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 Afro-Colombians and Free Trade

The Black right wing’s agenda in Colombia, 2/08, Jesus “Chucho” Garcia, Fundacion AfroAmerica

Y Tantos Negros Que Apoyan a Uribe, 2/19/08, Macobe Luchador 

Why Afro-Colombians Oppose the Colombia Free Trade Agreement, 2/2008
Marino Cordoba, founder of the Association of Internally Displaced Afro-Colombians (AFRODES)

Unidos Nuestros Derechos Seran Derechos Humanos, 11/13/06 Organizaciones afro-colombianas y afro-peruanas

The Black right wing’s agenda in Colombia, 2/08

By Jesus “Chucho” Garcia

The Afro-Colombian movement has been one of the most important vanguard organizations of Latin America.  Since the uprising of Benkos Bioho (17th century), a maroon of Wolof origin (present-day Senegal), through the struggle of Afro-Colombian miners in the Chocó until the contemporary struggle, Afro-Colombians have always maintained the high ethics of African ancestry characterized by a flood of dignity.  It was in the 1990s when an extraordinary alliance among academics, students and other social actors achieved recognition for Afro-Colombians in the Colombian National Constitution and from there was granted, through a transitory article, the Law of Black Colombian Communities, also known as the Law 70, approved in Congress in1993.  That law, among other things, guaranteed the recognition to their lands-- collectively ancestral and shared for the benefit of their communities (indeed, the senators of the center-right and Bolivarian left rejected a similar proposal that we Afro-Venezuelans made for Constitutional Reform on December 2nd, see and compare the two).  Upon the current president Alvaro Uribe’s arrival to power, what would be called the “Counter-Reforms of Uribe” began, which have affected all of the Colombian community and Afro-Colombians especially.  By the blessing or curse of God, Afro-Colombians are located in the bio-geographic Pacific, considered, along with the Amazon, to be the greatest diversity reserve of Latin America and one of the main ones of the planet.  The increase of armed conflicts, specifically of paramilitaries and U.S. army intervention, as well as some errors made by guerrillas, has provoked a massive displacement towards cities such as Medellin, Cali, and above all Bogotá, not to mention Venezuela, where those from the Amazonas state have arrived and constituted a neighborhood called Africa.  After Sudan, Colombia is the country with the most displaced persons in the world, of which 60% are Afro-Colombians, according to the organization AFRODES, which is led by activist Marino Cordoba. 

Uribe’s order is to re-seize Afro-Colombian lands

In Washington D.C. during this last week of February, an Afro-Colombian conference will be taking place at Howard University, where the following afrodescendent governmental representatives will attend: the Minister of Culture, Paula Marcelo Moreno, the Vice-Minister of Work Andres Palacio, Oscar Gamboa of the Commission of Advancement for the Afro-Colombian Population, and the Representative of the Afro-Colombian Office in the present government, Pastor Murillo.  Added to those Afro-Uribean senators led by Edgar Eulises, there are members of the United States Congress that support the Free Trade Agreement such as Gregory Meeks, who supposedly has a business in United States and Latin American airports.  This activity has been preceded by others done in Colombia since Bush visited and met with Afro-Colombian leaders; later by the mission of Afro-North American ex-General Colin Powell accompanied by some intellectuals such as Cornel West, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and even Bill Gates, among others; and recently by the visit of Condoleeza Rice to Cartagena de Indias.  Uribe is trying to apply the Bush model of placing the new Uncle Toms, or what they call here in the United States “Oreo cookies” (black on the outside and white on the inside) to say that there is “racial democracy” in Colombia.  The truth is that this group that is now parading about Washington is the group to remind of the funeral marches of the coffins of thousands of Afro-Colombians murdered by paramilitaries with  the complicity of Uribe’s army and North American intervention.  They will cry out for the signing of the signing of the Free Trade Agreement between Colombia and the United States in order to openly and bold-facedly exploit the region of the bio-geographic Pacific.  We as Afro-descendent intellectuals and activists express our active support to displaced Afro-Colombians in Washington and we condemn this right-wing “oreoization” by the plot of the first-ever paramilitary in power: Alvaro Uribe Velez.

Y Tantos Negros Que Apoyan a Uribe, 2/19/08

Macobe Luchador 

Miremos todos lo que quieren hacer a una persona que piensa en la paz y no la guerra.

