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Matanzas: El Incendio de 2022 - The Fire of 2022

Started around 7 PM 9/5/2022 with a lightning bolt hitting a 50,000 cubic-meter crude oil storage tank.

Estastus, 8/10/22: El humo gris confirma que estamos más cerca del fin de la tragedia. #FuerzaMatanzas.  Los incendios en los 3 tanques están apagados. Queda mucho trabajo.

Status, 8/10/22: The gray smoke confirms that we are closer to the end of the tragedy. #FuerzaMatanzas. The fires in the 3 tanks are out. Much work remains.

"La zona afectada ocupa una gran comunidad. La cobertura médica necesita de colaboración en guantes, saneamiento productos de fumigación industrial o del hogar antimosquitos. Medicamentos para cuadros respiratorios (asma,bronquitis).Los niveles tóxicos tendrán su influencia por un tiempo." -- Matanzas

"The affected area covers a large community. Medical collaboration needs are in gloves, sanitation, industrial fumigation products or anti-mosquito household products. Medications for respiratory conditions (asthma, bronchitis). Toxic levels will have their influence for a while." -- Matanzas

Fundraising from IFCO/Pastors for Peace -

IFCO Matanzas

See also our page IFCO/Pastors for Peace.

Fundraising from People's Forum -

On August 5, a major oil storage tank in Matanzas, Cuba, was hit by lightning, causing an enormous fire that has left people missing (including firefighters), dozens injured with severe burns, and hundreds evacuated from their homes. There are many families who need our solidarity. This tragedy also has immediate repercussions for the entire population in that province and the whole island, since it affects their electricity supply and health facilities which already suffer under the weight of the US Blockade.

We must help our families and comrades in Cuba. We are joining with CODEPINK and Puentes de Amor to collect funds to purchase medicines and medical supplies, as well as resources to help the victims. #LetCubaLive #FuerzaMatanzas -- People's Forum

Fundraising from CODEPINK

Help Us Raise $20,000 for Victims of Cuba’s Disastrous Fire -- 

"Decenas de personas resultaron lesionadas, desaparecidos, evacuados de sus hogares. Hay familias rotas que necesitan toda nuestra ayuda. Ante la tragedia, que tiene repercusiones sanitarias inmediatas para el bienestar general de la población en esa provincia, debemos ayudar a nuestros hermanos en Cuba.

Puentes de Amor, la Agencia para el Intercambio Cultural y Económico con Cuba (Italia) y CODEPINK, nos unimos para recuadar fondos dirigidos a la compra de medicamentos, insumos médicos y materiales sanitarios así como recursos para ayudar a los damnificados. Construyamos #PuentesDeAmor. Por favor ayúdenos a recaudar $10,000 de inmediato." -- CODEPINK

5 o 6 de agosto, 2022
US Embassy response OK's disaster relief

This is helpful, but the real problem is that banks and financial institutions see the word Cuba anywhere in what is submitted to them and they panic because of the huge fines imposed by OFAC, the Office of Foreign Assets Control in Treasury. Our suggestion is to use the word Matanzas instead of Cuba.

Tools for fund raising

Folks who are collecting material donations need a way of getting them to Cuba, either by paying for trips down there or by using a package service. They need a way to collect funds.

GoGetFunding is a UK based operation that has an array of Cuba related crowd sourcing programs implemented on their platform. It would be legal for US residents to implement a new one on their platform:

Carlos Barbaro Ricardo"A Marinero* in the hot zone." "You can't get hit by an arrow if you don't go to ttophe battlefield." Yoruba. Nigeria. By Emilio O'Farril Almendariz

The Dantesque occurrence of the Fire at the Supertanker's base in the Yumurina bay, the explosions at intervals and the black cloud that has taken over the city sky have us all waiting. Like many, Friday night-early morning did not let me sleep between the sirens and the column of fire from the fuel explosion. Things are "ugly". Precisely there were people fighting for us. Among them, a young man from La Marina, Carlos Bárbaro Ricardo Portilla, group B brigade chief who operates in the area of ​​the Tanks where the incident occurred. After the lightning strike, it was his turn to change shift and join his three colleagues to face the situation. Bárbaro was surprised by the first explosion, and this baptism of fire caused him burns on his arms and back, but he managed to survive. The adrenaline rush escaping the shock wave allowed him to walk to his solar, or little street, where awaiting him desperate were Lisanmy Sardiñas, his wife, a worker at the Cuban Mirón Theater, and their children Lazara Dianny, 7 years old, who is in 2nd grade at the José María Heredia elementary school, and Carlos Daniel, 2 years old. The neighborhood has come to their door and shown their appreciation and support, this afternoon Regla from the Nelson Barrera House, Sandra and I for Afroarte and the Red Barrial Afrodescendiente went to thank him and do our bit. Colors, books, leaves and balls for Carlos Daniel stole a smile. Bárbaro was lucky and had the blessing of returning from battle. To his home, the rest of the neighborhood will continue to come to thank this simple and humble young Marinero for his virtue.

*Marinero is a play on sailor and inhabitant of Barrio Marina, one of the Matanzas neighborhood with strong African traditions.

Translated from - traducido de

Un marinero en la caliente."No te alcanza una flecha si no vas al campo de batalla". Yoruba.  8/9/2022 Emilio O'Farrill Almendariz, Artista plástico,coordinador general de AfroArte, miembro de la RBA y activista antirracista: [La Marina es un barrio portador de tradiciones africanas en Matanzas, donde hay un capitulo de la Red Barrial Afrodescendiente] "Trás la caída del rayo le tocaba el cambio de turno e incorporarse junto a sus tres compañeros a enfrentar la situación.Enfriar el tanque 2 era la tarea a cumplir y evitar males mayores pero los sorprendió la primera explosión, el bautizo de fuego que le ocasionó a Bárbaro quemaduras en sus brazos y la espalda logrando sobrevivir.La adrenalina para escapar a la onda espansiva le permitió llegar a pie hasta su solar donde desesperados estaban Lisanmy Sardiñas la esposa."



