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Afro-Colombians and Free TradeThe Black right wing’s agenda in Colombia, 2/08, Jesus “Chucho” Garcia, Fundacion AfroAmerica Y Tantos Negros Que Apoyan a Uribe, 2/19/08, Macobe Luchador Why Afro-Colombians Oppose the Colombia
Free Trade Agreement, 2/2008 Unidos Nuestros Derechos Seran Derechos Humanos, 11/13/06 Organizaciones afro-colombianas y afro-peruanas |
By Jesus “Chucho” Garcia |
Macobe Luchador |
Forward Why Afro-Colombians Oppose the Colombia
Free Trade Agreement, 2/2008 |
En el mes de noviembre del ano anterior, un grupo
significativo deorganizaciones afro-colombiano, Afro-peruanas y de
Estados Unidos enviaronuna carta al Congreso de Estados Unidos oponiéndose
a la firma del Tratadode Libre Comercio (TLC) entre Colombia y Perú con
Estados Unidos. Como verán continuación, hoy en Estados Unidos, con el cambio de poderpolítico en el congreso, esa carta ha tenido eco y es tiempo de accionespara replantear cual seria la propuesta de los Afro-descendientes conrelación al TLC. Aunque suene chistoso, algunos afro-colombianos aquí en USAse sintieron muy felices al escuchar que el Presidente Bush los firmaría, yasistieron a su firma. Pero hoy cuando el nuevo congreso a pedido que lorevisara y segurante le harán modificaciones significativas (o no lofirmara), no se sabe donde quedaran los que estaban a su favor sin conocer afondo la situación de las comunidades Afro-colombianas y Afro-peruanas debase. Es una lastima que tengamos muchos arrodillados, pero es la realidad. A continuación y también anexo encontraran el documento y lasorganizaciones que lo firmaron, así como un artículo del periódico el Tiempocon testimonio de algunos congresista sobre el particular. En nombre deAFRODES-USA quiero agradecer a WOLA por la traducción del documento y por elapoyo en todo este trabajo, así como a las organizaciones de Colombia, Perúy en USA por haber firmado esta carta. Este nuevo ano seguiremos trabajando juntos en las propuestas que debemos enviar al congreso para que estas logren ser incluidas en las modificaciones que le harán a este convenio, sies que el congreso lo ratifica. FELIZ ANO NUEVO Marino Cordoba AFRODES-USA
Clinton Adviser's Firm Fired by Colombian Government 4/5/2008 Bloomberg: "Colombia ended its contract with Burson-Marsteller because Penn's comments showed ``a lack of respect to Colombians,'' according to a statement on the government's Web site. Penn apologized yesterday for meeting with Colombian officials to discuss a free-trade agreement that Clinton opposes.
Burson-Marsteller's contract to promote a free-trade deal with Colombia threatens to undercut Clinton's support among blue collar workers, a key constituency in the April 22 Pennsylvania primary that she must win to keep her campaign alive. Clinton and Democratic rival Barack Obama have both made trade agreements a top issue, saying they cost American manufacturing jobs."
Mark Penn and the Stealth Corporate Campaign - By Al Giordano 4/4/2008 NarcoNews
Clinton Aide Met on Trade Deal - Penn Held Talks
On Colombia Pact
Opposed by Senator 4/4/2008 WSJ: "Attendance by the adviser, Mark Penn, was confirmed by two Colombian officials. He wasn't there in his campaign role, but in his separate job as chief executive of Burson-Marsteller Worldwide, an international communications and lobbying firm. The firm has a contract with the South American nation to promote congressional approval of the trade deal, among other things, according to filings with the Justice Department."
Colombia's Uribe Says Passage Of Free-Trade Pact Is Critical 4/4/2008 WSJ: "Failure by the U.S. Congress to pass a free-trade agreement with Colombia this year would be a serious setback for Washington's closest ally in South America, President Alvaro Uribe said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal.
"I wouldn't know what to say. It would be very serious," said Mr. Uribe during an interview on the presidential plane Wednesday.
Mr. Uribe said he can't understand why Congress would fail to pass the treaty, given that Colombia has a "historic friendship with the U.S." and, with U.S. help, has fought the hemisphere's "most serious terrorist threat." "
Uribe’s Attack on Obama - The Far Right’s Spokesman in Latin America Is Worried About What Could Be Long Overdue Changes in US Policy 4/3/2008 NarcoNews
National Security Archives
Hillary's New York superdelegates are feeling the heat 2/18/2008 NY Daily News: "The Queens Democrat and superdelegate, Rep. Gregory Meeks, who remains solidly in Hillary Clinton's corner despite the fact that Barack Obama won his district, was the target of a mysterious flyer circulated at the Association of Black and Puerto Rican Legislators' 37th annual conference in Albany this weekend. "Now that you won't be part of the White House, and we know you like taking trips, we guess you'll be going to Disneyland," read the unadorned black-and-white flyer, signed by "people united for quality representation in government." The "taking trips" gibe referred to the fact that Meeks made a top 10 list for privately funded congressional travel in 2006. Meeks' nameless critics urged "someone" to "please step up" against him, singling out state Sen. Shirley Huntley (D-Queens) and Democratic City Councilmen Leroy Comrie and James Sanders of Queens - none of whom have so far expressed an interest in mounting a primary challenge."
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