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Traveling to Cuba

Haiti in Cuba

Kiba Kreyol '04 International Festival
7/11/04 to 7/13/04, Havana

Bannzil Kiba Kreyol is a non-governmental cultural institution dedicated to the study, conservation and dissemination of Creole language and culture in Cuba. Founded in August 1997 and with a membership of Cubans, Haitians, descendants of Haitians and students in Cuba from countries that speak Creole (Martinique, the Seychelles Islands, Reunion, Rodriguez, Santa Lucia, French Guyana, Haiti, Guadalupe), Banzil Kiba Kreyol opens its door to all persons and institutions throughout the world who wish to collaborate with their work and objectives.

From 11-13 July 2004, the "International Festival Kiba Kreyol 2004" will be held in Havana. The main objective of the Festival is to stimulate the study and conservation of Creole in Cuba and the wider Caribbean area, as well as to encourage an exchange of experiences among all those interested in conserving and strengthening Haitian identity. Below is information (in both English And Spanish) for anyone who's interested in participating.


Festival Kiba Kreyol 2004
11-13 July 2004

The Organizing Committee for Festival Kiba Kreyol is sponsored by:
-"Martha Jean Claude of Haiti" Cultural Foundation
-"Juan Marinello" Centre for Research and Development of Cuban Culture
-Consulate of the Commonwealth of Dominica
-Confederation of Cuban Workers
-Caribbean Export Development Agency (CEDA)
-"Jose Marti" Cultural Society
-Caribbean Association
-Cotorro Municipal Administration of Culture
-Cuban Commission of UNESCO

We invite you to the Third Festival Kiba Kreyol 2004, which will take place in the House of Culture in Cotorro from 11 to 13 July, with the objective of conserving and continuing to develop Creol culture as a part of the linguistic and cultural diversity of the Caribbean area.
Themes include:-
- Influence of Creol in Caribbean culture
- Influence of the Haitian Revolution in Cuba and the World

Academic activities include:
-Round Table discussions

Those who are interested to present a work should provide a five to seven page typed synthesis and two copies of the original. The paper must include:
-given name and surname(s)
-home address
-place of work or study

You must indicate what kind of equipment (e.g., slide projectors, etc.) is needed for the presentation.

The closing date for registration is 31 May 2004.

Place of the Festival: Casa de Cultura (House of Culture) in Cotorro, located at Avenue 101 between 18th and 20th Streets, Central Cotorro, Havana.

Other options offered by the Festival:

-Art Exhibition
-Presentations by dance, musical and theatre groups
-Fashion show
-Creol literature Exhibition
-Culinary arts

Accreditation at the Event

-Foreign Delegates $25.00 USD
-Foreign Students $10.00 USD

Accommodation available to Foreign participants:

Hotel Plaza (4-star category)
Double: $42.00 USD
Single: $53.00 USD
Supplementary Dinner: $14.00 USD

Hotel Armadores de Santander (4-star category)
Double: $36.00 USD
Single: $53.00 USD
Supplementary Dinner: $10.00 USD

Hotel Caribbean (2-star category)
Double: $34.00 USD
Single: $45.00 USD
Supplementary Dinner: $9.00 USD

Hotel Lincoln (2-star category)
Double: $34.00 USD
Single: $40.00 USD
Supplementary Dinner: $6.00 USD

Hotel Lido (2-star category)
Double: $27.00 USD
Single: $34.00 USD
Supplementary Dinner: $9.00 USD

Services included in the price:
-Lodging and breakfast.
-Transfers IN / OUT (transport from the airport to the hotel and vice versa)
-Collective transport from the Hotel-Festival-Hotel (1 transfer per day).
-Specialized assistance.

Services available upon request from the client:
-health insurance: $20.00 USD per person, per day of insurance.
-Supplementary Dinner at the price indicated above, per person, per night.

Services not described above are not included.

