Malyeaux and the vice president of the TransAfrica Forum, Selena Mendy Singleton… Tomorrow, Friday, the group will attend the inauguration of the Bolivarian “Martin Luther King, Jr.” School in the Caribbean coastal town of Naiguata, where large numbers of Afro-Venezuelans live ... it will be the first official recognition in Venezuela of the leadership of one of the most important civil rights leaders from the United States in an event hosted by Minister of Education, Culture & Sports, Aristobulo Isturiz and Ambassador Alvarez Herrera. The delegation’s presence in Venezuela will also launch the official recognition of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday as a day of national celebration in Venezuela where a high percentage of the population traces its roots back to Africa ... the holiday has been celebrated in the United States since January 20 (1986) despite significant controversy, and is the only federal holiday commemorating an Afro-American. They have also been invited to meet local community groups, members of the women’s rights movement, government officials, educators and opposition leaders and will take part in President Chavez Frias’ weekly radio and television program 'Alo Presidente' on Sunday. Continuing to next Monday, the group will visit several working class neighborhoods in Caracas and meet with community activists."

Associated Press reports Danny Glover and black American activists visit Venezuela  1/8/2004 Vheadlines: "The Associated Press is reporting that actor Danny Glover was among a delegation of black American activists who began a 9-day visit to meet President Hugo Chavez Frias and study the situation of blacks in Venezuela… Andres Izarra, spokesman for the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington D.C., said the delegation also includes Patricia Ford of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), economist and writer Julianne Malveaux and James Early, director of Cultural Heritage Policy at the Smithsonian Institution's Center for Folklife & Cultural Heritage."

Anti-FTAA Speaking Tour: AfroVenezuelan Network  1/6/2004 AfroCubaWeb 

¿Por qué una red de organizaciones afrovenezolanas?  1/6/2004 Fundacion Afroamerica: "Nuestra constitución bolivariana, en su preámbulo, expresa un compromiso con “un proceso de refundación de la Republica a través de profundas transformaciones sociales destinadas a establecer una sociedad democrática, soberana, responsable, multi-étnica y pluricultural, constituida por hombres y mujeres iguales, niños y niñas que son el interés superior del estado, en correspondencia con los valores de pertinencia e identidad nacional”. Es precisamente en este marco de transformación institucional que las organizaciones afro, comenzaron desde hace varios años, a buscar reconocimientos en la esfera de lo cultural, social, jurídico, educativo, agricultura, ambiente, para estimular la inserción social de las poblaciones afrovenezolanas y minimizar la exclusión estructural de los últimos años."

Comunidades afrodecendientes en Venezuela y América  1/6/2004 Fundacion Afroamerica 

Opinion & Editorial Commentary - Danny Glover travels to Venezuela to show his support for the Venezuelan Blacks  1/4/2004 Petroleum World: "The pretended purpose of the trip is, in itself, an indication of the distorted nature of your visit. You are coming to Venezuela to "study" the situation of the Venezuelan blacks. Sir, you are being a racist. You would be hard put to find "blacks" in Venezuela, except in villages such as Curiepe. In Venezuela almost everybody is dark. We are a mestizo country, Sir. We have no black oppressed minority in Venezuela, but a great mass of mestizos and mulattos lacking running water, decent schools and hospitals, running like rabbits to get home before sunset arrives, together with murderers and robbers; lacking decent employment and the required amount of daily calories. Are you telling me that, in the middle of this social chaos produced by the most inefficient and corrupt government we have had in modern Venezuelan history, you are coming to "study" the situation of blacks in the country? As they say in your native San Francisco: Give me a break."

Jesús “Chucho” García de la Red Afro-venezolana fue ponente en el foro de Miami por la Justicia Global y Contra el ALCA  11/22/2003 Aporrea: "La red afrovenezolana trabaja en estos momentos para incluir los derechos de los descendientes de africanos en una eventual enmienda a la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela y en un programa nacional de sensibilización de los niños, niñas y adolescentes en la escuela —conjuntamente con el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes— para evitar la intolerancia racial y la discriminación."

