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Los Aldeanos

"Los Aldeanos began as one of many underground Rap Cubano groups based in Havana, Cuba. Dubbed as "underground rappers", Los Aldeanos became a group in 2003, composed of El Aldeano and El B, both of whom are MC's. Los Aldeanos describe themselves as not being the pioneer of Rap Cubano, but credit themselves with producing "real" Rap Cubano, giving to the followers of "real" Rap Cubano and "real" Hip Hop lyrics that not only instill a sense of understanding of the social, political, and economical problems that aggravate Cuban society today, but also with a sense of urgency.[1] The lyrics of Los Aldeanos are largely anti-status quo and as a result express sentiments that are critical of the government of Cuba. Such an example can be found in their song "Libertad de Expresión".

With such claims to authenticity and explicit discontent with the status quo, Los Aldeanos are just one among many underground rap bands that oppose the rising popularity of Reggaeton in Cuba. Groups like Los Aldeanos have come to openly disagree with and condemn Reggaeton, calling it unconscious and negative music that detracts Cuban society from the ailments that continue to afflict society and instead focuses attention on the pleasurable acts of self-indulgence and dance." -- translated from their website for Wikipedia 

Los Aldeanos fell for a CIA initiated plot in 2009:

"In 2009, USAID initiated a program to spark a youth movement against Cuba’s government by cultivating and promoting local hip-hop artists.

Because of its long history as a CIA front, USAID outsourced the operation to Creative Associates International, a Washington DC-based firm with its own track record of covert actions.

Creative Associates found its point man in Rajko Bozic, a veteran of the CIA-backed Otpor! group that helped topple nationalist leader Slobodan Milosevic, and whose members moved on to form an “‘export-a-revolution’ group that sowed the seeds for a number of color revolutions.”

Posing as a music promoter, Bozic approached a Cuban rap group called Los Aldeanos that was known for its ferociously anti-government anthem, “Rap is War.” The Serbian operative never told Los Aldeanos he was a US intelligence asset; instead, he claimed he was a marketing professional and promised to turn the group’s frontman into an international star.

To further the plan, Creative Associates rolled out ZunZuneo, a Twitter-style social media platform that blasted out thousands of automated messages promoting Los Aldeanos to Cuban youth without the rap group’s knowledge.

Within a year, as Los Aldeanos escalated its rhetoric, taunting Cuban police as mindless drones during a local indie music festival, Cuban intelligence discovered contracts linking Bozic to USAID and rolled up the operation." -- Cuba’s cultural counter-revolution: US gov’t-backed rappers, artists gain fame as ‘catalyst for current unrest’  7/25/2021 Grey Zone


Cuba’s cultural counter-revolution: US gov’t-backed rappers, artists gain fame as ‘catalyst for current unrest’  7/25/2021 Grey Zone: "As this investigation will reveal, leading members of the San Isidro Movement have raked in funding from regime change outfits like the National Endowment for Democracy and US Agency for International Development while meeting with State Department officials, US embassy staff in Havana, right-wing European parliamentarians and Latin American coup leaders from Venezuela’s Guaidó to OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro. San Isidro has also welcomed support from a network of free market fundamentalist think tanks which make no secret of their plan to transform Cuba into a colony for multi-national corporations. Days after protests broke out in Cuba, San Isidro’s leadership accepted an award from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, a right-wing Republican think tank in Washington that includes Nazi German soldiers in its count of historic deaths at the hands of communism." [Has section on Los Aldeanos]

Will it be the end of USAID´s spells?  12/29/2014 OnCuba: "Curiously Los Aldeanos didn’t need be “bought” to be critical. For years their songs questioned the Cuban reality without mincing words, making their messages to have enough weight in certain sectors of youth. But USAID polluted them with their money and although they did not know where it came from, that shadow will inevitably create doubts about the integrity of Los Aldeanos and the honesty of their criticisms, reducing the influence of their messages."

