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Anti-War News

Suppression of Dissent

World News

Contacting your representatives by mail

Not in our son's name: warning to Bush from WTC victim's parents , 9/15

Peter Dale Scott site on Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden : call for sophisticated anti-war organizing

Student Peace Action Network
: long list of youth antiwar links

Bin Laden, Narcoterrorism, the CIA, and the House of Saud

Risks of Nuclear War

Anti-War News Archive
9/01 - 10/01

Bishops join pro-Palestinian rally 10/31/01 Boston Globe: Three Episcopalian bishops, in front of the Israeli Consulate in Boston: ''Today and every day we stand with our Palestinian brothers and sisters who are suffering violence in West Bank towns occupied by Israeli forces,'' the bishops said in a statement. ''There can be no peace without justice, and the Palestinian people are victims of an injustice that cannot be allowed to continue.''

Three prominent Black women speak out against U.S. policies 10/31/01 Worker's World

Majority want bombing pause 10/30/01 Guardian, UK: "Exclusive poll shows support for war cooling - 54% say halt attacks and allow aid convoys into Afghanistan"

Support for Attacks Falling in UK 10/29/01 AP

Peace by precision 10/29/01 The Guardian: "Moreover, the consensus Tony Blair has built at home to support this war is as fragile as the coalition he has helped construct abroad. So far, nearly all of this opposition has come from outside parliament. But dissent among MPs is slowly growing and the larger the movement outside the Commons the more likely those inside will be to follow their conscience (or at least their commonsense) rather than their whips. As the recession continues to bite, people will increasingly question the value of spending millions on a murderous war with neither cogent objectives nor any clear timetable, when we could breathing life into the health service and fighting poverty at home."

The Story we Hear on the News and Read in the Newspapers is simply not believable 10/28/01 Center for Research on Globalization: hard hitting analysis by Stan Goff, retired US Special Forces Master Sergeant.

Blockades, Vigils and Marches 10/28/01 IndyMedia UK: fine listing of a LOT of antiwar activity in the UK

On Campus and Off, Antiwar Movements See New Vigor 10/28/01 LA Times: "Scholars of peace and diplomacy say that with little effort--and no exaggeration--they could schedule three speaking engagements per night. Elder statesmen of this country's antiwar movement report a similar surge in demand since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Academics who study terrorism or the Middle East are taking part in teach-ins that generally are packed."

16 Arrested As March Blocks City Streets 10/26/01 Hartford Courant

Anti-war MPs force Blair and Short on to defensive 10/25/01 The Guardian: "Backbench critics of the US-led coalition's military campaign against the militant al-Qaida network and the Taliban regime in Afghanistan launched a group called Labour Against the War last night, amid growing signs that internal opposition to Tony Blair's policies is growing in confidence - despite differences among the opponents."

Microwave beam weapon to disperse crowds 10/24/01 New Scientist

Anti-war MPs in Labour resent gag order 10/23/01 The Hindu

'It was people like you who appeased Hitler in 1938' 10/23/01 Times of London: Choice intraparty Labour dialog on the war between an antiwar MP and a party hack

Bastion of Dissent Offers Tribute to One of Its Heroes 10/22/01 Common Dreams: "Danny Glover, the actor, called her a hero. Alice Walker, the writer, called her inspiring. The crowd, 3,500 strong, awaited her appearance with the giddiness of autograph seekers awaiting their favorite Hollywood star. It is not often a fairly new member of Congress is honored so publicly, by so many, for a single vote. But Barbara Lee, the Democratic representative of the Ninth Congressional District since 1998, was honored today with songs, poetry and speeches for being the only lawmaker in the House or the Senate to vote against granting the president the authority to use military force against terrorism."

Thousands Rally in California Behind Barbara Lee, the Lone Congressional Dissenter 10/22/01 TBO

Protesters Attack Coca-Cola Plant 10/22/01 Washington Post: "Maoist guerillas protesting the U.S. strikes against Afghanistan attacked a Coca-Cola plant in southern India on Sunday, blasting dynamite and causing significant damage to the facility….In Berlin, the ATTAC anti-globalization group that helped organize mass protests at the Genoa G-8 meeting in July declared Sunday that it would now oppose the U.S. attacks in Afghanistan. Our movement against neo-liberal globalization is now also an anti-war movement," the group said in a statement following a weekend meeting of members.


