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Salvador Gonzalez: galleries

Salvador film shows in Philadelphia, 7/25/01

Exhibit of Salvador paintings inspired by the mysticism of AfroCuban culture, at the Met in NY
, 6/21-24.

Salvador back in NY, to paint mural in Philadelphia, 5/00 to 6/00

Salvador in NY for several months in '99, working on mural in Harlem and on a film

Salvador González Escalona

Salvador returns to Philadelphia, 7/01

Salvador Gonzalez is returning to Philadelphia for the second consecutive year to do another spectacular building size mural as part of the cities prestigious mural arts program.

The film about Salvador and the Afrocuban religion that inspires his " A Cuban Legend", directed by Bette Wanderman ,has begun the international film festival circuit with its premiere screening in Bulgaria. See the flyer for its next screening on July 25 at 8 PM in Philadelphia. Salvador and the director will attend the screening.

International House, 3701 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, PA 215 895-6569

Salvador back in NY, 5/00 to 6/00

Salvador will begin painting the mural in Philadelphia as part of the cities very prestigous mural, arts program on June 6. He is the 2nd international artist to be invited into this mural arts program There will be a consecration of the mural upon completion (around June 8 or 9).

While in NY, Salvador can be contacted through

Salvador in NY for several months - 10/99

Salvador Gonzales, the muralist from Callejon de Hamel in Havana, is in New York for several months. He is painting a mural in Harlem. Bette Wanderman the filmaker who has been working on an exciting documentary about Salvador is continuing her shooting with him. There will be a showing of her work in progress at the Cuban Art Space on October14 and anyone interested in attending should call 212-242-0559 to RSVP. To reach Salvador please email

Salvador unveils mural in New York - 11/98

On Nov.1 Sunday at 2:00 there will be an ALL-STAR Rumba to celebrate the unveiling of of his latest historical mural at 172 East 104th Street between Lexington and Third.

Salvador painted this mural last week as a gift to the people of Spanish Harlem, especially those of Puerto Rican descent, because "Cuba y Puerto Rico/El Barrio son dos alas del mismo pajaro". It covers an entire building and has all the power and energy typical of Salvador.

- Bette Wanderman  [Salvador is in New York and can be reached through her]

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