Another USAID covert plan exposed  12/12/2014 Granma: "The publication also describes the creation in Panama of the Salida Company in March 2009, a front for Creative Associates International based in Washington. AP reports that in August of 2009 Creative Associates hosted a meeting in San Jose, Costa Rica, to discuss using the Concert for Peace, organized by Colombian musician Juanes in Havana, to boost Los Aldeanos and their rebellious discourse."

Our rapper in Havana: USAID hijacked Cuban hip-hop scene trying to undermine govt  12/11/2014 RT: "Previously, the same team headed by contractor Rajko Bozic was used to organize student protest concerts, attempting to influence Serbian youths to turn against the President Slobodan Milosevic and contribute to the overthrow of his government back in 2000. According to documents obtained by the AP, the Serbs operated under the guise of a Panama company financed via a Liechtenstein bank to cover the operation up. USAID's efforts were so classified that the money trail was successfully hidden from Cuban authorities. This effectively raised the suspicions of the US Treasury Department, which surmised a possible US embargo violation and froze a transaction. Promoters of a political change in Cuba recruited a number of musicians, the most prominent of them Los Aldeanos, already restricted to performing at home for their anti-government lyrics."

Revolution documental (Los Aldeanos) *completo  8/28/2012 YouTube: "documental presentado el la 8va muestra de jóvenes realizadores del icaic .entrevista exclusiva al grupo de rap cubano LOS ALDEANOS...."

Cuba’s Rotilla Festival Out in 2011, Back in 2012?  8/17/2011 Havana Times: "I asked Fernando Rojas: “Minister, what about the group Los Aldeanos? They’re scheduled to play, but you’re only censoring Omni. I don’t believe that Omni’s lyrics are more aggressive than Los Aldeanos.” He responded to me: “Don’t worry. We’ve already talked to Los Aldeanos.” HT: Michel, you showed me a video filmed at the Rotilla Festival in 2010. In it Los Aldeanos deliver a very anti-establishment speech directed against the government. This seems to contradict the idea that they softened their line after the concert they gave at the beginning of last year at the Acapulco cinema. MM: That was the culminating point. Los Aldeanos had a crowd of more than 10,000 people who showed up just for them. The authorities are afraid that the Rotilla might generate a revolution, a social explosion among the youth. We believe this is one of the reasons for what’s happening now."

El hip hop me quitó la venda de los ojos  5/12/2009 Cuba Encuentro, Spain: "Lo que más les duele a Los Aldeanos: las separaciones familiares, la gente que tiene que ir a otros lugares para ayudar a sus familias aquí en Cuba; el maltrato a la mujer, la violencia entre los jóvenes, que no se entienda que el enemigo es alguien más poderoso, el sida… Cosas que pasan en todo el mundo, pero aquí de una forma más oculta. Aquí el extranjero está primero que el propio cubano. Tiene todas las comodidades, estudia como Dios manda, y el cubano queda en un segundo plano."

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Revolution. Director, Mayckell Pedrero Mariol. 2010. - descarga, en español, English subtitles
"The Cuban hip-hoppers Los Aldeanos have a name for their country's leader: "Pinocchio." They are afraid of nothing. "Rap is war," they sing, but what they really want is to be known as revolutionaries. Aldo and El B produce albums at a lighting speed that are immensely popular among Cuban youth. This music documentary is the debut film of Cuban director Mayckell Pedrero Mariol, and features a second generation of hip-hoppers in the socialist country. Its collage-like style is reminiscent of a music video, and we hear lots of Los Aldeanos's music along the way. Relaxing in the middle of a field, the men offer their vision of the country that is deprived of freedom. "I just want to say what I feel," says El B, but he can't even go to Venezuela for a rap-battle. And when the duo makes an appearance on a radio show, the host occasionally gives them a kick under the table. "Watch out, you're crossing the line here." According to experts, their underground music is a new movement in hip-hop that developed from the more American style of the first generation of Cuban hip-hoppers. At an awards ceremony, Aldo sticks his fist in the air. Could the revolution start in the hip-hop scene?"
Entrevista - Interview with subtitles - English - Español




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