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Centro Cultural Africano “Fernando Ortiz”XV International Conference on the African and Afro American Culture
Santiago De Cuba
Dedicated to Africa and its influence in the countries of the area
from 12 to 16 abril, 2016

“Fernando Ortiz” African Cultural Center, the Provincial Head of Culture, the UNESCO Afro-Ibero-American Chair of Studies of the University of Alcalá, Rómulo Lachatañeré” Afro-Caribbean Chair of Studies, Applied Linguistics Center, Heredia Theatre, University of Oriente, as part of the Territorial Delegation of Science Technology and Environment Ministry (CITMA), call the XVth International Conference on African and Afro American Culture to take place in Santiago de Cuba.

The Conference intends to gather specialists, scholars and other interested in the African and afro American subjects to open a reflection space on the most pressing issues on the topic from a multi- disciplinary view point.

Investigators on the social sciences, plastic artists, doctors, filmmakers, musicians, choreographers, dancers, priests and practicing of popular religions of african roots and other interested in general, to set a debate on the following items: 



ü  Pre- colonial Africa: social, political and economic structures

ü  Colonial Africa. Fundamental European establishments. Countries formation and nationalities in Africa. Liberation wars. Relations of Africa and the world

ü  The Atlantic slave trade, its treatment in the current historiography. The slave and his manumission ways. Hiding place and fugitiveness. The slave position before the slave trade.

ü  The African contribution as part of the national identity of the peoples of America and the Caribbean for a recognition of our own historic individual

ü  Diachronic and Synchrony in the linguistic, philosophic, historic and literary studies on Africa, Afro America and Afro Caribbean

ü  Gender, race and identity

ü  The Africans and afro descendants in the New World

ü  Multiculturalism, Transculturation and re africanization as current tendencies to treat the african component in the New World

ü  The politic and cultural relations among Africa and the American and Caribbean peoples

ü  The religions of African root in their historic and contemporary development

ü  Africa in the XIXth century. The current cultural issues of the continent

    2-    WORKSHOPS 

A-   Workshop ”Color and Shape”

Dedicated to all manifestations of plastic arts where the African presence is present. Painters, sculptors, ceramicists, engravers and photographers mat participate with theoretical works concerning the following topics:

ü  The African print in the plastic arts in the New World. Contact spheres and influences

ü  The plastic arts in the African continent, History and Current events

ü  The concept of the artist in Africa and America

 They could also take part with a representation of the personal work, (no more than three samples), which could be either presented in a collective room or a personal exposition after previous coordination with the organizers of the event.


Dedicated to the African filmmaking, films and ethnological video style gathering the image and treatment given to the African print in the American culture

The partakers will be able to present films, videos and to expose theoretical works on topics as:

ü  Literature, films and video. Treatment of the African descendant in the MEDIA.

ü  The ethnological video style. Its contribution to the african reality and to its Transculturation process in the New World

The works and necessary technical resources for the samples should be delivered according to the admission deadline. Videos and other filming materials could not exceed 30 minutes long. In the case filmmakers wish to present their works, they will be exhibited in the movie theaters of the town and the organization of debates will be promoted. 

C-   Workshop “Ancestral Rhythm”   

Dedicated to the music and dances of African origin

Choreographers, musicians, dancers, musicologists and scholars which could take part in the debate of the following topics:

ü  Music and dance in Africa: History, evolution and current situation in the continent

ü  The African influence in music and dances of the New World. Analogies, differences, changes and creation process till the creation of the national music

ü  The African element as base of the setting of musical and dancing plays

Presentations not exciding the 10 minutes and 4 dancers will be accepted. In the case of the participation of full groups they will be allow to present their work in scenic spaces of the city, free of charge as part of their exposition in the event.


The regulations of the inscription will be attended in the event generals. In the cases of full dance or musical groups, the inscription fee must be negotiated with the Admission Committee.


