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Conference: "Marcelino Arozarena, Cuban poet of action and activism", in Havana, Cuba from April 14-16, 2001.

Conferencia: "Marcelino Arozarena, poeta cubana actual y actuante" Habana, 4/01

Marcelino Arozarena Ramos (1912-1996)
Poet, journalist, teacher

Marcelino Arozarena Ramos (1912-1996) --poet, journalist, teacher--is one of the most distinguished representatives of the black Cuban, or Afro-Cuban, poets.

This fact is confirmed by numerous scholars of African-American and Afro-Cuban culture, including--to name just a few--the Cubans Nancy Morejon, Georgina Herrera, Nicia Aguero, Gisela Arandia, Pedro Perez Sarduy, Gloria Rolando, and Rogelio Martinez Fure; the United States scholars Miriam DeCosta Willis, Marvin Lewis, and Ian Smart; the German Janheinz Jahn; the Uruguayan Idelfonso Pereda Valdez; and the Spaniard Luis Beltran, each of whom has recognized Arozarena's importance.

The "negrismo"--or "negritude"--in Arozarena's work was never a matter of mere fashion or gimmick; rather, it was inherent to his perspective and artistic approach. He never takes up the theme of black identity in an academic or cosmetic manner; nor does he seek to anthropologize the subject.

Instead, his entire body of work reflects a deep commitment to his race and to issues of race, as well as to issues of class and modern social reality in Cuba.

The professors Celia Pinto Silva and Georgina Arozarena (daughter of the deceased poet) have personally designed and coordinated a broad-based social-cultural project in order to disseminate scholarship on Arozarena's life and work. At this time, they are preparing to host the Second Colloquium--Conference entitled "Marcelino Arozarena, poeta cubana actual y actuante" ["Marcelino Arozarena, Cuban poet of action and activism"], which will take place in Havana, Cuba from April 14-16, 2001.

To obtain more information about this exciting conference, please communicate with Celia and Georgina though the email of the Ruben Martinez Villena Library in Havana, where the conference will be held:

Marcelino Arozarena Ramos (1912-1996), poeta, periodista, maestro, es uno de los representantes mas destacados de la poesia negra afrocubana. Esto lo confirman estudiosos de la cultura afroamericana, como los cubanos Nancy Morejon, Georgina Herrera, Nicia Aguero, Gisela Arandia, Pedro Perez Sarduy, Gloria Rolando, y Rogelio Martinez Fure; los estadounidenses Miriam DeCosta Willis, Marvin Lewis, y Ian Smart; el aleman Janheinz Jahn; el uruguayo Idelfonso Pereda Valdes; y el espano Luis Beltran, por solo citar algunos. El negrismo en Arozarena nunca fue moda, sino modo. El no asume esta tematica en sentido contemplativo, cosmetico, como para folklorizar. Toda su obra refleja un fuerte compromiso con su raza, con su clase, y con su tiempo. Las profesoras Celia Pinto y Georgina Arozarena Himely (hija del fallecido poeta), disenaron y coordinan personalmente un proyecto sociocultural para divulgar la vida y la obra de Arozarena. En este momento preparan al 2do Colloquio-Concurso "Marcelino Arozarena, poeta cubano actual y actuante," que se efectuara en La Habana el 14-16 de abril, 2001. Para obtener mas informacion, favor de comunicar con Celia y Georgina a traves del email de la Biblioteca Ruben Martinez Villena, que sera la sede del certamen.


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