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Libya News


Al Manara for Media, out of London

Libya Alhura -  
Mohammed Nabbous, the hero behind the Live Stream Libya Alhurra Channel in Benghazi, was killed by a Gaddafi sniper on 3-19-11 while gathering video.

Libya Feb 17th -

Libyan Revolution Central - - the Libyan Youth Movement

Tribute FM - from Benghazi, in English > 8PM

Twitter network of Arab and Middle East protests - interactive map

Zintan 2011 - YouTube channel for Revolutionaries from the western town of Zintan, in Arabic

Libya Our Home - in Arabic and English

Middle East/Africa

Al Arabiya -

Al Jazeera live TV stream -

Al Jazeera live blog for
Al Manara TV, Lebanon -

Iyad El Baghdadi -

Muslim Brotherhood -


BBC Live Libya Coverage -

Debka, Israel - A few psyops here

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France24 - English edition

Guardian Middle East Blogs

Robert Fisk, Independent

Twitter -

topLibya News Articles

Video: Uprising in Nalut  4/28/2011 Al Jazeera: "Al Jazeera reports on the uprising in Nalut with the help from a new Amazigh radio station who are now free to play their own music and speak in their own language. They also show pictures not seen before from the uprising in Nalut."

Video: Opposition gaining ground in Nafusa mountains  4/26/2011 Al Jazeera 

Rare view from Libya's western mountains shows rebel gains against Qaddafi  4/26/2011 CSM 

Attempt to freeze Gadhafi’s assets hits resistance  4/24/2011 Boston Herald 

Libyan rebels firmly in control in mountainous west  4/23/2011 LA Times: "The people of the region — a mixture of Arab and ethnic Berber, or Amazigh, tribes — have long been at odds over water and land rights. Kadafi deftly pitted them against one another in an attempt to maintain his hold on power, they say. But for now, they have united in opposing him, Lameen said."

The Libyan Insurrection Between Gaddafi's Hammer, NATO's Anvil and the Left's Confusion: Results and Prospects  4/23/2011 Zcommunications: "On 22 February, two days after his son Saif had warned the protesters that Libya is no Tunisia or Egypt -- meaning that the Gaddafi family would not relinquish power under political pressure -- and threatened them with civil war, Muammar al-Gaddafi himself gave one of the most dreadful speeches in recent historical memory, a speech whose tone and vocabulary (in particular the description of his opponents as rodents and insects) were reminiscent of the 1930s (only a partial and approximate translation of the speech is available in English). The Libyan despot evoked as precedents that he intended to imitate, among others, the 1989 massacre in Tiananmen and the 2004 one in Fallujah. He also evoked the 2008-9 Israeli onslaught on Gaza, an analogy that he reiterated on March 7 in an interview he gave to a French satellite channel. And in a further speech on March 17, the day resolution 1973 was to be adopted by the Security Council, he compared his assault on Benghazi to that of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco's attack on Madrid, stating that he relied on the emergence of a "fifth column" from among the city's population to help him "liberate" it."

Libya rebels seize border post  4/22/2011 Al Jazeeera: "Footage has emerged showing armed rebels seizing a border post along Libya's national boundary with Tunisia. Waheed Burshan, a Tunis-based political activist, tells Al Jazeera's Nick Clark about the scene at the Wazin border crossing."

Libyan rebels seize Tunisian border post  4/22/2011 Irish Times 

Death of Libyan patriot confirmed on Twitter  4/22/2011 Ma'an: "It was reported that the surgeons were using the lights of mobile phones to examine Khalid’s wounds, and he was listed on Tuesday afternoon in critical condition. Throughout the painful ordeal, he continued to tweet, knowing that as he was the only English-speaking member of the group, the information he provided would be able to reach a much larger audience."

Rebels claim to arrest car thief Ajdabiya  4/21/2011 Al Jazeera: "This footage, filmed by Al Jazeera staff in Libya, shows opposition forces arresting a man they accused of trying to steal a rebel car in Ajdabiya, on Monday, April 18. They said they believed the man was a “black African” from one of Libya’s sub-Saharan neighbors, though he claimed he was from Tripoli Street in Ajdabiya. Rebels say that forces loyal to Gaddafi have been paying men to infiltrate rebel lines, steal cars, relay information to loyalist troops and sometimes open fire. They claimed this man would be taken to Benghazi and assigned a lawyer."

The Nafusa Mountain Rebellion  4/21/2011 Family Security Matters: [the neocon version]

Libya: rebels ‘seize Tunisia border post  4/21/2011 

Video: Libyan Revolutionaries Sing Around Campfire in Amazigh (English Translations)  4/21/2011 "Where do you want us to go? Give me your hand So we can go to Benghazi The City of Freedom So we can go to Zawiya The City of Marytyrs So we can go to Zintan The City of Knights And in the end Libya will be free, and we will live in love and tranquility"

Libya and the new US strategic doctrine  4/21/2011 Voltaire Net: "Contrary to western propaganda allegations, which the chronological and geographical proximity of events in Tunisia and Egypt may have appeared to validate, the Libyan people did not rise up against the Gaddafi regime. Gaddafi still enjoys popular legitimacy in Tripolitania and in Fezzan, regions where the Colonel has distributed arms to the population to resist against the advancement of both Cyrenaica insurgents and foreign powers." [There is abundant evidence opposed to this, as in Misrata, al Zawiyah, and the Nafousa Mountains.]

The first graduating class of the National Army of Zintan  4/20/2011 Youtube: "Uniformed soldiers are shown marching in formation as civilians watch." [trained while engaging in an insurrection]

Nafousa Mountain Libyans living in fear  4/18/2011 Amnesty International: "In fact, speaking to families from the Nafousa Mountain, the majority of whom are from the Amazigh minority, it is hard to separate the past from the present. Many told Amnesty International that they took to the streets in February to demand change and an end to repression and discrimination against the Amazigh community in Libya. They described how the Libyan government under Colonel al-Gaddafi has sought, they say, to erase the Amazigh cultural identity and language – for example, by banning them from giving their children Amazigh names, insisting that they use only Arab ones."

Major offensive launched against Gaddafi forces 40km east of Zintan  4/16/2011 Audioboo: 55-60 Gaddafi men killed, equipment seized, 11 revolutionaries martyred.

With Tripoli's rebel underground  4/15/2011 Guardian, UK: "Now, the contact said, they were turning to guerrilla actions. They have attacked checkpoints across the city, killing the pro-Gaddafi militia and stealing their guns. The shooting that crackles across the city after dark, which regime officials claim is celebratory gunfire, is the work of the underground rebels, he said. "They [the regime] are covering up ... Every night there are attacks. The boys [on the checkpoints] have got scared. They are only getting 40 dinars (£20) a night, and they are saying we don't want to do this dirty work any more." There have been fewer checkpoints since the attacks began, he claimed."

Seven rebels killed in western Libya-rebel spokesman  4/15/2011 Reuters: "Yafran is part of the Western Mountains region, an area inhabited by Berbers who are ethnically distinct from most Libyans." [Most Libyans are actually genetically Berber, but culturally Arab.]

China's interests in Gaddafi  4/14/2011 Al Jazeera: by Pepe Escobar

False pretense for war in Libya?  4/14/2011 Boston Globe: "But Human Rights Watch has released data on Misurata, the next-biggest city in Libya and scene of protracted fighting, revealing that Moammar Khadafy is not deliberately massacring civilians but rather narrowly targeting the armed rebels who fight against his government. Misurata’s population is roughly 400,000. In nearly two months of war, only 257 people — including combatants — have died there. Of the 949 wounded, only 22 — less than 3 percent — are women. If Khadafy were indiscriminately targeting civilians, women would comprise about half the casualties." [This curious piece by Alan J Kuperman ignores abundant evidence, including in the Human Rights Watch article itself, that extensive civilian slaughter is taking place in Misrata. So far we have many on the left taking a similar stance, as well as the Zionist Lobby, albeit more covertly, and various countries with commercial interests in Libya, such as China. Where does Mr. Kuperman, who has worked for both US political parties and USAID, fit into all this?]