D-    Workshop “Mask”

Dedicated to theatre: The African print and the afro descendants in stage, for their contemporary view

Actors, theatre directors, scene directors and stage intellectuals are invited to participate. They will have the opportunity to share an exchange experiences on the following matters:

ü  Presence of African elements in theatrical settings

ü  The Afro descendants on stage as history subjects and playwriting directors

ü  Theatre in Africa

In the case of groups that decide to participate integrally, they will have the possibility to perform in the city scenic spaces. Their presentations will be part of their exposition in the event and will be free of charge.

In the case of Theatrical groups wishing to participate after a previous coordination with the Organizing Committee a special inscription fee will be set.


3-    Symposium “Medicine and Culture”

Space dedicated to the relations set between the medical sciences and disciplines of the social sciences from the practice of the Cuban internationalist medicine and other health organisms which also set contact through international means.

 It is dedicated to doctors so they can expose their experiences in the medical field with proper presentations on their filed and the challenges provided by the experience of the cultural experience in the foreign region.

Works presented on the following subjects will be accepted:

ü  Psychiatry and religion

ü  Tropical Medicine in Africa and Afro America

ü  Natural Medicine

ü  Cuban Medical experience in Africa. Relations between Medicine and Culture

ü  Doctors without Boundaries and other similar organizations in their medical and cultural practice

ü  The Health World Organization and its function in Africa

ü  AIDS and other epidemic sicknesses in Africa

ü  Sickness and ethnicity in the black population

ü  Medicine, medical policies and human relations

ü  Endemic sicknesses in Africa and America

ü  Epidemics, viruses and the sicknesses spreading control




A -Reception Summaries or presentations and Communications

The summaries up to 2 (two) sheets of paper should provide general information on the fundamental topic. They will include: Title, name(s) and last name of the author or authors, degree, institution, country, address, telephone number, fax, e-mail. The works will be published translated (into Spanish, English) in the Notes records of the event therefore they should provide a very clear idea of the content of the presentation.

In the case of the Workshops, as in the theoretical and expositions of topographies and plastic arts, the summaries and information involved should be send in order to be included into the Conference Records CD.

The information will be received up to October the 30th, 2015 

B- Presentations

The presentations may have a maximum extension of 15 (fifteen) pages in length and 15 minutes exposition. They will be published in a CD, so they should be delivered digitally: double-line spacing, Arial letter for the text and Arial 9 for bibliography and notes (the latter will be placed at the end of the document)  Papers will be admitted up to November the 30th, 2015



The works published will only be those according to the previous demands. The Organizing Committee will not be responsible for the publication of presentations that in spite of being accepted arrive after the admission deadlines.



The partakers, in the case of plastic artists should send brief Curriculum Vitae no longer than two pages and pictures of the samples to be presented for their inclusion in the Records CD. Theatre actors and dancers will provide a synopsis of their presentations including a résumé no longer than one page. In the case of a group, they will present a curriculum in no more than three pages due to they will be included in the Conference Records CD of the event


The Organizing Committee withholds the right of accepting the papers or not. In all cases, participants will be informed on the matter until January the 15th, 2014.

D- Registration Fees

Exposers and Delegates 200.00 cuc/ MN

Students 100.00 cuc/MN

E- Accommodation

There will be accommodation facilities available at reasonable prices at city hotels, which may be demanded through the Organizing Committee.

F- Languages

English, French and Spanish.

 G- Contacts

Dr. Marta Cordiés Jackson

Principal of the African Cultural Center "Fernando Ortiz"
General Coordinator of the XIIIth Conference

(53–22) 623893 (at night)


Dr. Luis Mancha

Organizer of the XVth International Conference of African and fro American Culture
Head of the Chair of the UNESCO Afro Caribbean studies

E-28801 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, España)


 For more information about accommodation facilities:

Especialista Comercial
Agencia de Viajes PARADISO.
Heredia 302 e_ Carnicería y Calvario Santiago de Cuba
Telefonos 53 22 620214, 654814

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