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Panadero | Alberto González | TEDxHabana

Alberto Gonzalez
SalchiPizza, Infanta #562, entre Zapata y Valle, la Habana
The best bakery in Havana

Infanta 562 entre Valle y Zapata



Tomas Fernandez Robaina en Salchipizza
Tomas Fernandez Robaina en Salchipizza con las
botellas en el techo para el aire acondicionado
La Salchipizza cubana  12/28/2016 Marti Noticias: "Los jóvenes emprendedores en Cuba han sacado provecho de la debacle económica que existe en la mayor de las Antillas. Este es el caso de Alberto González, graduado como cocinero internacional que hoy se ha independizado y nos expone su iniciativa."

Testimonio: Cubano que soñaba con montar la Salchi-Pizza en La Habana  12/24/2016 Enganche Cubano: video

From Italy to Centro Habana: The Story of SalchiPizza  4/24/2016 Havana Times: "In Italy, Alberto won the Bronze Medal for International High Cuisine (2007) and the Golden Spoon and Silver Fork awards (2009). He was the first Cuban chef to obtain the distinguished Michelin Star and remained in the Michelin Guide for 3 years. He didn’t maintain this status because it entailed far too much effort and ended up being stressful. Any of these awards would make it easy for Alberto find work at any first-rate restaurant in the world."

Comparing Cuba and the USA through Obama  3/23/2016 Havana Times: "Has the State come to us and said “come, we’re going to help you”, “come, you can buy your products here”? Yesterday, the man who has to do with everything related to rum in the country was asked if the owners of private restaurants and coffee shops could purchase rum at wholesale prices [since under the current situation they have to buy by the bottle at retail prices]. You have to sell drinks at 6 CUC. That’s totally disrespectful, considering State establishments sell it at 2 CUC. He said they were trying and, since they always say that, that’s why we spoke with Obama. I think and I’ve always said to you that we have to solve Cuba’s problems ourselves. We’re grateful to Obama and I’m grateful for the opportunity of being there. You’ll see the private and State sectors will be able to work together when there’s a wholesale market. Now, everyone says the private sector is better than the State sector. Draw your own conclusions."

Cuba Says It Has Solved Racism. Obama Isn’t So Sure.  3/23/2016 NYT: "For many Cubans, Mr. Obama’s comments were striking for their acknowledgment of racism in both countries. His remarks served as a reminder that their particular kinship with him — as reflected in dozens of conversations and responses to his history-making three-day visit this week — involves not just policy, but also identity. “It’s a revolution,” said Alberto González, 44, a baker who was one of the few Afro-Cubans to attend a discussion with the president about entrepreneurship on Monday. “It’s a revolution for everyone with a background descended from Africa.”"

“You Have To Eat A Bread That Has Dignity”  9/4/2015 14 y medio: "Why did you return to Cuba? Alberto Gonzalez. For the values ??we are losing and because of the poor diet on the island. We Cubans eat anything. I think to open a business in a place as central as this, 562 Infanta Street between Valle and Zapata, I can help rescue those values, that culinary tradition that we have always had. A Cuban child today doesn’t know what an apple is, what bread tastes like… they only know what pizza is, or a hamburger."

Un pan nuestro para cada día en Centro Habana (+ Video y Fotos)  7/14/2015 Cubadebate: "No hay secretos en esta panadería. Los maestros y aprendices elaboran la masa frente a los golosos clientes, el horno se abre a la vista, las 14 variedades de pan están al alcance de la mano. Es Salchipizza, una pequeña empresa no estatal ubicada en el Corazón de Centro Habana —Infanta #562, entre Zapata y Valle— donde cada pieza horneada tiene historia."

PANADERIA "SALCHIPIZZA"....  4/27/2015 Barrio de Cuba: "En Italia, obtuvo la Medalla de Bronce en Artística de Cocina Internacional (2007), Cuchara de Oro y Tenedor de Plata (2009). Fue el primer Chef cubano en obtener la importante distinción Estrella Michelín, y permaneció 3 años en la guía Michelín. No la mantuvo porque implicaba demasiado esfuerzo y llegaba a ser estresante. Pero cualquiera de estos premios le permitiría a Alberto encontrar trabajo en cualquier restaurante de primera línea en el mundo."


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