La proxima semana el gobierno de uribe, con sus aliados afro-politicos estaran realizando una conferencia en la howard university en washington dc, donde buscan ganar el apoyo de los congresistas negros para el tlc y, donde saben que el voto de los congresistas negros es clave, pero el tema de los afrocolombianos no les importa para nada.

Lo curioso es ver tantos negros (oscar gamboa, roberto asprilla, entre otros) que estan traicionando a sus hermanos negros, que estan sacando provecho de los lideres muertos y desplazados para llenar sus bolsillos, en cabezando la delegacion del gobierno en u.s.a. para que este en colombia, siga su campana de liquidar la renta, la unica renta del pueblo negro, entregar sus tierras a empresarios y perseguir hasta a sesinar a sus lideres como lo es la senadora piedad cordoba, asi como lo ha hecho con los lideres afros de las comunidades.

Mientras esto sucede su gobierno no dice nada, simplemente porque es complice de los ataque y persecusiones contra ella. Que desgracia tener negros que vivan del dolor de sus hermanos, de la sangre de nuestros lideres caidos.

Why Afro-Colombians Oppose the Colombia Free Trade Agreement, 2/2008
Marino Cordoba, founder of the Association of Internally Displaced Afro-Colombians (AFRODES)

by Willie Thompson. Founder and President of  The Organization of African North Americans (OANA), 2/19/2008

Colombia, South America is an important for African North Americans and other allies. Afro-Colombians comprise almost 40% of the Colombian population of around 42 million people. These Afro-Colombians are treated brutally  by the Government and the Euro-Colombians. Now, the Colombian President Uribe needs the support of the Congressional Black Caucus to pass the Colombian Free Trade Agreement. So he accepts the proposal of some Afro-Colombians to create this phony Commission for the Protection of the 16 million Afro-Colombians. More than a million Afro-Colombians have been displaced from their homes and communities.  Afro-Colombians are killed and forced into exile if they resist the sale their land. The Colombian government provides very few services and infrastructure for the Afro-Colombian community and Law 70 that gives Afro-Colombian rights to their ancestral lands is not implemented and the para-militaries under President Uribe is driving the Afro-Colombians from their land. Congressional Black Caucus member Gregory Meeks of New York and member of the National Endowment for Democracy  (NED) deceived Congressman Bobby Rush of Chicago and caused him to write a letter of support for the Colombia Free Trade Agreement and have it signed by members of the Congressional Black Caucus. It was only the intervention of Marino Cordova, an exiled Afro-Colombian that caused Rush to withdraw the letter of support. The  Congressional Black Caucus is refusing to support the Colombia Free  Trade Agreement and needs our support. Please call or write your congress person and tell him/her to continue to oppose the Colombian FTA and support the Afro-Colombians. By the way the U.S. has given more than $5 billion to Colombia for mostly military aid which is used against the Afro-Colombians. 
Willie Thompson

Why Afro-Colombians Oppose the Colombia Free Trade Agreement, 2/2008
by Marino Cordoba, founder of the Association of Internally Displaced Afro-Colombians (AFRODES).

The U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement is considered a non-starter in the U.S. Congress because the country is the world’s deadliest for union activists. Less known, but equally disturbing is the systematic violence now confronting Afro-Colombians.

African descendants comprise 26% of Colombia’s population. As with other African descendants, we face racial discrimination which results in economic hardships far worse than those experienced by the average Colombian. However in Colombia, a vibrant 1980s civil rights movement won full recognition of our cultural rights and collective ownership and community control of our territories and natural resources. The 1991 Colombian Constitution and the landmark Law 70 explicitly enshrine these rights and recognize official democratic Afro-Colombian governance structures, similar to those of your Indian tribes.

The administration of Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has worked consistently to undermine our hard-won civil rights and our control of our territories. Systematic violence against our people and assassinations of our leaders continue unabated to this day.

At the end of 2007, angered by the strong opposition of the majority of Afro-Colombian communities to the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (FTA), Uribe created a new Commission in Colombia that directly challenges our legal governance structure.

Cynically dubbed the Commission for the Advancement of Afro-Colombian People, it would undermine our communities’ ability to advance development strategies chosen by our people that comport with our needs and that help even the economic playing field.

Obviously, our official governance structure and our grassroots organizations oppose this new Commission. Despite this, President George Bush and other U.S Uribe allies, such as Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY), and the vast array of lobbying firms hired by the Uribe government are now trying to tout this outrageous Commission as evidence that Afro- Colombian concerns are being addressed as they push to pass the FTA.