Latin America’s fastest-growing faith resents terror allegations from U.S.  9/1/2003 Sun Sentinel: "Fueled by immigration from the Middle East and conversion, especially among Afro-Caribbeans attracted by the promise of a color-blind society described in the Quran, Islam has become the fastest-growing religion in the Latin America and Caribbean region. Many resent American suspicion of them. Most are secular, commonly intermarry with Christians and Hindus, and never supported either the Taliban in Afghanistan or Saddam Hussein in Iraq."

Chavez says he'll repay TT with love  8/10/2003 TriniCenter: ""When the terrorists in Venezuela, the coup leaders, the opposition, tried to stifle the Venezuelan economy, we received oxygen from Trinidad and Tobago so that our lungs could breathe again," the embattled President said. Chavez, speaking through an interpreter, said that that 500,000 barrels of oil at a time "when we were dying," had now been converted into softer, kinder currency - "500,000 years of thanks...and 500,000 sentiments of love and gratitude to you. We pay love with love," he concluded, blowing a kiss to his audience and eliciting applause from the officials, both from Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago who surrounded him at the head table."

Venezuela and Argentina: A Tale of Two Coups  7/7/2003 Greg Palast: "Chávez is dark and round as a cola nut. Like his followers, Chávez is an 'Indian'. But the blondes, the 'Spanish', are the owners of Venezuela. A group near me on the blonde march screamed 'Out! Out!' in English, demanding the removal of the President. One edible-oils executive, in high heels, designer glasses and push-up bra had turned out, she said: 'To fight for democracy.' She added: 'We'll try to do it institutionally,' a phrase that meant nothing to me until a banker in pale pink lipstick explained that to remove Chávez, 'we can't wait until the next election'."

Venezuela y la Argentina: Historia De Dos Golpes  7/7/2003 Greg Palast: "El 1 de mayo, desde el Hotel Hilton, 200 000 rubios marcharon hacia el este a través del corredor de tiendas de Caracas a lo largo de la Avenida Casanova. Al mismo tiempo, medio millón de trigueños convergían hacia ellos desde el oeste. Podría parecer un comercial cómico de champú si dieciséis personas no hubieran muerto por disparos dos semanas antes cuando los dos grupos se cruzaron."

Hugo Chavez Is Crazy!  6/25/2003 Alternet: By Greg Palast - "Look at the Chronicle/AP photo of the anti-Chavez marchers in Venezuela. Note their color. White. And not just any white. A creamy rich white. I interviewed them and recorded in this order: a banker in high heels and push-up bra; an oil industry executive (same outfit); and a plantation owner who rode to Caracas in a silver Jaguar. And the color of the pro-Chavez marchers? Dark brown. Brown and round as cola nuts – just like their hero, their President Chavez. They wore an unvarying uniform of jeans and T-shirts."

Venezuelans invoke power of dead criminals  5/10/2003 AP: "But there had been nothing like the newest icons at Santeria shops: criminals who are legends in Caracas slums. The foot-high statuettes, sporting guns and knives poking from jeans pockets, represent spirits trying to repent for their sins by warning youngsters to avoid crime, helping people get out of jail and curing drug addiction. There's Kid Ismael, a bank robber who some say killed dozens of people in the 1970s before police gunned him down. His statue wears a baseball cap sideways, smokes a cigar and clutches a .38-caliber pistol."

Chavez's Ace - Venezuelan Leader Taps Bolivar Myths, Cults  2/27/2003 Pacific News: "Alongside the Catholic religion, another spiritual tradition thrives in Venezuela, a popular religion with indigenous, African and Catholic roots called the religion of María Lionza. Based on the worship by Indians of a fertility goddess known as María Lionza, the syncretic faith predates any other touchstone of Venezuela's national identity. Many Venezuelans would not inhabit a home lacking an altar to the religion's principal divinities, each of which represents Venezuela's vibrant ethnic mixture of white, Indian, and black. These religious altars usually feature a portrait of Simón Bolívar, and the religion's priests hold ceremonies in which the spirit of Bolívar is channeled through a medium who coughs when the general is present, since Bolívar had tuberculosis."

