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security and 'the Israelites of Latin America' 1/6/2012 Al-Jazeera: "All
of a sudden, the methods that proved efficient in Nablus and Hebron begin
speaking Spanish."
intelligence agents on move in Latin America 1/4/2012 Deb
Simon for Congress: "The nadir of the relationship appears to have
been in February 2008, when national police reported that Argentine-born Israeli
Shai Killman, a Global CST interpreter, copied classified Colombian documents
surrounding military targets and attempted to sell them to the FARC. This
attempt was ultimately prevented by Ziv and Killman was subsequently sent back
to Israel. Relations between the the governments of Israel and Colombia are
currently healthy, with Santos recently stating unequivocally that Colombia will
not recognize a Palestinian state without Israeli agreement. The Colombian
government is also seeking the extradition of Yair Klein, an Israeli national
sentenced in absentia for training paramilitaries in Colombia."
America: Wikileaks cable published 1/12/09 - "GOC officials have
expressed security concerns about Global CST in the past, and found it difficult
to work with a private firm on national security matters as they were prevented
from sharing USG intelligence with them. In February 2008, CNP sources reported
that a Global CST interpreter, Argentine-born Israeli national Shai Killman, had
made copies of classified Colombian Defense Ministry documents in an
unsuccessful attempt to sell them to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
(FARC) through contacts in Ecuador and Argentina. The documents allegedly
contained high value target (HVT) database information. Ziv denied this attempt
and sent Killman back to Israel."
capítulo peruano de la injerencia israelí en América Latina. 12/1/2011 Descubriendo
Verdades: "El derechista gobierno del Perú acaba de realizar un
cuestionable acto de acercamiento hacia Israel, luego de la reciente visita del
canciller sionista, Avigdor Lieberman, a ese país, el pasado 27 de Julio de
2009. Dentro de las negociaciones secretas entre el Ministro de Relaciones de
Israel con el presidente peruano Allan García y su Ministro de Defensa, Rafael
Rey, estuvo la aprobación por el Ministerio de Defensa sionista para que Global
CST, empresa pantalla del Mossad, penetrara abiertamente en la nación andina
con vistas a fortalecer el aparato militar y los servicios de espionaje del Perú,
entrenar a las FF AA en la lucha antisubversiva y en la creación de una
sofisticada red de inteligencia electrónica. Con la justificación de adiestrar
al ejército peruano para combatir el narcotráfico y el terrorismo, se dio a
conocer el pasado 8 de noviembre que el gobierno de Perú había contratado, a
un costo de 9 millones de USD anuales, los servicios de Global CST, la empresa
israelí dedicada al entrenamiento a varios ejércitos latinoamericanos en técnicas
de lucha anti subversiva y espionaje."
U.S. saw Israeli firm's rise in Latin America as a threat 5/9/2011 McClatchy: "A
security company led by the former head of operations for the Israeli military
made such inroads into Latin America a few years ago that U.S. diplomats saw it
as a security risk and moved to thwart the company's expansion, U.S. diplomatic
cables show. The diplomats' efforts were made easier when an interpreter for the
Israeli firm, Global CST, was caught peddling classified Colombian Defense
Ministry documents to Marxist guerrillas seeking to topple the state, one cable
Says Summoned Israeli Diplomat over Global CST Abkhaz Visit 4/18/2011 Civil.ge: Does
Ziv engage in a pattern of working with his client's enemies?
scuppered Israeli security firm's South American plans 4/13/2011 Haaretz: "The
American administration moved aggressively to curb activities by Maj. Gen. (res.
) Israel Ziv in Latin America between 2008 and 2010, threatening to cut ties
with governments if they hire the services of Ziv's security company, Global
CST, according to two diplomatic cables recently published by WikiLeaks."
Ziv Talks About the Hamas in Gaza 3/16/2011 Metacafe: General
Ziv holds forth on Hamas, in Hebrew, with subtitles.
company CST Global and war criminal Israel Ziv write to Voltaire Network 3/7/2011 VoltaireNet: "Our
information was derived from two different sources : on the one hand, a
journalist working for the Israeli daily Yediot Aharonot and, on the other hand,
the Hebrew-language news site Inyan Merkazi. It has been widely disseminated and
expanded on by television media, such as Al Jazeera or the Iranian English
language global news network Press TV."
