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Afghanistan News: Current

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Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing of Afghanistan:
Comprehensive Accounting


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Archive: 9/01-12/01

US denies bombing Afghan civilians  12/31/01 BBC: "Villagers told the Reuters news agency that the attack on Niazi Qalaye, 20 kilometres north of the town of Gardez in Paktia province, took place early on Sunday."

Massive delivery of wheat averts famine in Afghanistan  12/31/01 Boston Globe: buried on the back pages…

Kabul Asks U.S. to End Bombing But Bush Vows to Continue War  12/29/01 IHT: "Washington said Thursday that, in the first strike in three days, its planes had destroyed a compound used by members of the former ruling Taliban southwest of Kabul. A Pakistan-based press agency said 25 villagers had been killed by bombs in the same vicinity." How to win finds and influence people: bomb the hell out of 'em.

Afghan jailers beat confessions from men  12/28/01 Guardian, UK: "Afghanistan's new authorities are brutalising Taliban and al-Qaida prisoners to soften them up before handing them over to American forces."

U.S. bombing reported to kill up to 40 in east Afghanistan  12/28/01 Reuters 

Más victimas civiles de la aviación norteamericana  12/27/01 Notinet, Cuba 

Arrested Pashtun leader killed in mystery helicopter crash  12/26/01 Out There News: This story, ignored by the western media, suggests a high level of infighting.

US forces at Kandahar Airport face fresh attack  12/25/01 Ummah News: "US soldiers fled their positions around Kandahar Airport when they were attacked by heavy artillery at around 10am on Sunday, 23 December 2001. The firing came both from a village named Khoshab, situated to the south of airport and a mountainous region adjacent to this village. Eyewitness, driver Ahmad Ali, said he heard heavy artillery fire coming from the region for almost half an hour. There was then a distinct sound of the firing of both light and heavy weapons. American soldiers in the base were seen panicking and fleeing their positions. Soon after this attack, US warplanes carried out heavy indiscriminate bombing of Khoshab and the neighbouring mountain peaks. The civilian casualties in this attack have yet to be determined."

Locals reject US account of Afghan convoy attack  12/22/01 Media Workers Against the War: ""The people who got hit were going to congratulate Karzai on the transfer of power," villager Khodai Noor told Reuters Television in the first account of the bombing from the scene. "There are no members of al Qaeda or supporters of bin Laden here," he added, suggesting a local warlord might deliberately have misinformed U.S. forces about the convoy to settle a score."

Locals Reject U.S. Account of Afghan Convoy Attack  12/22/01 Reuters 

Prisoners 'killed not shifted'  12/22/01 Sydney Morning Herald 

The innocent dead in a coward's war  12/20/01 Guardian, UK: "Of course, Herold's total is only an estimate. But what is impressive about his work is not only the meticulous cross-checking, but the conservative assumptions he applies to each reported incident. The figure does not include those who died later of bomb injuries; nor those killed in the past 10 days; nor those who have died from cold and hunger because of the interruption of aid supplies or because they were forced to become refugees by the bombardment. It does not include military deaths (estimated by some analysts, partly on the basis of previous experience of the effects of carpet-bombing, to be upwards of 10,000), or those prisoners who were slaughtered in Mazar-i-Sharif, Qala-i-Janghi, Kandahar airport and elsewhere." In other words, the US has by now killed several times more innocent civilians in Afghanistan than they lost on 9-11. If the past prescribed hit ratio of US to "other" is any guide, we are only at the beginning of the slaughter.

No clue to 300,000 IDPs in Tora Bora: UN  12/17/01 The News, Pakistan 

Americans 'covered up massacre of 280 Taliban'  12/15/01 Independent, UK: "Mr Gul's version of events would strengthen the argument of those who say the Americans prefer to kill the foreign fighters rather than take them alive."

Prof. Marc Herold reveals the number of civilian casualties killed in the US bombing of Afghanistan to be over 3700  12/14/01 University of New Hampshire: updated report added 200 civilian deaths in the last few days

Collateral Damage Made Real  12/13/01 Alternet 

A Dossier on Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing of Afghanistan: A Comprehensive Accounting  12/13/01 Democracy Now: full report in a Word document

U.S. Bars Surrender of Qaida and Presses Attack With Bombs and Special Forces  12/13/01 IHT: ""The Americans won't accept their surrender," Hazrat Ali, regional security chief for eastern Afghanistan, said just after emerging from hours of negotiations with U.S. officials. "They want to kill them."

3,500 Civilians Killed in Afghanistan by US Bombs  12/13/01 Media Workers Against the War: "Professor Herold has sought whenever possible to cross-corroborate accounts of civilian casualties. He relied upon British, Canadian, and Australian newspapers; Indian newspapers, especially The Times of India; three Pakistani daily newspapers; the Singapore News; Afghan Islamic Press; Agence France Press; Pakistan News Service; Reuters; BBC News Online; Al Jazeera; and a variety of other reputable sources, including the United Nations and other relief agencies."

How Many Dead? Major networks aren’t counting  12/12/01 FAIR 

Taliban dying on their way to prison  12/12/01 Sydney Morning Herald: Like European Jews in the cattle cars, but now with American insistence that prisonners die? The article fails to mention that this liquidation technique has often been used in Afghanistan in the past, so it is not a product of being overwhelmed by the recent number of prisoners.

