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Marc PerryMarc D Perry
Anthropologist, Tulane University

Author of Negro Soy Yo: Hip Hop and Raced Citizenship in Neoliberal Cuba (Refiguring American Music), 2016, Duke University Press, a freely available downloadable PDF ebook:



Negro soy yoInterview with Author Marc D. Perry  6/15/2016 Knowledge Unlatched: "Why did you agree to allow your book to be included in the Knowledge Unlatched Round 2 Collection? Perry: As a scholar it is important to make my work as widely circulated and accessible as possible both within and beyond the academy. As a transnational ethnographer, one who writes about overseas communities and the lives of people I know and with whom I share history, it is all the more important that my work be accessible to these communities including local scholars and intellectuals, bearing in mind the added language challenge given my research’s Cuban locale."

Black Expressive Life Testified in an Era of Neoliberalism with Dr. Marc D. Perry  2/19/2016 FIU: "In Negro Soy Yo, Marc D. Perry explores Cuba's hip hop movement as a window into the racial complexities of the island's ongoing transition from revolutionary socialism toward free-market capitalism. Centering on the music and lives of black-identified raperos (rappers), Perry examines the ways these young artists craft notions of black Cuban identity and racial citizenship, along with calls for racial justice, at the fraught confluence of growing Afro-Cuban marginalization and long held perceptions of Cuba as a non-racial nation. Situating hip hop within a long history of Cuban racial politics, Perry discusses the artistic and cultural exchanges between raperos and North American rappers and activists, and their relationships with older Afro-Cuban intellectuals and African American political exiles."

Las barras y las estrellas aparecen por toda Cuba  4/24/2015 El Financiero: "Muchos cubanos se emocionan con los potenciales beneficios económicos y sociales que podrían traer las renovadas relaciones entre Estados Unidos y Cuba”, dijo Marc D. Perry, un antropólogo en la Universidad de Tulane, quien estudia las tendencias sociales cubanas. “Se trata del actual y popular 'zeitgeist’ de Cuba, por así decirlo, y estas expresiones culturales lo reflejan”."

Who Dat?: Race and Its Conspicuous Consumption in Post-Katrina New Orleans  4/1/2015 AnthroSource: "This article explores the fraught neoliberal refashioning of post-Katrina New Orleans in relation to concurrent modes of racialized inclusion and exclusion. I suggest an intensification of market forces during this period has hastened a privileging of certain acceptable, often gendered forms of blackness tied to their performance-centered market consumption while simultaneously rendering others criminal and/or violently disposable. Such racial regulation, it is argued, is tantamount to a kind of “contractual blackness” within New Orleans' neoliberalized landscape that delineates commercially assimilable and therefore “good” black subjects from deviantly “bad” and hence expendable ones. The article follows with explorations of how some African American working class men mediate these duel economies of consumption/disposability through varying performative strategies of black possibility and alterity."

Hip Hop’s Diasporic Landscapes of Blackness  6/1/2009 Libya Diary: in From Toussaint to Tupac, 2009 (PDF). By Marc D Perry. "Mapping such maneuvers elucidates the social significance of hip hop not simply in terms of its international circulation and consumption but, rather, through the ways it is actively lived and politically employed as a site of racial mobilization and self-formation. Among these black-identified youth, the space of diasporathrough the performative lens of hip hopoperates as a key paradigm of both identity and politics, and as such it has been instrumental in enabling transnationally engaged strategies of black self-fashioning and action in response to new, globally conditioned modes of racialization."

GLOBAL BLACK SELF-FASHIONINGS: HIP HOP AS DIASPORIC SPACE  11/17/2008 Taylor Francis Online: "This essay examines how the “black” racial significance of hip hop culture is received, interpreted, and redeployed within the Afro-Atlantic world. Beyond questions of cultural consumption and reproduction, it is argued that hip hop's expanding global reach has facilitated the contemporary making and moving of black diasporic subjects themselves. Here, African descendant youth in an array of locales use the performative contours of hip hop to mobilize notions of black-self in ways that are at one time both contestive and transcendent of nationally bound racial framings. Hip hop in this way can be seen as enabling a current global (re)mapping of black political imaginaries via social dynamics of diaspora. In pursuing this argument, this essay looks toward hip hop movements in Brazil, Cuba, and South Africa as compelling, yet varying examples of how transnationally attuned identities of blackness are marshaled in the fashioning of diasporic subjects through hip hop."

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Negro Soy Yo: Hip Hop and Raced Citizenship in Neoliberal Cuba (Refiguring American Music),  2016, Duke University Press
Downloadable PDF ebook, no charge



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