US 'permanently' denies visa to German journalist probing Argentine rights violations  4/12/2011 AP: "Weber has long reported for German news media, specializing in investigations of Nazi war criminals and human rights violations in South America. She is perhaps best known for her lawsuit that forced Germany's intelligence service last year to open thousands of files on top Nazi Adolf Eichmann, some of which showed that the U.S. and Germany knew he was hiding in Argentina after World War II. "The impossibility of entering the United States has caused serious damage" to Weber's journalistic work, the association complained."

Imazighen de France solidaires du combat des Libyens  4/12/2011 "Des organisations amazighes de France ont tenu à exprimer publiquement leur solidarité avec les Libyens en lutte. Quatre organisations amazighes (Tamazgha, Internationale Touarègue, AFAFA et Tamaynut-France) ont appelé à un rassemblement au Trocadéro samedi 9 avril 2011 à 15h."

Hundreds of ethnic Berbers forced to flee fighting in western Libya – UN agency  4/12/2011 UN News Centet: "More than 500 ethnic Berbers fleeing conflict in western Libya have reached neighbouring Tunisia, the United Nations refugee agency reported today as it steps up support for the new arrivals. The Berbers who have arrived in the Dehiba area of southern Tunisia have limited resources and “significant humanitarian needs,” said Andrej Mahecic, a spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)."

Merkel joins Nato-African bid to end Libya war. Qaddafi to stay until elections  4/11/2011 Debka, Israel 

Map of Gaddafi’s attacks on the Western Mountains region  4/11/2011 Libya Feb 17 

Libya: Government Attacks in Misrata Kill Civilians  4/10/2011 Human Rights Watch: "According to Dr. Muhammad el-Fortia, who works at Misrata Hospital, medical facilities have recorded 257 people killed and 949 wounded and hospitalized since February 19, 2011. The wounded include 22 women and eight children, he said. A second doctor, interviewed separately, said that hospitals in the city had documented about 250 dead over the past month, most of them civilians. He believed the actual number was higher because many people could not reach medical facilities."

Why is Turkey Obstructing NATO?  4/10/2011 Iyad el Baghdadi: with links

Comprehensive report of all the events in the city of Misratah April 9th  4/10/2011 Libya Feb 17: "Since last night, the revolutionaries have been waging continuous attacks on the Medical College which currently houses Gaddafi’s forces and have managed to destroy their ammunition stocks. This forced Gaddafi’s troops to withdraw and restation themselves in the College of Sciences which is directly behind the Medical College. Before leaving they kept a handful of mercenaries and snipers in the Medical College, but the majority of them are now stationed in the College of Sciences. The revolutionaries also managed to destroy 2 tanks today, one of them was of model type T-90. They also killed 6 snipers and the battles are still continuous. The second battle was in the Heavy Trucks road. The revolutionaries managed to attack Gaddafi’s troops and force them to retreat backwards. They killed a large number from them and managed to sieze more than one four-wheel drive truck."

Qaddafi’s Handling of Media Shows Regime’s Flaws  4/10/2011 NYT: "Even the Qaddafi government escort could not contain his disbelief at the sloppiness of the fraud: bloodstains his colleagues had left on bedsheets in a damaged hospital room for more than a week as evidence of civilian casualties from Western airstrikes. "This is not even human blood!” the escort erupted to group of journalists, making a gesture with his hands like squeezing a tube. “I told them, ‘Nobody is going to believe this!’ ” he explained, as Elizabeth Palmer, a correspondent for CBS News, later recalled. His name was withheld for his protection."

Libyan refugees tell of region suffering in silence  4/10/2011 Reuters: "The bombardment ... is targeting homes, hospitals, schools," said Mohamed Ouan, from the town of Kalaa, who arrived at Tunisia's Dehiba border crossing with about 500 other Libyans from the Western Mountains… The Western Mountains region, which includes the towns of Nalout, Kalaa, Yafran and Zintan, is populated by Berbers, a group ethnically distinct from most Libyans and traditionally viewed with suspicion by Gaddafi."

Libya: Berber refugees report atrocities in remote Western Mountains  4/10/2011 WW4 Report: "As battles rage for the Libyan coastal cities of Misrata and Ajdabiyah, refugees arriving in Tunisia report atrocities by Moammar Qaddafi's forces in the remote Western Mountains—including the shelling of homes, poisoning wells with petrol, and threatening women with rape. "The targeting homes, hospitals, schools," said Mohamed Ouan, from the town of Kalaa, who arrived at Tunisia's Dehiba border crossing with about 500 other Libyans from the Western Mountains. "No one is interested in this region, which is suffering in silence."

Gaddafi forces accused of torture  4/5/2011 Al Jazeera: "Libyan anti-government soldiers are reportedly being tortured and executed in an underground prison in Gaddafi's hometown of Sirte, according to one prisoner who since escaped."

America's exit from Libya ends coalition no-fly zone, campaign  4/5/2011 Debka, Israel 

Gaddaffi’s African “Mercenary” Story is a Disinformation Ploy by the CIA  4/4/2011 Strategic Culture Foundation: "The connivance of Western intelligence agencies, in concert with Israeli elements and Western corporate media, laid the groundwork for the massacre of black Libyans and blacks from other parts of Africa, has enraged African-Americans who previously supported Obama in his political campaigns in Illinois and nationally.Obama, America’s first African-American president, now has the distinction of being the only American president to launch a bloody war on an African nation. In the eyes of many African-American political activists, Obama has revealed himself to be as much a tool of the CIA, Wall Street, the oil companies as past white American presidents."

Libya and the World of Oil  4/3/2011 In These Times: by Noam Chomsky - "On March 28, the London-based Arab journal Al-Quds Al-Arabi warned that the intervention may leave Libya with “two states, a rebel-held, oil-rich East and a poverty-stricken, Gadhafi-led West. … Given that the oil wells have been secured, we may find ourselves facing a new Libyan oil emirate, sparsely inhabited, protected by the West and very similar to the Gulf’s emirate states.” Or the Western-backed rebellion might proceed all the way to eliminate the irritating dictator. It is commonly argued that oil cannot be a motive for the intervention because the West had access to the prize under Gadhafi. True but irrelevant. The same could be said about Iraq under Saddam Hussein, or Iran and Cuba today. What the West seeks is what Bush announced: control, or at least dependable clients, and in the case of Libya, access to vast unexplored areas expected to be rich in oil. U.S and British internal documents stress that the “virus of nationalism” is the greatest fear, since it might breed disobedience."

Video: The injured and dead in the city of Misrata  4/2/2011 Feb 17: "The following videos only show a fraction of the dead and injured in the city of Misrata over the past week. Some viewers may find the following videos repulsive, but it is imperative to understand that these atrocities are still occurring."

Libyan rebels sell weapons to Al Qaeda - Algerian paper  4/2/2011 Strategic Culture: "The militant Islamist group has already received heavy weaponry and air defense missiles from the Libyan rebels, the paper said, adding that if Western nations decide to equip the Libyans, these weapons could also come to the hands of Al Qaeda terrorists." - [nice piece of disinformation as 1) these are the very weapons the Libyans have been asking for themselves and 2) the Algerian government has been supplying weapons to Gaddafi.]

Revised map-mid Nafousa Mts,shows where #Gaddafi forces attacking  4/2/2011 Twitpic 

Misrata under Siege  4/1/2011 CNN: Video

Miguel D’Escoto, nombrado nuevo embajador de Libia ante la ONU  3/31/2011 Cuba Debate 

The complete video of Gaddafi forces killing doctor for refusing to praise Gaddafi [English Subtitles]  3/31/2011 YouTube: An injured doctor is killed for refusing to praise Gaddafi - "Gaddafi Soldier: Say long live alfatah (Gaddafi/Gaddafi's revolution)!!! Injured man: There is no God but God"

American Media Silent on CIA Ties to Libya Rebel Commander  3/30/2011 Global Research 

The Black African Soldiers Who Fight for Libya—and the U.S.  3/28/2011 New American Media: "At remote gunnery ranges outside of Sabha, a military town in the southwestern Fezzan region, the Tuareg commandos receive training from American special-forces instructors in automatic-weapons-handling, sniper marksmanship and communications. These masters of desert survival need no outside training in tracking and outmaneuvering the AQIM, who in the Sahara region are called the Salafists. The counter-terrorism cooperation between the U.S. and Libya, two countries with a history of rocky relations, is kept out of media view. Neither is this joint project ever mentioned in the U. S. Africa Command's Trans-Sahara Terrorism Program, which openly includes every other country of the vast arid region."