Witnesses Recount Taliban Dying While Held Captive  12/11/01 NYT 

Photos: What the Western Media does not want to show you  12/10/01 Azzam: Scroll down for horrendous pictures of the suffering in Afghanistan

'Friendly fire' kills three as factions argue over strategy  12/10/01 Independent, UK: Does Rumsfeld continue to denie the US has killed more than a handful of civilians?

Video shows CIA threatened to let prisoner be killed  12/8/01 Independent, UK: This is a war crime, people can be prosecuted for this.

Pentagon Denials and Civilian Death in Afghanistan  12/7/01 Alternet 

The "Turbanators" And The Terrorists: War Crimes And Media Omissions  12/7/01 Media Channel 


UN Rights Head Backs Afghan Probe, Criticizes U.S.  12/7/01 Reuters 

US opposes Karzai-Omar deal on Kandahar  12/7/01 Times of India 

So long Geneva, hello Kandahar  12/6/01 Al Ahram 

Smart Bombs Made Dumb?  12/6/01 CBS News: Genocide through the lowest bidder.

Unintended victims fill Afghan hospital  12/5/01 Boston Globe 

Errant bomb kills 2 U.S. troops, wounds 20  12/5/01 CNN: This wayward bomb actually made it into the US media.

Civilians abandon homes after hundreds are casualties of US air strikes on villages  12/5/01 Independent, UK 

Afghan Interim Leader Slightly Injured by U.S. Bomb  12/5/01 Reuters 

F16 missile kills boy, 14, as he walks from school  12/5/01 Telegraph 

DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers  12/4/01 DOD 

A village is destroyed. And America says nothing happened  12/4/01 Independent, UK: "And there, in the ruins of a family house, was a small fragment of nothing. It was the tail-end of a compact bomb. It bore the words "Surface Attack Guided Missile AGM 114", and a serial number: 232687. It was half-buried in the remains of the straw roof of a house where three men had died: Fazil Karim, his brother Mahmor Ghulab, and his nephew Hasiz Ullah. "They were a family, just ordinary people," said Haji Mohammed Nazir, the local elder who was accompanying us. "They were not terrorists – the terrorists are in the mountains, over there.''

'One of the worst centres in the world for misery'  12/4/01 Media Workers Against War 

Bombers 'don't know, don't care' about hundreds of civilian deaths  12/4/01 Sydney Morning Herald 

Villages pay price as US bombs go awry  12/4/01 Telegraph 

8,000 Pakistanis either dead or missing in Afghanistan  12/4/01 Times of India 

Villagers Dying Under U.S. Bombs, Anti-Taliban Forces Say  12/3/01 IHT 

US Afghan allies were bombed as they slept  12/3/01 Independent, UK 

US bombs hit wrong target for second time in two days  12/3/01 Independent, UK 

Surrender ended in massacre  12/3/01 Scotsman, UK 

70 Pakistanis killed in Kunduz: Report  12/3/01 Times of India 

Eighty Taliban prisoners in mass suicide  12/2/01 Telegraph, UK: "suicided"?

15 killed as US mistakes private jeep for military vehicle: victim  12/2/01 Yahoo 

US planes rain death on the innocent  12/1/01 Guardian, UK 

Justice in the dust  11/30/01 Guardian, UK: "Amid uncertainty, here are three things that can be said with confidence. First, that the Taliban prisoners were not held at Qala in a way that was conducive to either their own security or that of their captors and that this failure is likely to make further surrenders of besieged Taliban forces more difficult. Second, that the force used to regain control of the fort, especially the bombing, was so overwhelming that no one survived, an outcome which raises big questions about the true aims of the Northern Alliance and of the US and British special forces who were involved."

CNN applauds killing of POWs by Northern Alliance  11/30/01 Nile Media 

How our Afghan allies applied the Geneva Convention  11/29/01 Independent, UK 

US investigates 'execution' of 160 Taliban near Kandahar  11/29/01 Independent, UK: "The New York-based Human Rights Watch said it seemed that the shootings represented a "serious war crime".

Two killed by humanitarian air drop: Pentagon  11/29/01 Times of India 

Revenge killings reported in Kunduz  11/28/01 BBC 

160 Taliban executed, admits warlord  11/28/01 Dawn, Pakistan: "A senior commander with Pakhtoon forces in southern Afghanistan said on Wednesday 160 captured Taliban fighters who refused to surrender last week were executed before the eyes of US military personnel. "We tried our best to persuade (the Taliban) to surrender before we attacked. We asked them many times, quoted the Quran and even offered them money," said the commander from forces loyal to Gul Agha, a former mujahideen governor of Kandahar. "But they replied with abuse so we had no choice. We executed around 160 Taliban that were captured. " They were made to stand in a long line and five or six of our fighters used light machineguns on them," he said, adding that some of those killed were Pakistani. The commander, who declined to be identified, said seven or eight U.S. military personnel who had been filming the fighting tried unsuccessfully to prevent the executions. "

Khanabad 'decimated by the Americans, 100 civilians killed'  11/28/01 New Zealand Herald: Independently confirmed by New Zealand journalist, will this get into the American media?