20,000 in Yemen Protest Afghan War 10/20/01 AP

10/20 Beautiful SF Peace March 10/20/01 IndyMedia SF

We will not be silenced 10/20/01 The Guardian, UK: "MPs must be free to speak out against this absurd and potentially disastrous war ...So what are the "allies" bombing? The four UN mine-clearing staff, the shepherds and their families in the village of Khorum, the Red Cross compound in Kabul, the residents of Kandahar, the trucks full of terrified refugees. More of these human and public relations disasters will conspire to "bury" the government's message. An already restless audience here, never mind among the 1.3bn Muslims nursing their wrath, will not sit through this unequal fight with equanimity. And without a change of policy, the winter snows will soon begin to tilt this disaster into an international catastrophe."

10 Reasons to Stop Bombing Afghanistan 10/19/01 Alternet

Operation Enduring Protest 10/19/01 Alternet: "On Saturday, October 13, a cry to stop the bombing in Afghanistan was heard all over the world. More than 20,000 demonstrators in London, 15,000 in Berlin, 10,000 in San Francisco and thousands more in Sweden, Nepal, South Korea, Nigeria and elsewhere called for peace. A rally in New York City's Washington Square was comparatively small, attracting some 700 people."

Afghan-Americans Oppose Interventionism, Seek Unity 10/19/01

Black Voices for Peace Speak Out 10/19/01 IndyMedia: “There weren’t any Arabs riding around in white robes and hoods in the Deep South,” said Damu Smith, organizer of the Black Community Dialogue on War, Terrorism and Peace, an evening of powerful speakers highlighting the unique perspective of the Black community on the current affairs of the US.

Hearts and Minds: Avoiding a New Cold War 10/18/01 Alternet

Dissent arises at forum 10/18/01 Ka Leo, Hawaii

We have already lost 10/18/01 Nile Media: by John Le Carre

Anti-Globalization, Pro-Peace? 10/17/01 Mother Jones

Berkeley council call to halt Afghan bombs - First city in country to pass war censure 10/17/01 SF Gate News

Not My War -- A Black Muslim View 10/15/01 Alternet

Antiwar activists urge US to atone 10/15/01 Boston Globe: "The antiwar effort that has been quietly percolating on college campuses and sparsely attended rallies grew to a rolling boil for a few hours yesterday as about 2,000 activists marched 20 blocks from Copley Square into the South End, blocking streets and making enough noise to set off car alarms."

Anti-war rallies in Italy and India attract thousands of supporters 10/15/01 Independent, UK: "More than 200,000 demonstrators braved an unseasonably hot autumn day for the annual peace march from the central Italian town of Perugia to Assisi… There were similar scenes in India where about 70,000 people in Calcutta staged the biggest anti-war protest the country has seen. The demonstration in the West Bengal capital, organised by the state's ruling Left Front coalition government, drew intellectuals and students and members of leftist groups and unions."

Surprise at large turnout for national anti-war rally 10/14/01 Independent, UK: "The police estimated 20,000 people were on the march from Hyde Park Corner to Trafalgar Square, while the organisers put the numbers at 50,000….The Stop The War Coalition announced that it intended to hold another national rally on 18 November."

Latest war sparks an eclectic protest movement 10/14/01 The State, South Carolina

About 20,000 protest in Germany 10/14/01 USA Today

Anti-war protesters rally in London 10/13/01 BBC: 20,000 march!

Thousands join anti-war rally in London 10/13/01 IRNA, Iran

Marchers Call for Boycott of US Goods 10/12/01 All Africa: "If the United States continues its war on Afghanistan and the Taliban without offering proof that Osama bin Laden was guilty of the September 11 attacks on the US, then South Africans should boycott all American goods....Some 5 000 people took part in the march, which was organised by the Congress of SA Trade Unions, the Western Province Council of Churches and the Muslim Judicial Council (MJC)....The MJC's Moulana Ighsaan Hendricks called for US president George Bush to be put on trial. "If bin Laden has to face trial for killing people, then George Bush has to also face trial for killing people," Hendricks said."