Foreign coup 'technicians' revealed as plotting a third coup attempt  2/9/2003 Vheadlines: "Salazar’s sources report the entry to Venezuela of foreign IC destabilization experts advising an upbeat espionage assault on all levels of national life … street actions and winning over military officers that escaped the post-April purge are top priorities… Salazar confirms other reports that Spanish business and political sectors are favorable towards a coup solution, while in Venezuela itself, religious sects with high racist and anti-communist content ... and a huge injection of foreign money ... are making inroads in the so-called civil sector." Now who would those racist, religious sects be?

The Prize & Punishment of all Venezuelans  2/2/2003 Vheadlines: from the barrios of Caracas - "That the majority of the people believe that Chavez, through good or bad governance, had done the best thing for the people (the thing that any former government had neglected to do); to OPEN the eyes of the poor people, to give them dignity and a voice, to allow them to know and exercise their rights as human beings rather than remaining "slaves" to the richer Venezuelans. (This contrasts with what much of the Venezuelan media and opposition are trying to tell the world; that there is no division between the people, no "class" division, no racism, and that there has never been any)."

Venezuelan president stands tall for the Black and Brown  1/29/2003 Final Call: ""The people put Hugo Chavez back into power after the coup," observed Elombe Brath of the Harlem-based Patrice Lumumba Coalition, adding that Mr. Chavez represents a large segment of Venezuelans who are Black. "The same type of movement of Black Panamanians that elected Manuel Noriega in Panama was used to elect Mr. Chavez in Venezuela," Mr. Brath stressed… According to Amy Chua, a Yale professor of law and author of "World on Fire: How Free Market Democracies Breed Ethnic Hatred & Global Instability," says that Mr. Chavez, along with 80 percent of Venezuela’s population, is referred to as "pardo," a term that has class and ethnic overtones that refer loosely to brown-skinned people of Amerindian or African ancestry. She said Venezuela’s economy is controlled by a minority of "cosmopolitan Whites" or "martuanos," the Venezuelan term for persons with European features. Observers say Mr. Chavez promised to "cleanse" his nation of corrupted and co-opted elites who have gained political power… Mr. Raimondo believes the greatest concern of the Western powers is Mr. Chavez’s call for a "configuration" of Latin American states for the new century. Hugo Chavez ’s vision of a rail artery that would join the Caribbean basin through railways and link them with the great rivers, which Mr. Chavez calls the "arteries of continent," is what really scares the U.S. State Department, Mr. Raimondo said. "Hugo Chavez is a Black man who has angered the oil barons of the world such as Vice Pres. Dick Cheney and, of course, Pres. Bush," Viola Plummer of the December 12th Movement said."

Agarren a la india chavista  1/16/2003 Rebelion: Anti-chavistas as white KKK - "Mi amiga Elsa Morales es pintora, Es una artista popular muy importante que ha ganado premios a nivel nacional e internacional. Ha expuesto en México, Alemania, Italia y Estados Unidos. Su madre era indígena, de la etnia wayu, o guajira, y Elsa se enorgullece de su herencia. No hace mucho salió de su casa en los Dos Caminos para hacerse unos exámenes en la Clínica Avila. Se puso su manta guajira, como lo hace a menudo, y se bajó en la estación Altamira del metro de Caracas. Se dirigió a la parada de las camionetas en la Avenida Luis Roche, frente al hotel, y allí escuchó que gritaban: ¿AGARREN A LA INDIA CHAVISTA!! Seis señoras, elegantes, armadas de banderas y tocadas con atuendos tricolores se le abalanzaron, a los gritos de ¡¡MALDITA GUAJIRA, NEGRA DE MIERDA, QUE HACES AQUI!!, le empezaron a pegar y la tiraron al suelo, donde siguieron golpeándole con patadas y las astas de las banderas. Mi amiga, quien tiene más de 50 años, pedía auxilio, era pleno día, había militares rebeldes, guardias del hotel, mirones, etc, NADIE INTERVINO."