Rage grows over war atrocities  11/28/01 Toronto Star: "Not only has Washington ignored increasing evidence of Northern Alliance brutality, say critics, but the Bush administration has gone so far as to signal its approval for whatever Alliance commanders decide to do with captured Taliban troops."

Legacy of civilian casualties in ruins of shattered town  11/27/01 Independent, UK 

The people of Afghanistan do not accept domination of the Northern Alliance!  11/27/01 Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan 

Fresh riots break out in Mazar prison  11/27/01 Times of India: the slaughter continues

Hundreds of captured foreign fighters said dead in prison riot put down with U.S. airstrikes  11/25/01 AP 

Restraint Urged Over Prisoners  11/24/01 Guardian, UK 

Night of fear and fire as US soldiers strike  11/24/01 Times, UK: Brave US special forces destroy heating oil for Afghan civilians

A WAR ON CIVILIANS?  11/22/01 Knight-Ridder 

Fears for civilians trapped in Kunduz  11/21/01 BBC 

Special forces strike in the night - and oil tanker owners lose livelihoods  11/21/01 Guardian, UK 

US warned on human rights over treatment of troops  11/21/01 Independent, UK: "America would be in breach of its international obligations if it allowed the Northern Alliance to refuse to accept the surrender of Taliban soldiers in the Afghan cities of Kunduz and Kandahar, lawyers and human rights groups have warned. They said that under international law America could be held responsible for genocide if Taliban troops were massacred despite offering to surrender. Under the Geneva Convention, it is illegal to give no quarter to the enemy."

JOHN PILGER: THIS WAR OF LIES GOES ON  11/21/01 IndyMedia: "Yet in late September and early October, leaders of Pakistan's two Islamic parties negotiated bin Laden's extradition to Pakistan to stand trial for the September 11 attacks. The deal was that he would be held under house arrest in Peshawar. According to reports in Pakistan (and the Daily Telegraph), this had both bin Laden's approval and that of Mullah Omah, the Taliban leader. The offer was that he would face an international tribunal, which would decide whether to try him or hand him over to America. Either way, he would have been out of Afghanistan, and a tentative justice would be seen to be in progress. It was vetoed by Pakistan's president Musharraf who said he "could not guarantee bin Laden's safety". But who really killed the deal? The US Ambassador to Pakistan was notified in advance of the proposal and the mission to put it to the Taliban. Later, a US official said that "casting our objectives too narrowly" risked "a premature collapse of the international effort if by some luck chance Mr bin Laden was captured".\

'Catastrophic errors' as US bombers target anti-Taliban towns  11/21/01 Media Workers Against the War 

Shocking images from Afghanistan  11/21/01 PakNews: Photos the US media will not publish

Village of death casts doubts over US intelligence  11/21/01 Telegraph, UK 

'US may have to answer genocide charges'  11/20/01 Independent, South Africa 

Bombings kill 1,000 around Kunduz: Report  11/20/01 Times of India 

Carpet bombing 'kills 150 civilians' in frontline town  11/19/01 Independent, UK 

Taleban abandon bin Laden  11/19/01 Times, UK: Casualties mount as Americans bomb suspected Osama hideouts: "With bin Laden on the run, US fighter-bombers have stepped up their pounding of suspected safe houses and caves, directed by spy planes and satellites. The intensity of the bombing was clear yesterday with reports of 30 people killed in the village of Shamshad, five miles from the Pakistani border. Earlier 62 people were reportedly killed in another attack on an Islamic religious school near Khost."

New regime is evil, warns refugee  11/16/01 The Scotsman 

Alliance tanks crush 520 defiant Taleban fighters to death  11/16/01 Times, UK 

Alliance threatens to massacre Taleban's foreign fighters  11/16/01 Times, UK: And the US & UK continue their genocide: "With both sides suffering heavy casualties, the Alliance decided to suspend hostilities, ostensibly to give Afghan Taleban troops time to surrender. But US warplanes intensified bombing raids on Taleban positions, with three waves of B52 strikes and repeated attacks by FA18 bombers."

Pashtuns set to flee at 1st sign of revenge  11/15/01 Chicago Tribune 

US bombings to have lasting effect: experts  11/14/01 Dawn, Pakistan: "While Osama bin Laden claims to have nuclear and chemical weapons and threatens their use if the United States did so, defence experts say that the Americans are already dropping highly dangerous ordnance on Afghanistan that could have devastating effect on people's health in that beleaguered country and also in Pakistan."

‘Looting, kidnapping, summary executions’ in Mazar-e-Sharif  11/13/01 Arab News 

'Up to 500 executed' after the fall of Mazar  11/13/01 Times, UK 

Bombed and Gagged  11/13/01 Unknown News - die Tageszeitung, Germany: US readers can only get this from Germany, censored in the USA: "Tuesday, November 12, 2001 die tageszeitung (Berlin, Germany) ----Translated from German by Jan R. for Unknown News at The veteran Pakistan journalist, Kamal Haider, who reports for CNN from the Taliban stronghold Kandahar, informed the TAZ yesterday that American bombers had destroyed a holy village site 30 miles west of the city. He himself counted 128 corpses. Most of the houses, a shrine, and a moschee had been destroyed. The attacks occurred on Thursday and lasted from 9 in the evening until Friday morning. ----The village, "Schah Aga" was a holy site for Sufis due to an ancient tomb there, that especially drew worshippers on Fridays. Haider documented the destruction on film, and saw no evidence of weapons or munitions which would indicate the site had any military significance. In addition, the survivors swore that the last Taleban had left the village long ago. In the same province, Haider discovered the remains of another totally destroyed village of Usmanzai. The inhabitants there had lived amidst great poverty in caves, which the US pilots possibly mistook for an Al-Qaida hide-out. Maybe that is why the employed the so-called "Bunker-Buster" bombs. Haider relayed the footage he shot on Saturday, but CNN did not broadcast the footage. His report was merely noted on the CNN homepage. CNN had told him that they wanted first to verify his claims, according to Haider."