Palestinians to join anti-war rally in London 10/12/01 IRNA, Iran

Racial Justice - Behind Today's Campus Anti-War Protests 10/12/01 Pacific News

Nader attacks U.S. bombing campaign 10/12/01 Salon: "When are we going to learn from history?" he tells a cheering San Francisco audience. "When are we going to learn that we can't bomb our way to justice?"

Air strikes spark demonstrations across the world 10/10/01 Taipei Times

US-led strikes spark demos in Germany 10/8/01 AFP

The Anti-War Movement's Challenge 10/8/01 Alternet, US

In Boston, protest is small and brief 10/8/01 Boston Globe

Anti-war protests planned across UK 10/8/01 The Times, London

Peace activists protest US military strategy 10/7/01 AFP

Scores protest in London against military strikes 10/7/01 Ananova

EMERGENCY PEACE MARCH 5:00 PM LOCAL TIME EVERYWHERE (english) by MOBILIZATION FOR PEACE 10:46am Sun Oct 7 '01 (Modified on 2:14pm Sun Oct 7 '01) 10/7/01 IndyMedia

A Peace Movement Grows in New York and Beyond: Make Noise not War 10/5/01 Village Voice: Perhaps the very first antiwar protest in New York occurred when members of Asociación Tepeyac began chanting for peace during a vigil—hundreds of Mexican workers were lost in the World Trade Center attack.

A Message to Troops, Would-be Troops, and Other Youth 10/4/01 Alternet: The first active-duty military resister of the Persian Gulf War talks about his refusal to kill people in the Middle East, and why today's soldiers should do the same.

Greek allegiances tested 10/4/01 BBC

National Day of Action - Oct 7 10/4/01 Peaceful Justice: National association on college campuses - "We must be vigilant in our demand for Peaceful Justice. Let us reach out to our communities. Let us build this movement into the larger public sphere."

Homeland Insecurity! 10/4/01 Vietnam Vets Against the War

Stop Bush's Killing 10/1/01 Counterpunch

Solutions not slogans: The anti-war protesters are lacking a needed directive 10/1/01 Working for Change: "In this new kind of war, the traditional divisions don't apply."

NYC Labor Group Opposes Bush's War, 10/4


San Francisco protesters call for peace in wake of attacks 9/29 AFP

Thousands of anti-war protesters march in Washington, San Francisco 9/29 AFP

Peace protestors march in Washington 9/29 Ananova

From Indymedia: around the country: 9/29 protests against racism and war are being organized in Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Madison, which join a growing movement against more death and destruction. Right-wing counter-demonstrations are also being attempted.

10,000 to protest at Blair's backing for Bush 9/27 Ananova

Mainstreaming the Anti-War Movement 9/26 Alternet

Internet gives peace a chance 9/26 The Guardian, UK

Protesters warn of walk into war 9/25 News Telegraph, UK

Out of Step, But Maybe Not Out of Line 9/24 Washington Post columnist William Rasberry on Barbara Lee

Echoes of Vietnam stir US campuses
Anti-War movement starts to take shape on US campuses 9/24 The Guardian

Pittsburgh Rallies For Peace: Thousands of Pittsburgh residents held a rally for peace Sunday in Squirrel Hill. 9/23 WTAE

Indian Women Peace Forum holds anti-US protest demos 9/23 Pak News

Need for a complex anti-war position, use of Internet 9/23 Peter Dale Scott, co-author of Cocaine Politics, typifying an important factor in the current crisis.

