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  Mala Lengua

Leonardo CalvoLeonardo Calvo Cárdenas
Historian, political scientist

Deputy Chairperson, Partido Arco Progresista (PARP)

Editor of Consenso, the party paper. See editions from (2004-2007).  Of 22 issues with about 225 articles, 28 articles use the word racism.

Consenso has been subsumed under DesCuba, Yoani Sanchez' site. This is an interesting development considering the sophistication of her blogging machinery and the whole approach of her supposedly apolitical blogging which has left a previous generation of dissidents in the dust and envious.

Leonardo Calvo Cárdenas is now the Cuba representative for the NED funded Revista Isla.


Race: Vogyage to the Heart of Tragedy: Chronicle of a Long-Awaited Premiere
Leonardo Calvo Cárdenas, 5/2009, Islas


Articulos de Leonardo Calvo en CubaNet

Articulos de Leonardo Calvo en Primavera Digital

Sus articulos en Cuba Encuentro, formerly funded by NED.

The Discourse on Racism in Anti-Castro Publications, 2008-2010

Todos contra Zurbano 4/10/2013 CubaNet: Por Leonardo Calvo Cardenas - "Sin tiempo apenas para reflexionar y valorar profundamente los siempre atinados y meridianos planteamientos de Zurbano, varios intelectuales oficialistas salieron al paso del destacado crítico y ensayista, con una serie de desfasados planteamientos que provocan risa y pena al mismo tiempo."


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