U.S. Allies in Afghanistan Left Trail of Atrocities: Blood on the Tracks  11/13/01 Village Voice 

U.N. Says Executions, Abductions Reported in Mazer-e-Sharif Since Capture  11/12/01 Fox News 

Afghan women group calls for an end to military strikes  11/10/01 IRNA, Iran 

US shows video of man being blown apart  11/9/01 Independent, UK 

A silent genocide  11/8/01 Al-Ahram, Egypt 

Taliban say 37 civilians killed  11/8/01 Dawn, Pakistan: Sure, call it propaganda, but some of this will wind up being verified: "The head of the Taliban's Bakhter news agency, Abdul Henan Hemat, said 20 people had been killed in the villages of Qazi, Sarghich and Khoshab, north of Kabul, over the past two days, according to people who had fled bombing raids. Hemat said that in Afsaran, a village on the road from Kabul to Bagram, about 50 kilometres north of the capital, five people were killed and 12 injured in US bombing. The official claimed that shortly after dropping food supplies in the western province of Herat on Tuesday, US planes bombed the region killing seven people and injuring 12. Five people were killed and up to 10 injured when bombs struck Sorkhrod village, 10 kilometers (six miles) from the eastern city of Jalalabad."

UN fears 'disaster' over strikes near huge dam  11/8/01 Independent, UK 

100,000 Afghan children facing death: Unicef  11/7/01 Times of India: UNICEF tracked the murder of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children and no one listened…

US unleashes the Daisy Cutter on Taliban  11/6/01 Times of India: nice pic of this bomb, size of a VW beetle, weighing 6,750 kg, explodes over an area with a 600 yard radius

The Coming Apocalypse  11/5/01 Alternet: "If the object of this war was to thwart terrorism -- to bring existing terrorists to justice, and to isolate them politically and culturally so that others won't throw in their lot -- in less than a month, the United States has perpetrated one of the most abject failures in military history. It still does not know where any of Al-Qaeda's leadership even is. It is on the verge of succeeding in its goal of creating a unified Afghanistan government -- unfortunately, Afghans are uniting behind the Taliban, as warlord after warlord sets aside long-standing differences to stand shoulder to shoulder to fight the American invaders. Tens of thousands more young Muslim men are lining up to cross the borders into Afghanistan to join them. The ones that survive the experience will carry a lifetime of hate: living, breathing proof that within a month, America bombed a country but lost its war in spectacular fashion."

Dozens killed in village 'with no military targets'  11/3/01 Independent, UK 

First rains for four years bring new misery to camps  11/3/01 Independent, UK: "When we found Qalan Issah and her four children, they were sitting helplessly in the mud and shivering in the icy wind. The other refugees crowded round, clamouring for help but Ms Issah said nothing. The flood had just swept away her tent, the only shelter for her and her children. They would have to spend the freezing night in the open and might not survive."

Pentagon: Afghan village a 'legitimate target'  11/2/01 CNN: "The people there are dead because we wanted them dead," the official said. The village was attacked about 2330 local time on October 22 with torrents of withering fire from an AC-130 aerial gunship, known in the military as "Spooky." The U.S. has repeatedly insisted strikes are not targeting Afghan civilians Earlier the humanitarian group Human Rights Watch released a statement saying it had reports detailing "25 civilians killed in the village". ...Survivors said the bombing was carried out not only by jets, but also by helicopters. All of them denied the Pentagon's assertion that the village was a base for Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters. Robertson said the village's 15 houses had been destroyed, and the rubble contained no articles of obvious military value. Instead, he said, boxes of soap, children's shoes, women's clothing and other domestic articles lay among the destruction."

B-52 onslaught hits key Taliban positions  11/2/01 Guardian, UK 

Death falls from sky on village of innocents  11/2/01 The Times, UK: This is a Murdoch paper and they are printing this! "Hiding in the entrance to a nearby cave, he watched as the gunships — believed to be American AC130s, deployed to hunt down and kill Taleban forces and terrorists from the al-Qaeda network — circled over the village firing repeatedly at the people as they fled their homes."

Heavy US bombing destroys 2 villages  11/1/01 Arab News 

Red Cross Spokesmen Refute Pentagon Lies  11/1/01 Emperor's Clothes: "Christoph Luedi: This we can confirm is not correct because we started four days before the bombardment to distribute food out of these warehouses to disabled-headed families, a distribution which started on Tuesday and should have been ongoing until Sunday. This distribution was notified to the Americans especially in light of, because we distributed to different districts and this leads to a massing of people and we wanted to keep them [the Americans] informed that the massing people was linked to our distributions."