LIBYA'S BLOOD FOR OIL: THE VAMPIRE WAR  3/28/2011 People's Voice: "About July, I started hearing that Gadhaffi was exerting heavy pressure on U.S. and British oil companies to cough up special fees and kick backs to cover the costs of Libya's reimbursement to the families of Pan Am 103. Payment of damages for the Lockerbie bombing had been one of the chief conditions for ending U.N. sanctions on Libya that ran from 1992 until 2003. And of course the United Nations forced Gadhaffi to hand over two Libyan men for a special trial at The Hague, though everybody credible was fully conscious of Libya's innocence in the Lockerbie affair."

'West owns Libya opposition'  3/28/2011 Press TV, Iran: "Stratford Global Intelligence confirmed that 100 Egyptian commandos have been in control of opposition forces since early March at Washington's behest. The UK SAS, US Special Forces and CIA operatives have been there according to Stratford for months."

Reports suggest French intelligence encouraged anti-Gaddafi protests  3/28/2011 WSWS 

Eman El-Obeidi’s cousin speaks out (Translated)  3/27/2011 Feb 17: "Jinan: What do you think will happen with Eman, Amal and her son? Mariam: No, no, no, we forgot about them. They will come out of this mentally unstable or dead. The end is over. The end is that Eman, God thank her, came out with her story and the all his (Gaddafi) faces have been revealed as to what he can do. To the point that it reaches women, this is the last face (of Gaddafi) that has been uncovered."

Cynthia McKinney: Ghaddafi a Hero for African Rights and Liberation  3/27/2011 Red Ant: "Venezuela President Hugo Chavez has put forward a mediation proposal which I have endorsed. In addition, the Hugo Chavez International Foundation for Peace, Friendship and Solidarity released a communiqué stating that the “Arab League endorsements of Al-Qaida terrorism in Libya, [the U.S./NATO minus Germany and Turkey, plus the United Arab Emirates allies] is a racially-motivated hatred since the obnoxious slave trade centuries back.” The communiqué continues that opening contacts with terrorists amounts to nothing less than promoting international terrorism and characterizes the Arab League move as both anti-African and anti-Black. The Hugo Chavez Foundation communiqué concludes: Long live Muammar Al-Qathafi! Long live the African Union! Long live Pan-Africanism! Solidarity with Blacks everywhere!"

GORDON DUFF: LIBYA AND THE CIA, THE UNSEEN PARTNERSHIP  3/27/2011 Veterans Today: "After leaving the CIA in September, 1979, Ted Shackley formed his own company, Research Associates International, which specialized in providing intelligence to business. He was also given consulting work with API Distributors, the company established by Thomas G. Clines, Raphael Quintero, and Ricardo Chavez. In 1979 a gun that Wilson (CIA’s Edwin Wilson) arranged to be delivered to the Libyan embassy in Bonn was used to kill a political dissident. Another dissident was murdered in Colorado by one of Wilson’s men."

Servicios secretos franceses idearon derrocamiento de Gaddafi hace 5 meses  3/26/2011 Aporrea: "Cuando llega la noticia de que Mesmari ha solicitado oficialmente asilo político en Francia, estalla la cólera de Gaddafi, quien ordena el retiro de pasaportes, incluso al propio ministro de Relaciones Exteriores Mussa Kussa, acusado de ser responsable de la deserción de Mesmari. Después trata de enviar a sus hombres a París, con mensajes para el traidor: «Regresa. Serás perdonado». El 16 de diciembre, es Abdallah Mansur, jefe de la televisión libia, quien trata de hacer llegar el mensaje. Los franceses lo detienen a la entrada del hotel. Otros libios llegan a París el 23 de diciembre. Son Farj Charrant, Fathi Bukhris y Alla Unes Mansuri. Los conoceremos mejor después del 17 de febrero, porque son precisamente ellos quienes, junto a Al Hadji, dirigirán la revuelta de Benghazi contra las milicias del coronel."

New Libyan rebel leader spent much of past 20 years in suburban Virginia  3/26/2011 Miami Herald 

Libyan Liberation Movement Strikes Back as NATO Comes to the Rescue  3/25/2011 Juan Cole: "The “No-Drive Zone” policy pursued by France, Britain and the United States is already bearing fruit on the ground. There were three major aggressive campaigns being waged by the Qaddafi forces as the UN allies began intervening– Zintan in the southwest, Misrata just to the east of Tripoli on the coast, and Ajdabiya in the east, south of rebel HQ Benghazi. Two of them ceased on Thursday, forestalling further massacre of civilians in these major population centers and allowing supporters of the liberation movement to come out of hiding. Ajdabiya remained an arena of contest, but the liberation movement now controls most of th is oil city and there were reports of negotiations."

Who are the Libyan Freedom Fighters and Their Patrons?  3/25/2011 Peter Dale Scott: "The present article does not attempt to propose solutions or a course of action for the United States and its allies, or for the people of the Middle East. It attempts rather to examine the nature of the forces that have emerged in Libya over the last four decades that are presently being played out. To this end I have begun to compile what I call my Libyan Notebook, a collection of relevant facts that underlie the present crisis. This Notebook will be judgmental, in that I am biased towards collecting facts that the US media tend to ignore, facts that are the product in many instances of investigative reporting that cuts to the heart of power relations, deep structures, and economic interests in the region including the US, Israel, and the Arab States as these have played out over the last two decades and more. But I hope that it will be usefully objective and open-ended, permitting others to draw diverse conclusions from the same set of facts.2"

Libyan “revolutionaries” aren’t so revolutionary..  3/25/2011 Uruknet: ""Opposition officials in Benghazi, whose wide sweeps to detain alleged Kadafi supporters have drawn criticism, take journalists on a tightly controlled tour of detention centers. Many detainees say they’re immigrant workers and deny fighting for Kadafi. For a month, gangs of young gunmen have roamed the city, rousting Libyan blacks and immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa from their homes and holding them for interrogation as suspected mercenaries or government spies. Over the last several days, the opposition has begun rounding up men accused of fighting as mercenaries for Kadafi’s militias as government forces pushed toward Benghazi. It has launched nightly manhunts for about 8,000 people named as government operatives in secret police files seized after internal security operatives fled in the face of the rebellion that ended Kadafi’s control of eastern Libya last month. "We know who they are," said Abdelhafed Ghoga, the chief opposition spokesman. He called them "people with bloodstained hands" and "enemies of the revolution." One young man from Ghana bolted from the prisoners queue. He shouted in English at an American reporter: "I’m not a soldier! I work for a construction company in Benghazi! They took me from my house … " A guard shoved the prisoner back toward the cells."

French plans to topple Gaddafi on track since last November  3/25/2011 Voltaire Net: "According to right-wing Italian journalist Franco Bechis, plans to spark the Benghazi rebellion were initiated by French intelligence services in November 2010. As Miguel Martinez from the progressive ComeDonChisciotte website observes, these revelations which have the blessing of the Italian secret services should be interpreted as the sign of existing rivalries within the European capitalist camp. Voltaire Network wishes to point out that Paris promptly paired up with London in its scheme to overthrow Colonel Khadafi (Franco-British expeditionary force). This plan was recalibrated in the context of the Arab revolutions and taken over by Washington, which imposed its own objectives (counter-revolution in the Arab world and landing AfriCom on the Black continent). Therefore, the current coalition arises from a diversity of ambitions, which accounts for its internal contradictions. The timeline of events which set the stage for the military intervention against Libya is presented below."

Denied Existence: Libyan-Berbers under Gaddafi and Hope for the Current Revolution  3/24/2011 Muftah: "There are no official numbers defining the percentage of Amazigh within the Libyan population, as Gaddafi has refused to treat the Amazigh population as a separate and distinct ethnic group for purposes of national statistics. Nonetheless, experts estimate that nearly 10% of the population is of Amazigh origin, including the Tuaregs living in southern Libya, residents of the western cities of Ghdammes and Ghat, and those living in the western highlands of Jabel Nafousa and the coastal town of Zuara… Gaddafi’s regime has also conducted a relentless campaign, which continued up until the beginning of the current uprising, to eliminate Amazigh activists. On December 16, 2010, two brothers, Mazigh and Madghis Bouzakhar, were arrested and allegedly tortured for their involvement in activities promoting Amazigh culture. At about the same time, two Moroccan researchers disappeared after entering Libya to study Amazigh culture."