Albert: Peace Movement Prospects ZMag/ZNet

In Defense of Freedom at a Time of Crisis ACLU

It Is Not Unpatriotic To Dissent:The Law Of Unintended Consequences, A Buzzflash Reader Commentary 9/22

Hundreds Attend U.S. Peace Rallies: About 500 peace demonstrators held a moment of silence Saturday for people they said would die if the U.S. military retaliates for the terrorist attacks. 9/22 AP

British Protesters Oppose Military Action: Thousands of protesters staged a series of rallies throughout Britain Saturday to voice opposition to military action against Afghanistan.
-9/22 APtop

Voices of peace and restraint begin to emerge on campuses
After a week of absorbing the shock and mourning the dead, those who oppose full-scale military retaliation to the worst terrorist attacks in U.S. history have started to stir, straining to be heard over the growing drumbeat for war. 9/21 Miami Herald

College Students Rally vs. Violence: Students staged peace rallies at campuses around the country Thursday and called for nonviolent justice - not revenge - for those responsible for last week's terrorist attacks. 9/20 AP

Groups Call For Nonmilitary Response
: Students at more than 140 colleges and universities nationwide today plan to hold rallies mourning the terror victims and calling for a nonmilitary response. 9/20

Alone on the Hill Web Exclusive Self-described 'Army brat' Barbara Lee explains why she cast Congress' only vote against giving the president a free hand to attack suspected terrorists. 9/20 Mother Jones

Anti-war, humanist group forms in New York City, 9/20 by member

Terrorist Attacks Transform Protest 9/20, AP - Anti-globalization protests in DC to continue as anti-war protests

Statewatch: Report and documents
EU to adopt new laws on terrorism: definition of "terrorism" to cover groups with the aim of "seriously altering... the political, economic or social structure" of one or more countries and their institutions and includes "urban violence":


How to Start a Group

Meetings and Group Process

Campus Publicity

Media and Press Releases

NYC Labor Group Opposes Bush's War, 10/4top

Date sent: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 12:18:28 -0700
"Thomas W. Warner"


NYC labor press conference against war.
Thursday, October 4, 12 Noon.
Union Square, north side of 14 Street.

WHO: Labor Against War, an ad hoc coalition in response to the September 11 tragedy, supported by more than 100 union members (in their individual capacity) in New York City, including the following eight union presidents: Larry Adams, National Postal Mail Handlers Union Local 300; Barbara Bowen, Professional Staff Congress-CUNY/AFT Local 2334; Arthur Cheliotes, Communication Workers of America Local 1180; Michael Letwin, Association of Legal Aid Attorneys/UAW Local 2325; Jill Levy, Council of Supervisors and Administrators, NYS Federation of School Administrators, American Federation of School Administrators Local 1; Maida Rosenstein, UAW Local 2110; Brenda Stokely, AFSCME Local 215, DC 1707; Jonathan Tasini, National Writers Union/UAW Local 1981.


NO WAR. It is wrong to punish any nation or people for the crimes of individuals - peace requires global social and economic justice.

JUSTICE, NOT VENGEANCE. An independent international tribunal to impartially investigate, apprehend and try those responsible for the September 11 attack.

OPPOSITION TO RACISM - DEFENSE OF CIVIL LIBERTIES. Stop terror, racial profiling and legal restrictions against people of color and immigrants, and defend democratic rights.

AID FOR THE NEEDY, NOT THE GREEDY. Government aid for the victims’ families and displaced workers, not the wealthy. Rebuild New York City with union labor, union pay, and with special concern for new threats to worker health and safety.

NO LABOR AUSTERITY. The cost of September 11 must not be borne by working and poor New Yorkers. No surrender of workers’ living standards, programs or other rights.


New York City Labor Against War September 27, 2001

September 11 has brought indescribable suffering to New York City’s working people. We have lost friends, family members and coworkers of all colors, nationalities and religions,"a thousand of them union members. An estimated one hundred thousand New Yorkers will lose their jobs.

We condemn this crime against humanity and mourn those who perished. We are proud of the rescuers and the outpouring of labor support for victims’ families. We want justice for the dead and safety for the living.

And we believe that George Bush’s war is not the answer.

No one should suffer what we experienced on September 11. Yet war will inevitably harm countless innocent civilians, strengthen American alliances with brutal dictatorships and deepen global poverty - just as the United States and its allies have already inflicted widespread suffering on innocent people in such places as Iraq, Sudan, Israel and the Occupied Territories, the former Yugoslavia and Latin America.