B-52 jets attack Taliban positions  11/1/01 Guardian, UK: Carpet bombing villages…

Afghanistan: New Civilian Deaths Due to U.S. Bombing  11/1/01 Human Rights News: "At least twenty-five, and possibly as many as thirty-five, Afghan civilians died when U.S. bombs and gunfire hit their village, Chowkar-Karez, on the night of October 22, Human Rights Watch said today."

THE B52'S ARE BACK  11/1/01 The Mirror, UK: The long-range aircraft is effective because of the sheer number of bombs it can unload at any one time. They were used in the Vietnam War to devastating effect. Although not very accurate in its targeting, the B52s are a potent force. Yesterday, they almost certainly caused more devastation to the Taliban than in the last 24 days of air strikes..."A child was martyred in Herat province today after touching a cluster bomb thrown by American planes."

U.S. Jets Damage Kandahar Hospital  10/31/01 Washington Post 

No cure for the victims of Kabul's rabid dogs  10/30/01 Independent, UK: "The lack of vaccines is just an entry in a long list of complaints by the Taliban's health minister; no medicines, no cold storage facilities, no transportation, no laboratories. He had called the news conference to condemn the US-British campaign, now in its fourth week. Najibullah Masoomyar, chief of the health ministry's sanitation department, said: "If this goes on for another month, the children will have mental problems. At night I hug my son and my wife to my chest, because they are crying." He was at the news conference to complain about the lack of clean drinking water, which he blamed on the nightly air raids. He said the sanitation department has been unable to work because it is in Kabul's northern Khair Khana neighbourhood, where the sewage is treated and dumped. "But the trucks can't go out there because of the bombardment," he said. "The drivers are afraid" There have been several assaults on the northern neighbourhood, by jets searching out Taliban military positions as well as its front-line concentrations facing the Northern Alliance." And this chilling description of unknown US special weapons, reminiscent of Panama and other US slaughters: "Dr Waziri said three patients [victims of a US bomb] came to the hospital with only minor injuries but developed respiratory problems. Their lungs could not take in oxygen, they began to spit blood and later died. "For sure we don't know what it was," he said. "We do not have the facilities to conduct tests."

Saifullah, man of peace, killed by American cruise missile  10/30/01 Independent, UK: by Robert Fisk

Rumsfeld: U.S. troops in Afghanistan  10/30/01 MSNBC: "The Red Cross warehouses in Kabul destroyed last week were not hit by accident, a senior U.S. military official told NBC News, saying they were bombed because Taliban troops had commandeered the food stored there."

The Silent Genocide  10/29/01 Counterpunch 

DAD AND 7 KIDS PERISH  10/29/01 The Mirror, UK 

15 more dead in tragedy of errors  10/29/01 The Times of India 

Allies defend cluster bombs  10/29/01 Times, UK: "Christian Aid also joined the opposition, saying that the use of cluster bombs contradicted America’s stated intention to minimise civilian casualties. “They are as dangerous as anti-personnel mines. In fact in Kosovo more people were killed in the years after the conflict by the bomblets left behind by cluster bombs than by landmines,” a spokesman said."

Red Cross Stunned by Bombing  10/29/01 Washington Post 

Residents: 3 Villages Hit by U.S  10/29/01 Washington Post 

Radio warns Afghans over food parcels  10/28/01 BBC 

US broadcasts 'not being heard'  10/28/01 BBC: "Although most knew that America was bombing their country, there was much confusion about what had sparked this action."

Aid effort stalled by conflict  10/28/01 Independent, UK: "Aid agencies are unable to launch a national appeal to help feed millions of displaced Afghans, despite growing reports that refugees are already starving to death."

Bus wreckage testament to stray US attack  10/28/01 Sunday Times, UK 

Red Cross demands explanation after US bombs hit aid depot  10/28/01 Yahoo 

US bomb kills 10 civilians in opposition-held Afghanistan: medic  10/28/01 Yahoo: No civilian casualties…

Kabul Red Cross is bombed again by American jets again  10/27/01 Independent, UK: Seems to be a deliberate act, a crime against humanity: "The ICRC reiterates that attacking ... facilities marked with the red cross emblem constitutes a violation of international humanitarian law," it added. Staff had seen a "large, slow-flying aircraft drop two bombs on the compound from low altitude", it added. The warehouses – a distribution centre for food, tents and blankets for up to 8,000 families – had been specifically identified to the American government by the Red Cross as an aid centre which should be avoided by the daily US bombing raids on the Afghan capital. Large red crosses were painted on the roofs of the buildings."

'The Taliban are not worried about being bombed'  10/27/01 Independent, UK 

Afghanistan: Rejected Posts to H-Genocide and Related Correspondence  10/26/01 Counterpunch:  "Contains the rejected posts and the astounding responses from the board of this list, which includes 2 Holocaust survivors. The board is unable to accept even a discussion of the possibility that a genocide is occuring in Afghanistan. The Holocaust survivors apparently are suffering from post traumatic stress disorders and their judgement may be impaired. By not dealing forthrightly and accurately with their problems, Americans run the risk of further crimes against humanity such as the one executed on 9-11. Note that American racism and anti-semitism will make a backlash against the Jewish people all too easy, since a scapegoat is needed to bear their sins - it was not the Israelis who, according to UNICEF, murdered 500,000 Iraqui children... If anyone is in doubt about the genocide under way in Afghanistan, check our page on this topic.