Venezuelan plays race card  1/14/2003 Washington Times: the Rev. Moon weighs in - "Though racial labels are nearly meaningless in this nation, in which most people are of mixed African, Native American and European descent, Mr. Chavez's supporters tend to be mostly poorer and darker, while those trying to oust him are mainly descendents of European immigrants, many drawn by Venezuela's post-1930s oil boom… Caracas political scientist Anibal Romero said Mr. Chavez seeks to foment racial tensions. The president "has said many times that he is the son of Indians and black people, trying to convey the message that those are the only legitimate Venezuelans," Mr. Romero said."

Venezuela: Slow, low intensity, (so far largely bloodless), class warfare  1/12/2003 Znet: "The majority of people here think that the notion that there even is a general strike is laughable. The graffiti on the walls says so, with lines like: “This is the strike of the rich”.

Debating Venezuela: Giordano & Delacour vs. the "Experts"  1/11/2003 Znet: "Chua contends that there is an ethnic dimension to Venezuela’s political and economic crisis. She identifies Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez as a "pardo," a "term with both class and ethnic overtones that refers loosely to brown-skinned people of Amerindian or African ancestry" who make up roughly 80 percent of Venezuela’s population. Chua argues that Venezuela’s tiny minority of white "mantuanos," the Venezuelan term for persons with European features and pretensions, has always controlled Venezuela’s economy. She contends that the mantuanos are part of a much larger global phenomenon of "market-dominant minorities: ethnic minorities who, for widely varying reasons, tend under market conditions to dominate economically the indigenous majorities around them."

As Venezuela Boils, Blacks are Caught in the Middle  1/10/2003 "As Chavez has alienated the predominantly white political and business elite, he has appealed to the poor majority, who are black and Indian. Observers note that Chavez's populist rhetoric has exposed Venezuela's ethnic and racial fault-lines (the country's population is 21 % white, 10 % black, 67 % mestizo, and 2 % indigenous), and deepened the divide between the country's white middle and upper classes and the poor majority — some 80 % of the country's 24 million people live in poverty. With populist rhetoric — not to mention copper skin and curly hair — Chavez is seen as a champion of the country's mestizo population (mixed people of black, Indian and white background) and he often appeals directly to the poor and non-white majority to counter the racism of the elite."

El pueblo celebró llegada del Pilín León en Caracas y Bajo Grande  12/22/2002 Aporrea, Venezuela: note the proportion of black and indian people in the fotos below - "El pueblo celebró masivamente la recuperación del buque Pilín León; Los amigos de Clase Media en Positivo Zulia informan que "espontaneamente una inmensa muchedumbre de Maracaibo y San Francisco acudieron a la refineria para darle vitores y bienvenida al buque Pilin León. Mas de un kilómetro de automoviles se apilaron en la via hacia la refineria desafiando la escasez de combustible y una inmensa marcha de miles de personas adeptos al gobierno bolivariano del presidente Hugo Chavez lanzaron consignas en contra de los golpistas de PDVSA, CTV, FEDECAMARAS y del gobernador Manuel Rosales. (...) Mujeres, jovenes, niños, hombres de todas las clases aglomerados como un solo cuerpo, patriotico, revolucionario y consustanciados con su lider, presidente legitimo y constitucional de la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela: Hugo Chavez Frias"

Fotos de la protesta en Los Angeles en favor del gobierno de Chávez  12/21/2002 Aporrea, Venezuela: note the proportion of black and indian people in these fotos.

