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  Mala Lengua

AfroCuban Dance Workshop in London
September - October 2000

An Afro-Cuban dance workshop will take place in the Tottenham Green Leisure Centre (library) from Wednesday 20th Sep to 25th Oct 7:30pm-9:30pm. That's in North London, ten minutes away from the Seven Sisters Tube Station.

The course is being taught by Mario Lopez-Goicoecha, ex-dancer of Havana's University Folkloric Ensemble. He's accompanied by Roberto Molina, aka "El Tio" and his wife Behige in the drums and the hand percussion respectively.

The cost is £3.50 and £2.00 concs. It runs for 6 weeks and ther will be a performance at the end of it on Saturday 28th October as part of the celebrations of the Black History Month. For further information please drop an e-mail or telephone on 020 8351 8189. 

Looking forward to meeting you all, MLG

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