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Roland Vincent Carnaby
"Tony"  "RC"  "Roland Martin Karnabe" 1956-2008

"Roland Carnaby was one of CIA's counter-terrorism chiefs and a leader in covert operations as well as a financial intelligence expert.  More recently, he was CIA's Chief of Station for the Southeast Region, headquartered in Houston. The family is of Lebanese origin (Karnabe). Carnaby's uncle was Army Intelligence in WWII, but his parents live in Lebanon. He was president of the Houston chapter of the Association of Intelligence Officers, made up mostly of former CIA. On Tuesday, April 30, 2008, he was assassinated by Houston PD officers after a high speed chase - the officers were perhaps set up by superiors who ordered them to "find something." Observers suspect this is part of the covert war currently being waged between Cheney type neocons and American patriots. Carnaby has been linked to George H. W. Bush the elder and one of his advisors, James Baker. Some stress the role of the Mossad, but they forget who the masters are, much as is sometimes done with the Cuban exiles. Based on the experiences of researchers investigating the Kennedy and MLK assassinations, it is sometimes instructive to look at who the spin doctors are that are calling Carnaby a fraud and how they operate. "  -- Hans Wolff, who maintains this page.

News Coverage on Roland Carnaby

Man killed by HPD no agent, CIA insists  10/7/2009 Houston Chronicle: "The CIA said it had conducted the searches under a provision of federal law, however, that “exempts CIA operational files from the search, review, publication and disclosure requirements” of the Freedom of Information Act."

Roland Carnaby & Alan Premel  12/2/2008 News Followup: Multi page site devoted to Carnaby topic.

CIA spook Roland Carnaby gunned down by intolerance  5/29/2008 NarcoNews: "Attorney Mark Conrad is a former supervisory special agent who oversaw nine states and two foreign offices for the Internal Affairs Office of the U.S. Customs Service (which has since become part of the Department of Homeland Security). He also is a member of the Houston chapter of the Association for Intelligence Officers (AFIO) – of which Carnaby was the president. Conrad says while he was a federal agent, he, on occasion, worked with the CIA in relation to various intelligence- and national security-related matters, so he is very familiar with the Agency’s operations and has contacts in the intelligence world to this day. Conrad says he considered Carnaby a friend and confirms that Carnaby did work for the CIA and was considered a valuable player in the Agency’s clandestine operations. What did he do? “Whatever they [the CIA] needed,” Conrad says. Last spring, at an AFIO meeting in Houston, Conrad says he was present when James Pavitt, the former Deputy Director of Operations for the CIA, lauded Carnaby publicly for his service to the CIA and the country."

The Adrian Garcia Campaign for Harris County Sheriff  5/23/2008 

Council Member Adrian Garcia - City Hall Annex  5/23/2008 American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS), Houston: "Council Member Garcia's goals for his second term include increasing the number of police officers patrolling the streets of Houston, improving emergency preparedness at the neighborhood level, increasing the amount of Homeland Security funding for our region, and he wants to build Houston's economy by giving large and small businesses in Houston priority for city contracts over out-of-town firms; this is his “Invest in Houston First!” initiative ." [See]

Judge Orders HPD to Recover Guns Used to Kill Chase Suspect  5/23/2008 Fox: "One of the most serious things that I saw was the guns that were used in the shooting were given back to the officers," Susan Carnaby's attorney Randall said. " Well, that's not preservation of evidence." On Thursday, Kallinen said officers with the Houston Police Department failed to follow its own policy regarding chases and high-risk vehicles. Kallinen said they should have taken cover and talked Carnaby out of his sport-utility vehicle."

Judge issues orders to city in Carnaby suit - He says evidence normally discarded must be preserved  5/23/2008 Houston Chronicle: "Randall Kallinen, the lawyer representing Roland Carnaby's widow in a federal suit accusing the officers of violating her husband's civil rights, asked U.S. District Judge Keith Ellison to force the city to retain items, including 911 tapes and data transmissions that the department normally discards after a few months. "The condition of the guns are very, very critical to the case," he said. Annie Teehan, a senior assistant city attorney, said she didn't know if the guns had been discharged since the April 29 fatal shooting… During a hearing Friday morning, Teehan confirmed that the Secret Service is looking at Carnaby's laptop."