African Venezuelans fear new U.S. coup against President Chavez  12/18/2002 Trinicenter, Trinidad: "This month, for the first time in history, Venezuelan people of African descent have total control of their historic Black university, the Instituto Universitario Barlovento [034 23 11 71 - 23 14 59]. They are already planning a university administered hotel and a restaurant for students, faculty and the community. This is an achievement of a lifetime, and the people of Barlovento gather around their seat of higher learning to reflect on their success… These dreams of the African Venezuelan people may be deferred if the United States replaces Chavez with a rightwing businessman as president. Currently, three Blacks are state governors elected by the people; the secretary of education is black; two Indigenous Venezuelans are congresspersons elected directly by the people; Indigenous Venezuelans have the complete right to claim their historic lands; land is protected and available to Black and Indigenous Venezuelan farmers so that they can now engage in farming for the first time in generations; and Venezuelans of African descent are participating in conferences against racism around the world and establishing strategic relationships with international organizations. They have attended Congressional Black Caucus conferences in 2000, 2001 and 2002; the pre-conference against racism in Chile in 2000; and the United Nations World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa, in 2001. The African Venezuelan community in Barlovento also hosted the Second International Reunion of the African Latin Family in 1999."

On Tuesday the US State Department warned of a possible "violent eruption."  12/18/2002 Trinicenter, Trinidad: "Today's conflict which, in large part is between the wealthy light-skinned elite and the dark-skinned poor. Nearly 80% of the population lives in poverty and there is a strong correlation between poverty and dark skin. Chavez, who is of black and indigenous origins, has concentrated on improving the living conditions of the poor ... his policies have included land redistribution for poor farmers, title to the self-built homes in the barrios (poor neighborhoods), steady increases in the minimum wage and of public sector salaries, and the enrolment of over one million previously excluded students in school."

Racist Rage Of The Caracas Elite  12/11/2002 Guardian, UK: "Opposition spokesmen complain that Chavez is a leftist who is leading the country to economic chaos, but underlying the fierce hatred is the terror of the country's white elite when faced with the mobilised mass of the population, who are black, Indian and mestizo. Only a racism that dates back five centuries - of the European settlers towards their African slaves and the country's indigenous inhabitants - can adequately explain the degree of hatred aroused. Chavez - who is more black and Indian than white, and makes no secret of his aim to be the president of the poor - is the focus of this racist rage." El Mico Mono...

IDENTIDADES ESENCIALISTAS O CONSTRUCCION DE IDENTIDADES POLITICAS: El dilema de las feministas negras  12/1/2002 Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal: por Ochy Curiel

"African Roots/American Cultures" by Dr. Sheila Walker - A Review  10/30/2002 "Jesus “Chucho” Garcia, one of the contributors to the book, is a Venezuelan filmmaker, educator and author. He explores several dimensions of the already told story of Africa’s “absence” in Venezuelan history and culture and demystifies them. He investigates the documentary history using the same sources used by the creators and defenders of the official history. He then decodes the declarations and discourse of runaway African-Cimarrones, or Maroons who had been captured and brutally tortured. His finding is that “active marooning signified a sustained politics as well as a concept of anti-colonial liberation.” His conclusion: “(T)he African contribution to the Venezuelan nation was both moral and political.”

African Venezuelans fear new U.S. coup against President Chavez  9/25/2002 SF Bay View: "Another topic on their minds and hearts is the fate of President Hugo Chavez. He is Venezuela’s first multiracial president and is called “Negro” (nigger) by his detractors because of his African-Indigenous features. Behind the enemies of Venezuela and Hugo Chavez are very large sums of money being spent to destroy the dreams of the people who historically have been discriminated against because of race, economic ideas, etc."

Venezuelan Independence Day 2002: Inclusive? Black Power? Emancipation of the majority poor?  7/5/2002 Vheadlines: "Referendums will most probably be used as a barometer to gauge whether “blacks and coloreds” are edging towards political power on a national scale and whether Neighborhood Watch Committees will start exerting their power inside the MVR to present grassroots leaders to replace what increasingly appears to be the treachery of Solidarity, Movimiento Al Socialism (MAS) and Pablo Medinas of the Chavist Revolution."