Video: Aftermath after Attacks in Zintan  3/23/2011 Feb 17: "In the middle of house.. the first bullets (attack) was in the middle of houses.. in the middle of civilians.. these boys live in this area. Look at this .. just leave it in it’s place the people who know weapons will know what type it is. I don’t know what it is. This is the missile. Look here *points at hole* one of the missiles coming from the south east, coming to houses. This was a safe area full of simple people.. they are being attacked in their homes. The house is about 10 meters away from houses. Do not move it leave it this is history. All these are coming from the south-east there is area which has storages for ammunition. They were aiming for the mosque. This is one of the sheep hit by the missiles and this is its blood. One "In the middle of house.. the first bullets (attack) was in the middle of houses.. in the middle of civilians.. these boys live in this area. Look at this .. just leave it in it’s place the people who know weapons will know what type it is. I don’t know what it is. This is the missile. Look here *points at hole* one of the missiles coming from the south east, coming to houses. This was a safe area full of simple people.. they are being attacked in their homes. The house is about 10 meters away from houses. Do not move it leave it this is history. All these are coming from the south-east there is area which has storages for ammunition. They were aiming for the mosque. This is one of the sheep hit by the missiles and this is its blood. One of the victims look it is dead. This is another one in the middle of the house. Look these are houses not even 4 meters away. Look this is broken window broke just from the noise. This is all just as a result of the noise missiles made. These are just houses just look. Simple people, they have no relation to war or anything."

Zintan rebels persist  3/23/2011 France 24: "“This man kills innocents,” one fighter tells Florent Marcie, one of the few western journalists present in the region. “We have these old rifles, but most of the people here have nothing at all. His forces shoot shells from their tanks on our homes and children. They shoot at anything.” On Monday, Gaddafi’s troops pounded Zintan with heavy weapons for several hours. Witnesses said several houses and the minaret of a mosque were destroyed. They came back on Tuesday and renewed the assault with even greater intensity."

Video: Children Massacred in Misrata (Warning: Very Graphic)  3/22/2011 Feb 17: "This video was allegedly taken today after massacres in Misrata. The individuals are showing what appear to be dead children, completely obliterated by Gaddafi forces. Nothing but human pulp in shrouds shows."

Gaddafi regime fed names of jihadists to the CIA and to Britain  3/22/2011 The Australian 

Gaddafi forces attack Zintan, destroy farm and sheep  3/21/2011 Facebook 

The1986 La Bella bombing was really done by Israel, not Libya  3/21/2011 Some Unknown US History: "Sixty US officers at the U.S. Army's School for Advanced Military Studies made a serious charge against the Israelis in their 68-page paper. Intelligence insiders believed that Israel's Mossad had concocted the phony "evidence" to "prove" Libyan responsibility. West Berlin police director Manfred Ganschow, who took charge of the investigation, cleared the Libyans, saying, "This is a highly political case. Some of the evidence cited in Washington may not be evidence at all, merely assumptions supplied for political reasons." US intelligence interests actively built a selective politically-motivated case against suspects without objective material proof; while ignoring and protecting a group of suspects with documented connections to western secret services."

Gaddafi Rails Against 'No Fly' Attacks and Berbers  3/20/2011 All Africa: " In the past, Gaddafi has denied the existence of indigenous Berbers as an ethnicity alongside the now-dominant population of Arab origin, although communities of Berbers still live in areas west and southwest of the capitol Tripoli. Estimates put the Berber population of Libya at 25,000 to 150,000. According to a 2008 U.S. embassy document recently released by Wikileaks, efforts of diplomats to visit Berber areas or to discuss Libya's Berber heritage were met with charges of "unacceptable interference" in Libyan affairs, as well as with a ban on travel to the Berber town of Zuwara by embassy personnel."

Protestas frente a la embajada de Francia en Caracas  3/20/2011 Aporrea: "Un grupo de jóvenes revolucionarios se congregó, este sábado, en las afueras de la embajada de Francia en Venezuela para protestar por las acciones militares que iniciara la nación europea, aliada con Estados Unidos y Reino Unido, contra el pueblo de Libia."

Live Caller from Benghazi: Mo Nabbous (of Libya Al Hurra TV) was targeted  3/20/2011 Feb 17: "Live Caller in Benghazi discusses how Mo Nabus (of Libya Al Hurra TV) was targeted. He had no weapons, sniper shot to his head."

One family against Gaddafi  3/20/2011 Feb 17: "Outside the workshop where Ibrahim had come to have his car repaired, dozens of men arrived in vehicles and swarmed around him. They beat him with metal bars. When he tried to fight back, some fired their guns into the air. The attack forced him to the ground. One of the men picked up a spare tire and brought it down on his head, knocking him out. When Ibrahim woke, he had not been moved, but he was blindfolded and naked, his legs and hands bound with rope. He could hear men celebrating nearby, shooting guns and shouting praises for Gaddafi."

West overzealous on Libya  3/19/2011 Al Jazeera 

Chávez: "Quieren el petróleo de Libia, no les importa para nada la vida"  3/19/2011 Aporrea: "Ellos quieren el petróleo de Libia, no les importa para nada la vida, ¿cuándo les importó a ellos la vida de los pueblos si siguen bombardeando a Irán y a Afganistán?". Han matado no sólo con sus bombas sino de hambre y miseria a millones de seres humanos, al imperio yanqui le importa nada la vida de nadie en este planeta”, afirmó."

Presidente Morales reiteró su rechazo a intervención militar en Libia  3/19/2011 Aporrea 

Very Graphic Footage from Benghazi Al Jalaal Hospital  3/19/2011 Feb 17: "According to the video, the footage was taken today in the city of Benghazi at Jala hospital after the air strikes and ambush by Gaddafi forces early this morning. The victims are all innocent, and helpless civilians."

Mohammad Nabbous, face of citizen journalism in Libya, is killed  3/19/2011 Guardian 

Why Gaddafi's overthrow may be bloody  3/17/2011 Pambazuka News: "Meanwhile, Africans must say something about the butchering of Black or dark skinned people christened ‘mercenaries’ by the Libyan rebels. We know that Libya has a distinct population of Libyan Tuaregs who are Black and are citizens of Libya. The Tuaregs can be found as well in Algeria, Morocco, Mali and other countries in north-west Africa. Similarly, there are Black Libyans whose mother tongue is Arabic, just like the Nubians of Egypt who now mainly speak Arabic. Should the Libyan rebels continue executing Black people because of the colour of their skin? Should Africans get butchered in Libya because Gaddafi ditched pan-Arabism for Pan-Africanism? "

Gaddafi forces Using Unconventional Weapons (Extremely Graphic)  3/16/2011 Feb 17: "This video proves Gaddafi forces are using unconventional weapons, perhaps flame blowers, against civilians in Misrata."

Hospital after Gaddafi Bombed Ajdabiya  3/16/2011 Feb 17: "This footage was taken earlier today at a hospital in Ajdabiya the city was continuously bombed. The victims of Gaddafi’s acts? CHILDREN — shot in the head. The doctors in this hospital have been working around the clock as the number of critically injured civilians pour in."

Interview with a Libyan pilot- “Algerian military is assisting Gaddafi”  3/16/2011 Feb 17: "In fact, I have in my possession some very important documents (link below shows the documents) that truly prove the culpability of Algeria, the Algerian government, the Algerian Airlines, and the Algerian Air Force. These documents, my honoured brother, have the registration numbers of many Algerian airplanes that start with the number 7T; in English the reference is “seven tango”. The kind of aircrafts that I have documents on are of either three or four types of aircraft, or five to be truthful with you. In regard to the Algerian forces, it sent planes which were civilian planes used to transport soldiers, military equipment, ammunitions, and others. What I have in my position now are many documents,"

Moammar Gaddafi, Socialist Revolutionary Or Charlatan?  3/15/2011 Countercurrents: One of the more serious charges against Gaddafi is that he is a sponsor of terrorism. What is less well known is that arms and explosives which the Libyan leader distributed were provided by a CIA agent named Edwin Wilson. And that at least some of the terror operations were in fact the false-flag operations of Western intelligence services."

