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Afro-Cuba Today: People, Culture and Historical Environment, 7/02


University of Massachusetts
Africana Studies Department

Afro-Cuba Today: People, Culture and Historical Environment, 7/02

Afro-Cuba Today: People, Culture and Historical Environment July 6-27, 2002

The Program

The Africana Studies Department of the University of Massachusetts Boston will offer a unique program to both graduate and undergraduate students who wish to study on location in Santiago de Cuba, Matanzas, Guantanamo and Havana, Cuba. The program is designed to facilitate an understanding of Cuba and Cubans of African descent through intense academic study. The program will explore the social history, politics, culture and economy of Cuba. Native Cuban scholars and practitioners from the University of Matanzas, the UNEAC and Casa del Caribe will conduct various lectures on Cuban society within its Afrocentric dimension. Cultural activities and field trips to museums and artistic centers are designed to encourage interaction with Cubans while providing practical experiences for students in community development projects.

More Information

For more information about the "Afro-Cuba Today" program, please contact Professor Marc Prou at the Africana Studies Department (tel 617.287.6796; Email

FacultyProfessor Marc Prou, Director of the Africana Studies Caribbean Study Program at UMass Boston, has considerable travel and study experience in Caribbean countries. Eugene Godfried is a Cuban citizen, journalist, host at Radio Havana, and a researcher of Afro-Cuban history. Professor William Strickland is an Associate Professor of Afro-American Studies at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a scholar on Cuba.

Courses and CreditAll participants register for two 3-credit undergraduate courses, BLKSTY 480: Afro-Cuba Today, and BLKSTY 478: Independent Study. The independent study project will be completed upon the participants' return from Cuba. Graduate students have the option for three graduate credits by special permission of the faculty of the Africana Studies Department.



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