Genocide Scholar "Silenced" on Academic List For Comments About Bombing of Afghanistan  10/26/01 Counterpunch: "Jones asked: "If coalition leaders are aware of the present situation, as most of the major humanitarian agencies and international media appear to be, and choose to continue the bombing in coming weeks ... could any resulting largescale mortality legitimately be termed genocidal?"

Is the US Attempting to Sabotage Humanitarian Aid to Afghans?  10/26/01 Counterpunch: "A clue may be found in previous statements by Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, who expressed concern early on that humanitarian operations be conducted ''in a manner that does not allow this food to fall into the hands of the Taliban." Since the Taliban, as the men with guns, will always be fed while there is any food in the country, this seems like a hint that the United States would consider interfering with the supply of humanitarian aid in Taliban-controlled areas, in order to erode public support for the Taliban. Further hints come today, with the second bombing of a Red Cross warehouse complex in Kabul. It was entirely plausible that the first strike was accidental, but the second does make one wonder."

Massacre continues against Afghan population  10/26/01 Granma: • More than 100 people, mostly patients and medical personnel, were victims of bombings by U.S. and British airplanes against an Afghan hospital • According to Taliban authorities, more than 1,000 have been killed since the beginning of the attacks • Kabul accuses the U.S. of using chemical and biological weapons • U.S. ship accidentally bombs Northern Alliance positions • Islamic organizations in Pakistan have recruited some 100,000 youths to fight U.S. aggression in Afghanistan • The first contingent of 1,550 soldiers from Australian special forces leave for Central Asia • Massive protests in Indonesia threaten government’s stability • American Association of Jurists declares that military aggression against Afghanistan is illegitimate

US jets bomb Red Cross compound for second time  10/26/01 Independent, UK 

UN says US bombs hit mosque, village  10/26/01 Times of India 

U.N.:Unexploded Bombs Litter Village  10/25/01 AP: "Unexploded bombs from a U.S. air raid have trapped villagers in a west Afghan village, leaving them afraid to venture from their homes, U.N. officials said Wednesday."

Families blown apart, infants dying. The terrible truth of this 'just war'  10/25/01 Independent, UK: "The American broadcasters have a phrase which they repeat in reporting civilian casualties in Afghanistan: "The claims cannot be independently confirmed". And, of course, there is no way to check on anything that the people at the Al-Khidmat Al-Hajeri hospital say. But if this is all a hoax perpetrated by the Taliban, why does Mr Ullah speak of them with such disdain? And would even the Taliban mutilate a baby to win a political point? "

Wounded Afghans die due to lack of proper medicare: Afghan source  10/25/01 IRNA, Iran: "According to Gilani, based on the latest news from Afghanistan, during the past week alone, at least 150 victims of the U.S.-British bombardments who had received medical treatment at Afghanistan's various hospitals and then released, died due to the inappropriate, insufficient treatment."

Stop cluster bombing, Diana's fund says  10/25/01 Times, UK: "The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund today calls on the US and British Governments to end the use of cluster bombs in Afghanistan because of the “serious long-term threat to civilians”.

Pentagon admits US jets bombed old people's home in Afghan city  10/24/01 Independent, UK 

US air strikes hit Taliban troops hiding in residential areas: UN  10/23/01 AFP: "The UN also revealed US air strikes had destroyed a military hospital in the western city of Herat but gave no indication why the medical facility was struck." So much for Rumsfeld's denials - "We have no evidence at all that the allegation you cited is correct," Rumsfeld told a reporter. "I am sure it is not."

Afghans report beginning of backlash - Bombing campaign reversing goodwill  10/22/01 Chicago Tribune 

Humanitarian Crisis Will Jeopardize U.S. Military Goals  10/22/01 Stratfor: from a leading private US intelligence source: "International relief agencies have launched a volley of complaints against the United States and Pakistan for impeding humanitarian efforts along Afghanistan's borders. The United Nations will likely voice similar criticisms as winter sets in and member states seek a culprit for ensuing starvation in Afghanistan. Within months, U.N. Security Council members will lose consensus for the U.S.-led military campaign."

Taliban: U.S. Jets Hit Hospital  10/22/01 Washington Post: some of the same high precision weapons that also fell on US allies, the Northern Alliance…

Taleban leader's son killed  10/21/01 BBC: the Americans always say they are for the children, have hysterical fits over child abuse, then go and kill children in many parts of the globe…

'Children die' in Kabul strikes  10/21/01 Independent, UK: If the AP reporter was there, it happened…

Refugees Say U.S. Planes Destroyed Kandahar Bazaars  10/20/01 Reuters: how much of this before Rumsfeld stops lying about killing Afghans?

US intensifies raids with new array of weapons  10/19/01 The Guardian, UK: "Seven passers-by were killed yesterday when a bomb hit an ammunition dump in Kabul, raising the death toll to about 70 in just 24 hours of US strikes on the Afghan capital and Kandahar, witnesses and Taliban officials said."

6 civilians dead as US bombs hit Afghan homes  10/19/01 Times of India 

Watching the war from Kabul's rooftops  10/18/01 Independent, UK: "The first we heard was the roar of an aircraft and anti- aircraft fire from the Taliban side about two miles from the airport," he says. "Everyone was frightened, but they were also happy because they thought this would change the Taliban government. "But I think the Americans have made their biggest mistake: if they want to get the Taliban or Osama, that's fine. But they don't have to kill innocent people. The Pashtuns were very angry, although many had left Kabul before the attacks."