Don’t be fooled. President Uribe, the Bush Administration and Congressman Meeks may not like what authentic Afro-Colombian representatives are saying, but our legitimate governing bodies vigorously oppose the FTA, as well as other efforts by Uribe to impose natural resource exploitation projects in our territories without our consent.

Because the Colombian law is on our side, wealthy interests have employed illegal means to physically remove us Joint operations between the Colombian military and illegal terrorist paramilitary organizations like the “Operation Genesis” in the Afro-Colombian Chocó region have targeted our leaders with assassinations while the Colombian military has aerially bombarded our communities.

Tens of thousands of us have been forced to flee. These attacks clear the way for the entry of oil palm plantations, logging operations, and mining projects advanced by allies of the Uribe Administration.

Colombia has more than 3 million internally displaced peope. This kind of forced displacement is now occurring in port communities and other regions supporters of the FTA seek to develop. None of our lands have been returned to our control.

Accompanying these physical attacks has been a legal assault aimed at formalizing the theft of our land. The Uribe government passed new Forestry and Rural Development Laws and has amended the Mining Law to extinguish our rights and empower oil palm, logging and other companies that have utilized the services of paramilitaries to occupy our territories.

Our communities have vehemently opposed these laws as unconstitutional. Recently the Colombian Supreme Court ruled against the Forestry Law, which would have removed our control of the forests on our land. Our Supreme Court ruled that under international and Colombian law, the Afro-Colombian and indigenous communities that strongly opposed the law should have been consulted * which they were not.

The Colombia FTA is the same situation. It is a proposal that our communities oppose, about which our traditional authorities were not consulted, and which would lock in the paramilitary-financiers control of our land. Specifically, the FTA’s expansive foreign investor rights would empower multinational corporations investing in these projects with protections that would make restoration of our lands extremely difficult, even when we win in our courts.

Recognizing our opposition, Uribe and his allies devised this new Commission, which is stacked with Uribe supporters and individuals known to support the FTA, to feign “consultation” with Afro-Colombian communities and issue a determination that the FTA is good for us despite our communities’ contrary conclusions.

Rather than a positive development, this new Commission is a sophisticated ploy to undermine Afro-Colombian rights and is a part of a broader strategy to elevate unrepresentative and illegitimate pro-FTA individuals against the stated interest of Afro-Colombian communities themselves.

Congress can help Afro-Colombians by demanding that President Uribe respect the Colombian Constitution and terminate this Commission that challenges our civil rights. And, Congress should pass House Resolution 618 sponsored by Rep. Donald Payne (D-NJ) on the plight of Afro-Colombians.

Marino Córdoba is the founder of the Association of Internally Displaced Afro-Colombians (AFRODES). He played a key role in the struggle to secure Colombia’s progressive Law 70, which grants land rights to Afro-Colombian communities. After surviving many attempts on his life, Mr. Cordoba has been forced to live in exile in the United States.

By Marino Cordoba, founder, Association of Internally Displaced Afro-Colombians (AFRODES)

Unidos Nuestros Derechos Seran Derechos Humanos, 11/13/06

En el mes de noviembre del ano anterior, un grupo significativo deorganizaciones afro-colombiano, Afro-peruanas y de Estados Unidos enviaronuna carta al Congreso de Estados Unidos oponiéndose a la firma del Tratadode Libre Comercio (TLC) entre Colombia y Perú con Estados Unidos.

Como verán continuación, hoy en Estados Unidos, con el cambio de poderpolítico en el congreso, esa carta ha tenido eco y es tiempo de accionespara replantear cual seria la propuesta de los Afro-descendientes conrelación al TLC. Aunque suene chistoso, algunos afro-colombianos aquí en USAse sintieron muy felices al escuchar que el Presidente Bush los firmaría, yasistieron a su firma. Pero hoy cuando el nuevo congreso a pedido que lorevisara y segurante le harán modificaciones significativas (o no lofirmara), no se sabe donde quedaran los que estaban a su favor sin conocer afondo la situación de las comunidades Afro-colombianas y Afro-peruanas debase. Es una lastima que tengamos muchos arrodillados, pero es la realidad.

A continuación y también anexo encontraran el documento y lasorganizaciones que lo firmaron, así como un artículo del periódico el Tiempocon testimonio de algunos congresista sobre el particular. En nombre deAFRODES-USA quiero agradecer a WOLA por la traducción del documento y por elapoyo en todo este trabajo, así como a las organizaciones de Colombia, Perúy en USA por haber firmado esta carta. Este nuevo ano seguiremos trabajando juntos en las propuestas que debemos enviar al congreso para que estas logren ser incluidas en las modificaciones que le harán a este convenio, sies que el congreso lo ratifica.