War will also take a heavy toll on us. For Americans in uniform - the overwhelming number of whom are workers and people of color - it will be another Vietnam. It will generate further terror in this country against Arabs, Muslims, South Asians, people of color and immigrants, and erode our civil liberties.

It will redirect billions to the military and corporate executives, while draining such essential domestic programs as education, health care and the social security trust. In New York City and elsewhere, it will be a pretext for imposing "austerity" on labor and poor people under the guise of "national unity."

War will play into the hands of religious fanatics - from Osama bin Laden to Jerry Falwell - and provoke further terrorism in major urban centers like New York.

Therefore, the undersigned New York City metro-area trade unionists believe a just and effective response to September 11 demands:

**NO WAR. It is wrong to punish any nation or people for the crimes of individuals - peace requires global social and economic justice.

**JUSTICE, NOT VENGEANCE. An independent international tribunal to impartially investigate, apprehend and try those responsible for the September 11 attack.

**OPPOSITION TO RACISM - DEFENSE OF CIVIL LIBERTIES. Stop terror, racial profiling and legal restrictions against people of color and immigrants, and defend democratic rights.

**AID FOR THE NEEDY, NOT THE GREEDY. Government aid for the victims’ families and displaced workers - not the wealthy. Rebuild New York City with union labor, union pay, and with special concern for new threats to worker health and safety.

**NO LABOR "AUSTERITY." The cost of September 11 must not be borne by working and poor New Yorkers. No surrender of workers’ living standards, programs or other rights.

Signers (list in formation) (All affiliations and titles listed for identification only)top

Larry Adams, President, National Postal Mail Handlers Union Local 300
Barbara Bowen, President, Professional Staff Congress-CUNY/AFT Local
Arthur Cheliotes, President, CWA Local 1180
Michael Letwin, President, Association of Legal Aid Attorneys/UAW Local
Jill Levy, President, Council of Supervisors and Administrators, NYS
Federation of School Administrators, American Federation of School
Administrators Local 1
Maida Rosenstein, President, UAW Local 2110
Brenda Stokely, President, AFSCME Local 215, DC 1707
Jonathan Tasini, President, National Writers Union/UAW Local 1981