Libyan rebels arrest 'Gaddafi death squad' that killed journalist  3/15/2011 Independent 

Libyan Oil Buys Allies for Qaddafi  3/15/2011 NYT: "Touaregs in Mali spoke of government soldiers poisoning wells and pulling Touareg men off buses and making them eat their national identification cards at gunpoint and then arresting or shooting them for not having any identification. When thousands of Touaregs fled into Libya in the 1970s and 1980s, Colonel Qaddafi welcomed them with open arms. He gave them food and shelter. He called them brothers. He also started training them as soldiers. Touareg elders here say that many of the so-called African mercenaries Colonel Qaddafi is now relying on to suppress the revolts are actually Touaregs who have been serving in the Libyan Army for years, not new arrivals. Still, Touareg elders in Mali and Niger have also said that in the past few weeks hundreds of former rebels have crossed the porous borders into Libya to fight for Colonel Qaddafi. Most are said to travel in pickup trucks, unarmed, appearing as migrant laborers, only to be armed once they get to Libya. In another wrinkle, some Touaregs are widely believed to be cooperating with Qaeda agents in the Sahara, which would completely undermine Colonel Qaddafi’s repeated utterances that his forces are defending the nation against a Qaeda onslaught."

Libya’s Gadhafi, increasingly isolated internationally, finds supporters in Latin America  3/15/2011 WaPo: "The government, meanwhile, released a statement backed by more than 260 artists and intellectuals in Venezuela and elsewhere opposing foreign military intervention and supporting Chavez’s mediation proposal. Adam Isacson, an analyst at the Washington Office on Latin America, said Chavez’s approach and “his evident lack of concern about Gadhafi’s abuses owe to a combination of misplaced south-south solidarity and a desire to take a position contrary to the United States’ almost for its own sake.” “Chavez’s stance certainly gives a lot of new fodder to his many international critics,” Isacson said. “Especially among more moderate Latin American leaders, Chavez’s Libya stance increases the political cost of maintaining warm relations with him.”

Why Libya’s Qaddafi is unlikely to push much further east  3/14/2011 Feb 17: "That was all according to plan, says Mohammed el-Majbouli. “We drew [Qaddafi's forces] forward, and then we maneuvered behind them and trapped them,” says Mr. Majbouli, a former member of Qaddafi’s special forces who is now organizing rebel fighters. He says a reserve force of rebels with military training had been hidden in homes in the eastern third of the sprawling petrochemical complex at Brega. After the Qaddafi men passed at about 8 p.m. last night, the rebels came out, retaking the town as well as about 20 prisoners from Qaddafi’s forces."

Women’s Protest in Misrata  3/14/2011 Feb 17: "Women in the opposition-held city of Misrata came out on March 14, 2011 to protest against the murderous Gaddafi. Misrata was under heavy siege all of last week, but held its ground against the well-equipped government forces. These women have seen their fathers, brothers, and husbands murdered at the hands of Gaddafi’s forces. They will not be silent against those atrocities."

Rebels fear other regimes are throwing support behind Gadhafi’s forces  3/14/2011 Globe and Mail: "The rebels are still struggling to get more recent data from their antiquated systems, but they supplied The Globe and Mail with records for 22 flights by Algerian aircraft to Libyan destinations between Feb. 19 and 26. Some are listed as passenger flights by Air Algerie, using civilian aircraft, but the majority are labelled "special flights" by aircraft bearing registration codes used by the Algerian military. The records appear to show repeated flights by C-130 Hercules and Ilyushin Il-76, aircraft big enough carry battle tanks, from Algeria and within Libya. The destinations include small airports in Sabha and Surt, key forward bases for the regime forces now advancing on rebels in the east."

Footage: Aftermath of Indiscriminate Shelling on Residential Homes in Misrata  3/13/2011 Feb 17 

Video: Protest in Misrata 3/12  3/13/2011 Feb 17: As big as a pro-Chavez demo in Caracas!

Triumph of a monster in Libya  3/12/2011 Painful Truth: "Finally, there is something else that neither Shashank Joshi nor the mainstream media dare mention. That is, in contrast to the case of Iraq under Saddam, there is no Israeli interest in toppling Gaddafi. That means there will be no pressure from Israel via its stooges in Congress on the White House to take decisive measures against the Gaddafi regime. On the contrary, the continued existence of Gaddafi and the absence of democracy in Libya – just as was the case with the Ben Ali regime in Tunisia and the senile pharaoh Mubarak in Egypt – is highly desirable from Israel's point of view. Besides, Gaddafi's demented son, Saif al-Islam, has excellent personal relations with Israel's far-right settler foreign minister, the fascist Avigdor Lieberman, and was once (and maybe still is) romantically involved with an Israeli actress, Orly Weinerman. In a regime that is as highly personalized as Gaddafi's, that counts for a lot."

Compilation of photos  3/11/2011 Almanara Media 

The Spiritual Leader of Libya Addresses the People  3/10/2011 Feb 17: "This blessed intifada and glorious revolution is not directed against the tribes and not against our families, but rather the falsehood and the injustice wherever it exists or wherever it may occur. Wherever there is burden, whether Benghazi or Zawia or Tripoli or Sirt or the Mountains or the South, it is not a tribal war nor a war of vengeance. It is not the image that the regime will have you see, painting a picture of differences and conflict of the ancient tribes across the land. Feuds which have become obsolete over the course of forgotten generations and erased from memory. From an age of ignorance, forbidden by Islam. For Islam prescribes that brothers in faith are above all other brotherhoods and the adherence to Islam above all other loyalties."

Fuerzas de Gaddafi y rebeldes continúan lucha por el control de Ras Lanuf  3/10/2011 Telesur: "Los rebeldes aseguraron que “las fuerzas de Gaddafi atacan con todo tipo de armas, lanzan bombas en toda la ciudad, a zonas residenciales y mezquitas”, indicó el reportero."

WikiLeaks sheds light on Monitor Group work with Libyan security organization  3/9/2011 Examiner: "As Libyan dictator Muammar Khadafy battles rebels seeking to topple his authoritarian regime, the international media continues to explore the dealings of Cambridge-based Monitor Group. The Massachusetts consulting firm, formed by a group of Harvard University professors, is at the heart of an academic scandal. The Monitor Group was hired by Khadafy to modernize Libya’s business environment and polish the image of the Khadafy regime. Monitor worked on a flattering biography of the dictator that was never published and helped son Saif Khadafy write his Ph.D. thesis for the London School of Economics."

Special Report: Rebel-Held Town Under Siege  3/9/2011 Sky News: "The people of Zawiyah are fighting for their lives. We have seen with our own eyes Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's forces firing on peaceful protesters."

Morocco grants Berbers greater rights, as Libyan Berbers join revolution  3/9/2011 WW4 Report: "Significantly, Morocco's constitutional reform comes as Amazigh tribes in eastern Libya have joined the rebels fighting to overthrow Moammar Qaddafi. (The Guardian, Feb. 28) We noted in 2005 a secret meeting of Libyan opposition groups to call for resistance against the regime, which included representatives of the Berber people—and was boycotted by the Salafists (North African jihadis) because of its secular orientation. We've also noted that Berber demands for cultural rights and recognition have contributed to a groundswell for democratic reform in Algeria in recent years. A wave of Berber protests in Algeria's Kabylia region in 2001 was followed by the arrests of political and cultural leaders. We recently noted that the Berbers' southern cousins, the Tuaregs (or Kel Tamashek in their own tongue)—a chiefly nomadic people of the interior Sahara, speaking a closely related tongue—are in danger of being pitted against each other by the Libyan crisis. In the 1990s, Moammar Qaddafi backed Tuareg insurgencies in Mali and Niger, where they had long been denied rights or autonomy, and is now recruiting former guerilla fighters from these countries as mercenaries to defend his regime. Meanwhile, Libya's own Tuareg tribes have declared for the revolution."

The pen versus the sword  3/8/2011 Al Jazeera: "Harvard Business Professor Michael Porter’s expertise was sought to revamp the economy of a police state in which the likes of Gaddafi, his brother-in-law Abdullah Sanoussi – who dealt with MG – had their hands tainted with the blood of Libyans and foreigners. Sanoussi is the man who had a part in the killing of 1,200 political detainees in the Bou Slim prison in 1996. The cabal advising Gaddafi on security included Musa Kusa, Touhami Khalid, and Abdullah Mansour. Two other associates, Matug Al-Warfalli and Abd Al-Qadir Al-Baghdadi, may be linked with the slaying of policewoman Yvonne Fletcher in April 1984. This is hardly the kind of stuff that would be unknown to men and women of high learning."