Marino Cordoba 

13 de noviembre de 2006 

Distinguidos Miembros del Congreso: 

Respetuosamente quisiéramos hacerles llegar una carta escrita por organizaciones afro-colombianas y afro-peruanas en Perú y Colombia sobre los tratados de libre comercio con Estados Unidos.En nombre de 15 millones de afrodescendientes,estos grupos quisieran expresarles sus preocupaciones por los impactosnegativos que tendrían los tratadosde libre comercio, tal como están siendo negociados, en sus comunidadesSus graves preocupaciones sobre los tratados de libre comercio son lassiguientes:

1. Los tratados de libre comercio carecen de regulaciones laborales queprotejan a los afro-descendientes e indígenasde las prácticas discriminatorias endémicas en Perú y Colombia.

2. Los tratados de libre comercio pondrán en competencia al gran número de8 millones de agricultores pequeñosafro-descendientes e indígenas con los grandes agricultoresestadounidenses altamente subsidiados, resultando enun mayor empobrecimiento de estas poblaciones y arriesgando su extinción.
3. Las reglas de inversión de los tratados de libre comercio ponen enpeligro a las comunidades afro-descendientes eindígenas de ser desplazadas debido a su proximidad a los recursosnaturales, de nuevo poniéndolas en riesgo deextinción y ocasionando un daño ambiental masivo.

4. Las leyes de propiedad intelectual fortalecerán los derechos depatentes de las empresas multinacionales,aumentando así el costo de la salud pública, cuyo precio ya es inviablepara la población afro-descendiente pobre,y amenazando su patrimonio sobre medicinas tradicionales.Hasta que existan protecciones reales y explícitas para las comunidadesafro-descendientes, los firmantes de esta carta leinstan a votar en contra de los actuales tratados de libre comercio yacuerdos semejantes en la región.

Le solicitamos que tome en cuenta las preocupaciones de estas comunidadesal emitir su voto. Si desea que le proporcionemos másinformación sobre este tema, por favor no dude contactarnos.Atentamente, 

Marino Cordoba y Charo Mina Rojas 
Asociación de Afrocolombianos Desplazados USA (AFRODES USA) 

Nicole Lee 
TransAfrica Forum 

Prof. Joseph Jordan 
Socio, Grupo de Trabajo sobre Afro-Colombianos 

Gimena Sanchez-Garzoli y Vicki Gass 
Oficina en Washington para Asuntos Latinoamericanos (WOLA) 

Angela Berryman 
Comité Andino de Servicio (CAS) 

Barbara Gerlach 
Iglesia Unificada de Cristo, Ministerios de Justicia y Testimonio 

Carlos Quesada 
Global Rights 


Asociación Afroyapaterana 
Centro de Desarrollo Étnico (CEDET) 
Coordinadora de Comunidades Afro-Indígenas del Norte 
Grupo Negro Mamaine 
LUNDÚ Centro de Estudios y Promoción Afroperuanos 
Organización para el Desarrollo e Identidad del Rímac (ODIR) 
Perú Afro 