Memorial service for Palestinian activist reveals more layers  5/23/2008 Statesman:  published 5/11/08 - "But Hamad's brother-in-law denied Saturday that the family had described him as suicidal. And the circumstances have fueled online theories that Hamad was killed by the U.S. government or Israeli operatives. Roberta Clark, a spokeswoman for the Austin chapter of the Anti-Defamation League, referred to Hamad's death as a tragedy but said that rumors pointing the finger at Israel "are hateful and hurtful and they fuel the flames of those who are anti-Semitic and/or anti-Israel." "

Fake CIA Agent Roland Carnaby: Conspiracy Theorists Having A Field Day  5/16/2008 JBlog Central: The Jewish and Israeli Blog Network: "Since Carnaby's death there hasn't been any intrepid newspeople digging into Carnaby's life. We received a comment here at DBKP (Death By 1000 Papercuts) where someone has claimed Carnaby bilked his father out of hundred of thousands of dollars in some sort of investment in a "security" firm. We cannot validate this claim but would be interested if anyone else had information which could confirm the allegation. We're interested in just how Carnaby managed to support himself through the years. Carnaby may be an enigma at the moment but we believe the information on Carnaby is out there, just waiting to be dug up."

WAYNE MADSEN ON MURDER OF CIA AGENT IN HOUSTON  5/16/2008 Site has numerous (not all) Wayne Madsen Reports on Roland Carnaby - May 15, 2008 -- CIA agent was monitoring Israeli finances - May 14, 2008 -- SPECIAL REPORT. CIA agent kept Mossad "close" - May 13, 2008 -- Carnaby subjected to character assassination campaign - May 5, 2008 -- Carnaby CIA status confirmed - April 30, 2008 -- BREAKING NEWS. UPDATED 4X. CIA agent gunned down by Houston police

Archive for Roland Carnaby  5/13/2008 Rose Speaks 

Susan Carnaby Sues Houston Police  5/13/2008 Rose Speaks: Court case documents.

Blogs, 'CIA brother' spin zest into Carnaby mystery Friend's ex-wife calls claims about spy work hogwash  5/11/2008 Houston Chronicle: By Mike Tolson - Outstanding example of the character assassination campaign waged against Carnaby. Some observers note that the Premel identity seems to have been constructed across numerous posts." [Mike Tolson is reputed close to Houston Chief of Police Harold Hurtt.]

HPD addresses deadly police chase  5/9/2008 ABC 

Police Defend Officers In Chase Shooting  5/9/2008 Click2Houston: "One of the reasons that they do this job is they want to help, so it's not like they shoot somebody and say, 'OK, we're going to let him lay there and die,'" he said."

Police review first-aid training - Fatal shooting of man who claimed to work for CIA prompts new look  5/9/2008 Houston Chronicle: "Both veteran officers who fired at Carnaby, Sgt. Andrew J. Washington and Officer Charles Foster, are back on duty."

CIA Employee, Ciralsky, Claims Agency Harrased Him Over 'Israel Ties'  5/8/2008 Was there an Israeli angle to the neocon hit on Carnaby? Ciralski helped establish Premel as legitimate.

Lawsuit by Young Jewish Attorney Charges Anti-Semitism at CIA-Source Says "They're Out of Control;" ADL Offers Sensitivity-Training  5/8/2008 Ciraslki helped legitimize Premel in an NBC interview - "Mr. Ciralsky's case is based on a CIA document which speaks of "rich Jewish persons and friends from college." Supporting Likud? The document says Mr. Ciralsky has ties to and supports the Likud party of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and adds "He may not be telling more because it makes him and his family appear as fanatic supporters of the hard-line Likud party-and he does not want to be portrayed as such." ...According to a report by Seth Gitell in the Forward, the Ciralsky case has now deteriorated to a semantic brawl between Mr. Sher and Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League. According to the Forward, after 14 years of refusing to help Jonathan Pollard because he did not believe anti-Semitism played a role in his case, Mr. Foxman has recognized that the CIA is chock-full of "discrimination, prejudice, and anti-Semitism." But, Mr. Sher said, Mr. Foxman has recognized these failings in the agency only because the CIA is now willing to pay the ADL for the organization's "sensitivity training." "

The Adam Ciralsky and David Tenenbaum Cases  5/8/2008 Ciralsky interviewed Alan Premel who has been linked to Carnaby.

Adam Ciralsky on "DarkSide" Ops and Alan Premel  5/8/2008 NBC: by Adam Ciralsky, 9/25/07 - "I served at CIA in a legal capacity and i wanted to ask a former CIA officer their take on it. So we turned to recently resigned CIA former clandestine service officer and analytical red cell analyst Alan Premel for his input on the buzz surrounding bin Laden."

