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Deputy Modesto Ruiz Espinoza

Mr. Modesto Ruiz is a Deputy of the Venezuelan National Assembly, President of the Sub-Committee for Legislation, Participation, Rights
and Duties of Afro-Venezuelans.

Mr. Ruiz holds degrees in Social Communication, Municipal Planning and Public Management. He was elected Councilman in 1993 and in 1996
became the Mayor of the Andres Bello Municipality in the Miranda State. In 2006 he was elected to the Venezuelan National Assembly for
the term 2006-2010.

As Member of the Assembly, Mr. Ruiz has participated and coordinated numerous committees. In 2006, he was member of the Committee for
Citizen Participation, and co-writer of the Communal Councils' Law. Mr. Ruiz was part of the Presidential Delegation to the II Africa-South America Summit in 2009, and a member of the Parliamentarian Friendship Committees with the countries of Gambia, Angola, Namibia and Palestine. In the present, he is coordinating the drafting of the Bill Against Racial Discrimination and other Related Forms of Intolerance.

A journalist by training, Mr. Ruiz has worked in several newspapers, radio, TV stations, and cultural institutions, focusing primarily on
topics concerning social inclusion and Afro-Venezuelan identity. He served as director of the Black Dances of Barlovento, Miranda, 1984;
director of the Workshop for Afro-Venezuelan Cultural Investigation, Caracas, 1989; host of the TV show "Afrovenezolanidad", Vive TV, 2006;
and he has also been a prominent member of the Network of Afro-Venezuelan Organizations, a civil rights entity that promotes the
cultural and political rights of Afro-Venezuelans.

Mr. Ruiz has participated in diverse international summits and conferences. Some of these conferences include:

-Colombia, (Cartagena de Indias), Inter-American Development Bank, IDB, 1997. Conference: The Municipal Government Experience.
-Mayor's Office, London, England, 2007 Conference: The Contributions of Afro-Venezuelans and the 2007 Constitutional Reform.
-Participation at the Regional Council of Tuscany, Florence, Italy, 2007, Abolition of the Death Penalty.
-University of Florence, Florence, Italy, 2007 Conference: The 2007 Constitutional Reform and Social Inclusion of Afro-Venezuelans.
-Embassy of the Bolivarian Rep. of Venezuela in Trinidad & Tobago, 2008 Conference: Social Inclusion and the Bolivarian Revolution.

US Embassy not moving on visa for Boston bound Afro-Venezuela Deputy Modesto Ruiz Espinoza, 3/27/10

Dear friends,

First and foremost, I would like to thank you for all the letters of support for Modesto's visa. Unfortunately, as of today, Friday March
26th, the US Embassy in Caracas has not approved or denied his request. Due to the fact that his first engagement is on Monday March
29th, this delay is forcing the cancellation of at least his first round of talks.

Modesto is writing an apology letter to all of you, in which he will explain the situation.

We are aware of the great effort from your part to put these events together, and I personally have no words to express how disappointed I
am for this situation. I want to make clear that his request was sent on time, with the proper documentation.

He will go the Embassy on Monday to procure his documents, and It may be the case that the visa will be granted that day. If so, the
earliest day of his arrival will be on Tuesday March 30th.

In consequence, he would be able to fulfill his engagements from Wednesday 31th onward. If the visa allows him to stay a few more days,
he is willing to stay the following week, in case some canceled events can be rescheduled.

This is the best scenario, however, we will not know for certain until Monday evening.

I extend my apologies once again, and, if it be necessary, I am available to be present at the time scheduled for the events, in order
to explain the causes for the cancellations.

I thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Omar Sierra
Consul General
Consulate of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Boston, Massachusetts

Deputy Modesto Ruiz Espinoza's engagements in the Boston area: 

Monday March 29th:
Salem State College - 11:am to 12:30pm
Boston University Law School - 4:pm to 6:00pm

Tuesday 30th:
Northeastern Univ. School of Law - 12:00 to 1:30pm
UMASS Boston -3:00pm to 5:00pm

Wednesday 31th:
Suffolk (Down town campus) 12:45pm to 2:00pm
Suffolk Law School: 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Thursday April 1st:
Clark Univ. 12:00pm to 2:00pm (to be confirmed)

MIT Wong Auditorium E51-115
70 Memorial Drive, Cambridge
7 PM

Friday April 2nd:
Harvard Law School 12:00 to 2:00pm
Harvard DRCLAS from 4pm to 6pm

Saturday April 3: JP Public Library, with Bill Fletcher, 12 noon to 2pm.


Ordinary Session of Thursday, 06 November 2008, Intervention from the Citizen Member of Parliament, MODESTO RUIZ ESPINOZA

Mayoría evidente, aprobado Chávez en el Valle de Caracas







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