Qaddafi hits rebels with air power, tanks, tribal troops, opens way to Cyrenaica  3/8/2011 Debka, Israel: "Not a single Arab ruler or government is willing to dip a toe into the Libyan cauldron. In the last few hours, Egypt's military rulers have notified Washington that they have no intention of helping the Libyan opposition, even by sending arms. Qaddafi's commanders turned the tide of battle in their favor by the following tactic: At the start of the week, they concentrated around the key town of Sirte (Sidra) two armored battalions of T-72 tanks, three battalions of special forces, beefed up by an extra 3,000 tribal fighters flown in from the Sahara, and a fleet of dozens of helicopter gunships. Our sources report that Qaddafi paid out many millions of petrodollars to the heads of the Saharan tribal federation to hire fighting manpower form the various tribes. This force was split in two: One column advanced south along the Sidra Gulf coast towards the refinery town of Ras Lanuf and the second struck southeast toward the big oil town of Brega and Ajdabia. Both rolled forward behind a wall of fire of BM-21 Katyusha rockets and helicopters firing missiles and heavy machine guns as T-72 tanks mowed down everything in their path. Against the only rebel position west of Tripoli in the town of Zawiya, dozens of tanks crushed building after building before pulling out and then returning. At the same time, the reports of Libyan air force bombardments of rebels have been exaggerated. Our military sources report that the fighter jets were used to sow panic in rebel ranks."

A suggestion to President Hugo Chavez ... Reevaluate your alliances  3/8/2011 Vheadlines: "Chavez' loyalty to Gaddafi and his rejection of calls for intervention against the Libyan leader by the US may be commendable. However, the Venezuelan leader would be wise to re-evaluate the basis and quality of his friendships given the recent bloodshed visited upon Libyan civilians, Gaddafi's poor human rights record, and his bleak long-term prospects of survival."

Africans say Libyan troops try to make them fight  3/7/2011 Feb 17 

America's secret plan to arm Libya's rebels  3/7/2011 Independent: "The Saudis have been told that opponents of Gaddafi need anti-tank rockets and mortars as a first priority to hold off attacks by Gaddafi's armour, and ground-to-air missiles to shoot down his fighter-bombers."

Aviación de Gaddafi bombardea Ras Lanuf en un intento de tomar control  3/7/2011 Telesur: ""Constatamos que algunos anuncios del Gobierno eran falsos, yo estuve en Brega y estaba bajo el mando de los rebeldes" agregó el periodista quien dio cuenta en su reporte que opositores y fieles a Gaddafi lucharon el domingo "en una batalla muy intensa que dejó al menos 8 muertos según el parte médico"."

Two Perspectives on Venezuela and Libya  3/7/2011 Venezuela Analysis: "We include here two articles with different analyses on Chavez’s relation with Gaddafi and his attempts to play a peace keeping role in the situation. The first article from Pan-African news criticises even Al Jazeera’s coverage of the conflict and the “vilification” of Gaddafi. The second one was written by the International Marxist Tendency, and while it opposes imperialist intervention in Libya, it takes a more critical stance of Gaddafi."

Mercenary company CST Global and war criminal Israel Ziv write to Voltaire Network  3/7/2011 VoltaireNet: "Our information was derived from two different sources : on the one hand, a journalist working for the Israeli daily Yediot Aharonot and, on the other hand, the Hebrew-language news site Inyan Merkazi. It has been widely disseminated and expanded on by television media, such as Al Jazeera or the Iranian English language global news network Press TV."

Partidarios de Gaddafi celebran haber logrado el control en algunas ciudades libias  3/6/2011 Telesur: From Al Jazeera's March 6 Libya Live Blog: "9:00pm The "Libyan National Transitional Council", based in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, say Gaddafi's troops have been pushed out of Az Zawiyah and Misurata cities, respectively on the west and east of capital Tripoli - in the west of the country."

Venezuela and Libya: An Interview with Gregory Wilpert  3/6/2011 Venezuela Analysis: "I think the danger of Chavez losing legitimacy, especially among the international left, is significant. While there are leftists who share Chavez’s positive appraisal of Gaddafi, most do not and cannot understand why Chavez would not condemn him. Chavez supporters outside Venezuela will tend to think that Chavez is either hopelessly naïve about Gaddafi or that he is receiving terrible foreign policy advice."

Supuesta “fosa común” en Libia es un cementerio islámico que estaba en mantenimiento  3/5/2011 Aporrea: [Pero hay muchos desaparecidos en Libia.]

Con tanques tropas de Gaddafi llegan a Zawiyah para controlar la zona  3/5/2011 Telesur: "Tropas leales al líder de Libia, Muammar Al Gaddafi enviaron este sábado tanques y artillería pesada hacia barrios de Zawiyah (oeste) en una batalla por conseguir el control de la zona ubicada a 50 kilómetros de Trípoli, la capital, de acuerdo al testimonio de testigos citados por Al Jazeera y que reseña el diario El País en su versión digital."

Israel flies to the rescue of ally Khadafi, reaping millions  3/5/2011 VoltaireNet: "A former Nasser disciple, Colonel Khadafi has over recent years perfected the art of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds, at the risk of antagonizing both sides at the same time. He adopted a radical discourse against U.S. imperialism and Zionism, while often serving their interests, notably by eliminating on command some of their chief opponents (for example, the Iranian-Lebanese national Moussa Sadr or the Sudanese Abdel Khaleq Mahjoub). He never took any action against Israel and he officially mended fences with Washington in 2003."

Chávez: ¿Dónde están los $200 mil millones de las reservas internacionales de Libia depositados en bancos EEUU?  3/4/2011 Aporrea: "¿Con qué ley, a cuenta de qué, están congelando reservas internacionales de un país?, expresó, al analizar las informaciones según las cuales autoridades de EEUU procedieron a inmovilizar cuentas que supuestamente son haberes del líder libio, Al-Gadafi. "Eso es un robo", dijo Chávez, manifestando su convicción de que ese dinero son reservas del pueblo libio."

Países del ALBA apoyan iniciativa venezolana para buscar la paz en Libia  3/4/2011 Aporrea: "De igual forma, el ministro de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, también anuncia el respaldo a la propuesta presentada por el mandatario venezolano e impugna la “descarada actitud intervencionista de Estados Unidos”, que únicamente busca apropiarse de los recursos energéticos de ese país."

Chavez Libya talks offer rejected  3/3/2011 Al Jazeera 

Libia está incomodando a la izquierda latinoamericana  3/3/2011 Aporrea: "El caso de América latina es más enigmático. Que algunos lloren la caída del “guía espiritual de la revolución”, en Venezuela y en Bolivia, pasando por Cuba, Ecuador y Nicaragua, a pesar de la matanza del pueblo libio, de la cual el “guía” se declara culpable, denota una lamentable interpretación del curso de la historia y una ceguera a la que la izquierda ha estado demasiado acostumbrada en el siglo pasado. Desgraciadamente, detrás de la fachada discursiva del «socialismo del siglo XXI» se perfila otra realidad: la falta de una verdadera orientación ideológica, de Caracas a La Paz. ¿Cómo es posible que el dictador sanguinario libio sea considerado como un “hermano revolucionario”? ¿Acaso se pueden justificar todas sus malversaciones por su rivalidad con el imperialismo estadounidense? ¿Cómo han podido equivocarse hasta tal punto de revolución? Para el argentino Pablo Stefanoni, director de la edición boliviana de Le Monde Diplomatique, y coautor, con el politólogo francés Hervé do Alto, de Seremos millones, Evo Morales y la izquierda en el poder en Bolivia, la respuesta es simple: «Fue tomado por sorpresa el nuevo socialismo nacionalista latinoamericano, que quedó apabullado por los acontecimientos, sin recursos políticos ni ideológicos para decodificar las claves de lo que sucede en el mundo árabe»."

Latin America and the Arab revolution: the bankruptcy of Chavism?  3/3/2011 International Viewpoint: "In Venezuela, revolutionary organizations such as Marea Socialista have taken a clear decision in favour of the Libyan people and against the dictator Gaddafi. We can only hope that the Venezuelan and Cuban workers will be more capable of understanding what is at stake than their leaders are. But, even if he comes to his senses and corrects his position, there is no doubt that the catastrophic declarations of Chavez will immediately and lastingly ruin the immense prestige which he has up to now enjoyed among the Arab masses."

