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  Mala Lengua

The Symbolism of Race in Cuba Today, March 29, 2016
Pedro Perez-Sarduy at the University of Toronto

Sarduy in Toronto, 2016 Open to the Public

Cuban poet, author, & journalist Pedro Perez Sarduy presents on a topic he has been researching for decades, with many works to his credit. See his pages on AfroCubaWeb.

The Maids of Havana 2002

Afro-Cuban Voices on Race and Identity in Contemporary Cuba 2000

No Longer Invisible/Afro-Latin Americans Today 1995

Afro-Cuba: An Anthology of  Cuban Writing on Race, Politics and Culture 1993

What do Blacks have in Cuba? - the precursor article to Voices of Afro-Cubans. Translated from ¿Qué tienen los negros en cuba?  Revista Encuentro de la Cultura Cubana No. 2, 1996



Links/Enlaces top

The Maids of Havana 2002

Afro-Cuban Voices on Race and Identity in Contemporary Cuba 2000

No Longer Invisible/Afro-Latin Americans Today 1995

Afro-Cuba: An Anthology of  Cuban Writing on Race, Politics and Culture 1993




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