* Ignacio Meneses, U.S./Cuba Labor Exchange,
Ervand Abrahanian, PSC-CUNY, AFT Local 2334
Tristin Adie, Shop Steward, CWA Local 1109
Marilyn Albert, RN, SEIU Local 1199
George Albro, Sec’y-Treasurer, ALAA/UAW Local 2325
Anthony Arnove, NWU/UAW Local 1981
Sylvia Aron, Human Services Providers Advisory Committee, NYC Central
Labor Rehabilitation Council; Past President, AAUP, Adelphi Chapter
Stanley Aronowitz, University-Wide Officer & Executive Council,
PSC-CUNY, AFT Local 2334
Daniel Ashworth, Delegate, ALAA/UAW Local 2325
Harold Bahr III, Chair, GLTGC, ALAA/UAW Local 2325
Thomas Barton, Shop Steward, AFSCME Local 768, DC 37
Nicholas K. Bedell, Grievance Representative, CWE/UFT
Dorothee Benz, Communications Director, CWA Local 1180
Carl Biers, Executive Director, Association for Union Democracy
Peter Blum, Acting Vice-President/CAB, ALAA/UAW Local 2325
Ian Brand, UNITE! Local 169
Caroline N. Brown, AFSCME Local 2627, DC 37
Robert Bomersbach, Organization of Staff Analysts
Bill Bradley, Delegate, SEIU Local 32B-J
Renate Bridenthal, Chair, International Committee, PSC-CUNY, AFT Local
Rachel Burd, labor consultant, NWU/UAW Local 1981
Chris Butters, AFSCME Local 1070, DC 37
Maria J. Chiu, ALAA/UAW Local 2325
Kimberly Christensen, UUP
Patricia Clough, Queens College Chapter Officer, PSC-CUNY, AFT Local
Antonia Codling, Chair, ACLA, ALAA/UAW Local 2325
Hillel Cohen, Delegate, SEIU Local 1199
Thelma C. Correll, SEIU Local 1199, Retirees Chapter Executive
Committee; Association for Union Democracy Advisory Bd.; PHANYC
Jackie DiSalvo, PSC-CUNY, AFT Local 2334
Claire Crosby, GSEU/UAW Local 2110
Robert E. Dow, AFSCME Local 2627, DC 37
Bryce Dowd, Organizer, SEIU Local 1199
Steve Downs, Executive Board member, TWU Local 100
Phyllis Eckhaus, NWU/UAW Local 1981
Madeleine M. Egger, CWA Local 1101
Hester Eisenstein, Queens College Chapter, PSC-CUNY, AFT Local 2334
Hugh English, PSC-CUNY, AFT Local 2334
Hillary Exter, LSSA/UAW Local 2320
Samuel Farber, PSC-CUNY, AFT Local 2334
Josh Fraidstern, TWU Local 100
Lew Friedman, UFT
Eric Fruman, AFT
Nanette Funk, Brooklyn College Chapter, PSC-CUNY, AFT Local 2334
Pam Galpern, Shop Steward, CWA Local 1101
Gary Goff, Recording Sec’y, AFSCME Local 2627, DC 37
Marty Goodman, Executive Board, TWU Local 100
Winston A. Gordon, ALAA/UAW Local 2325
Mark Grashow, former Chapter Chairperson, UFT
George Gulifield, AFSCME Local 2627, DC 37
Larry Hanley, City College Delegate, PSC-CUNY, AFT Local 2334
Bill Henning, Vice-President, CWA Local 1180
Lucy Herschel, Delegate, SEIU Local 1199, Legal Aid Chapter
Ed Hilbrich, SSA/SEIU Local 693
Carol Hochberg, Vice-President/JRD, ALAA/UAW Local 2325
Norman Hodgett, AFSCME Local 371, DC 37
Nina Howes, RN, Delegate, SEIU Local 1199
Carolyn Hughes, UFT
Lisa Jessup, Organizer, UAW Local 2110
Melanie Kaye/Kantrowitz, Director, Queens College Worker Education
Extension Center; PSC-CUNY, AFT Local 2334
Christine Karatnytsky, Executive Board member, New York Public Library
Guild, AFSCME Local 1930; Editor, Local
1930 Update
David Kazanjian, PSC-CUNY, AFT Local 2334
Dian Killian, Organizer, Journalism Division, NWU/UAW Local 1981
Terry Klug, Sec’y-Treasurer, TWU Local 241
Lisa Maya Knauer, GSOC/UAW Local 2110
Daniella Korotzer, Alternate Vice-President/CDD-Brooklyn, Health &
Safety Representative, ALAA/UAW Local 2325
Kitty Krupat, Bargaining Team, GSOC/UAW Local 2110
Ray Laforest, Staff Representative, DC 1707, AFSCME