provides henchmen for Gaddafi 3/2/2011 Press TV, Iran: "Israeli
arms distribution company Global CST has reportedly, under the authorization of
Tel Aviv, provided Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi with African mercenaries to
clamp down on anti-government protesters. Egyptian sources have revealed that
the Israeli company has so far provided Gaddafi's regime with 50,000 African
mercenaries to attack the civilian anti-government protesters in Libya. The arms
company was previously convicted in an African country over illegal deals,
News-Israel website reported."
journalist from Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot, who prefers to remain anonymous,
said that according to speculation in the security sector, Israel looks at Libya
from a strategic perspective and in terms of security. The fall of Gaddafi would
open the door for an Islamic regime in Libya, according to speculation. In a
meeting on February 18, Prime Minister Netanyahu, Defence Minister Barak and
Foreign Minister Lieberman decided to recruit African mercenaries to fight
alongside Gaddafi, according to the journalist. During the meeting, they decided
to let General Isarel Zef, the director of security firm Global CST, which is
active in many African countries, to make a group of paramilitary mercenaries
from Guinea, Nigeria, Central Africa, Mali, Senegal, Darfur and Southern Sudan
available to Abdullah Assinousi, one of the heads of Libya's intelligence
Israel Ziv
helps Colombia battle FARC 2/23/2011 Youtube: So
helpful, they were caught selling info to the FARC in order to play both sides.
Kidnap Plot Shows Intel Chief's Hostile Intent, 2/9/2010 Cablesearch.org: "On
February 2, Vice President Varela told Ambassador that Alfaro had complained to
Martinelli that the Embassy had not provided any help in the kidnap
investigations. Alfaro believed this demonstrated that the USG is not a reliable
security partner. As a result, Varela said, Alfaro had moved to bring in Israeli
security consulting firm GLOBAL CST to advise on setting up a new protective
detail for Martinelli. Senior GOP leaders had previously engaged GLOBAL CST in
late 2009 to conduct a security study, but disengaged from the company after
being advised of the USG's experience with GLOBAL CST in Colombia and Ecuador
(ref B). "
November 25 Meetings with President, Vice 12/17/2009 Cablesearch.org: "The
Ambassador expressed concerns about the proposals made by Israeli security
company GLOBAL CST, citing negative experiences in Colombia and the difficulty
of working with Israeli presence in GOP ministries (ref C and D). Varela said
the GOP could solve its own problems without relying on contractors.
Papadimitriu expressed surprise at the reports from Colombia, as he believed CST
had been hired with Plan Colombia funds with the USG's blessing. He said he did
not want to do anything to harm Panama's relationship with the U.S. and would
ask CST president Ziv to stand down, though he later admitted it would be
difficult since CST had spent its own money sending a large team to Panama to
complete a survey. In particular, Papadimitriu was receptive to the argument
that Panama did not need to buy expensive coastal radars or other hardware
recommended by CST. However, he liked CST's ideas about creating a ministry of
security and reorganizing the GOP security structure, as well as their
suggestion to recruit management talent from the private sector. To sum up,
Papadimitriu said he was shocked by the conversation, and would not let Israeli
influence damage the U.S.-Panama relationship. Martinelli was similarly taken
aback, and emphasized that he did not want to endanger relations with the USG,
saying "We don't want to change friends." He said he would call
Colombian President Uribe to get the straight scoop on CST."
[Gov of Panama] Suspends Discussions with Security Firm GLOBAL CST 12/15/2009 Cablesearch.org: "Post
appreciates Embassy Bogota's frank assessment of GLOBAL CST's performance and
its relationships with key GOC officials (refs C, D). The information that
Bogota provided helped us formulate a demarche that delivered our desired
TO BLUE LANTERN PRE-LICENSE END-USE 12/8/2009 Cablesearch.org: "On
December 3, poloff spoke by phone to Global Law Enforcement and Security CEO
David Tsur, who was overseas on a business trip. Poloff attempted to arrange a
site visit to Global Law Enforcement and Security on multiple occasions, but was
told by company representatives that a visit was not possible due to the fact
that Tsur was abroad. Tsur said that Global Law Enforcement and Security was
established in 2008, and is a subsidiary of GLOBAL CST and the Mikal Group, with
offices located in Petah Tikvah."
