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Papa Noel and Papi Oviedo, Bana Congo

"It would seem the most natural thing in the world for the cultures of Africa and Cuba to combine forces musically. African artists are undoubtedly influenced by Afro-Cuban rhythms - Ricardo Lemvo, Africando and Youssou nDour come to mind. And Cuba's musical heritage is firmly rooted in Africa. Yet its a rarity for musicians from both continents to collaborate.

Papa Noel grew up in the Congo, listening to Cuban records on his mothers phonograph. He took up the guitar as a teenager and was part of the emerging rumba scene in that country of the late 50s. He's now recognised as one of Africa's finest, having played with legends like Franco and T.P.O.K. Jazz.

Papi Oviedo, is a master of the Cuban tres, a mini-guitar with three sets of double strings. A veteran of the Cuban big band circuit having played with Elio Reves orquestra for 15 years, most recently he's been delighting world audiences on tour with Buena Vista Social Club's Omara Portuondo." -- BBC


Schedule (updated 6/04)




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