Bibliography |
Phillip A. HowardPhillip A. Howard is associate professor of Latin American and Caribbean history at Akron University, Akron, OH, and the author of an interesting book on an often overlooked but still vital part of AfroCuban life: the Cabildos, referred to under the Revolucion as Casa Templos, but in the streets still known as Cabildos. The Cabildos live on today and are in fact very strong! From the LSU Press blurb:
Changing History : Afro-Cuban Cabildos and Societies of Color in the Nineteenth Century
Table of Contents
Preface Acknowledgments Abbreviations
1. Race and Class in Cuba Before 1850
2. Reassembling African Cabildos in the New World
3. Synthesizing Sacred and Secular Worlds and Roles
4. Inventing a Political Culture
5. Fighting for Independence and Black Emancipation
6. Demanding Change in Postwar Society
7. Empowering Blacks in Pan-Afro-Cuban Societies
8. Uniting for Political Equality
Epilogue Bibliography Index
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Louisiana State University Press
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