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Victoria "Vicky" Ruiz-Labrit
Miami spokesperson for the Cuba-based Citizens' Committee for Racial Integration (CIR)

Currently working out of Miami, Ruiz Labrit is the spokesperson for the Citizens Committee for Racial Integration.  She had a career as a dissident in Cuba in the 90's, where she was spokeswoman for the Committee of Pacifist Opposition, then she emigrated to the US. According to, Ruiz Labrit was funded by Florida Congresswoman Ileana Ros Lehtinen in 2004 and 2005, when she received $47,000. The significance of this is hard to overstate: Ros-Lehtinen belongs to the hard right plantocracy in Miami and ran her 1989 campaign on a platform that included freeing Orlando Bosch, the mass murderer who planned the 1976 downing of a Cubana flight, killing 73 civilians. For Vicky Ruiz to have taken money from her is a sign for everyone to see. 

Vicky Ruiz -Labrit also has the support of Florida Congressman Diaz-Balart, whose family, like the Bacardis and the Fanjuls, represents the old slave owning Plantocracy in exile -- their money and influence drive much of South Florida politics. Diaz-Balart even promoted Ruiz-Labrit's work on the House floor and gave out her phone number.

"A well-known pro-democracy activist, Vicki Ruiz-Labrit, is coordinating the program. They have a phone number. We all should help. It is 305–461– 6700." -- July 20, 2001 DIAZBALART, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE H4369

-- Claude Betancourt


"Victoria Ruiz-Labrit, a Miami supporter of black dissidents on the island, said she had received information from the island that government officials were pressing other black Cubans to sign the reply. Some refused and some signed, she said." -- 12/2009

"The growing number of Afro-Cuban activists complaining about racial discrimination and casting their struggle as an issue of "civil rights,'' rather than "human rights,'' has helped to draw the attention of African Americans, said Victoria Ruiz-Labrit, Miami spokesperson for the Cuba-based Citizens' Committee for Racial Integration. "The human rights issue did not make a point of the race issue, and now we have an evolution,'' she added. "Cuban blacks moved closer to the term 'civil rights' because those are the rights that the movement here in the U.S. made a point of -- the race issues.''  --, 12/2009

From Cuba Briefing Sheet, 2009
Ms Victoria Ruiz, spokesperson for the “Citizens Committee for Racial Integration” (CIR);
Tel: (786) 3036067

and also Diaz-Balart on AfroCubaWeb

"It is most appropriate that as we send our message of solidarity to Dr. Biscet today on his birthday, we commit ourselves to working with all devotion and dedication so that freedomloving individuals like Dr. Biscet do not have to spend their precious lives in the isolation and inhuman conditions of totalitarian dungeons. There is a program that has been set up to try to help Cuban political prisoners by having families in the United States adopt, if you will, the family of a Cuban political prisoner for at least a year. A well-known pro-democracy activist, Vicki Ruiz-Labrit, is coordinating the program. They have a phone number. We all should help. It is 305–461– 6700. We should all help by adopting the family of a Cuban political prisoner, and in that way, helping the most suffering, those who suffer the most in the totalitarian island just a few miles from our shores."

"The Communist authorities feared a repetition of protests on Tuesday during public celebrations of the Virgin of the Charity of Cobre, the most sacred religious icon for the island, the dissidents said. The others released were Vicky Ruiz Labrit of the Committee of Pacifist Opposition, Miriam Garcia of the College of Independent Teachers and Nancy de Varona of the July 13 Movement." 
--, 9/9/1998

This reference also contains a statement by Ros Lehtinen

Statement of Vicky Ruiz Labrit, Havana, Cuba, Recorded on March 8, 1998

    ``To the international public opinion:
    The voices of the Cuban sisters in exile are the faithful 
echo of the cry that women in Cuba fighting for human rights 
elevate. With it, we launch to the world this petition of 
support for the salvation of women prisoners of conscience that 
suffer within the prisons of Fidel Castro. Women that being 
daughters, wives, sisters or mothers, without fear to pain, 
have stood firm to uphold a homeland that suffers because it 
has no liberty, because it yearns for harmony and peace, 
because it can no longer endure the hunger for dignity and 
    Free citizens of the world, listen to this uprising clamor 
and unite your voices so that torture does not continue in this 
Cuban land. In every woman that suffers an unjust sentence 
there is a piece of this homeland; in every beating, 
humiliation or death is the martyrdom and affliction of our 
    This month, dedicated internationally to women, should be a 
month where no one is left without joining efforts against so 
much ignominy. May this petition for help be heard throughout 
the world so that these Cuban women be freed from their unjust 
    These noble women need no pity, but liberty.
    Thank you, I am Vicky Ruiz Labrit, on behalf of all the 
organizations and groups that signed this Declaration, from the 
Republic of Cuba.''


She got some funding over several years from Ileana Ros Lehtinen, a supporter  of an Iranian terrorist group, as determined by the US State Department.
Contracts to Contractors in Florida 18 (Ileana Ros-Lehtinen)  (FY 2004)
List of Contractor Parent Companies for FY 2004

Contracts to Contractors in Florida 18 (Ileana Ros-Lehtinen) (FY 2005)




The Discourse on Racism in Anti-Castro Publications, 2008-2009, with pics of Danny Glover and Alexander Solzhenitsyn.



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