Jane Latour, Director, Women’s Project, Association for Union
Democracy; Managing Ed., Hardhat Magazine; NWU/UAW Local 1981
Tatiana Lemon, Delegate, SEIU Local 1199, Legal Aid Chapter
Robert Lesko, Vice-President, AFT Local 3882
Eileen A. McCann, ALAA/UAW Local 2325
Patrick McCreery, GSOC/UAW Local 2110
Julius Margolin, IATSE Local 52
Barton Meyers, Chair, Grievance Policy Committee, PSC-CUNY, AFT Local
Aaron Micheau, ALAA/UAW Local 2325
Charles Molesworth, Acting Chair, Queens College Chapter, PSC-CUNY, AFT
Local 2334
Kim Moody, NWU/UAW Local 1981; Labor Notes Policy Committee
Florence Morgan, ALAA/UAW Local 2325
Susan Olivia Morris, ALAA/UAW Local 2325
Amy Muldoon, CWA Local 1106
Ken Nash, Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report in Exile
Marcia Newfield, BMCC Chapter Officer, PSC-CUNY, AFT Local 2334
Daniel Nichols, AFSCME Local 2627, DC 37
Matt Noyes, Education Coordinator, Association for Union Democracy;
NWU/UAW Local 1981
Tony O’Brien, Delegate, PSC-CUNY, AFT Local 2334
Susan O’Malley, Executive Council, PSC-CUNY, AFT Local 2334
Charlene Mitchell, Assistant to the President, AFSCME Local 371, DC 37
Chuck Mohan, President, Guyanese-American Workers United; Staff
Representative, AFSCME DC 1707
Dennis O’Neil, Legislative Director, NY Metro Area Postal Union (APWU)
Richard L. Oeser, IATSE Local 52; Cornell Labor Studies; National Labor
Greg Pason, NJ Steering Committee, NWU/UAW Local 1981
J.P. Patafio, New Directions Caucus & Executive Board member, TWU Local
Paul Peloquin, Delegate, LSSA/UAW 2320
Andy Piascik, Program Coordinator, Association for Union Democracy;
NWU/UAW Local 1981
John Pietaro, Delegate, SEIU Local 1199, Health Systems Division
Pride at Work, NY
Jim Provost, LSSA/UAW 2320
Mike Quinn, High School Delegate, UFT
Peter Ranis, Executive Council, PSC-CUNY, AFT Local 2334
Shirley Rausher, BMCC Delegate, PSC-CUNY, AFT Local 2334
Dominic Renda, CWA Local 1105
Sally Ridgeway, AAUP, Adelphi Chapter
Cicely Rodway, Queens College Chapter Officer, PSC-CUNY, AFT Local 2334
Andrew Rowe, ALAA/UAW Local 2325
Jay Schaffner, Supervisor, National Contracts Dept., AFM Local 802
Jose Schiffino, Organizer, UNITE! Local 169
Soo Kyung Nam, UAW Local 2320
Adolph Reed, Jr. NWU/UAW Local 1981
Nancy Romer, Executive Council, PSC-CUNY, AFT Local 2334
Trudy Rudnick, Organizer, AFT Local 3882
Wendy Scribner, PSC-CUNY, AFT Local 2334
Hasan Shafiqullah, ALAA/UAW Local 2325
Tim Schermerhorn, Vice President, RTO, TWU Local 100
Joyce Soso, AFSCME Local 2627, DC 37
Ann Sparanese, Shop Steward, RWDSU Local 29
Claudette R. Spencer, ALAA/UAW Local 2325
Gibb Surette, Delegate, LSSA/UAW 2320
Sean Sweeney, Director, Cornell Labor Studies
Kyle Talbert, AFSCME Local 2627, DC 37
Terry Taylor, IBEW Local 827, Black Telephone Workers For Justice
Steve Terry, Alternate Delegate, ALAA/UAW Local 2325
Miriam Thompson, PSC-CUNY, AFT Local 2334
Azalia Torres, Alternate Vice-President/CDD-Brooklyn, ALAA/UAW Local
Mark Ungar, PSC-CUNY, AFT Local 2334
Lise Vogel, AAUP/CBC
Marilyn Vogt-Downey, UFT
Kit Wainer, UFT
Michael Ware, Shop Steward, CWA Local 1109
Ron Washington, IBEW Local 827, Black Telephone Workers For Justice
Edlyn Willer, Delegate, ALAA/UAW Local 2325
Corinne Willinger, PEF
JoAnn Wypijewski, TNGNY/CWA
Ethan Young, NWU/UAW Local 1981
Milton Zelermyer, Delegate, ALAA/UAW Local 2325
Robert Zuss, Vice-President/CDD-Brooklyn, ALAA/UAW Local 2325