ACADESAN - Consejo Comunitario General del San Juan 
Asociación de Consejos Comunitarios de Timbiquí - Cauca 
Asociación de Mujeres del Pacifico 
Asociación de Silvicultores de Guapi 
Asociación General de Consejos Comunitarios de Nuquí – Los Risales 
Asociación Municipal de Mujeres del Municipio de Buenos Aires - Cauca 
Asociación para la Defensa del Medio Ambiente y la Cultura Negra- ASO 
ASOPARUPA – Asociación de Parteras Unidas del Pacífico, Buenaventura 
CEPAC – Centro de Pastoral Afrocolombiano 
COCOCAUCA - Coordinación de Consejos Comunitarios y Organizaciones de base 
del Pueblo Negro del Pacifico 
Caucano en Colombia 
Colectivo Territorial Afrochoco 
Comunidad de Alsacia, Buenos Aires, Cauca 
Corporación Para el Desarrollo de las Comunidades Afrocaribeñas "Jorge 
Artel" Ku Suto, Costa Caribe 
Concejo Comunitario Mayor del Río Anchicaya, Buenaventura 
Consejo Comunitario Negros en Acción de Timbiquí 
Consejo Comunitario Renacer Negro de Timbiquí 
Concejo Comunitario Río Calima, Buenaventura 
Concejo Comunitario Bajo Mira y Frontera, Tumaco 
Concejo Comunitario Río Mayorquín, Buenaventura 
Concejo Comunitario de Pilamo, Caloto - Cauca 
Concejo Comunitario Río Raposo, Buenaventura 
Concejo Comunitario Cerro Teta, Buenos Aires, Cauca 
Concejo Comunitario Río Yurumanguí, Buenaventura 
Escuela Tonga de Tambores 
Fundación Pacifico Sin Cadenas 
Museo Nacional de Comunidades Negras - MUNACOM 
Organización de Barrios Populares del Chocó - OBAPO 
Palenque Regional Alto Cauca, Sur del Cauca – Norte del Valle 
Palenque Regional del Congal, Buenaventura 
Palenque Regional Kurrulao, Tumaco 
Proceso de Comunidades Negras en Colombia - PCN 
Red de Justicia Comunitaria 
Red Nacional de Jóvenes, Organizaciones y Estudiantes Afrocolombianos 
Additional signatures received November 13, 2006: 
Asociación Fraternal de Comunidades Negras de Cajibio – AFRANET (Colombia) 
Consejo Comunitario General – ACADESAN (Colombia) 
Corporación Centro de Pastoral Afrocolombiana – CEPAC (Colombia) 
Corporación Huellas Africanas (Colombia) 

05 de Enero de 2007 
Nuevo congreso de E.U. no revisaría el tema del TLC antes de abril 


La nueva presidente de la Cámara de E.U., Nancy Pelosi, levanta elmartillo con el que en adelante deberá llamar al orden.El Partido Demócrata, que ahora es mayoría en las cámaras, es reacio altema y no presentó los acuerdos comerciales con América Latina entre susprioridades.

El senado está bajo el mando de Dick Cheney, mientras que la Cámara eligióa la representante demócrata de California Nancy Pelosi como su nueva presidente, con una votación de 233 contra 202. Así se convierte en laprimera mujer que en la historia encabezará esa corporación.Además, Pelosi es la segunda en la fila para un eventual reemplazo delpresidente George W. Bush, detrás del vicepresidente Cheney.El jefe de la diplomacia estadounidense para América Latina, Tom Shannon,reconoció que su gobierno tendrá que dialogar con los nuevos líderes demócratas para lograr un apoyo bipartidista a la ratificación de los TLC con Perú, Colombia y Panamá.

Los demócratas, más proteccionistas que los republicanos, ya adelantaronque analizarán "cautelosamente" los acuerdos comerciales y que pediránmayores compromisos laborales y medioambientales de parte de los paísesfirmantes, lo que puede implicar una reapertura de las negociaciones.Así mismo, en manos del nuevo Congreso estadounidense están lasPreferencias Arancelarias Andinas y Erradicación de Drogas (Atpdea). Justoantes de que concluyera la última legislatura, el Atpdea fue prolongado porsólo seis meses, con la posibilidad de ampliarlo por seis mesessuplementarios para los países que tengan un TLC ratificado, o sea sólo Perúy Colombia, en el mejor de los casos.

En el Senado, los demócratas también cuentan ahora con una ventaja, pues aunque hay 49 senadores de ese partido frente a igual número derepublicanos, los otros dos senadores que figuran como independientes votanjunto a la corriente demócrata.

En la agenda para las primeras cien horas de trabajo, que Pelosi definió prácticamente desde el triunfo demócrata en las elecciones de noviembre, nose tienen en cuenta los asuntos comerciales con el resto del mundo, por locual no hay perspectivas de que el TLC con Colombia sea abordado antes deabril. Tampoco hay claridad sobre cuándo se discutirá la reforma migratoria,tema de trascendental importancia para América Latina.Charles Rangel: el 'coco' del Tratado

El representante demócrata de Nueva York, Charles Rangel, preside desde ayer la Comisión de Medios y Arbitrios de la Cámara, a la que le correspondediscutir los tratados comerciales y, también, el trámite de posibles pedidosde ayuda militar.

Él y otros demócratas han dicho que como el TLC con Colombia fue negociadopor el gobierno republicano, las nuevas mayorías revisarán el texto, lo quepodría embolatar su aprobación.

Además, Rangel y otros 50 representantes como Gregory Meeks pertenecen ala bancada negra, que ha puesto el tema del abandono de los afrocolombianoscomo otro de los asuntos que se revisarán durante los debates sobre el TLC.Ante la difícil perspectiva para los tratados, la Cámara de Comercio deEstados Unidos dijo ayer que dedicará más recursos para garantizar laaprobación de los TLC con Perú, Colombia y Panamá, y para la promoción dellibre comercio en general.