American strikes kill 400 civilians: Taliban envoy  10/18/01 IRNA, Iran 

The New War Against Terror by Chomsky  10/18/01 Znet 

Civilians: the main victims  10/17/01 Granma, Cuba 

Epidemic fear as Afghan migrants come  10/17/01 Kathimerini, Greece 

US jets rain bombs on civilian areas  10/16/01 Arab News, Saudi Arabia 

Alarm grows over scale of civilian casualties  10/15/01 SMH 

Beaten by Taleban, bombed out of home, what next?  10/15/01 The Scotsman 

Over 100 Iranians infected with ebola-type virus  10/14/01 IRNA, Iran 


Refugees back Taliban's casualty figures claim  10/13/01 Telegraph, UK 

Differences surface between UNHCR, govt  10/13/01 The News, Pakistan: "In Pakistan, red tape and security concerns prevent UNHCR field teams from getting access to border areas to monitor possible population movements or from offering immediate assistance to any new arrivals," said Yusuf Hassan while speaking at a daily press briefing on Friday. The UNHCR outspoken head has also used exactly the same words in his press statement. Expressing astonishment over the statement, Pakistani officials refuted such baseless claims of "red tapism" by a responsible refugee agency.

Bombing victim tells how US raid hit village  10/13/01 The Times, UK 

Afghanistan's Coming Humanitarian Disaster  10/12/01 Alternet 

Dominic Nutt : West risks culpability for a massive tragedy  10/12/01 Independent, UK 

Airport ablaze as Kabul suffers biggest raids yet: Air strikes: Taliban leader's relatives reported killed  10/11/01 The Guardian 

Civilians Mourn Dead in Kabul  10/11/01 Washington Post 

Doctors Without Borders calls U.S. food drops 'propaganda'  10/9/01 AP 

Taliban Leaders Say Stronghold Bombed  10/9/01 AP: "Officials at the scene said the victims of the Monday night bombing raid were U.N. workers who cleared anti-personnel mines in Kabul, one of the world's most heavily mined cities."

Alarm over aid drop in 'world's biggest minefield'  10/9/01 Independent, UK 

British aid moves into Afghanistan  10/9/01 IRNA, Iran: Trucks have carried British aid into "The first major shipment of food across the Iranian border, according to news reports here Tuesday. The 100 tons of wheat flour has been taken by Afghan truckers toward the northwestern city of Herat."

Indian hospital for Afghan refugees on Tajikistan border opens  10/9/01 IRNA, Iran 

Ten relief groups prepared to serve prospective Afghan IDP  10/9/01 IRNA, Iran 

UNICEF representative in Tehran concerned over Afghan children  10/9/01 IRNA, Iran 

U.N. Says Raids Hamper Afghan Food Deliveries  10/9/01 Reuters 

Refugees becoming major problem in US-led coalition against terrorism  10/9/01 Yellow Times 

US: Humanitarian Airdrops Successful  10/8/01 AP: The fraud here is that the US sends in 35,000 food packets and ignores the termination of 700 tons of food a day that can no longer go in from Pakistan due to the bombing. With 6 million refugees on the edge of starvation, 35,000 meals is a joke.

WFP Temporarily Stops Food Convoys to Afghanistan  10/8/01 Reuters 

Spread of Polio Threatens Afghanistan, Neighbors  10/8/01 Reuters Health 


Eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad under attack  10/7/01 Reuters 

U.S. military planning food drops in Afghanistan  10/5/01 Reuters 

Preparing for the worst  10/5/01 Salon: the genocide in Afghanistan

Afghanistan: Suddenly, the People Matter -  10/4/01 FEER 

Ebola-style killer virus sweeps Afghan border  10/4/01 Telegraph, UK 

U.N. says Afghan situation 'very serious'  10/3/01 CNN 

West ignored accounts of Taliban abuse, scholar says  10/3/01 The Irish Times 

Les convois d'aide alimentaire reprennent la route de l'Afghanistan  10/2/01 Le Monde 

Beyond Truisms: Albert Interviews Chomsky on the Afghan Genocide  10/2/01 Outlook India 

Airstrikes may have to wait for aid airlift  10/2/01 The Times, London 

Food as Weapon: No news is bad news  10/1/01 Counterpunch 

Aid agencies brace for Afghan exodus  9/27/01 CNN 

Taliban Not Sole Cause of Afghanistan Aid Crisis  9/27/01 Reuters 

Refugee crisis will dwarf Kosovo  9/27/01 This is London 

Taliban threatens UN workers  9/25/01 Pioneer, New Delhi 

The Innocents of Afghanistan  9/24/01 Washington Post 

Operation Afghan Airlift  9/24/01 Afghan Airlift 

Killing Civilians: Behind the Reassuring Words Media Beat, 9/29/01 "Back in early August 1945, President Truman had this to say: "The world will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, a military base. That was because we wished in this first attack to avoid, in so far as possible, the killing of civilians." 
Taliban Seize U.N. Offices, Food Aid in Afghanistan 9/24/01 Reuters