Anti-war, humanist group forms in New York City, 9/20top

From: Paul Kneisel <>
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 6:47 PM
Subject: Anti-war, humanist group forms in New York City

Last night about 300 New Yorkers met at the headquarters of District 1199 of the Hospital Workers Union.

The meeting was composed of representatives of New York's community and political groups and had a strong labor presence.

The informal meeting expressed general approval for five points of unity.*

1) We mourn the victims and condemn the actions of September 11, 2001;

2) We oppose anti-Arab, anti-Islamic, anti-immigrant and other racial,

religious, and ethnic bigotry and violence;

3) War and militarism are not the answer;

4) Defend civil liberties;

5) Seek global peace through economic and social justice.

There was broad approval for a political demonstration in Manhattan during the weekend of October 6-7.

People will meet next Tuesday to continue planning for the action and to deal with other issues that grow out of the bombing of the Pentagon and World Trade Center.

* The wording of the five points is based on my notes and may not be entirely accurate.


Not in our son's name: warning to Bush from WTC victim's parents, 9/15

Not in our son's name
(letter of parents of son missing at World Trade Center)
Saturday, Sep 15, 2001 8:35pm

[Phyllis and Orlando Rodriguez's son Greg is one of the Trade Center victims.They have asked that people share these letters this copy of letter sent to NY Times as widely as possible.]

Not in Our Son's Name

Our son Greg is among the many missing from the World Trade Center attack. Since we first heard the news, we have shared moments of grief, comfort, hope, despair, fond memories with his wife, the two families, our friends and neighbors, his loving colleagues at Cantor Fitzgerald / ESpeed, and all the grieving families that daily meet at the Pierre Hotel.

We see our hurt and anger reflected among everybody we meet. We cannot pay attention to the daily flow of news about this disaster. But we read enough of the news to sense that our government is heading in the direction of violent revenge, with the prospect of sons, daughters, parents, friends in distant lands dying, suffering, and nursing further grievances against us. It is not the way to go. It will not avenge our son's death. Not in our son's name.

Our son died a victim of an inhuman ideology. Our actions should not serve the same purpose. Let us grieve. Let us reflect and pray. Let us think about a rational response that brings real peace and justice to our world. But let us not as a nation add to the inhumanity of our times.

Copy of letter to White House:

Dear President Bush:

Our son is one of the victims of Tuesday's attack on the World Trade Center. We read about your response in the last few days and about the resolutions from both Houses, giving you undefined power to respond to the terror attacks.

Your response to this attach does not make us feel better about our son's death. It makes us feel worse. It makes us feel that our government is using our son's memory as a justification to cause suffering for other sons and parents in other lands.

It is not the first time that a person in your position has been given unlimited power and came to regret it. This is not the time for empty gestures to make us feel better. It is not the time to act like bullies. We urge you to think about how our governement can develop peaceful, rational solutions to terrorism, solutions that do not sink us to the inhuman level of terrorists.


Phyllis and Orlando Rodriguez

Black Radical Congress

The Black Radical Congress (BRC)
For Immediate Release
September 28, 2001
Contact: Frances M. Beal,
Bill Fletcher Jr.,

The Honorable Barbara Lee
U.S. House of Representatives
426 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Representative Lee:

The Black Radical Congress salutes you for your courageous stand in opposing the House resolution to provide the U.S. President carte blanche in responding militarily to the horrific events of September 11, 2001. It is an infamous act of violence that brings grief and fear to all decent people at home and abroad. While most of our elected officials beat the war drums and promise to spill the blood of even more people - somewhere, or anywhere - it takes a person with an extraordinary level of integrity and political grit to stand alone against the jingoism that is sweeping the nation. You are proving to have such courage and we are proud that you have raised your voice for peace and justice at this time of crisis.

Please rest assured that you speak for thousands of people in this country who agree "that military action will not prevent further acts of international terrorism against the United States," as you put it in your intrepid argument against the race toward war.

In the years to come, we are sure that your name will shine brightly as a beacon of rationality and the lone voice of conscience in the halls of the U.S. Congress, at a critical time in our nation's history.

We will be doing everything in our power to activate our membership and our friends in the struggle for peace in the days to come. It is good to know we have such an ally in Congress.

NOTE: When responding or sending us feedback about this statement, please indicate whether we have your permission to share your comments publicly, as part of a broader discussion and debate. Thank you.

Black Radical Congress
National Office
Columbia University Station
P.O. Box 250791
New York, NY 10025-1509
Phone: (212) 969-0348

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