Report: Israeli company recruits mercenaries to support Gadhafi  3/3/2011 Mondoweiss 

How the Abu Salim Prison Massacre in 1996 Inspired the Revolution in Libya  3/2/2011 Andy Worthington: “They said ‘we want better conditions because even animals cannot live like this,’” said Faiza Ahmed Zubi, whose brother was killed. “They didn’t even ask for release but just to be treated like prisoners elsewhere. They said ‘we want to breathe, to see the sun, to live.’”

Libia: una gran lección - Por: Jaime Corena Parra  3/2/2011 Aporrea: "¿Si ya se sabe desde que el gran capital con cualquier mentira justifica una intervención militar, ejemplo con la prédica de la existencia de armas de destrucción masiva en Irak, por qué no se hizo un poder revolucionario participativo transparente defendido por el pueblo para enfrentar cualquier canallada imperial?"

Libya, Getting it Right: A Revolutionary Pan-African Perspective  3/2/2011 Black Agenda Report: "The conflict in Libya is not a revolution, but a counter-revolution. The struggle “is fundamentally a battle between Pan-African forces on the one hand, who are dedicated to the realization of Qaddafi's vision of a united Africa, and reactionary racist Libyan Arab forces who reject Qaddafi's vision of Libya as part of a united Africa.” The so-called Black African “mercenaries” are misnamed. “As a result of Libya's support for liberation movements throughout Africa and the world, international battalions were formed” which are part of the Libyan armed forces."

NATO’s Inevitable War: The Flood of Lies regarding Libya by Fidel Castro Ruz  3/2/2011 Cuba Si: "“But according to Abeir Imneina, ‘there also exists the feeling that this is our revolution, and that it is we who have to make it’.” A few hours after this dispatch was printed, two of the main press bodies of the United States, The New York Times and The Washington Post, hastened to offer new versions on the subject; the DPA agency informs on this on the following day, March the first: “The Libyan opposition could request that the West bomb from the air strategic positions of the forces loyal to President Muamar al Gaddafi, the US press informed today."

Several hundred “defence advisors” to support anti-Ghadafi Forces  3/2/2011 Nachrichten Heute: "According to an exclusive report confirmed by a Libyan diplomat in the region “the three Western states have landed their “special forces troops in Cyrinacia and are now setting up their bases and training centres” to reinforce the rebel forces who are resisting pro-Qaddafi forces in several adjoining areas. A Libyan official who requested not to be identified said that the U.S. and British military gurus were sent on February 23 and 24 night through American and French warships and small naval boats off Libyan ports of Benghazi and Tobruk."

Israel provides henchmen for Gaddafi  3/2/2011 Press TV, Iran: "Israeli arms distribution company Global CST has reportedly, under the authorization of Tel Aviv, provided Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi with African mercenaries to clamp down on anti-government protesters. Egyptian sources have revealed that the Israeli company has so far provided Gaddafi's regime with 50,000 African mercenaries to attack the civilian anti-government protesters in Libya. The arms company was previously convicted in an African country over illegal deals, News-Israel website reported."

Tuareg mercenaries said to fight for Qaddafi —as Libyan Tuaregs join revolution  3/2/2011 WW4 Report: "There are also ominous possibilities that the Libyan fighting could pit Tuareg against Tuareg, with reports that indigenous Tuareg tribes in Libya's south have joined the uprising against the regime. Attacks by Tuareg tribesman on official buildings have been reported from their interior strongholds of Ghadames, Ghat, Djanet, and Suhoul Adrar. (OnIslam, March 1)"

Has Chavez been drinking the Nescafe?  3/1/2011 Al Jazeera: "Prior to February 28 there was still room for doubt as to the extent of Hugo Chavez’s support for Gaddafi. He had refused to openly weigh in on the issue, and the only evidence for his support had been a tweet of his saying “…viva Libya and its independence! Kadafi is facing a civil war!!” Even that was open to interpretation. However, his latest take on the crisis has been unequivocal, "A campaign of lies is being spun together regarding Libya...I'm not going to condemn him. I'd be a coward to condemn someone who has been my friend."

ISRAEL BEHIND AFRICAN MERCENARIES IN LIBYA  3/1/2011 ANSA, Italy: The journalist from Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot, who prefers to remain anonymous, said that according to speculation in the security sector, Israel looks at Libya from a strategic perspective and in terms of security. The fall of Gaddafi would open the door for an Islamic regime in Libya, according to speculation. In a meeting on February 18, Prime Minister Netanyahu, Defence Minister Barak and Foreign Minister Lieberman decided to recruit African mercenaries to fight alongside Gaddafi, according to the journalist. During the meeting, they decided to let General Isarel Zef, the director of security firm Global CST, which is active in many African countries, to make a group of paramilitary mercenaries from Guinea, Nigeria, Central Africa, Mali, Senegal, Darfur and Southern Sudan available to Abdullah Assinousi, one of the heads of Libya's intelligence agency."

Libya's Berbers join the revolution in fight to reclaim ancient identity  2/28/2011 Guardian 

¡Ni Gadafi ni intervención imperialista!  2/26/2011 Aporrea: "En su escandalosa posición de apoyo incondicional a este criminal, Chávez, Castro y Ortega tienen en cuenta cualquier cosa menos el actor fundamental, el pueblo de Libia y la opinión que expresa al rebelarse masivamente contra Gadafi. La realpolitik que practican Chávez y Castro no tiene en cuenta la opinión ni los intereses de los pueblos. Sólo le importa las relaciones entre estados y sobre todo sus intereses inmediatos, que especialmente en el caso de Chávez incluyen los buenos negocios que mantiene con Gadafi."

Gadafi propicia intervención de la OTAN  2/26/2011 Aporrea: Por: Adel El Zabayar, presidente de la Federación de Entidades Venezolano-Árabes

Marea socialista (PSUV): ¡Basta de masacres en Libia!  2/26/2011 Flegelo de lo correcto: "El Consejo de Redacción de Marea Socialista emite un comunicado sobre la situación que se vive en Libia, el mismo se puede leer a continuación."

From Latin America to the Arab World – What’s going on in Libya?  2/26/2011 Machetera: "The opportunity is great and possibly the last for a definitive reverse in the balance of forces and for isolating the imperialist powers within a new global framework. We ought not to fall into such a simple trap. We ought not to underestimate the Arabs. No, they aren’t socialists, but in the last two months, in an unexpected way, they have stripped away the hypocrisy from the EU and the United States, have expressed their desire for authentic democracy, far removed from any colonial tutelage, and have opened a space for the left to thwart capitalism’s attempts to recover lost ground. It’s the Latin America of ALBA, of Che, and Playa Girón, whose prestige in this area remained intact until yesterday, that must support the process before the world’s timekeeper manages to turn the hands back and to its favor."

Latin America divided over Gaddafi  2/25/2011 Al Jazeera 

Libia: Arrestado, amenazado y agredido equipo de TeleSUR en Trípoli  2/25/2011 Aporrea: "Manifestó que el camárografo del equipo de teleSUR,Jesús Romero, recibió varios golpes y él también."

Al Giordano’s unrequited love for Eva Golinger  2/25/2011 Machetera: "Interwoven in a rambling piece that makes many reasonable points about Venezuelan bureaucracy and Libyan wildman Muammar Gaddafi, there are some extended, might we even say, screeching attacks on Golinger, coupled with some new but predictable complaints about Belarus and Telesur (guess Venezuela’s Information Ministry won’t bother with Narco News‘s j-school this year) and the usual infomercial about how nobody but Narco News knows how to do anything at all."

Covert US Military Support For Libya Opposition  2/25/2011 Prison Planet: A Google search for the US backed "National Front for the Salvation of Libya" AND "Libyan Transitional National Council" leading the revolution yields no hits.