We need to send Cuba urgent supplies now!  8/8/2022 IFCO: "Please donate so we can purchase and start sending items by the end of this week!"

Último Minuto: Colapsa tercer tanque  8/8/2022 Giron: "El tercer tanque también colapsó, luego de que del segundo se vertiera el combustible y comprometiera aún más la situación en horas de la madrugada."

Third fuel tank collapses as fire rages at Cuba oil terminal  8/8/2022 Al Jazeera: "A third crude tank caught fire and collapsed Monday at Cuba’s main oil terminal in Matanzas, the regional governor has said, as an oil spill spread flames from a second tank that caught fire two days earlier in the island’s biggest oil industry accident in decades. Cuba had made progress fighting off the raging flames during the weekend after drawing on help from Mexico and Venezuela, but late on Sunday the fire began spreading from the second tank, which collapsed, said Mario Sabines, governor of the Matanzas province, about 100km (60 miles) from Havana."

Oil facility fire jeopardizes Cuba's frail electric system  8/8/2022 ABC: "Firefighters had sprayed water on the remaining tanks over the weekend to cool them but failed to stop the fire from spreading. On Monday afternoon, the government's power company announced that the fire had forced the shut down a thermoelectric plant that provides power to the island's western region after it ran out of water, according to the official Cubadebate website. No further details were immediately available."

#RutadeAyuda con BarbarA's  8/7/2022 Deyni Terry: "OFICIALMENTE: Abrimos una vez más nuestra RUTA DE AYUDA, para recuperar donativos para enviar a Matanzas. Toda persona que sin afectarse así misma, pueda contribuir con guantes sanitarios, gasas, algodón, alcohol quirúrgico, jeringuillas, jabones, pomadas cicatrizantes, ropas resistentes al fuego, u otros útiles pueden pasar a entregar sus DONATIVOS en calle Cienfuegos Número 211 entre Misión y Arsenal. Habana Vieja. Horario: 10am hasta 5.00pm. Tu solidaridad cuenta. Tu ayuda puede hacer la diferencia."

Cuba Responds to Matanzas Fire with International Support  8/7/2022 Belly of The Beast Cuba: "A massive fire at an oil storage facility in Matanzas, Cuba, has left dozens injured, 17 missing and at least one dead. Venezuela and Mexico sent specialized crews to help. The U.S. offered "technical advice" but has not responded to calls to lift devastating sanctions."

17 missing, 121 hurt, 1 dead in fire at Cuban oil facility  8/7/2022 NPR: "Minutes later, President Miguel Díaz-Canel thanked Mexico , Venezuela, Russia, Nicaragua, Argentina and Chile for their offers of help. A support flight from Mexico arrived Saturday night."

Base de Supertanqueros de Matanzas: Se trabaja sin descanso para controlar el incendio  8/7/2022 Cubadebate: "Bomberos, brigadas especiales de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias, de la Cruz Roja y otras grupos entrenados en la contención y extinción de incendios de Cuba, México y Venezuela laboran ininterrumpidamente para controlar un incendio de gran magnitud en la Base de Supertanqueros de Matanzas."

Cuba | Qué impactos puede tener el Incendio en Matanzas, desde la meteorología.  8/6/2022 Canal Caribe: "Los #GasesContaminantes (entre 4.5 a 6 kilómetros de altura) no ocasionan estragos a nivel de salud. Pero si ocurren lluvias, estas pueden llegar a nuestras zonas con sustancias tóxicas. Por lo tanto, se recomienda no exponerse a ellas y usar mascarilla o nasobuco. Más información desde el Instituto de Meteorología de #Cuba. El doctor José Rubiera explica, tras el siniestro en #Matanzas."

Cuba fire rages at fuel storage port; Mexico, Venezuela sending help  8/6/2022 Reuters: "A massive oil-fed fire burned for a second day on Saturday near Cuba's supertanker port in Matanzas, as Mexico and Venezuela sent teams to help fight the inferno and Cuba accepted a U.S. offer of unspecified "technical advice"."

Oil Tank Fire in Matanzas Threatens Cuba Power Supply  8/6/2022 Yahoo News: "The fire threatened power supply for the island, which was already experiencing an energy crisis which spurred government scheduled power outages that began the previous week, reports said."

Se extiende incendio de grandes proporciones en Matanzas, con decenas de lesionados  8/6/2022 Cubadebate: "En la noche de este viernes 5 de agosto se desató un incendio en el tanque 52 de almacenamiento de crudo de la Base de Supertanqueros de Matanzas debido al impacto de un rayo. Durante la madrugada y la mañana de este sábado han ocurrido cuatro explosiones en el segundo tanque. La base contaba con ocho tanques. Hasta el momento son atendidos 52 lesionados en el hospital Faustino Pérez, de la ciudad de Matanzas."

Links/Enlaces top

Gobierno Provincial del Poder Popular en Matanzas:,-81.593646,17743m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!21m1!1s%2Fg%2F11t9ch8w8w!5m1!1e8
The fire is east of where it is located on this map. If you switch to Satellite View, you can see the 8 crude oil tanks lined up.

Matanzas: a center of African Culture in Cuba


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