Carnaby text in Association for Intelligence Officers (AFIO) site  5/6/2008 AFIO: [now only on Google cache] - "AFIO extends sympathy to the family of former Houston Chapter President Roland V. Carnaby, and to his friends and chapter members, over his untimely and inexplicable death. A man gifted with remarkable people skills and charm, Roland called upon his wide range of contacts -- particularly those in the Houston and Federal law enforcement communities -- to support an impressive speaker series and other local activities in the Houston chapter he reactivated a few years ago. Mr. Carnaby underscores the achievements and energy associate members bring to the association to assist in the educational mission of AFIO. Funeral arrangements -- when announced -- will be conveyed to his chapter members."

Don Clark's Big Lie About Roland Carnaby  5/6/2008 Gene Dios: "According to Clark's bio that was released when he went to work for Sharp Technology, Clark managed the FBI's investigation of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. He was also in charge of the investigation of Achille Lauro attack in which Leon Klinghoffer was killed. He coordinated and managed the investigation and prosecution of the dragging death of James Byrd, Jr. in Jasper, Texas and he was in charge of the investigation and coordination to locate FBI’s top-10 fugitive and accused “Railcar Killer” Rafael Resendes Ramirez. Clark was also the special agent in charge of the Houston FBI office, a position he held until he retired in 2000. He's a well-known figure in Houston law enforcement circles… Roland Carnaby introduced Pavitt and Clark and gave a presentation that evening. Yet we're to believe that a highly-decorated and highly-respected former FBI agent has no recollection of Carnaby's name? ...What matters even more is that the media, the press, the Fourth Estate, has buried this story so far that it's hoped that we short-attention spanned Americans will forget it. This American won't forget it. If this is how the police treat one of their own, how will they treat us when push comes to shove?"

The Middle East firestorm was to have started on April 25  5/6/2008 Wayne Madsen Report: reposted from WMR site, scroll down - " It is known that retired CIA officer and contractor Roland Carnaby, a Lebanese-American, had close contact with all of Lebanon's various factions. On April 29, four days after the planned assassination of Nasrallah by Mossad, Carnaby was killed in broad daylight by Houston police. WMR previously reported that Carnaby had successfully penetrated a Mossad ring active in the Houston area. It is clear that Israel would not have carried out the Nasrallah assassination without the knowledge and approval of the neocon cell operating from Vice President Dick Cheney's office and extending to elements of the U.S. Air Force, CIA, and other federal agencies."

Roland Carnaby  5/5/2008 Cryptogon: compilation of articles on Carnaby - "Everywhere that I’ve seen this story being discussed on the Internet, there are a lot of anonymous comments saying that Roland Carnaby made it all up; that he just imagined that he was in the CIA, Photoshopped himself into a picture of the lobby of CIA headquarters, created the plaques and commemorations himself. All of that is possible. In fact, it may even be likely... However, there is a mountain of stuff here that is so odd that it practically left a bitter taste in my mouth just from reading it. I don’t know what the “National Security Command Center” is, but that’s the organization listed as the owner of the vehicle Carnaby was driving when he was killed. And maybe a total faker can become the president of a local chapter of the Association for Intelligence Officers. Right?"

9/11 Conspiracy Connection To DC Madam Murder  5/5/2008 Prison Planet: "In addition, Madsen pointed out that Jack Abramoff, who was also connected to the DC Madam scandal, allowed at least two of the 9/11 hijackers to use one of his casino boats in the days before 9/11, and this is what Palfrey was probably referring to when she spoke about her call girls picking up information about 9/11 before it happened. "There's the link, when you've got Abramoff and you had two of those hijackers on his casino boat a few days before 9/11 - I just wonder if that's what Jeane was talking about," said Madsen, "Because now I'm looking at this crazy incident in Houston with Roland Carnaby, a retired CIA guy who was still contracted to the CIA, being gunned down in broad daylight by the Houston police department - now I've been told by Agency sources in Houston that one of the people he was looking at was Abramhoff and the casino boats - so here you've got two people in the same week, looks like they were both assassinated in broad daylight," he concluded."

Roland Carnaby?  5/5/2008 Considerable information on Carnaby and Premel, traces many on-line postings about Premel and how some were fabricated.

OFFICER-INVOLVED SHOOTING INCIDENT AT 200 WEST LOOP SOUTH  5/5/2008 Tribune, Texas: "The two officers who discharged their weapons, Sergeant A.J. Washington and Officer C.A. Foster, both assigned to the Traffic Division, were not injured. Sergeant Washington was sworn in as an HPD officer in February 1986 and Officer Foster was sworn in in August 1993."