What Is the National Front for the Salvation of Libya?  2/25/2011 Red Ant Liberation Army News 

Libya: Col Gaddafi's son 'in hiding on Venezuelan island'  2/25/2011 Vheadlines 

Del mundo árabe a América Latina  2/24/2011 Rebelion: "Ojalá caiga Gadafi -hoy mejor que mañana- y América Latina comprenda que lo que ocurre en estos momentos en el mundo árabe tiene que ver, no con los planes maquiavélicos de la UE y EEUU (que sin duda maniobran en la sombra), sino con los procesos abiertos en Nuestra América, la de todos, la del ALBA y la dignidad, desde principios de los años 90, siguiendo la estela de la Cuba de 1958. La oportunidad es grande y puede ser la última para revertir definitivamente la actual relación de fuerzas y aislar a las potencias imperialistas en un nuevo marco global. No caigamos en una trampa tan fácil. No despreciemos a los árabes. No son socialistas, no, pero en los dos últimos meses, de manera inesperada, han dejado al desnudo la hipocresía de la UE y los EEUU, han expresado su deseo de una democracia auténtica, lejos de todo tutelaje colonial, y han abierto un espacio para poner en dificultades desde la izquierda los intentos de reconversión, también territorial, del capitalismo."

Why Is TeleSur a Flop? Look No Farther than Its Libya Coverage  2/23/2011 NarcoNews: "But it is the Pan-Arabian resistance that has shaken the wheels off of TeleSur altogether. While citizen journalists in Libya courageously break the information blockade to post videos on YouTube and elsewhere to show the carnage wrought by the death throes of the Gaddafi regime, while Al Jazeera and other international media document beyond a reasonable doubt the war crimes it is committing, TeleSur has treated its viewers to a total cover-up and whitewashed version of events in Libya. It has served as a clownish propaganda vehicle for the embattled Libyan dictator."

Nicaragua prez call Gaddafi to expresses support  2/22/2011 AP 

Gaddafi ya no es el lider antiimperialista de ayer y enfrenta con masacres a un verdadero clamor popular  2/22/2011 Aporrea: "Uno de los primeros síntomas regresivos del gobierno de Gaddafi se produjo hace ya unos 15 años, con la expulsión de 30 mil palestinos del territorio libio. Ahora, El Zabayar, reconoce que hay un verdadero clamor popular en Libia y que Gaddafi lo está enfrentando con masacres que no se pueden justificar."

REFLECTIONS OF FIDEL - NATO’s plan is to occupy Libya  2/21/2011 Granma 

Chávez y Al Gadafi suscribirán ocho acuerdos este lunes en Caracas  9/26/2009 Aporrea 

Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi Has Died In A Libyan Prison  5/10/2009 Andy Worthington: "Al-Libi recanted his story in February 2004, when he was returned to the CIA’s custody, and explained, as Newsweek described it, that he told his debriefers that “he initially told his interrogators that he ‘knew nothing’ about ties between Baghdad and Osama bin Laden and he ‘had difficulty even coming up with a story’ about a relationship between the two.” The Newsweek report explained that “his answers displeased his interrogators — who then apparently subjected him to the mock burial. As al-Libi recounted, he was stuffed into a box less than 20 inches high. When the box was opened 17 hours later, al-Libi said he was given one final opportunity to ‘tell the truth.’ He was knocked to the floor and ‘punched for 15 minutes.’ It was only then that, al-Libi said, he made up the story about Iraqi weapons training.” As I explained in a recent article, Even In Cheney’s Bleak World, The Al-Qaeda-Iraq Torture Story Is A New Low, drawing on reports in the New York Times and by Jane Mayer in the New Yorker, the use of al-Libi to extract a false confession that was used to justify the invasion of Iraq was particularly shocking, because a Defense Intelligence Agency had concluded in February 2002 that al-Libi was lying, and Dan Coleman of the FBI (which had been pulled off al-Libi’s case when the CIA — and the administration — decided to render him to torture in Egypt) had no doubt that the emir of an Afghan training camp would know nothing about Iraq. “It was ridiculous for interrogators to think Libi would have known anything about Iraq,” Coleman told Jane Mayer. “I could have told them that. He ran a training camp. He wouldn’t have had anything to do with Iraq.”"

Ed Wilson's Revenge - The Biggest CIA Scandal in History Has Its Feet in the Starting Blocks in a Houston Court House  5/4/2008 From the Wilderness: [discusses David Adler's role as Edward Wilson's attorney.]

Libya's black market deals shock nuclear inspectors  1/17/2004 Guardian, UK: "The ease with which the complex bomb-making equipment was acquired has stunned experienced international inspectors. The scale and the sophistication of the networks supplying so-called rogue states seeking nuclear weapons are considerably more extensive than previously believed. The purchase of full centrifuges, either assembled or in parts, marks a radical departure in what is on offer on the black market, sources said. While it is not yet clear where Col Gadafy obtained the centrifuge systems, at least 1,000 machines, believed to have been made in Malaysia, were seized last October by the Italian authorities on a German ship bound for Libya."

The meeting that brought Libya in from the cold  12/21/2003 Guardian 

The Former Face of Evil  1/13/2003 Newsweek: "In an exclusive interview in Tripoli last week, Libyan strongman Muammar Kaddafi revealed that Libya is now providing intelligence to the United States about Al Qaeda."

Libya and US exchange intelligence on al-Qaeda  1/13/2003 Sydney Morning Herald: "But Mr Gaddafi admitted that bin Laden, whose network is blamed for the September 11 attacks on the United States, had become a prophet in the Islamic world and that "all the young people like him". "Bin Laden has convinced his followers that America is attacking the whole Arab and Islamic world," the Libyan leader said. "It is not a battle between America and bin Laden any more. Everybody is with bin Laden."

MI6 'halted bid to arrest bin Laden'  11/10/2002 Observer, UK: "The Observer can today reveal that the MI6 officers involved in the alleged plot were Richard Bartlett, who has previously only been known under the codename PT16 and had overall responsibility for the operation; and David Watson, codename PT16B. As Shayler's opposite number in MI6, Watson was responsible for running a Libyan agent, 'Tunworth', who was was providing information from within the cell. According to Shayler, MI6 passed £100,000 to the al-Qaeda plotters. The assassination attempt on Gadaffi was planned for early 1996 in the Libyan coastal city of Sirte. It is thought that an operation by the Islamic Fighting Group in the city was foiled in March 1996 and in the gun battle that followed several militants were killed. In 1998, the Libyans released TV footage of a 1996 grenade attack on Gadaffi that they claimed had been carried out by a British agent."

Libyan treated unfairly, Mandela says  6/11/2002 Washington Times: "Former South African President Nelson Mandela said yesterday that the Libyan man convicted in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 was being subjected to "psychological persecution." After visiting Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi for more than an hour at Barlinnie Prison, Mr. Mandela said authorities should consider letting him serve his sentence in a Muslim country such as Morocco, Tunisia or Egypt. "Megrahi is all alone," Mr. Mandela said at a news conference later in the prison's visitors room. "He has nobody he can talk to. It is a psychological persecution that a man must stay for the length of his long sentence all alone." And Mandela knows a thing or two about this condition.

Australia Reaching Out to "Rogues"  6/5/2002 Stratfor: "Australia is seeking to re-establish diplomatic ties with Libya after 15 years of estrangement stemming from Tripoli's involvement in the South Pacific"

US officials differ on Libya policy  2/5/2002 Times of India 

Ed Wilson's Revenge - The Biggest CIA Scandal in History Has Its Feet in the Starting Blocks in a Houston Court House  1/10/2000 FTW: "The following is written after examining more than 900 pages of documents, in four volumes, filed since last September, in Houston Federal Court, by attorneys representing former CIA operative Edwin P. Wilson and the United States Department of Justice. As strange as it may seem, FTW assures you that there is a document on file or an on-the-record quote to support everything we now tell you. On February 2, 1983, the Houston trial of former CIA agent Edwin P. Wilson, on Federal charges that he had unlawfully sold explosives to Libya, hung at a truly precarious moment."


Berbers - Amazigh - in Libya

Egyptian Revolution

NED in Lybia -

From Al Jazeera's Libya Blog, 2/25/11

5:01am Venezuela's top diplomat on Thursday echoed Fidel Castro's accusation that Washington is fomenting unrest in Libya to justify an invasion to seize North African nation's oil reserves.

Nicolas Maduro, the Venezuelan Foreign Minister said:

They are creating conditions to justify an invasion of Libya.

4:27am Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan president, has backed Muammar Gaddafi on Twitter. 

Chavez tweeted:

Gaddafi is facing a civil war.

Long live Libya. Long live the independence of Libya.


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