Viewpoint: BUSH'S WAR MACHINE MAKES READY FOR MORE KILLING , 9/20/01 Radio Havana: "A full six million [Afghans] currently face starvation, while almost four million are refugees in camps along the Pakistani and Iranian borders. United Nations refugee sources say that a war would add to this misery to such an extent that it would convert Afghanistan into the worst humanitarian crisis on the planet. This is Washington's target. By all accounts it won't be a war but a genocide.  Cuba agrees that justice must be brought down upon those who planned and carried out the attacks on New York and Washington, but not at the cost of more civilian lives. We do not believe that this is the justice the people of the United States are seeking. - Radio Havana"

Some recent history: according to the New York Times, in the aftermath of 9-11, the US first ordered the Pakistani to cease food deliveries, as reported in a Chomsky column to 6 million starving Afghanis, many of them anti-Taliban. On Sept. 27, the same NYT correspondent reported that officials in Pakistan "said today that they would not relent in their decision to seal off the country's 1,400- mile border with Afghanistan, a move requested by the Bush administration because, the officials said, they wanted to be sure that none of Mr. bin Laden's men were hiding among the huge tide of refugees"(John Burns, Islamabad). Chomsky has another column at this point in India Outlook.   The issue has now taken on a central role in war planning as US strategists have woken up to how they can use it in their transparent psywar campaign, qualified by Doctors Without Borders as "military propaganda" - they drop 35,000 meals and their bombs prevent the delivery of 700 tons a day of food...

Chomsky Interview on Afghan Genocide ZMag, 9/20/01
"The U.S. has already demanded that Pakistan terminate the food and other supplies that are keeping at least some of the starving and suffering people of Afghanistan alive. If that demand is implemented, unknown numbers of people who have not the remotest connection to terrorism will die, possibly millions. Let me repeat: the U.S. has demanded that Pakistan kill possibly millions of people who are themselves victims of the Taliban. This has nothing to do even with revenge. It is at a far lower moral level even than that. The significance is heightened by the fact that this is mentioned in passing, with no comment, and probably will hardly be noticed. We can learn a great deal about the moral level of the reigning intellectual culture of the West by observing the reaction to this demand. I think we can be reasonably confident that if the American population had the slightest idea of what is being done in their name, they would be utterly appalled. It would be instructive to seek historical precedents."

Afghanistan: Catastrophe in the Making, 9/22/01

From: NY Transfer News
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 2:52 AM


by Simon Wollers

Havana, Sept 21 (NY Transfer)--Last night's "friend or foe" speech by US President George W Bush has been likened in the US media to Roosevelt's address to the nation after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The  you- are-either -with-us-or- against-us language went down very well in his country and Bush is riding dangerously high on waves that could any day come crashing down upon the people of Afghanistan.

Chris Buckley is a program officer for Christian Aid in Afghanistan. He has just left Kabul and reports that he is full of dread as to what may happen if the US war machine attempts retaliation there for the events of last week.

Because of the current threat, says Buckley, aid organizations have been forced to pull out their foreign workers -- fearing either that they may be caught in the expected raids, or that they would be attacked as westerners after the NATO bombers have flown away. The effects of this withdrawal, he adds, could be infinitely more tragic and devastating than the worst that a wounded United States may now throw at this long-suffering country.

There are four million Afghanis in refugee camps in Pakistan and Iran -- both of which have closed their borders fearful of a massive stream of more refugees. Nearly six million more -- representing a full quarter of the population -- risk starvation after the nation's harsh winter sets in come mid-October.

The current fear has spread to such a degree that thousands have been fleeing toward the closed borders making their situation even more desperate because their government -- even if it chose to do so -- is unable to feed so many displaced people and there are no longer any international aid agencies available to do the job. So, just the threat of US retaliation has driven a huge number of people further toward the abyss.

The major focus of the media frenzy on Afghanistan right now is the fear inspired by the brutal war with Russia and the religious fervor of the muhajedeen -- as well as the current Taliban regime, which does not win any prizes for humanitarian government. The nation is being demonized along with the Taliban and Osama bin Laden, and soon the notion will be -- just as with Iraqis and Serbs -- that the only good Afghan is a dead one.

Chris Buckley says the real Afghanistan is one where 85 per cent of the population are subsistence farmers. Most Afghans don't have newspapers, television sets or radios due to government edicts, and many will therefore not have heard of the World Trade Center or the Pentagon, let alone that a group of terrorists have attacked them. There isn't even a postal service.

Many Afghans have the dreadful choice of waiting in their villages for death by starvation, as there will be no food distribution due to suspended service by even the World Food Program, or risking death by malnutrition and disease in the refugee camps along the borders. With these borders now closed, adds Buckley, there is no longer any income to be made working in Pakistan or Iran. With three years of drought and a US-sponsored ban on opium farming imposed by the Taliban, which Washington bankrolled without any consideration for the socio-economic consequences of an impoverished people, the future looks bleak indeed.

So George W Bush held back and supposedly made what is being termed a "restrained" speech, but his thoughtless bellicose actions beforehand seem to have already doomed a huge number of Afghan civilians to death.

Havana, Cuba November 21, 2001

This is genocide begun by the US, as it threatened a people known to possess nuclear weapons with bombings last July, 2 months before what may well be Al Qaeda's pre-emptive strike in NY and at the Pentagon on Sep 11.

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