Según Thomas Donohue, presidente de la asociación citado por la agenciaEfe, "la Cámara empleará un volumen significativamente mayor de recursosdurante este año para producir un cambio en el debate (sobre comercioexterior) a través de un programa educativo y de comunicaciones en todo elpaís".
Donohue afirmó que la promoción de los acuerdos de libre comercio será unade las prioridades de la Cámara este año.

Irak y otros temas prioritarios 

"La guerra en Irak -dijo en su discurso Pelosi- fue el tema en el que elpueblo estadounidense expresó con más claridad la necesidad de una nuevadirección. El pueblo rechazó la obligación de seguir una guerrainterminable".
En efecto, la derrota republicana y la caída del apoyo al presidente Bushestán muy relacionados con la invasión en la que han muerto unos 3.000estadounidenses.En su discurso, la nueva presidente de la Cámara de Estados Unidos dijoque "los comicios del 2006 fueron un llamado al cambio, no simplemente uncambio en la mayoría partidista en el Congreso, sino para que nuestro paístome una nueva dirección".
Durante los primeros meses, la agenda apuntará a temas domésticos comorestricciones a aportes y regalos que reciben los congresistas de loslobbystas; flexibilización de las investigaciones con células madreembrionarias; aumento del salario mínimo y mejoras al sistema de salud para ancianos y jubilados.



Clinton Adviser's Firm Fired by Colombian Government  4/5/2008 Bloomberg: "Colombia ended its contract with Burson-Marsteller because Penn's comments showed ``a lack of respect to Colombians,'' according to a statement on the government's Web site. Penn apologized yesterday for meeting with Colombian officials to discuss a free-trade agreement that Clinton opposes. Burson-Marsteller's contract to promote a free-trade deal with Colombia threatens to undercut Clinton's support among blue collar workers, a key constituency in the April 22 Pennsylvania primary that she must win to keep her campaign alive. Clinton and Democratic rival Barack Obama have both made trade agreements a top issue, saying they cost American manufacturing jobs."

Mark Penn and the Stealth Corporate Campaign - By Al Giordano  4/4/2008 NarcoNews 

Clinton Aide Met on Trade Deal - Penn Held Talks On Colombia Pact Opposed by Senator  4/4/2008 WSJ: "Attendance by the adviser, Mark Penn, was confirmed by two Colombian officials. He wasn't there in his campaign role, but in his separate job as chief executive of Burson-Marsteller Worldwide, an international communications and lobbying firm. The firm has a contract with the South American nation to promote congressional approval of the trade deal, among other things, according to filings with the Justice Department."

Colombia's Uribe Says Passage Of Free-Trade Pact Is Critical  4/4/2008 WSJ: "Failure by the U.S. Congress to pass a free-trade agreement with Colombia this year would be a serious setback for Washington's closest ally in South America, President Alvaro Uribe said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. "I wouldn't know what to say. It would be very serious," said Mr. Uribe during an interview on the presidential plane Wednesday. Mr. Uribe said he can't understand why Congress would fail to pass the treaty, given that Colombia has a "historic friendship with the U.S." and, with U.S. help, has fought the hemisphere's "most serious terrorist threat." "

Uribe’s Attack on Obama - The Far Right’s Spokesman in Latin America Is Worried About What Could Be Long Overdue Changes in US Policy  4/3/2008 NarcoNews 


Hillary's New York superdelegates are feeling the heat  2/18/2008 NY Daily News: "The Queens Democrat and superdelegate, Rep. Gregory Meeks, who remains solidly in Hillary Clinton's corner despite the fact that Barack Obama won his district, was the target of a mysterious flyer circulated at the Association of Black and Puerto Rican Legislators' 37th annual conference in Albany this weekend. "Now that you won't be part of the White House, and we know you like taking trips, we guess you'll be going to Disneyland," read the unadorned black-and-white flyer, signed by "people united for quality representation in government." The "taking trips" gibe referred to the fact that Meeks made a top 10 list for privately funded congressional travel in 2006. Meeks' nameless critics urged "someone" to "please step up" against him, singling out state Sen. Shirley Huntley (D-Queens) and Democratic City Councilmen Leroy Comrie and James Sanders of Queens - none of whom have so far expressed an interest in mounting a primary challenge."


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