Contact Adianna Ulloa, who is in charge of Events at Paradiso Agency, at the
following email address <>

To contact the Festival Organizing Committee:

-Lic. Emma Cordero Diaz <>

-Lic. Hilario Batista <>

DMC Cotorro
Website: Alcotorro y Che Guia y Ejemplo
Electronic mail <>

Electronic Bulletins: Bayona Digital

Festival Kiba Kreyol 2004

Festival Kiba Kreyol 2004
Del 11 al 13 de Julio del 2004

El Comite Organizador del Festival Kiba Kreyol auspiciado por:

-Fundacion Cultural Martha Jean Claude de Haiti.
-Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo de la Cultura Cubana Juan Marinello.
-Consulado de la Mancomunidad de Dominica.
-Central de Trabajadores de Cuba.
-Caribbean Export Development Agency (CEDA).
-Sociedad Cultural Jose Marti.
-Asociacion Caribeña.
-Direccion Municipal de Cultura Cotorro.
-Comision Cubana de la UNESCO.

Convocan a la 3ra edicion de dicho evento a celebrarse en la Casa de la Cultura del Cotorro del 11 al 13 de Julio con el objetivo de conservar y continuar desarrollando esta cultura como parte de la diversidad linguistica y cultural del Caribe.

Los temas seran:

-Influencia del Kreyol en la cultura caribena.
-Influencia de la Revolucion Haitiana en Cuba y en el Mundo.

La jornada academica incluira:

-Mesas Redondas.

Los interesados en presentar trabajos deberan entregar una sintesis de 5-7 cuartillas mecanografiadas y 2 copias en original, que incluira:

-Nombre y apellidos.
-Direccion particular.
-Centro de trabajo o estudio.

Deben especificar los medios de trabajo a utilizar para la exposicion.

Fecha de entrega y vencimiento de las inscripciones hasta el 31 de mayo del

Lugar: Casa de Cultura del Cotorro sita en Ave. 101 e/ 18 y 20. Centro

Otras opciones del Festival:

-Exposicion de Artes Plasticas.
-Presentacion de de grupos danzarios, musicales y teatrales.
-Desfile de modas.
-Exposicion de literatura en Kreyol.
-Arte culinario.

Acreditacion al Evento

-Delegados Extranjeros. $25.00 USA
-Estudiantes Extranjeros. $10.00 USA

Oferta de alojamiento para extranjeros:

Hotel Plaza (Categ: 4*)
DBL: $42.00 USA
SGL: $53.00 USA
Supl. Cena: $14.00 USA

Hotel Armadores de Santander (Categ: 4*)
DBL: $36.00 USA
SGL: $53.00 USA
Supl. Cena: $10.00 USA

Hotel Caribbean (Categ: 2*)
DBL: $34.00 USA
SGL: $45.00 USA
Supl. Cena: $9.00 USA

Hotel Lincoln (Categ: 2*)
DBL: $34.00 USA
SGL: $40.00 USA
Supl. Cena: $6.00 USA

Hotel Lido (Categ: 2*)
DBL: $27.00 USA
SGL: $34.00 USA
Supl. Cena: $9.00 USA

Servicios incluidos en el precio:

-Alojamiento y desayuno.
-Transfers IN / OUT.
-Transfers colectivo Hotel-Sede-Hotel (1 transfers al dia).
-Asistencia especializada.

Servicios a solicitud del cliente:

-Seguro medico - $20.00 USD por pax, por dia de seguro.
-Suplemento de cena – precio indicado, por pax, por noche.

No incluye otros servicios no descritos.

Informarse a la Agencia Paradiso con la Ejecutiva de Eventos Adianna Ulloa
Toledo al correo siguiente:

Por el Comite Organizador:

-Lic. Emma Cordero Diaz.

-Lic. Hilario Batista

DMC Cotorro
Sitios Web: Alcotorro y Che Guia y Ejemplo
Correo Electronico:

Boletines Electronicos: Bayona Digital

Contacting AfroCubaWeb

Electronic mail [replace _AT_ with @]

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