Carnaby CIA status confirmed  5/5/2008 Wayne Madsen Report: requires subscription

Script: The Traitor 4/05  5/4/2008 ABC Nightline: [Aired 4/27/05 - David Adler is one of the voices in Houston calling Carnaby a fake. Here, he is interviewed about his rescue of rogue agent Edward Wilson, imprisoned for selling arms to Libya..]

Ed Wilson's Revenge - The Biggest CIA Scandal in History Has Its Feet in the Starting Blocks in a Houston Court House  5/4/2008 From the Wilderness: [discusses David Adler's role as Edward Wilson's attorney.]

The Power of One  5/4/2008 [David Adler attacks Carnaby for being a fraud, this article discusses his background.]

Former FBI special agent Don Clark lies his pants off about knowing Roland Carnaby  5/4/2008 Ron Paul War Room: "But on Feb. 16, 2007, Clark and Carnaby shared the bill at an AFIO event in Houston: 16 February 2007 - Houston, TX - AFIO Houston Chapter hosts James L. Pavitt, former DDO CIA, and Don K. Clark, Former Special Agent-in-Charge of the Houston Field Office of the FBI at a formal dinner - 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the SHERATON SUITES HOTEL, 2400 West Loop South (I-610), Houston, Texas 77027. 713-586-2444. A presentation and introduction will be made by Roland V. Carnaby President of AFIO Houston Chapter, and Dr George Friedman, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Stratfor." [Carnaby shares billing with Friedman, founder of Stratfor, aka the Shadow CIA.]

Tie in with May 4 Houston Refinery FALSE FLAG? - CIA agent Roland Carnaby Killed by Houston Police  5/3/2008 CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS: "WMR has learned that one individual who interposed himself with the media after Carnaby's shooting is a well-known Jewish-American asset for the Mossad station in Houston."

Premel's Intel Chief (Roland Carnaby) Retires "One of the CIA's former counter-terrorism chiefs and pioneers in covert operations…"  5/3/2008 Godlike Productions: Copies a post rescued from Google cache, dated 2/12/08, appears to show Carnaby as a CIA heavyweight -- "One of the CIA's former counter-terrorism chiefs and pioneers in covert operations, Roland Carnaby retires. In the past few months, Mr. Carnaby, who has led a private intelligence firm in Houston, Texas has been delegating more and moredaily responsibilities to his lietenants and is completing his succession planning, say people familiar with the matter. A decision about his departure could come within weeks, though the situation remains fluid, say these people… The departure of Mr. Carnaby, 52, would mean the loss of CIA's most experienced, talented and high profile clandestine officers in management. Few executives who helped pioneer the commercialization of private intelligence and private security firms have remained on top for as long, except for some who can also claim founder titles, such as Patriot Oil, and Pan-American Shipping and Consulting Group."

Roland Carnaby: Man shot by Houston Police, Attorney Says it was an "Assassination"  5/3/2008 JBlog Central: The Jewish and Israeli Blog Network: [This is the second such entry on Carnaby on "The Jewish and Israeli Blog Network," both casting doubt on Carnaby.]

'CIA operative' faced arrest for impersonating federal agent  5/3/2008 KHOU, Houston: "He was also the president of a local chapter of an intelligence officer’s association. While an officer in the Houston chapter of the Association for Intelligence Officers, the association’s national office identified him as an “associate” member. The association has several classifications for members including designations for confirmed current and past members of the intelligence community. Associate members are considered to not have been an intelligence operative or agent, but rather citizens who support the intelligence community." [Can the president of a local chapter be an associate member?]

Fake fed faced fracas for falsehoods  5/3/2008 True Crime Tumblelog: "Thing is, even digging up public records on Carnaby can support his contention that he was CIA and did secret work for the government. He played fast and loose with his name. Public records showed that he was using the name Roland Manti Karnabe when he got married to a younger woman named Paula in the 80s. He was still using the “M” when he was at one address in the 90s. He seemed to change his middle name to “Vincent” arbitrarily at some point. One fed who knew Carnaby/Karnabe socially knew him as “Tony.” Apparently Carnaby’s family was fine with him using an alternate spelling of his last name. He supposedly was the scion of a wealthy clan of Karnabes who had interests in shipping."

In his final moments, Carnaby made calls to FBI, HPD as he fled  5/2/2008 Houston Chronicle: "He asked him questions like who's your supervisor? Do you have a contact number you can call and verify? And the answers weren't very good," Jett said." [Why do this when he is retired?]

Wife of man who claimed CIA link sues  5/2/2008 Houston Chronicle: "When a person has their back to you, the officer cannot be in reasonable, objective fear for his life," Kallinen said."

