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The Jose Marti Cultural Association Web Site

The Jose Marti Cultural Association, Costa Rica

We have no experience with these folks and would appreciate any feedback you have. From their web site:

Based in Costa Rica, The Jose Marti Cultural Association is a private group of cuban professionals, artists and scientist who live in Costa Rica and are devoted to the promotion of cuban culture.

The ACJM have the fundamental goal of construct a cultural, non-politic, platform for the encounter of all the persons who love cuban culture and who wants to participate in its present and future development. ACJM engages in cultural and scientific tourism of the kind legal for US citizens and offers itself as a gateway to the island.

Their web site is at

They have a list of available CD's at

These include the following Afrocuban section:

0037 Tambores Cubanos: "Los Papines".
0058 Rituales Afrocubanos: Grupo Afrocuba de Matanzas.
0074 Pasaporte. Tata Guines y Anga. Percusion cubana.
0068 Nico Saquito en la Bodeguita del Medio.

They also have hits by Van Van, Irakere, Beny More, and many others.

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