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  Mala Lengua

Literary South in London talks with Pedro Perez Sarduy, 4/2016
about his novel, The Maids of Havana

All about the Latin American and Spanish written world! 


On our book club edition we talked to Cuban author Pedro Pérez-Sarduy about his book The Maids of Havana. 
A book that takes the reader on a journey of pre-revolutionary Cuba and through the Cuban Revolution.

The Maids of Havana explores the complexities of race, gender and class in Cuba. It is told from the perspective of Marta, a black single mother from Santa Clara, who sees herself forced to leave her children with her sister and move to Havana to work as a maid for rich white families.

Listeners from London and central America sent questions to the author.
Click here to listen! 

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The Maids of Havana

Pedro Perez Sarduy



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