Former FBI Agent: I Knew Chase Suspect By Different Name  5/1/2008 Fox, Houston:  [But Agent Clark, who is now a Fox Security and Law Enforcement analyst, shared billing with Carnaby at an AFIO event. See]

Investigators Sorting Fact from Fiction in Fatal Chase Man Fatally Shot by Police Claimed to be CIA Agent  5/1/2008 Fox, Houston: [photo shows Carnaby bleeding to death in handcuffs, face down, with no assistance being rendered]

Was it a spy, or would-be spy, in that SUV?  5/1/2008 Houston Chronicle: "This friend, and others, remain loyal, both to the warm and engaging man they knew and to the intelligence agent he claimed to be. They insist his bona fides were too solid and his recognition by former intelligence personnel too genuine for him to be a fake. A caller identifying himself only as "Chuck" and responding to an inquiry sent to chapters of the Association for Intelligence Officers insisted Carnaby worked with the CIA in the 1980s in its Soviet Union unit… On the other hand, he was friends with local federal agents and they often came to the couple's Spring home for dinner, Burch said. The couple had private dinners with the head of the Houston Port Authority, she said, and Carnaby also was close friends with former Harris County Sheriff Johnny Klevenhagen, who she said was best man at their wedding in 1986. Klevenhagen died in 1999. The Port Authority connection could make sense for a strictly commercial reason. Carnaby's family, which used the different spelling of Karnabe, was involved in the shipping industry, which was the apparent source of his considerable but undetermined income. He paid cash for his cars."

US policemen shoot, kill ex-CIA official erroneously  5/1/2008 IBN, India: Video shows police giving chase, breaking Carnaby's window, and firing, on CNN in India.

"CIA" Agent Shot by Houston Police: Death by Cop Suicide?  5/1/2008 JBlog Central: The Jewish and Israeli Blog Network: [First entry on Carnaby on the JBlog Central: The Jewish and Israeli Blog Network. Casts doubt on Carnaby's CIA status.]

Mystery widens in case of ‘CIA operative’ gunned down by police  5/1/2008 KHOU: [Cites David Adler against Carnaby. Adler once helped free rogue agent Edward Wilson]

CIA Man Roland Carnaby - GETS POPPED ~ LIVE FOOTAGE  5/1/2008 YouTube of local TV station: [Shows the assassination of Carnaby, who appears to be facing the officer who shot him. Note also the camera panning the book, "At the Center of the Storm," by former CIA director George Tenet, inscribed "Dear Tony aka "RC." …You have always stood side by side with me…" - RC presumably are his initials and they are side by side with Tony in Tenet's handwriting.]

Memoriam - CIA Wall of 83 Stars & OSS Memorial  4/30/2008 AFIO Houston: "Boudi Carnaby - Army Intelligence, Ret. (WWII) - In Italy in mid-August, Boudi succumbed to his injuries from an accident. Boudi Carnaby takes his place with the fallen of America's finest generation. He is survived by his wife Antoinette and his three daughters; by his brother Vincent, by his sister Mary, and by his nephew Roland V. Carnaby, President of our AFIO Houston Chapter."

Credentials Show Chase Suspect In CIA  4/30/2008 Click2Houston: "The family said the reason for all the confusion was that Carnaby went by other names. A book signed by the former director of the CIA was autographed to "Tony" -- one of his aliases." [It also had the initials "RC," Roland Carnaby.]

HPD high-speed chase ends in death, deeper mystery - Killed man known to his friends as a federal intelligence officer  4/30/2008 Houston Chronicle: "What's going on?" a passing motorist shouted out as he crawled along the clogged West Loop. That's the question his friends want answered. They say Carnaby had no reason to run or disobey police. Platt said he had dined with Carnaby both Saturday and Sunday and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Carnaby was engaged to be married, he said, and led a happy life. "I can't fathom any reason why he would be running from the police because he is the police," Platt said. "This doesn't make any sense. I can't understand him running or why they opened up on him. This doesn't smell right."

HPD: Carnaby flashed CIA card before deadly chase Killed man known to his friends as a federal intelligence officer  4/30/2008 Houston Chronicle: "Susan Carnaby said her husband has worked for the agency for 30 years. He often travelled overseas, leaving for months at a time. If he was in Washington, he would tell her, but most of the time she had no idea where he had gone, she said. It was top secret, he told her."

BREAKING NEWS. UPDATED 4X. CIA agent gunned down by Houston police  4/30/2008 Wayne Madsen Report: requires subscription - "Well-known US intelligence agent killed under suspicious circumstances."

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