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  Mala Lengua

Contacting Omara

A Translator and Interpreter in Matanzas: Omara Leicea Perez

Omara lives on Calle Vellardes in Matanzas' Bario Marina. She teaches English and is available to interpret for English speakers visiting Matanzas.

A member of the important folkloric Villamil family, Omara is well versed in AfroCuban culture and is an excellent guide to the African riches of Matanzas. For a first time visit to Matanzas, you could do a lot worse than go with her as a guide rather than count on a tour group.

Contacting Omara Leicea Perez

By phone: or 53.52.4168

This is a neighbor's phone and you can ask for Omara there.  Best to call and make an appointment to call back.

Contacting AfroCubaWeb

Electronic mail [replace _AT_ with @]

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