Chavez supporters take to the streets  6/30/2002 BBC: "There was a party atmosphere in the crowd with many of Mr Chavez' supporters dancing to the rhythms of African style drums." - this is part of what really bothers Chavez opponents!

Chavez invites Congressional Black Caucus to Venezuela  6/2/2002 Reuters: "Chavez, speaking on his weekly "Hello President" radio and television show, said he had received a May 22 letter of support from the U.S. Congress' Black Caucus, which groups African-Americans in the legislature. In their letter, some 30 U.S. Congress members condemned the April 11-14 coup against the left-wing Venezuelan leader led by rebel generals and admirals."

"The coup was directed by the White House"  5/9/2002 Socialist Worker: "They [the US] also underestimated the race factor. They didn’t realize that part of the opposition to Chávez is because he’s Black--the first Black president in modern history in Venezuela. All of the leading lights of the bourgeoisie dislike him for his social origins and his race."

The Conspiracy Against Chávez  4/17/2002 Zmag: the racist basis for the coup laid bare: "The country has no political prisoners. But the miniscule upper crust and the upper middle class, essentially white, as are many of the intellectuals and journalists, are terrified people of color, people with copper or black skin, rising on the social scale. Here, as everywhere in Latin America, they occupy the lowest rungs of society. They would have to share their privilege, and that seemed unacceptable. "There's an incredible racism in this society," Chávez told me. "They call me the Monkey or the Black, they can't stand that someone like me was elected president."

A profile of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez by Jon Lee Anderson  4/15/2002 Petroleum World: the racial basis for anti-Chavez actions laid bare - ""Did you see our Clown Prince last night?" is a typical response. Many white middle-class Venezuelans despise Chavez, and there is a cruel, self-comforting snobbery implicit in their comments about him. For example, "El peon ha tomado la finca"- "The peon has taken over the farm." A prominent financier of impeccable Iberian ancestry invited me to lunch at his house, and, as his black servant brought our drinks, he told me, his face stretching with disgust, how "embarrassed" he felt to have 'ese mono'--that monkey--as his President."

FELICITACION A PARTICIPANTES DEL CONGRESO AFROAMERICA EN VENEZUELA.  11/1/1999 Boletin AfroLatino: "Queremos dar comienzo a este nuestro tercer boletín de este año con una palabra de felicitación a quienes tuvieron la iniciativa, como tambien a los que contribuyeron para que esta Reunión Internacional de la Familia Africana en America Latina o Congreso Afroamérica XXI, fuera posible."

Afro-Latin Americans  11/1/1999 Chronicle World, UK: meeting in Barlovento, Venezuela - "Unnoticed and unheard in the corridors of Latin American power debates, Black Latins comprise an estimated African ethnic minority of 90 million and at least an additional 60 million of mixed African ancestry, according to the organisers. They constitute one third of the continent's 450 million people."

The African Components of the Folk Music of Venezuela  7/1/1999 Latin American Folk Institue: "Jesús "Chucho" García is an ethnologist president of the Afroamérica Foundation in Caracas, Venezuela, and editor of the journal Africamérica, dedicated to the study and research of the contributions of the African peoples to the culture of the Americas."

(Re)construccion de una identidad negra en Venezuela  10/1/1998 Pouvoirs dans la Caraïbe: "En Venezuela, las culturas étnicas o regionales no pudieron participar plenamente en los proyectos modernizadores promovidos por las élites, pero padecieron de las consecuencias de los mismos. El mito del mestizaje y el de la democracia racial1 se unieron para reducir la cultura popular, especialmente de origen afro, a un espacio folklórico. Además, las regiones de población negra, cercanas en su mayoría las grandes ciudades, han sufrido un violento proceso de éxodo rural que ha debilitado sus identidades. Sin embargo, se ha podido observar a partir de 1945 un nuevo interés hacia las manifestaciones culturales negras y indígenas."


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