Lobo es protegido por el Mossad israelí 12/1/2009 Aporrea: "De
acuerdo con varias investigaciones, se ha comprobado la asesoría israelí en
Perú y Colombia para fortalecer la actividad exterior de los servicios de
inteligencia de Perú y Colombia, sobre todo en el campo del espionaje técnico
(Techint), basado en el empleo de medios sofisticados de intercepción y
escuchas telefónicas y vigilancia satelital. Una de las principales compañías
israelíes es Global CST, dirigidas por Israel Ziv, e integrada por ex militares
israelíes de alta jerarquía en el Mossad y el Tzahal, quien opera en Colombia
brindando asesoría al ejército colombiano y al DAS colombiano. La participación
de Global CST en los planes desestabilizadores contra Venezuela ha sido
reportada en varias ocasiones, complementando la actividad injerencista de
Israel por parte de la actividad contrarrevolucionaria de la Fraternidad Hebrea
y de su jefe Sammy Eppel."
officials have expressed security concerns about Global CST in the past, and
found it difficult to work with a private firm on national security matters as
they were prevented from sharing USG intelligence with them. In February 2008,
CNP sources reported that a GLOBAL CST interpreter, Argentine-born Israeli
national Shai Killman, had made copies of classified Colombian Defense Ministry
documents in an unsuccessful attempt to sell them to the Revolutionary Armed
Forces of Colombia (FARC) through contacts in Ecuador and Argentina. The
documents allegedly contained high value target (HVT) database information. Ziv
denied this attempt and sent Killman back to Israel."
accroît sa présence militaire en Amérique latine 11/2/2009 Voltaire
Net: "Global CST, qui dément tout lien de subordination au
gouvernement de Tel-Aviv, est une pièce essentielle du complexe
militaro-industriel israélien. Il s’agit d’une structure légère,
n’employant qu’une poignée d’individus, mais rattachée au groupe Mikal
(marques : Soltam, ITL, Saymar), la seconde compagnie privée israélienne
d’armement. Présidé par Avraham (Miko) Gilat, Mikal vend toute une gamme de
produits allant des pièces d’artillerie aux blindés légers en passant par
l’optronique. Global CST est dirigé par le généra Israël Ziv (ancien chef
des opérations de l’armée israélienne), qui échoua face au Hezbollah en
2006. En 2008, Global CST a réalisé le sauvetage d’Ingrid Betancourt en
Colombie (Operation Jaques) et, simultanément, la planification de l’attaque
géorgienne contre l’Ossétie du Sud (une opération qui fit plus d’un
millier de morts)."
URIBE APPROVES THE "STRATEGIC LEAP" 3/2/2009 Cablesearch.org: "Working
groups met regularly in 2007-2008 to develop policies in these areas. The MOD
considered USG participation critical to this effort and included Embassy
officials in the meetings--despite initial resistance by GLOBAL CST to the USG
RELATIONS WITH ISRAEL 11/7/2008 Cablesearch.org: "Colombia's
Ministry of Defense (MOD) has also engaged an Israeli company, Global
Comprehensive Security Transformation (GLOBAL CST), to help the Colombian
government conduct a strategic assessment of the internal conflict. GLOBAL CST
is a security company run by Major Gen (reserve) Yisrael Ziv, former Director of
Operations for the Israel Defense Forces and a personal acquaintance of
Colombian Minister of Defense Juan Manuel Santos. The assessment is focused
primarily on defeating the FARC and other internal terrorist and criminal
organizations, but also includes an evaluation of external threats including
Venezuela and Ecuador. The MOD is spearheading the exercise and has named it the
"Salto Estrategico" (Strategic Leap)."
Israel en
Colombia I 3/13/2008 Rebelion: "No obstante, y
acaso de un modo no tan invisible, quien también sintió regocijo fue el
general Israel Ziv, ex comandante del regimiento de Gaza, y el de más alto
rango entre los oficiales israelíes que ocupan tareas relacionadas con el
entrenamiento de personal en el gobierno colombiano. Los nexos militares entre
Israel y Colombia datan del primer lustro de 1980, cuando un contingente de
soldados del Batallón Colombia “… uno los peores violadores de los derechos
humanos en el hemisferio occidental, recibieron entrenamiento en el desierto del
Sinaí por algunos de los peores violadores de los derechos humanos en Medio
Oriente”, según el investigador estadunidense Jeremy Bigwood. Experto en
utilizar la ley de Libertad de Información para liberar documentos censurados
por el gobierno de Estados Unidos, Bigwood observa que el entrenamiento de los jóvenes
paras colombianos no podría haberse dado sin el permiso expreso de las más
altas autoridades de las fuerzas de defensa de Israel."
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